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/lit/ - Literature

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12474028 No.12474028 [Reply] [Original]

What are some essential books for every Marxist to read?

>inb4 whiny right wingers appear to bitch and moan

This thread ain’t for you, fuck off back to /pol/ where you belong.

>> No.12474038
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>> No.12474042

Monsters of the Market - I'm increasingly convinced that the Gothic tradition is the key to understanding the real horrors of Capital. And probably the CCRU stuff.

>> No.12474048

This unironically, but just read the word "wife" for "girlfriend" because the institution of marriage is oppressive to women

>> No.12474055
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this is just my opinion

-Critique of Political Economy
-Origin of Marriage, Private Property, and the State
-Socialism, Utopian and Scientific

Critical Theory:
-German Ideology
-Reading Capital
-Dialectic of Enlightenment
-Society of the Spectacle
-Capitalism and Skizophrenia

Non-Marxist socialism:
-Debt, the first 5,000 years
-Discourse on Inequality
-Philosophy of Poverty

-The Road to Serfdom
-Slavoj Zizek

pic related

>> No.12474059


Time, Labor and Social Domination by Postone

>> No.12474082

kolakowski then just jump straight through your own niche

>> No.12474514

Can someone post a book that "translates" what's said on the opposite page? Like some Shakespeare books do?

Why is it so hard to explain things in every day speech.

>> No.12474546

There is no reason not to start with Volume 1 of Capital.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.12474560

marxism is the ideal incel ideology, we just have to seize the means of reproduction, pool all the women into public use utilities

>> No.12474585

The Society of the Spectacle By Guy Debord

>> No.12474624

German Ideology gives you the basis in historical materialism first

>> No.12474636

dude Marx is not hard. if you can read an Abraham Lincoln speech you can read Marx.

>> No.12474742

The fuck is a "four score"?

>> No.12474928
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>> No.12474957
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>> No.12474970
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>> No.12475396

Asides for the obvious ‘Marx, Engels, Lenin’ and Althusser etc

On Imperialism;
Logic of Imperialism by Albert Szymanski
Imperialism in the 21st Century by John Smith

Race and racism:
How the Irish Became White by Noel Ignatieff
The Invention of the White Race by Ted Allen
Wages of Whiteness by David Reoger

Gender and sexuality
Marxism and the Opression of Women by Lise Vogel
Revolution at Point Zero by Silvia Federici

Other sociology
Classes by Erik Olin Wright
Labour and Monopoly Capital by Braverman
The Limits to Capital by David Harvey
Theory of the Capitalist State by Bob Jessop

All of those I’d consider to be significant advancements within Marxism that a contemporary Marxist ought to be familiar with.

>> No.12475436
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But I am an Iliad-esque, marxist semi nationalist

>> No.12475438

>still reading Marx after the death of all Grand Narratives

>> No.12475442


>> No.12475470

Marx would have called you a gay jewish nigger.

>> No.12475569


>> No.12475594
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>> No.12475637

AIDs-ridden PoMos GET OUT.

>> No.12476176

What did I suggest that is postmodern? All those, including the ones on gender and race are from a strictly Marxist materialist point of view.

>> No.12476374
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Sounds like a good start

>> No.12477816
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We all know Marxism is essentially a religion, but ive got to ask why would anyone want to follow such a boring religion?

It's highest goal is to basically live in some vague utopia where everything is free and power distinctions somehow don't exist. I mean, I'm not saying this isn't a nice idea to think about, but this is literally the thing that the soviet authorities promoted as a replacement for Christianity. At least with Christianity, there's a chance you to get to talk to angels, fight the devil, follow the God of the universe himself, etc (not saying I believe these things just that they are whats on offer.) Its way more mythic and inspiring. Marxism's highest calling is to pwn a bunch of earthly institutions and then... tend to the fields all day? Drink to numb the pain of existential loneliness as your utopia explicitly rejects the possibility of transcendent meaning? Thank some old dead German for this reality even though he's just an old dead German?

