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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 203 KB, 674x434, a literature forum, circa 2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12474689 No.12474689 [Reply] [Original]

Is this even a literature board? What's with all the /pol/ shit?

>> No.12474707

mods are gone and of course gookmoot isn't going to hire any more. this place might as well be /b/.

>> No.12474716

>/pol/ but smarter

>> No.12474730

It's a literature board for people whose only idea of what literature discussion groups should be like comes from television and movies

i.e., literature to them is a just a platform to jump off of into discussion of whatever furthers their own personal plotline

>> No.12474739
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>> No.12474749

It's brainlets from /pol/ who don't read, and want people who do to feed them books that conform to their warped world view, so they can name-drop titles of which they'll only read the introduction, so they can sound intellectual when they make their batshit arguments

>> No.12474797

Welcome to post2016 4chan

>> No.12474810


>> No.12474828

/pol/ is overrun with redit-tier conservanormies so the last semi-literate parts of /pol/ that didnt run away to 8-chan are coming here because traditionally /lit/ is a reactionary board and they mistakenly think they're welcome

>> No.12474858

it's off-topic discussion. no matter who's posting it, it should be banned.

>> No.12474869

I hardly ever go there but I have seen some buttblasted neonazis who undoubtedly got btfo here shilling this board on /pol/ as a place that needed annexation. Make of that what you will

>> No.12474945


>> No.12474963

I still think the deletion of /pol/ needs to be put to a sitewide vote. Let's let the population of 4chan have a say in the matter.

>> No.12474995

amazingly based

>> No.12475010
File: 796 KB, 722x1599, 3bd (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilling this board on /pol/ as a place that needed annexation
is there a version of this for /lit/?

>> No.12475035

Thr funny thing with /pol/ is how they always cry about how immigrants are like locust destroying any country that let's them in when litterally the same logic can be applied more accurately to them. It's no coincidence that the boards with the most /pol/ cross posters (eg /tv/ /r9k/) are the lowest quality.

>> No.12475046

/v/ actually has the most crossposters, but yeah

>> No.12475055

/tv/ is the best board actually

>> No.12475059

build a wall

>> No.12475073
File: 123 KB, 1024x938, 1526521229799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny thing is, i've crossboarded this site for at least a decade and /lit/ is the most "woke and pilled" ive been. Its not full of hate or disdain like other boards but more of a:
>lmao, youre fucking stupid. This should help you understand why youre stupid. stop being an idiot for your own good, stupid

>> No.12475090

/lit/ and /fit/ are boards of love

>> No.12475518

>if it isn't nazi, it's marxist!

the absolute STATE of brainlets

>> No.12475531
File: 23 KB, 590x350, EU-news-Emmanuel-Macron-France-army-latest-1076905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

radical centrism is the way to go

>> No.12475540

or just thinking for yourself and having your own ideas, instead of being a slave to some "side"

>> No.12475541

/fit/ is garbage and full of morons it is full of weak twinks that do not know how to train and the board basically looks like /b/ now

>> No.12475555
File: 6 KB, 747x129, 1547531477359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just not smart enough, OP.

>> No.12475556

fit has become like an actual incel board, like half the threads are about balding or height

>> No.12475570

Came here to post this

>> No.12475584

/news/ is /pol/ for smart people
when you aren't allowed to react to posts by spamming """"""redpills"""""""" those of weak will get bored and leave

>> No.12475588

And the other half are about how to get a gf, but those threads are just the blind leading the blind.

>> No.12476109

No mods

>> No.12476135

No, the way to go is to realize that politics is useless if it isn't guided by religion. Christian monarchy and republicanism are the superior political forms. But then, /lit/ is a Catholic board, so it already knows this.

>> No.12476144


>> No.12476167


No, and it never has been. There have been three literature threads here, the ones where the only anon with erudition ever to post here posted, and, given that an erudite anon is such a rare sight here, he was, ridiculously, immediately deemed to be none other than Thomas Pynchon, and the archive of these three threads is always linked whenever someone points out just how shit this board is.

