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File: 9 KB, 183x275, bronze age mindset - bap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12469527 No.12469527 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this? Is the reading worth it? I feel like reading it but can't find a copy of it anywhere.

>> No.12469542

>Look, discord mommy, posted it again.
Your book is meme shit, BAM.

>> No.12469545

no. yes. it's at the usual places, and you can also buy it.

>> No.12469553

I'm thinking about getting this for my brothers bday. its like a tongue in cheek pseudo philosophy humor book or something right

>> No.12469570


Too expensive on Amazon for me

I don't know much about it other than what I read on /pol/

>> No.12469748

>Too expensive on Amazon for me

>> No.12469774

It's pretty damned funny, with some genuine cutting insight into the foibles of modern liberal capitalism.

>> No.12470057

I might read it this weekend op, as a comedy of course

>> No.12470387

It's funny and meme-y, but legitimately insightful at some points. The points it makes at the beginning about animal "epistemology" seem fascinating to me, albeit I'm a brainlet and the only books on that kind of stuff I've ever read are The Genius of Birds and Maeterlinck's books on ants and bees.

>> No.12470447

This was posted yesterday and you started a new one because of all the negative feedback.
Same as last time, just you brought more samefags. Your book sucks and no amount of shilling will change that.

>> No.12470474

I literally found out about this motherfucking book today. I don't give a shit whether you think I am the faggot who wrote it, I just wanted an opinion.

>> No.12470507

Okay, well now you know it's meme garbage that gets shilled here.

>> No.12470527

This shit is mostly right. Don't take it seriously and you'll be entertained , but it does have a handful of interesting ideas in it. It's short and easy to read, no reason not to if that's what you're looking for.

>> No.12470540

This many samefags to shill a book about post-Chad nihilism...
Why do you care so much?

>> No.12470558

Dude why do YOU care so much?

>> No.12470592

It's either written by a non-anglophone or it is seriously lacking revision.

>> No.12470629

I never claimed to be a chad nihilist, so the question doesn't work when turned around.
How are you so stupid? You should learn basic logic before writing your next meme book.

>> No.12470633

Read the first 20 or so paragraphs of it. I'm not a very sophisticated reader but here's my take.

Nothing significant or interesting. Writing style shows it's an individual who seemingly speaks English as a second language and shit posts. Sometimes uses their own terms and slang which adds nothing of value to the writing imo. No new ideas presented really, some stuff like "Darwin isn't completely correct, I think he's wrong in this abstract and non specific way blah blah", and I didn't agree with or understand his rationale or his logic as to how he came to his ideas. One part was like "yo man i was drunk as shit this one time and it was an interesting night, blah blah blah, how interesting it is to think about things from other peoples perspectives woah dude haha!" or some shit like that. Or he'll make a sweeping generalization about left wing politics with no argument made supporting his opinion. I don't know, I can't really remember that much, it was just unremarkable to me as a work that my memory doesn't give any significance or importance to it so my neurons have others things to prioritize. Honestly seems like a pile of shit clothed in references of some known past intellectual thinkers and some obscure ones. I assume he's just setting up the rest of the book in the beginning, but I just can't be bothered to continue wasting my time with this one. I mean I'll give it a chance if someone can make a solid argument for it, but otherwise it's a nope from me.

>> No.12470676

>i read the first 20 paragraphs
>therefore im entitled to write a blog about it on 4channel
bugman hueman

>> No.12470680

I never said you were a chad nihilist - talk about being stupid.

Why are you so obsessed with debunking a text which you claim is fake and shit? Has the author been a bully to you during HS? I won't answer your posts from now on. Please move on with your life.

>> No.12470681

>everyone saying to read it as a comedy
>don’t take it too seriously
the mammies have truly won

>> No.12470700

>stating "i read the first 20 paragraphs"
>you can clearly infer from that that my opinion is based on limited knowledge of the book and only pertains to what little of it I have read

>"nah fuck that I'm gonna make a joke about an individual just trying to answer OPs question by referencing the lame ass terminology from the book kek"

>> No.12470708


>> No.12470720
File: 51 KB, 640x960, B03E2304-D84A-445A-9142-8D7A33EFFD89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, I enjoyed it a lot.
>You can download it on libgen, or support the author through Amazon.
>Godspeed, bro.

>> No.12470769
File: 104 KB, 340x480, 1547970305375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obsessively shill against a literal meme book
>cant follow a basic conversation without sperging out
>doesnt understand how the ip counter works
>redit posting

>> No.12470775

the mammies are trying really really hard to put a lid on this movement before they lose control of the situation

>> No.12470779

the what?

>> No.12470906

Reading it. BAP went from denying the value of the principles of Darwinism to saying hormones are the key for understanding life. Does it get any better?

