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12469497 No.12469497 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy books?

Easy to read and preferably shorter than 400 pages.

Thanks guys.

>> No.12469501

Try Vonnegut

>> No.12469505

whos the gash

>> No.12469506

Invisible Cities - Italo Calvino
If on a winter's night a traveler - Italo Calvino

>> No.12469509

Tortilla Flat.

>> No.12469531

i hated both of these books

calvino is for midwits

>> No.12469538


>> No.12469539

seconding If on a winter's night...
That book had no right to be that good.

>> No.12469549

Thanks. Will check that out for sure.

>> No.12469573

Donna Tartt The Secret History

>> No.12469575

Camus, myth of sisyphus or the stranger

>> No.12469578


>> No.12469581

trout fishing in america

>> No.12469586

Brautigan is very comfy

>> No.12469587

I read the Stranger and I really enjoyed it.

Is Sisyphus the same sort of quality?

>> No.12469600

You'll enjoy it

>> No.12469609
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>> No.12469627

skylark by kosztolanyi

>> No.12469787

Norwegian Wood by Murakami

>> No.12469790

Tove Jansson’s works. Either Moomins or her short stories

>> No.12469901

Growth of the Soil

>> No.12469952
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Thank me later

>> No.12470003


>> No.12470039

Vonnegut is perfect for you bitch, read Cat's Cradle or Sirens of Titan

>> No.12470180

It's because you're a woman

>> No.12470191

Sound of Waves

>> No.12471223


>> No.12471310

Comfy choice but it's almost 400 pages, I think OP wants something shorter.

>> No.12471327

Why does the picture make me sad?

>> No.12471503
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>> No.12471782

Maybe my penis then

>> No.12471793

you're not married and you dont have kids

>> No.12472062

1917 by Arthur Herman

>> No.12472139

makes me sad too
the girl is devoid of context, so she can be and mean anything. she looks youngish and in my head i associate that with innocence. its clearly old, and so it seems like something passed.
the death of innocence is what i think of - theres a word for it in another language, nostalgia for a place (or time) you've never been. c'est la vie

>> No.12472144

not that the french is the saying, i think the word is in German or Portuguese. i also mean the photo is old, not the girl

>> No.12472245

Basho - Narrow Road to the Interior and Hojoki

JA Baker - The Peregrine

JD Salingers short stories are written with such a precise sense of detail, voice and presence that it's impossible to not feel like you're /with/ someone as you read. Not obtrusively, just close.

>> No.12472300

Based God. I can never make it past an invasion

>> No.12472305

based, seconding this

>> No.12472498


I think you're on to something. I thought the word might be German and what I could find was sensucht, but it doesn't quite fit with the kind of nostalgia you describe.

Then I found the Portuguese say saudade, which I found to be wonderfully distinct in meaning from nostalgia.

Neither of these words work exactly with what you've described though.

>> No.12472615

Everytime it's the same answer: read your Wodehouse and wish you were born into wealth and minor antics which resolve for the better in the end

>> No.12472883

This fucking book was so god damn comfy. Peak sit on a porch in summer and sip wine from a jug aesthetic.

>> No.12472909

What a lovely girl. And probably an excellent future wife and mother. I'm sure I'd treat her horribly.

>> No.12472914

I checked it out of my community college library. Read it in like 3 days, laughed out loud multiple times. Ah, good times (not really, cc is an underworld for the damned )

>> No.12472918

Anyting by PG woodhouse or Terry Prachet

>> No.12472939

Google says it's "fernweh", German word.

Saudade is really hard to explain. It's like a very painful longing, with a bit regret and shame. Sometimes it also has a bit of pleasure, though.

>> No.12472944

Was going to post this.

>> No.12473207

Stoner by John Williams

Norwegian Wood by Murakami (check out his short stories as well)

Notes from Underground by Dostoyevsky

Metamorphosis by Kafka ( The Trial and his short stories are pretty accessible too)

>> No.12473314

It’s not a novel, it’s an extended essay on facing death without god. It’s great, but I dunno if it can be considered “comfy.”

>> No.12473354


>> No.12473360

Yeah, none of those are "comfy" . Maybe Norwegian Wood. Maybe they're just the four books he read.

>> No.12473447


>> No.12473474

Confederate general was also very comfy

>> No.12473487

This so much

>> No.12473691


I interpreted "comfy" as something I can finish in a day or two and then spend some time thinking about it.
What do you mean by "comfy" then? Something that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside?

>> No.12473707

And OP's definition of comfy includes The Outsider... So I don't see why Kafka's a problem

>> No.12473803

Just something pleasant to read and think about. I'm pretty loose with the rules and definition though.

>> No.12474888

If by pleasant you mean something that's intellectually stimulating but not something that induces a cold depression then I stand by my recommendations.

>> No.12474898

The Castle - Franz Kafka

>> No.12476255

this, Vonnegut is comfy as fuck
check out Cats Cradle or Slapstick

>> No.12476351
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Notes from underground.

>> No.12476357

Kristof Calvo