It just seems lame and uninspiring. Give me cosmic battles over this any day of the week.

>> No.12477844

>have lunch with friend who spends it ranting against multiculturalism, gays, feminism, and "Jewish lobbies"

>same friend describes herself as a "staunch socialist"

What should I give her to read to unfuck her?

>> No.12477848

this book is horrible

>> No.12477860

I enjoy engels shitting on the anarchists

>> No.12477865


>> No.12477875

first you're going to have to elaborate on what you mean by "unfucking her"

>> No.12477961

Can someone explain the appeal of cuckoldry to me? I don't get why it's such a big thing

>> No.12477992

>please don't steal
How is it stealing if property rights aren't a thing in communism?

>> No.12477993

I mean she hates capitalism but is often, for all intents and purposes, very right wing

>> No.12478002

where the fuck did he say stealing you retard

>> No.12478009

>ranting against idpol and Zionism
I think she's further left than you my man

>> No.12478017
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>Rare Karl Marx Pepe, please don't steal

>> No.12478024

Every dedicated Marxist I know does the same, sounds like you're just not socialist enough

>> No.12478026

I am pretty far left, that's how we ended up friends, got into a talk about economics

>> No.12478043

personal property exists in communism

>> No.12478047

No it doesn't

>> No.12478048


im not a commie but im always interested in accuracy

>> No.12478050

This World We Must Leave

>> No.12478064

Uh sweetie? That's not property rights. That's "things the commie government assigned you". I don't recall OP mentioning that a commie government manufactured and gave him that Pepe fairly.

>> No.12478092

You absolutely need to go Marx and Engels -> Lenin -> Gramsci -> Bordiga, then check out Luxemburg, Fanon, LaFargue, Mao, CLR James, and Dunayevskaya.

Marx and Engels are obviously the foundation of Marxism and if you think you can skip them you are WRONG. For over a century and a half the foundational Marxist precepts have been distorted and disregarded from so-called Marxists ranging from philosophy professors to general secretaries so it's far too easy to be misinformend.

Start with Engels' Principles of Communism, then read Marx's Communist Manifesto, Wage Labor and Capital, and Critique of the Gotha Program. Then read Capital. If you can't figure it out, see Otto Ruhle's summary.

Lenin, Gramsci, and Bordiga provide a really helpful compliment to the initial texts although both Lenin and Gramsci admittedly fell prey to some of the big errors of Second International-era Marxism.

Bordiga did not exactly offer anything new to Marxism, but he was the tradition's foremost "purifier" who was able to identify the bevy of mistakes and embarrassments that plagued Marixst movements from the 20s-60s and still exist in radical circles today.

>> No.12478126

funnily enough, Marx actually spent extra time trying to make the language of Capital more accessible to the working class.

>> No.12478145

no idea where you're getting the idea that socialism is supposed to be the "highest calling." the bottom line of Marxism is that, if we're interested in preserving human civilization, we're going to have to abolish a system that's unsustainable in the long term.

>> No.12478205

I've only heard them rant about gays and feminists in so far that they're molded to act like some idpol driven proponent of capitalism.

Have you ever met any that go further?

>> No.12478218

>ctrl f
>no economic and philosphical manuscripts of 1844
>no 18th brumaire

at least one or two people said the german ideology

>> No.12478220

more recs on neoliberalism and imperialism?

>> No.12478232

The issue is that he over-explains and re-explains to the point where you sometimes don't even realize.

>> No.12478238

Also i do think that someone did make a condensed version of vol. 1

>> No.12478291

What is the point of this thread? You already know the "essential books" and, if you really didn't, you could have just asked at /leftypol/ where you got your le ebin meme. Are you trying recruit users? or just trying to shit up /lit/ some more by antagonizing /pol/?
Either way, fuck off back to where you belong.

