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12473293 No.12473293 [Reply] [Original]

> be me
> have existential crisis
> join to philosophy discords
> join /r/askphilosophy
> never read any actual philosophical books
> browse articales on wikipedia about philosophers all day
> read quotes by Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer

Could someone guide me in the right direction?
I just wanna know what the world is, who or what I am, why the world exists.
Is our world a representation or a revelation of something metaphysical?
Are metaphysics real?
What does even real mean?
Is everything just matter and/or energy?
Is humanity just an accident in the chaos of the cosmos?
My life is just a flash in the eternal void?
Am I gonna die without knowing what the fuck happened?
What books should I read if want to understand the world?

>> No.12473295

Consumer mindšet.

>> No.12473303

Just read wittgenstein and the logical positivists to realise that philosophy is a meme.
I'll answer your questions for you.
>I just wanna know what the world is, who or what I am, why the world exists.
Study science instead of pholosophy
>Is our world a representation or a revelation of something metaphysical?
All metaphysical statements are meaningless.
>Are metaphysics real?
>What does even real mean?
Propositions with predictive power
> Is everything just matter and/or energy?
>Is humanity just an accident in the chaos of the cosmos?
>My life is just a flash in the eternal void?
>Am I gonna die without knowing what the fuck happened?
Maybe, but for that you need to reject phuolosophi and become a logical positivist and an egoist.
>What books should I read if want to understand the world?
Language, truth and logic
The ego and it's own
Also, get into stem.

>> No.12473304

>what books should I read if I want to understand the world?

All of them

>> No.12473324

>im a logical positivist yet i do unverifiable claims about 'the eternal void' and 'the cosmos'
nigga learn some philosophy and come back later

>> No.12473327
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Read a book containing the collection of presocratic phillosopers,
smoke some weed,
do some mushrooms,
read Siddhartha,
learn to meditate,
listen to Alan Watts,
listen to Terrence McKenna,
listen to Robert Anton Wilson,
read the Kybalion,
do more drugs,
go hiking with drugs,
try telekinesis,
try contacting the one,
try creating a tulpa coach,
watch the Ghost in the Shell movies(the anime not the shit live action remake),
try quiting drugs,
try getting a good income,
try getting a gf,
learn from failure,
build a gaming PC,
play the entire Deus Ex series,
do some more drugs,
get psychosis,
get taken into a medical facility,
take cold showers,
look out of the window with a feeling of melancholy,
get better,
pay medical bills,
move back in with your mom,
love her (not sexually please),
feel compassion for the world,
quit drugs,
watch cowboy bebop,
go for a drink with a mate,
You're now wise enough to make your own decisions, this is the basic fundament that 21st century sophomores have to go through to start walking the road of truth. Thanks is not needed. See you later space cowboy.

>> No.12473333


>> No.12473334
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>listen to Alan Watts,
>listen to Terrence McKenna,
>listen to Robert Anton Wilson,
>read the Kybalion,
>do more drugs
t. CIA

>> No.12473358
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philosophy cannot save you. It's a dead end in itself and by itself; but philosophy when built on a strong theological foundation can get off the ground and can actually allow you to understand the world.

Like Anselm said, "For I do not seek to understand in order that I may believe, but I believe in order to understand. For this also I believe-that unless I believe I shall not understand."

Not sure what to recommend, or where you are on your path, but check out some of Jay Dyer's vids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnxyhP1ty9I

>> No.12473364

You blew my cover!
Any last words?

>> No.12473365

read the bible

>> No.12473371
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>> No.12473391
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meaning is usage. read Wittgenstein.

>Is our world a representation or a revelation of something metaphysical?

>Are metaphysics real?

>What does even real mean?
Intelligible. Yes, this means God is real also.

>Is everything just matter and/or energy?
Yes, but that's not all. It is morally criminal to reduce objects to mere things of matter/energy. We are humans, beings with intellect and rights and souls.

>My life is just a flash in the eternal void?
Yes, and greater than you suppose.

>Am I gonna die without knowing what the fuck happened?
Only if you're a brainlet.

>What books should I read if want to understand the world?
Aristotle, Plato, Jesus, Plotinus, Aquinas, Kierkegaard.

Ignore: Kant, Nietzsche, Marx, Foucault, etc.

>> No.12473392
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Start here. Neoplatonism is philosophy's final completion of metaphysics.

>I just wanna know what the world is, who or what I am, why the world exists.
Creative act of divine superabundance by the overflowing of God.
>Is our world a representation or a revelation of something metaphysical?
Our world is the realm of becoming where real forms are mixed with non-being in material particulars subject to the flow of time. Material particulars are a mimesis of forms that proceed from the realm of forms (i.e. ideas in the mind of God) and which material particulars return to as their purpose or end cause/telos in becoming like the form they partake in.
>Are metaphysics real?
Yes, forms are realer than material particulars because they are perfect and exist outside of time and space, whilst all material particulars are by nature imperfect and subject to generation and corruption in a realm subject to the flow of time.
>What does even real mean?
Having beinghood.
>Is everything just matter and/or energy?
Only material particulars as in as far as they are material (material particulars qua material). Ideas/forms are neither, they exist outside of time and space. The formula for a circle, or numbers, do not need matter or energy to exist for example.
>Is humanity just an accident in the chaos of the cosmos?
No a creation of providence. Universe is further governed by long lists of formal causes i.e. the fundamental laws & particles of physics, and is not formless chaos.
>My life is just a flash in the eternal void?
There is no void, only more or less distance from an inescapable God.
>Am I gonna die without knowing what the fuck happened?
It's possible.
>What books should I read if want to understand the world?
Start with pic and a Greek philosophical dictionary.

