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12473337 No.12473337[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is he guy of Evolas dreams who will transcend fascism, or just a run of the mill right-winger?

>> No.12473342

generic populist just like the rest of them

>> No.12473370

Evil Carl Sagan clone

>> No.12473373


A dick-sucker of neoliberals and people with money who uses religion and patriotism to fool the stupid masses. It’s trending among the conservative youth because conservative ideas are now the fashion.

People like you, OP, are sad and pathetic losers. Why don’t you take inspiration with great artists and scientists instead of sucking the dick of politicians and pamphlet-writers like Evola?

>> No.12473381

he's probably the stupidest politician I've ever seen
I'm not saying it for his political stands or affiliations
he's just plain fucking idiotic, incoherent, mostly spouts bullshit and can't make sense out of what he says
I understand that a lot of people voted for him considering the political situation of the country, and the rise of his media persona, but it baffles me that this fuckhead has an army of fans that idolize him and treat him like a genius
The guy and most of his family have just recently stepped in as president, senators and deputies, all eyes on them, and a bunch of scandals have already risen. They didn't even care enough to try to hide them, even considering the role they'd play in the country.
really fucking bizarre

>> No.12473387

>Conservatism is just a fad
>Theres nothing about progressivism that is pushing people towards conservatism
You should take inspiration from great artists and scientists, instead of sucking the dick of politicians and pamphlet writers like Habermas, famalam

>> No.12473394

he got stabbed and makes gun signs with his fingers
his wife is hot as fuck

>> No.12473401

yeah, based huh xD

>> No.12473407

Never thought i'd see him here. /int/ had a lot of shills making threads about him some time ago.

>> No.12473413


He's in way over his head, plus he has to poop via a bag attached to his abdomen - I don't think Evola would have had something like this in mind.

Hues really are the most easily misled, ignoble, capricious, vainglorious and despicable people. I wish the UN would secure the Amazon Rainforest and somehow teach humility to the people of this country.

>> No.12473418


Off course conservatism and reactionaries always existed you retard. What I meant is that today this particular worldview is more popular than it was some 10-20 years ago, especially among young stupid kids like you. If you were born in the 60s you would certainly swallow up the main trendy philosophy of the time and become a hippie.

Also, if it were up to conservatives your belove Christian church wouldn’t exist. You also would probably be a serve in some assholes farm and wouldn’t even know how to read or write.

>> No.12473441
File: 87 KB, 533x533, bolsonaro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a neo-liberal corporatist put there to make sure US capitalist can genocide indigenous people and rape the amazon rainforest of its resources, and act as their guy in Latin America to push and shove any south american country that goes against the US. That's it. You fucking right wingers who go about all this stupid fucking high and mighty nonsense about "evola" and "riding the tiger" and how fascism s anything more than an extreme arse rape of the poor by these fucking soulless profit seeking self serving animals called capitalists are delusional.

>> No.12473446

nice reddit spacing

>> No.12473461

>Always existed
What? I wasn't even talking about that. Im talking about you refusing to admit there are valid criticisms with the progressive agenda instead of "durr its just cool to be conservative these days" do you even read?

>> No.12473512


There are valid criticism with any agenda. That doesn’t make a guy who worship royalty and class privileges, beliefs in the “soul superiority” of certain races over others, endorses fascism and nazism a nice example of human mind.

>> No.12473520

>nice example of human mind

>> No.12473543

he's just a boomer who spout exactly what other boomers want to hear.

>> No.12473552

>the poor
Pathetic creatures
There is zero reason to be poor in today's Britain.

>> No.12473553


>> No.12473564

r u 4 real

>> No.12473567

Bolsonaro isn't from Britain moron, he's in Brazil.

>> No.12473569

He spent 30 years in the liberal progressive party and you morons think he is remotely right wing? 99% of the world shoud be culled honestly. How can you be so fucking beyond common sense is insane. insane.

>> No.12473570
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>> No.12473580
File: 6 KB, 265x254, SNAG-0237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bolsonaro is a joke, every brazilian knows that, we just voted for him because the other cadidate was a communist corrupt pos.

>> No.12473590

Italians are the basest desu

>> No.12473600

not based

>> No.12473603

Just because he was part of a party doesn't shit. Andrew Anglin was in the Labour Party. "Liberal progressives" are capitalists anyway, they switch to fascism when it suits them. I mean look at Obama and Hilary.

>> No.12473653
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More right of centre neoliberal backed by religious types. Think about 1980s America with Reagan, very conservative but in the long run it doesn't matter.

>> No.12473666

Thatcher rightfully punished the proles and brought Britain into a new prosperous era

>> No.12473698

I don't think you understand brazilian politics, lad
party names don't mean shit
the biggest center right party is called social democratic brazilian party

>> No.12473712

hardly. populist at best
>corrupt pos
so is bonoro
the whole second turn was ridiculous, though, it was picking between the lesser evil, but both were terrible, not only in terms of political personalities, but in terms of management and political plans for the country
had any more competent politician made it to the second turn, we wouldn't be deep in so much shit

>> No.12473722

Dude, Hitler was part of the "social-democratic" party in Germany and he was a fascist far-right lunatic.

>> No.12473728

Haddad is communist and Bolsonaro hans't been found guilty in any corruption scandal yet. Saying he's corrupt is just speculation with no basis in reality.

>> No.12473746

Britain was shit before Thatcher, during Thatcher and after Thatcher.

>> No.12473751
File: 25 KB, 600x600, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitler was part of the "social-democratic" party in Germany

>> No.12473764

Brazilian here.
He is just a run-of-the-mill conservative. What differentiates him from most other conservatives is that he has better instincts on what to say and he doesn't cave in easily to left-wing journalists. Which, of course, makes them call him a fascist.
His economic policies are normal conservative ones.
His social policies are just aimed at stopping far left stuff, which any conservative would also do.

PSDB is not center-right, other than the Doria wing. They are center-left