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/lit/ - Literature

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12478693 No.12478693 [Reply] [Original]

>I'm so glad I spent that time reading fiction

>> No.12478708

>my life was full of beauty and pleasure

>> No.12479947

>Now I know how Ivan Ilyich felt

>> No.12479956

>nurses make fun of my penis

>> No.12479958

As opposed to?

>> No.12479960
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>...because I would never regret anything done for the sake of beauty

>> No.12479987


>> No.12480013

Thankfully, it'll come in time for generation X, millennials and generation Z, but late enough that we wont have to put up with boomers for the next few thousand years.

>> No.12480115

>he wished he had spent his whole life banging thai teenagers, but he could not admit it to himself and /lit/ until his last hour

>> No.12480137

Making money, fucking teenage pussy, doing coke, and dying young rather than old.

>> No.12480334

richard rorty p much said this same thing when he was dying

Shortly before his death, he wrote a piece called "The Fire of Life," (published in the November 2007 issue of Poetry magazine),[13] in which he meditates on his diagnosis and the comfort of poetry. He concludes, "I now wish that I had spent somewhat more of my life with verse. This is not because I fear having missed out on truths that are incapable of statement in prose. There are no such truths; there is nothing about death that Swinburne and Landor knew but Epicurus and Heidegger failed to grasp. Rather, it is because I would have lived more fully if I had been able to rattle off more old chestnuts—just as I would have if I had made more close friends. Cultures with richer vocabularies are more fully human—farther removed from the beasts—than those with poorer ones; individual men and women are more fully human when their memories are amply stocked with verses."

>> No.12480349


Unironically, yes. The trouble of course is that no one here reads anything but imageboard shitposts. Just imagine, your life passing before your eyes, your late teens and twenties just one long maelstrom of frogposters and shitty memes, punctuated by that one short and shallow laugh this place forces out of your throat once or twice a month.

>> No.12480357
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>Just imagine, your life passing before your eyes, your late teens and twenties just one long maelstrom of frogposters and shitty memes, punctuated by that one short and shallow laugh this place forces out of your throat once or twice a month.
Haha.... Yeah... Imagine that...

>> No.12480382


The choice is yours. Close the browser and open a book.
Best of luck.

>> No.12480384

Hedonism is overrated.

>> No.12480414

theres a time and a place, the drama gets old pretty quick

>> No.12480560


>Sure glad I fapped to all those dank tootsies haha

>> No.12480590

Did this already, it doesnt have that much lasting appeal

>> No.12480613

Imagine the veins on that cock

>> No.12480617

I see you started with the greeks

>> No.12480640
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>> No.12480653

Serving God.

>> No.12480777

poetry is fiction you peabrain

>> No.12480820

t. 19 year old

>> No.12481034

Imagine it's true that in your final moments you see your whole life passing by your eyes and you have to watch yourself sitting in front of your laptop and occasionally masturbating for 14 hours every day

>> No.12481267

ha ha now that is life on the epic side friends. Join me when I'm 35 and still mentally a teenager.

>> No.12481298

Holy shit

>> No.12481310

Based Tonegawa.

>> No.12481313

>the rewards of a Christian

Fiction reading is for dreaming while awake.
There is a place for nonfiction of course, but fiction readers are simply dreamers, and the world needs those types

>> No.12481340

Wouldn't you get stuck in a loop? You'd get to the point where your life flashes before your eyes as your life is flashing before your eyes, then your life would start flashing before your eyes all over again. Wait a minute, holy shit: Nietzsche was right.

>> No.12481346


>> No.12481352

What's the alternative? One might say "help others". Let's imagine everyone is pretty comfortable already, then what should we do?

>> No.12481359

Im so glad I spent that time posting on the 4chan literature board

>> No.12481366

>not fucking milf pussy

>> No.12481439

I think you would only see what's observable from a third person point of view and not your thoughts as well. So it would end once you're at the point where you die

>> No.12481446

great anime

>> No.12482104
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>I'm so glad I spent that time mocking others efforts

>> No.12482560
File: 20 KB, 320x306, 37AE8540-9ACD-426A-BDEB-18260D72A41F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes, ok I’m done fucking around. Real life begins now for me. Fuck y’all niggas.

>> No.12482676

Fuck this, I'm gone

>> No.12483277

it could never be so because the basis of life is that life is suffering. in any form and medium

>> No.12483283

>Cultures with richer vocabularies are more fully human—farther removed from the beasts
what did he mean by this?

