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12476750 No.12476750 [Reply] [Original]

Halfway through now and the ability to see the book as a metaphor for civic and personal moral development becomes difficult. The book is only useful if you are tracking the history of ideas, which I am not. The state Plato describes here is one that is highly prohibitive in almost every aspect. Arts and culture are severely controlled for propaganda purposes. There is a complete inability to view open, transparent government as an option. The guardians must be lied to and deceived constantly if they are to develop correctly. Moreover, to establish what we might call a footing for his premises, there is an overwhelming amount of presumption on the part of the author. Much of the reasoning seems specious. It strikes this reader how Plato did not have a long and detailed historical record to call on as we do. There are many assumptions, for instance, with respect to the education of the guardians, that shows a weak grasp of human psychology. The guardians should, in effect, be shielded from badness and wrongdoing if they are to develop the appropriate appreciation for virtue. Well, if they're not exposed to badness, how will they know it when they see it? Other aspects of guardian nurturing and education, too, are severe if not totalitarian by today's standards. First, the very sick are to be left to die. This was of course a sign of the times. Medicine was primitive. But there is not an iota of compassion about those left to die. This, indeed, would connote "softness," something not wanted in our guardians, who are to be simultaneously brave and happy, not unlike the family dog. Plato actually says that. The overwhelming import of the reading so far has been to show me how very far we as a culture (western) have come in the more than 2,400 years since Republic's composition. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, and I paraphrase, the arc of history is long but it bends toward justice. I stopped on p. 134, unable to finish. To use a line from Candide, "the book fell from my hands."

>> No.12476767

>I stopped on p. 134, unable to finish.

Stopped reading there

>> No.12476771

That’s probably because you lack creativity. He does the same thing in The Republic as he does in The Statesman. You should read that book to understand how to craft metaphors before you read anything else, including Hobbes Leviathan.

I would shudder to think what you would interpret of the ‘head of state’

>> No.12476786

That is literally one line away from the end of his post. You are an astute thinker, eh?

>> No.12477716

Not to mention his favouring of eugenics as a means to bare natural born leaders OP...

>> No.12478465

>this book is bad because its totalitarian and that's bad
Wow congrats OP

>> No.12478476

>I stopped at p. 134
Looks like the pleb filter worked. All of the good stuff is in the second half.

>> No.12478550

>muh totalitarian society
>Ancient greeks were primitive and stupid
>"As Martin Luther King Jr. said..."
>"I stopped on p. 134, unable to finish."
Excellent bait.

>> No.12478633

Please be bait.

>> No.12478663
File: 138 KB, 2900x4025, leddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12478670

Now read it again but realize there is a measure of satire in it.

>> No.12478672

Not OP but how do we discern if something in a literary work is serious or satire?

>> No.12478674

Wow really astute of you to notice that.

>it's shit because its satire
I hate this meme.

>> No.12478677

You know satire doesn't mean not seirous huh? YOu smart?

>> No.12478682

Okay, how do we know whether the author is personally advocating for something mentioned, or only commenting on it but not themselves an advocate of it?

>> No.12478704

Cringe post.

>> No.12478977
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>highly prohibitive
>this is taken as bad

>> No.12478981

Is your onions-addled brain unable to concieve of principle made good with authority?
It's funny how the nu-left, already convinced of their intellectualism BEFORE any venture into historical political theory and philosophy is suddenly taken aback to discover that all the ancient were "Alt-Right incels". Rather than question their own positions, they would rather dismiss all Western foundation.

>> No.12478983


>> No.12478996

On page 134 too? What a coincidence

>> No.12479109


>> No.12479155

the society socrates creates is a metaphor lad

>> No.12479537


>> No.12479582

da soul

>> No.12479666

You have to have 140+ iq to correctly read The Republic. So OP Plato posters are shit out of luck.

>> No.12479681


>> No.12479683

just want to tell you that you have a low verbal iq

>> No.12479687

satanic trips of truth. sorry OP