>> No.12473393
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forgot one
>Is humanity just an accident in the chaos of the cosmos?


>> No.12473421

Will I get closer to God when I die?

>> No.12473434
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>> No.12473438
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>> No.12473440

neo-platonists will most-likely go to hell.

>> No.12473452

Yes but the light may burn you if you're not prepared.

>> No.12473465
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This >>12473365
And also start with the Greeks

>> No.12473469

>What books should I read if want to understand the world?
Stop reading and start thinking.

>> No.12473486

Typically, one would start with the Pre-Socratics, and move onto the Greeks. If you'd like a sort of intro to philosophy, read "The Story of Philosophy" by Bryan Magee, I found it helpful in the beginning.

Just know that life is utterly meaningless and no amount of philosophy is going to change that. Learn to cope with that.

>> No.12473491

Just accept you're part of the only animal species that has developed enough intelligence to question its existence and move on.

>> No.12473499

>Just know that life is utterly meaningless and no amount of philosophy is going to change that. Learn to cope with that.
Don't listen to this anon. He has not finished his journey. He does not have the answers, in fact he thinks there are none.

>> No.12473532
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My existential crisis came from when i grew up. Realizing that a lot of the fairytale shit you're told as a child, that you'll grow up and meet someone perfect for you and get married and have a good job. I dont think my parents generation did a good job of telling us we had to work for a good life.

Spent a lot of time drinking, worked 7 days a week minimum wage because whats the fucking point in socialising, most people are normal and I'm the weird fucker. At some point it just clicked for me. I can't remember what triggered it. But literally nothing matters. Take that and do what you will.

You would do well to go live in the wilderness for a month or two. Jusy fucking do something. Stop reading stop thinking and do. Then in 5 years time, read. See how it adds up with your own conclusions.

>> No.12473536

Did I say that the meaningless was a bad thing, anon? From the right perspective, it's a rather freeing thought. To each his own, I suppose.

>> No.12473559

You're asking unanswerable questions, all philosophy is just theory and you could live your life to one without it being right. People like >>12473303 just deny it all but the absence of proof doesn't mean it's false and science has very limited world view. You need to get comfortable with accepting the unknown as just that but taking the Tao-pill is a good start. Just don't think you're going to have anything figured right away, it takes years to understand the wisdom.

>> No.12473586

You will never understand the worls or have definitive answers to those questions. Lots of people pretend they do but its because they're willing to overlook circular reasoning and confirmed biases, choose an idea they like, and never subject it to proper scrutiny because the comfort of repeating this idea keeps the nagging existential uncertainty at bay.

Even if definitive answers for those queations were even conceivable, you wouldn't find them by reading through the history of people who were wrong about them. You would need to study mathematics and learn to form verifiable, testable, falsifiable experiments better than anyone yet has in history. Sorry. Philosophy is great for versing oneself in the history of human thought and what has been said in response to the reoccurring themes therein. It's great for teaching skepticality and critical thinking and it informs your view of the events arts and literatures of history, but philosophy has no conclusion at this point other than giving up on philosophy or masturbating yourself into an self-contradictory intellectual corner shouting "I know things but you can't dispute them because you can't know nuffin"

>> No.12473874

Some stuff this >>12473303 guy said, but without all the autistic brainletism. Instead of ''studying science'' you should immerse yourself in mathematics and its philosophy. Science can never be complete, which is why ''Truth'' will always evade scientists' grasp. In addition, in order to counter the ''dryness'' of mathematics, you should explore myths, art, religions, poetry and symbols. Try to evade the New Age BS and all modern talk of ''spiritualism'' the best you can. That's all I can say. GL /w your exploration.

>> No.12473908

Philosophy is about guiding yourself. If you take up a ready-made system whole sale and believe in it, it isn't going to work, it will deform into a negative shadow of what it consciously intends to be, see: misanthropic "humanists," sexist "feminists," hero-worshiping "Nietzscheans," etc.

I never liked philosophy until I read "The Ego and His Own," which inspired me to read everything from Plotinus up to Foucault because I finally understood that I didn't have to accept a system wholesale, I could just take whatever parts of it I like and incorporate them into my own, personal philosophy. I think this is the only way to do it, whether you start with Stirner or not.

>> No.12473936

Wittgenstein woul not agree with half of this

>> No.12473939

It's like you've taken a page from my life, Anon.

Also, OP, you fucking faggot just read Carl Sagan.

>> No.12474469


you're like the chatbot of /lit/ I can't help reading your answers in Alexa's voice.