>> No.12478303

Sorry, but this is a thread for adults, please vacate immediately

>> No.12478360


>> No.12478602
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An Eastern Bloc economist reflects on the performance of communist economies.

>> No.12478662


>> No.12478845

There is no appeal, cucks are brain-damaged.

>> No.12478857
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Someone explain the first chapter of Capital to me

>> No.12478863

>what if everyone just worked for free lmao XD

>> No.12478864

The Jewish nigger Lassalle who, I’m glad to say, is leaving at the end of this week, has happily lost another 5,000 talers in an ill-judged speculation. The chap would sooner throw money down the drain than lend it to a ‘friend’, even though his interest and capital were guaranteed. In this he bases himself on the view that he ought to live the life of a Jewish baron, or Jew created a baron (no doubt by the countess). Just imagine! This fellow, knowing about the American affair, etc., and hence about the state of crisis I’m in, had the insolence to ask me whether I would be willing to hand over one of my daughters to la Hatzfeldt as a ‘companion’, and whether he himself should secure Gerstenberg’s (!) patronage for me! The fellow has wasted my time and, what is more, the dolt opined that, since I was not engaged upon any ‘business’ just now, but merely upon a ‘theoretical work’, I might just as well kill time with him! In order to keep up certain dehors vis-à-vis the fellow, my wife had to put in pawn everything that wasn’t actually nailed or bolted down!

>> No.12478880

Based nazbol

>> No.12478919

Just so you know, you're referencing something that literally every person who has read Marx is familiar with, and that pretty much nobody cares about.

I know you like to think of this as blowing the minds of the Chapo teenagers with roses on their Twitter profiles and leading them straight into an identity crisis, but I regret to inform you that absolutely none of those people are reading Marx or thinking of him as a moral authority at all. The marriage between SJWs and Marxists only exists in the right-winger's imagination. In real life, in academic debates and in left-wing circles, Marx and Marxists tend to get shit from social-justice people, not from things as silly as him saying something racial once, but because his theory leaves very little space for people to justify fighting endless cultural wars against ideologically incorrect movies and stand-up comics. At their most sympathetic they "revision" him enough times and through enough 20th century thinkers to create the necessary distance not to care about what he and Engels said about Lassalle, or India, or Mexico, and at their least sympathetic they think he's eurocentric racist trash and love throwing potshots at him at any opportunity.

I'm just saying this because I don't want you wasting your time anymore.

>> No.12478935

call them castrates

This book argues that post cold war politics are decided by ethnic confrontations and that material wealth isn't the essence of current conflicts (I personally don't think they were ever and if they are it's in a small vacuum).

>> No.12478939


>> No.12478958

Lenin - Imperialism highest stage of capitalism
David Harvey - A brief history of neoliberalism

I also have Daniel Jones - Masters of the universe in my collection but have not read it yet

>> No.12478967

>shit up /lit/
>antagonizing /pol/

>> No.12479833

in capitalist economies, the vast majority of things that are produced are done so primarily for the purpose of exchanging them on a market. such things are called commodities. a commodity has two "values" - use-value (which is the utility a commodity provides, essential to its physical characteristics) and exchange-value (which is the general rate at which a commodity will exchange for relative to another commodity, which is not essential to its physical characteristics). because use-values are qualitative, they aren't commensurable, and therefore cannot be appealed to in order to explain exchange-value (e.g., why are 30 loaves of bread generally worth 1 bicycle?). this ratio implies a third common property. Marx postulates that it's the labor embodied within commodities that determines their exchange value. specifically, it's the "socially necessary labor-time" (which is just the average amount of time it takes workers of average skill and productivity to reproduce the commodity at a given time and place). money acts as a universal "third thing" that facilitates the exchange of equally valuable commodities. that's the gist of it.

>> No.12479839

>This thread ain’t for you, fuck off back to /pol/ where you belong.
Then you fuck off right back to /leftypol/