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/lit/ - Literature

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12470450 No.12470450 [Reply] [Original]

Matthean Priority or Markan Priority, /lit/? Which one do you subscribe to?

>> No.12470466

>Not reconstructing the q document

>> No.12470497 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12470516

>not knowing that the q hypothesis was dropped by most critics 20 years ago

>> No.12470701
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Markan Priority is a Protestant plot. Why do you think it was started by a bunch of German scholars? The Protestant fears Matthew 16:13-19.

>> No.12470706

What's the debate here, for the uneducated

>> No.12470712

That's what you say.

>> No.12470713

The order in which the books of the New Testament should be arranged and read. Matthew goes first.

>> No.12470734

John. The NT can only be put in its proper context when we understand Jesus' relationship with the creator in Genesis.

>> No.12470747

The debate is: which of the "Synoptic" Gospels was written first? Matthew, Mark, and Luke are all so similar that there's a strong suspicion that they draw from each other as sources. But which of them was the first to be written? Christian tradition holds that it's Matthew. A movement to say that it's Mark arose in Biblical scholarship in the 19th century. There are strong arguments in favor of both positions.

>> No.12470756
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>not Revelation priority

>> No.12470760

Does it actually affect the readings as >>12470701 implies?

>> No.12470766

And what are the strongest arguments for each?

>> No.12470767

I subscribed to Matthean Priority but then I discovered it's only bimonthly. What a rip-off.

>> No.12470785
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Well, it all depends. There's universal agreement that John was the last Gospel written. There's almost a similar level of agreement that Luke was the third Gospel written, although there are some people who believe in Lukan priority. So the debate really comes down to Mark vs Matthew.

And, yes, Matthew vs Mark being the first Gospel written does have some interesting implications for Christianity, and particularly for Catholicism. All three Synoptic Gospels have Peter confessing that Jesus is the Son of God. But in Mark it looks like this:

>Then Jesus and His disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way, He questioned His disciples: “Who do people say I am?”

>They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.”

>“But what about you?” Jesus asked. “Who do you say I am?”

>Peter answered, “You are the Christ.”

>And Jesus warned them not to tell anyone about Him.

While in Matthew it looks like this:

>When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, He questioned His disciples: “Who do people say the Son of Man is?”

>They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”

>“But what about you?” Jesus asked. “Who do you say I am?”

>Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

>Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

>Then He admonished the disciples not to tell anyone that He was the Christ.

So there's obviously a lot in Peter's confession in Matthew that directly relates to the Catholic Church's claims about the papacy, and about its claim to superiority among all Christian Churches.

>> No.12470826

Thanks for that, I appreciate it.

Why is priority not granted to the gospel (or passages of the gospels) which contains the most detail? Is the hypothesis that subsequent gospels plagiarized and falsified?

>> No.12470840

The idea is that the earliest Gospel written will necessarily be the Gospel written closest to the time when Jesus actually walked the earth. A Gospel written in 50 or 60 AD is going to be closer to Jesus than a Gospel written in 100 AD. Or that's how the argument works. It's part of the quest to get at the "authentic" Jesus.

>> No.12470971

The date written (compiled) indicates nothing about the age of the manuscripts.

This is the problem with theistic Christianity. The Bible isn't a piece of rational fiction where the reader is rewarded for being especially astute.

>> No.12471000

Thomas and Judas, then Matthew, then John

>> No.12471009

Markan, if someone says Q is a lie they’re retarded.
t. Person who took ONE theology course in colllege

>> No.12471019

>he unironically believes in non canonical gospels

>> No.12471064

>And, yes, Matthew vs Mark being the first Gospel written does have some interesting implications for Christianity, and particularly for Catholicism.
>So there's obviously a lot in Peter's confession in Matthew that directly relates to the Catholic Church's claims about the papacy, and about its claim to superiority among all Christian Churches.

How can this be meaningful in discussions of papal supremacy when the issue of papal supremacy wasn't debated for at least 700 years after both Matthew and Mark were written? Especially given that all parties debating papal supremacy agree that Matthew and Mark are equally inspired and authoritative.

>> No.12471073

Q is no longer accepted by the majority of textual critics. This has been the case for at least 20 years. Either your professor is in the minority who still believe in Q, or, more likely, they hadn't bothered to read any literature on the issue since they were taught. Or you're old as dirt.

>> No.12471084

>theistic Christianity
tell us about nontheistic Christianity lol

>> No.12471091

I actually read a book about this (yes /lit/,some people here read books!) and I've been convinced of Marcan priority and Q, modern (((scholars))) be damned (literally).

>> No.12471092


>> No.12471114

I'd like to hear your take on it. I doubt that wikipedia article reflects your thoughts 100% accurately.

>> No.12471119

What book did you read?

>> No.12471132

A Literary Approach to the New Testament

>> No.12471146

I didn't know there was a debate, but this makes me want to look into it. I was always taught that Mark came first, then Matthew, Luke, and John

>> No.12471168

Mark was almost certainly written first, according to most New Testament scholars.

>> No.12471205

>A Literary Approach to the New Testament

By John Paul Pritchard (1972)? There's been a lot of development in the field in the last 50 years. Do you really believe that Q is an orthodox Christian idea and that everyone who criticises the Q hypothesis is a subversive Jewish agent? And all that based on one book from 1972.

>> No.12471257

>So there's obviously a lot in Peter's confession in Matthew that directly relates to the Catholic Church's claims about the papacy, and about its claim to superiority among all Christian Churches.
So this is the power of Catholic apologians

>> No.12471262

Oh. That's not at all the tone you first struck.

I think dogmatic faith is a distraction from Christ's teachings. Christians are taught to be Christlike in their interactions with others and modest in their faith in the Lord. The moment a Christian starts making it their business whether, and to what degree, another person's faith is "true" marks the moment of their downfall—it's when their faith becomes a thing of pride. From pride comes spite and contempt. There's no place for that in Christ's teachings.

I lost my faith years ago and I haven't been able to reestablish it. I choose to follow the tenets of Christianity while keeping the issue of my salvation (or lack thereof) under wraps. Curiously enough, members of my church tend to regard me as one of the more devout Christians.

>> No.12471265

Well, Maimonides and Aristotle say...

>> No.12471305

I'm tone-deaf. What is Christian salvation to you?

>> No.12471364

If it exists, what are the possibilties its safegaurded by a Christian esoteric secret-society.

>> No.12471492

I can't answer that with credibility because I don't believe in God. The paradigm with which I am most familiar is heavily influenced by the narrative whereby Christ descended into Hell and claimed the key of death. Salvation is attained through a genuine belief that God sent his only Son to die for this purpose. In doing so, He offered us a path to salvation. Salvation is attained through Christ who cleanses us of sin.

>> No.12471507

Zero, given that the q hypothesis has nothing to do with secret knowledge. It claims the opposite. The q hypothesis is that there was a text of the sayings/acts of Jesus that served as a base for the synoptic Gospels, and that it can be almost entirely reconstructed by comparing the synoptic Gospels. The q hypothesis is most likely false, but even if it were true, it would have nothing to do with hidden knowledge.

>> No.12471511

Sounds like a good novel tho. I'm a slut for a good secret organization.

>> No.12471517

go read Dan Brown and then whip yourself until you're truly sorry, then you may return to /lit/

>> No.12472346

Get out of here, Dan.