>> No.12476172



>> No.12476183

nice literature thread

>> No.12476245

Reminder that last week and again this week we had two Harry Potter generals with over 100 positive comments. No /pol/ or /leftypol/ bullshit will ever be as disgraceful as that.

>> No.12476401

I hope you slit your throat before Sunday, mongrel.

>> No.12476411

now that is based

>> No.12476428

>immigrants are replacing me and skewing the political strategies of the elites in my country and its bad for me and my family
>leftists call you an infant for not wanting to be reduced to serfs or ground into dust silently

>> No.12476435
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>> No.12476455


>> No.12476462

/lit/ and /tv/ are the two poles of consensus trance internet psychopathy, this is just more evidence the site needs to be deleted

>> No.12476547

It's a fact that liberals can't accept that Esoteric Hitlerists are the most patrician and literate segment of our degenerated society.

>> No.12476580

I think people are upset because of alot of people on here seem to be wealthy and consider themselves upperclass making posts about 'how do you feel about the working class?' type of people while also being the type to love multiculturalism.

This board also seems to be ethnically diverse which really pisses me off, I also called for /pol/ to raid this place because of said reasons (don't worry I've already copped my ban for doing so).

>> No.12476584

I blame John Milton.

>> No.12476585

who's the last person on /lit/ to say they love multiculturalism? nobody because you're a paranoid schizophrenic who reads something from nothing, you probably just saw some /pol/ trigger words and extrapolated all that from there.

>> No.12476586

learn to code

>> No.12476593
File: 11 KB, 240x240, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the recent one.
This is the previous one.

Forget about the politifags. It's genrefags are the cancer that is turning this place into red/lit/

>> No.12476618

what if /pol/ fags are also have a taste for genre?

>> No.12476622

they're pretty much a subset of Tolkienfags so it wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.12476623

>are also have

>> No.12476645

Are you chomping out on me right now boy? Get in your place boyo. 1. You say I'm picking up something from nothing. 2. You say "tell me the last person". Asof I would judge a whole board from one comment or persons opinion.

I have been looking at this board objectively for nearly a year, and it has come to my attention that the types who are shaping opinions here are in direct opposition to /pol/. No big deal, it just needs to twerked and tweeked a little and we need some hardcore /pol/ users to come here and make posts and read some books. So stop trying to be fancy little fruitcakes, maybe pick up a shovel maybe get some REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE for a while and then come back to the board in a few years, okay? Thanks

>> No.12476657

Much too late. It all went wrong at Cicero.

>> No.12476660

Solon was an utter faggot who cried over whores, we should have stopped it then.

>> No.12476663


>> No.12476667

Homer started this shit and you myrmidons just keep going with it.

>> No.12476675
File: 41 KB, 800x450, z0m1tcjaotm01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many word grug make bad for small grug

>> No.12476678

soory English is not my first language ;_;
it's wrong because double verb, right?

>> No.12476681


Your the type to call anyone who doesn't agree with you mentally ill while hiding behind your parents walls looking out the window while writing your pathetic middle of the range intelligence posts. Just leave and get some life experiences where your parents money arn't the reason you are there unlike your education.

>> No.12476692

I'll have you know Ur-nammu's casuistic code is far older and the true cause of the problem of jurisprudence. If Ur-nammu's shit hadn't happened then we wouldn't have to deal with any of this.

>> No.12476696


>> No.12476711

we had some nice threads about the positive aspects of women recently and they got shut down pretty fast.

Really makes you think.

>> No.12476713

>we had some nice threads about the positive aspects of women recently
this did not happen

>> No.12476715

I'm not upper class you prick, I'm literally a wagecuck. you draw so many conclusions from absolutely zero evidence you fucking NEET. so much projection, so many complexes not even Freud could account for all the mental twists and turns your brain is constantly making.

>> No.12476718

i thought this was a patrician board

>> No.12476724

funny because I thought this was a literature. my mistake.

>> No.12476728

I can assure you it did. Anons talking about how much they sucked were getting shouted down, and then the threads got deleted.

