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12479299 No.12479299[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did left wing ideologues take over the humanities throughout the western world?

Why did they transform literary study and practice from something aesthetic and technical into something clerical and political?

What can I do to destroy them and everything they love?

>> No.12479318


>implying universities werent clerical and political since their very beginning

>> No.12479319

They did?

>> No.12479322

It took over because university students now are literally overgrown teenagers that havent worked a day in their life

>> No.12479341
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Because, until recently, these schools of political thought were actually improving everyone lives.
And then, as with most things, it was taken to its extreme, and this still holds a positive view (or even simply brainwashed) within staunch liberal strongholds like universities.
Once it becomes clear that moderation in all things, including politics is correct, in the next decade or so, the Overton window will swing back around.

>> No.12479365

Honestly the greatest moments of aesthetic technicality in the humanities were rare compared to the many moments of clerical politics. The kindest answer is to not give them too much trouble, and don't let them trouble you. If a man wishes to climb up a mountain, and he finds a swarth of villages leading up to the mountain filled with books called 'On the Mountain' and magical herbs which profess to 'Take you to the Mountain' he may be stumped when he finds that none of the villagers have been atop the mountain, though their lives seemingly revolve around it. A half as intelligent man would stop at the villages and take the herbs and write commentaries on the literature his whole existence, but if he resists illusion he will push past the people and truly climb, though the climb may be steep and difficult.

>> No.12479378
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the legitimacy of moral authority includes a mystery and when the church couldn't provide a mystery the government created one that lead to the great war. It was there that the mystery was first removed from nations, (though slowly) and placed in the realm of intellectuals, the university, the new realm of the mystery. To destroy them you simply move the mystery by breeding stupid, complacent people who are visually orientated to the world rather than rhetorically orientated to society.

>> No.12479390
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the top of the mountain can not be known and therefore I must continue off the edge of the world.

>> No.12479403

Once you understand it's a fundamentalist religious movement complete with prophesies, it's not that hard to understand why they did it. Getting rid of them forever requires coming up with even better religion.

>> No.12479532

To use leftist critical theory against academia, the puritanical ideologues have, while deterritorialising it away from a despotic regime of signs (IE god/religion), have reteritorialised the features and programme of worship back onto our institutions (IE a system of facility that restrains social deviance). Church and state are separated, only for the state to start exhibiting the same symptoms of the Protestant virus. The self-obsession of identity politics is a process of hyper-criticality, which leads to nothing but stagnation and intellectual decay, operating under a secular pretence while engaging in demagoguery and cultish hero-worship

>> No.12479542

>Why did left wing ideologues take over the humanities throughout the western world?
I wish

>> No.12479562

An ideology that depends on an echochamber sought out a section of academia that doesn't adequately scrutinize ideas. Go figure.

>> No.12479578

No one cares about /leftypol/'s definition of left wing. The real left is the mass of the people that define themselves as left wing right now, i.e those /leftypol/ calls liberals/socdems/identity politics proponents/intersectionalists/etc...

>> No.12479612

Left does. Like any religious movement, you can never be "too left". It's an endless purity spiral. Ultimately those who were insufficiently left at some point will be murdered for heresy as happened to social democrats who helped bolsheviks to power and marxist professors who got sentenced in maoist struggle sessions by their students.

>> No.12479634

Sure but those types aren’t representative of academia, who are more conservative in their outlook despite engaging in a more decidvinflt leftist dialogue. It’s very interesting to talk to an established lecturer with tenure about the extent to which they feel complacent and even complicit with the institution, because chances are they will be riddled with internal contradictions and apprehensions about what people in their position should do. You can’t be a radical anarcho-syndicalist because you’re already part of a cultural regime that reproduces revolutionary sentiment as just one impotent attitude among many. Resist, don’t resist, it’s all the same ultimately.