>> No.12470926
File: 51 KB, 313x500, 51ty8bmJ3iL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

virgin ooga booga mindset vs Chad MAGA Mindset

>> No.12470994

Imagine being this stupid.
And what movement? You guys actually have Dick Walks?

>> No.12471083

>>redit posting
>countless other reddit pages

>> No.12471090

doesnt really count that board has under 10k people in it
go on the reddit main page to see what 'redditposting' means

>> No.12471157

This book triggers leftycuck bugman faggots so hard. I love it

>> No.12471164
File: 96 KB, 720x720, maga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12471170

>numbers didn't rise with these posts
What did they mean by this?

>> No.12471179
File: 182 KB, 1347x394, bronze age eugenics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12471180

case in point

>> No.12471188


>> No.12471196
File: 206 KB, 1024x1024, 6ap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a Chad he has to pay a 6/10 to model his meme book.

>> No.12471209

The actual interesting part of the book is the middle bit, skip a few pages if you really can't be bothered reading the beginning.

At what point does he deny the principles of Darwinism? He mostly just has a problem with the methodology and mindset of modern researchers in the field. He praises Darwin at some points.

>> No.12471342
File: 473 KB, 1279x1210, Bronze Age Postironist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12471481

I posted this
and then I replied back to the triggered samefagging reditfag who's shilling against this meme fucking twitter book here >>12470769

did the sperg start using a bot?

>> No.12472606

This is powerful.

>> No.12473055

Amazing book. He is the Nietzsche of our time. The GigaChad Ubermensch is coming.

>> No.12473070
File: 1.03 MB, 1019x746, 1526516994940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huehue imma call them mammies that will show them bet those dorks don't even know about the supercool secret twitterclique treehouse im a part of

>> No.12473086

It's good, I bought it off Amazon.

Great book, lots of nuggets of genius observation

>> No.12473089

Hhhm, I wonder how he will choose the best studs. Really makes me think.

>> No.12473268

Fuck off incel.

>> No.12474927


>> No.12474947

All the basedboys here would hate it. Book not for virgins.

>> No.12475077

The caveman style writing is intentional--it works well on his twitter, but not the best choice for extended works.

>> No.12475088

We're not men's rights advocates, more Third Positionists.

>> No.12475110

Number of posters still hasn't changed.
Incredible levels of shilling. Must be depressing for a Chad to have to stoop so low.

>> No.12475459

There was a ton of shilling right when it came out but then it disappeared. This last week there's always been at least one thread up full of shilling. I guess BAP's harem of faggots are getting paid in cummies in exchange for shilling

>> No.12475495

its unfunny.

>> No.12475656


>> No.12475728


Plebfeed at worst, somewhat funny satire at best.
Much like this board.

>> No.12475745


Sounds similar to icycalm and his shitty orgy.
Is it just that faggots will jump on the dick of anyone who writes in a style even somewhat reminiscent of Nietzsche?

>> No.12475761

have you considered maybe that the book is good?

>> No.12475793


No, I haven't. I'm nearly done with the western canon, and I have read widely in contemporary literature. One trend I've noticed is that the last great literature was written in the 1890's, and that there hasn't been any good literature for the past 40 years. Great literature pretty much died with Tolstoy. Some of the Germans have come close since, but only close.

Tell me, why is it good?

>> No.12475873

>Tell me, why is it good?
If someone posted about War & Peace and said "Tell me, why is it good?", what would you say to them? You'd tell them to go read it, right? Honestly, put yourself in my shoes here.

>> No.12475892

That's not even a fair comparison, pretend someone asked you about The Death of Ivan Ilyich. 'Bout the same length as BAM

>> No.12476604

I remember that. It was really bad.

>> No.12477204

The author is clearly a raging homo. Is it someone from Donovan's circle?

>> No.12477405

Can anyone provide any interesting insights from the book or is everyone going to continue being vague in order to shill it?

>> No.12477422

There are now BAP clones around

Doonvorcannon has written a shitty BAP Book ripoff, and I understand Mike Ma is coming out with something soon

>> No.12477443

Its supposed to get you thinking in a certain way, not give you some new information as such

Basically BAP is arguing something similar to Uncle Ted that modern society has robbed people of purpose. BAPs solution to this is to cultivate the mindset of classical heroes, so instead of wanting to live an okay life within the bounds of social norms, you want to attain the kind of greatness that was valued in that era.

For all its faults, its supposed to jolt you out of the bugman mindset and get you working towards something higher, in my opinion it's effective in that regard

>> No.12478263

>instagram faggotry
Fuck metamodernist 'Chads'. Worse than feminists.