>> No.12476731

pol respects reading, it's no surprise they come here

>> No.12476733

every time someone makes a thread shitting on women everyone agrees, so I'm not sure how that could happen.

>> No.12476734

are you talking about that thread with the 'theyre so soft bros' poster

>> No.12476737


>> No.12476743

4chan will always shit on women. to think otherwise is retarded

>> No.12476752

don't remember that

I know, it was so refreshing to get an opinion other than this deconstructed idea about the cock being superior to a vagina and smaller cocks.

>> No.12476774

>theyre so soft bros'
Not him but hnng soft women who smell nice and go about in wooly things to keep them cozy. I don't know how there aren't more car crashes with thousands of them walking around like mobile dream candy store windows at which you have no credit after spending all your allowance as a kid. I wish it were legal and encouraged to hug and smell them. Everyone would be much happier, they look so comfy and warm smelling.

>> No.12476776

That's because Freud is low test mate. There is no one Freud could fuck with my superior mind and intellect, and I'm a bricklayer by trade. That's how advanced civilization has become. Yes I am projecting, but what am I projecting? It's called being human, maybe people on this board should try it once in a while. I am absolutely sick and tired of hearing this upperclass, parents paid for everything I own therefore I'm better than the next man attitude. How many people have come here from Reddit thinking it will be and easy stomping ground? I really wonder sometimes. Now good day to you sir, or dare I say it, malady?

>> No.12476785

>forgets /lit/ is a contrarian board
Oh anonkun

>> No.12476790

>Yes I am projecting, but what am I projecting?
Your mother

>> No.12476804

That's it, I'm learning to code. Your stuffed mate.

>> No.12476821

It's what Freud thought projections were.
>I'm learning to code
Your mother must have done some weird shit.

>> No.12476862


>> No.12476865

Keeps on attacking someones mother without any provocation. Shoosh you fucking orphan

>> No.12476878

oh god I know....I want a big sister type gf. One a few years older than me and works as an executive for a shitty corporation she hates while I work as a low paid construction worker. She's mentally tough enough to handle how ruthless the industry is, but part of that is her looking forward to the days off we have together. At the end of the week she comes home late at night feeling like an absolute mess, climbs into our bed and starts stroking my cock. I wake up in the dead of night with a full erection and her hand pumping it at 100 miles an hour. Her eyes are shut and she's exhausted but still trying to get me off as fast as she can. I look at her face in the blue light coming in from the window. She doesn't realise I'm awake. I grab her neck with one hand and kiss her passionately as I blow all over her my satin boxers. She looks at me with tired eyes and smiles before smearing her cum soaked fingers all through my hairy chest. She nuzzles into my neck and I proceed to rub her crotch gently until we both fall asleep together, ready for a full day of fucking ahead.

>> No.12476919

you've never had a handy off a women have u

>> No.12476936

I have, can't say I ever really got off it too much, but in my dreams stuff like that is better than sex.

>> No.12476938

>/news/ is /pol/ for smart people
More ironic does not mean more intelligent.

>> No.12476968

ah, i know where you're cumming from bruh. i too cum from the same place on occasion

>> No.12477039

They do, usually Tolkien or Martin, but Harry Potter is pure fucking reddit. Honestly if /lit/ banned all fantasy there would be improvement across the board.

>> No.12477356

mods aren't gone. they keep deleting all my threads.

>> No.12477365

>mods are gone and of course gookmoot isn't going to hire any more
>hire any more

i don't think you understand how things work around here they do it for free

>> No.12477387

This. We ought to feed them misinformation.

>> No.12477430

t. Stormfaggot Nigger

>> No.12477438

Virginia Woolf is /our/ gal. The threads were true.

>> No.12477447

Learn how to spell whilst you're at it, bogan.

>> No.12478837

well 4chan is a men's chan so of course they are going to shit on women because gender dynamics are hard and people are going to give you their point of view, if you want women's chans there are options

>> No.12478879
File: 10 KB, 261x193, hHAHHAHAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being this mad over a post on a Mongolian basket weaving forum