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12480892 No.12480892 [Reply] [Original]

any STEMfags here? how do you balance the busywork they give you with reading books recreationally?
t. STEM major

>> No.12480908

I read while commuting, on weekends and on my free time. But yeah, I'm busy af most of the time.

>> No.12480914

I read just before bed time, to wind down without an electronic device bombarding me with photons.

>> No.12480937

read your textbooks

>> No.12480948

Lmao, faggot. What about when you're post-doctoral? Read journals?

>> No.12480954

I commute between one and two hours daily. Enough time to read :3

>> No.12481049

Right now it seems I can only read on weekends, but even then social activates/cooking/cleaning take all my free time. It really sucks but what are you gonna do.

>> No.12481077


spend your recreation time reading. like, instead of making this thread you could've read.

>> No.12481081

Go to a decent school and you won't have busywork.
Otherwise don't waste so much time. When (if) I cut out 4chan I will have succeeding in removing anything that is not reading, studying, lifting, cardio, eating, sleeping, and fucking.

>> No.12481093

As a STEMfag, you don't have the luxury to engage in 'recreational' reading, or spiritually-enriching activities like philosophy. Your duty is to make my life better. I need a better phone stat and you better get on it, you lazy bastard. Your life is a dedication to my comforts, proles don't need to think about anything else.

>> No.12481094


he's mischaractering it by calling it busy work. working through problems on your own time is the basis for learning STEM

>> No.12481172

Just don't read in college. Focus on your studies. You will have plenty of time to read with a 9-5.

>> No.12481176

So practicing to OP is 'busywork'

>> No.12481182

STEM/Lit must be nice.
I'm jeally.

>> No.12481210

I quit social media, and stopped watching TV/Netflix. I'm considering giving up my smart phone altogether. I manage to read three hours every day: an hour after I wake up and a couple of hours before I go to bed. Sometimes I read the newspaper or a magazine after lunch.

It's not use studying quantum field theory or general relativity if you don't have a basic understanding of philosophy or culture; you'll end up feeling empty and incomplete.

And let me tell you, your extra-curricular reading won't interfere with your work. It's going to interfere with your social life, especially when it comes to dating.

>> No.12481218

yeah unless he's an underclassmen that's still taking introduction classes

>> No.12481220

The secret to STEM is that once you get one position beyond entry-tier, you have tons of free time. I work maybe two hours an average day

>> No.12481237
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I dropped out, I was only token STEM anyway, and clearly not in for the long haul.
Now I work in a pub and read a lot more. I'm friends with my coworkers and generally am much happier.

>> No.12481828

It's simple. Aim for a passing grade, and don't be an over-achiever. You won't work as hard.

>> No.12483058

Life restarts after the degree bucko

>> No.12483070

Everybody's thinking it, but I will say it: I don't think OP can refer to himself as a STEMfag if this is how he describes his studies.

>> No.12483099

Physics major here. Once a week I go to the library (without bringing a phone/computer), grab a book and read it for six or seven hours.

>> No.12483234

I'm a PhD student and desu I just lie about reading papers. Most of the papers written nowadays are shit.
Sure that means I waste time re-deriving results other people beat me to but I'll be fucked if I read through the shit people publish nowadays.
A browse of arxiv every now and then is good enough for me.

>> No.12483291

oldfag here with a STEM degree. i have a fairly demanding job in finance and two kids but i still find time to be /lit/. audiobooks for the hour a day i spend commuting, reading heavier books for 1-2 hours after the kids are asleep, and another several hours on the weekend while my son is napping. i have trained my four year old daughter to be /lit/ already, so she's content to read on her own while i'm reading.

>> No.12483418

Im only 2 years into uni as a STEM fag. How do break free from these chains and actually do something fulfilling and meaningful? I don't want to be in college anymore, but I also don't want to dissapoint my parents.

>> No.12483430

Forgot to answer main question. In between assignments or problems sets I'll read/annotate a few chapters.

>> No.12483437

My name is Wharton Wiggler

>> No.12483458
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STEMfag trying to read Ulysses atm with annotations, chapter summaries, and color commentary from Joseph Campbell. Actually making pretty good progress. I bring all four books to my lectures and can make good progress late at night and on the weekends. It's early in the semester though so I might sadly have to stop soon :( it's way more fun than my classes

>> No.12483657

you dont. im only getting back into reading after i've already graduated

>> No.12484070

You just make time for it. It's that or don't do it.
Instead of doing all the other pointless shit you most likely do, choose to read a book and not to spank it to porn or play computer games that add nothing to your life, or choose to post a bit less on Mongolian underwater basketweaving forums

>> No.12484355

I absolutely refuse to do unpaid overtime. It's not that hard to make clear for employer that I count my value in €/h not €/month. Therefore I get the same 8/8/8 division as any other worker.

>> No.12484389

God I wish it were that easy.........

>> No.12484395


>> No.12484400

Undergrad "STEMfags" are the ultimate larper. Go into construction or something pos

>> No.12484994

I read instead of sleeping