>> No.12483321


>> No.12483334

I can only laugh at such a proposition. It's funny to think that my final moments would be spent in a mockery of that which humans value so greatly, a final jest at the expense of false seriousness. I doubt many humans will die with a giggle on their lips. I couldn't ask for more, really.

>> No.12484711

That's an idea that comes from Hopi indians. Pretty sick how Hollyweird puts the words in the mouth of cracked out Caucasian to make out the psued to be semi-enlightened.

>> No.12484714

Working, you dirty commie

>> No.12484812

>there's nothing to life greater than the ambitions of a hedonistic teenager

the most important thing you could do is to be a good man and genuinely good father.

>> No.12484824

No it's not

>> No.12484834

meant to say, as far as im considered

fuck all the underage pussy you want

>> No.12484852

People have been claiming that radical anti-aging techniques are right around the corner for over a century.

>> No.12484855
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>> No.12484917
File: 36 KB, 781x767, FD48B988-F26F-41CC-B228-E93E867B4DAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fulfilling my potential, make my little brothers look up to me, be a good role model


>> No.12485180
File: 83 KB, 600x600, Z7HeRxU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12485273

Do that by reading more fiction

>> No.12485735

Any solitary activity is litterally poison for the human soul. Man was ment to live amongst other people, not to spend life cloistered away in a quiet room, pouring over pages in books. The truth is that reading is just the escapism for people too self conscious to indulge in "lower" art forms such as vidya, tv, anime and so in. The truth is that there is more truth and beauty to be found in a blade of grass then in the greatest poems ever written, and more meaning in a night out with friends or sex with someone you love then there is in the greatest of novels. You're litterally living in the cave by making fake experiences handed down by other people the main drive in your life. I can't think of anything more sad then reaching the end of your life and realizing most of your life was only simulation, and that you only opted to read as opposed to live because of your crippling impotence. Ever realize why most readers are introverted? It is precisely their inability to live life to the fullest that draws them to read, and then they justify this pathology by saying that they're simply above the masses, while deep down coveting what the command person has that they do not.

This is all to say of course, that books are gay.

>> No.12485825
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>> No.12485888


>> No.12485897

the redpill is that they're here, but freely giving them to the plebs is never going to happen.

>> No.12485904
File: 18 KB, 290x269, TopHatClaret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonderfully comfy post, anon. Thank you.

>> No.12485932


>> No.12486059

Imagine failling this hard as a man. Kill yourself

>> No.12486065


>> No.12486122

read fiction, you will regret it; don't read fiction you will regret it

>> No.12486126

What is so threatening about that post to you dude?

>> No.12486290
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>muh shallow animalistic pleasures are deep and meaningful

>> No.12486586

The best fiction is that which has a compelling narrative and allows insight into some aspect of the human condition, while also teaching you something, imparting intellectual knowledge without being overly didactic. Note that this excludes most fiction normies read.

>> No.12486827

this is literally true
i only read because i have crippling social anxiety and i'd rather get glimpses of how beautiful the world is through literature, tv and video games do not give the same pleasure
if i could, id go outside with friends and have fun in a heartbeat

>> No.12486843

This but unironically. On my deathbed, I will be glad I spent time studying the mistakes of others so I could avoid them myself.

>> No.12486854

>experiencing countless wells of being beyond my own in the short time i have to do so
yeah so regrettable

>> No.12486860

based and redpilled Kierkegaardian /lit/izen

>> No.12486907
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>> No.12487052

I'll never get that old. Can't be bothered to wait for the sweet release that is death.

>> No.12487058
File: 63 KB, 850x400, quote-bury-my-body-and-don-t-build-any-monument-keep-my-hands-out-so-the-people-know-the-one-alexander-the-great-137-36-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no winning

>> No.12487064

I don't like other people, they never treated me well.

>> No.12487066

What if I watch my life flash right now? What if I'm dying right now? Thnak god I hope it's over soon

>> No.12487070

>Ever realize why most readers are introverted? It is precisely their inability to live life to the fullest that draws them to read
What do you want me to do about that?

>> No.12487205

Honestly, is there a way to live a life without regrets?

Reading is a life denying, pathetic endeavour but it's all I've got. It's a consolation prize for being a loner loser.

>> No.12488118

>nurses slap butt on my penis

>> No.12488388

>Proceeds to refresh the page 30 times and get excited when he sees this response

>> No.12488473
File: 640 KB, 1824x1300, x14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fukumoto hitting where it hurts.