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/lit/ - Literature

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12468451 No.12468451 [Reply] [Original]

now that the dust has settled... where does this rank in comparison to other literature?

>> No.12468455

It doesn't even rank in comparison to other visual novels. Stop reading EOP shit.

>> No.12468457

Katawa Shoujo's good shit.

>> No.12468484

but anon, learning nipponese is too time consuming

>> No.12468490

Whoever said I didn't become fluent in Japanese outside class?

>> No.12468838

If you dont like KS you're reddit simple as

>> No.12468882

Or maybe I'm not a newfag
Lurk more

>> No.12468890

>liking KS makes you a newfag
Idiot opposite is true

>> No.12468942
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It's pretty damn good especially as highschool romance fiction goes, quite possibly the greatest highschool romance written for english speaking readers. However, I did find the pacing of the H-scenes a bit jarring, and the descriptive phrases used during them were very clunky and reminiscent of Nasus lesser work. All things considered though it's forgivable, as the writers were from 4chan after all and we all know they and most of us were and are still virgins at the time it was written. A solid 90% from me, I would have liked an option to romance Misha though or at least beat her brains in with a shovel.

>> No.12469011

KS was alright but it's way overrated since the west didn't and still doesn't have access to the full collection of good VNs.

>> No.12469699

Tried to read this, following the Emi path. My immersion was shattered when the narrator was a complete loser who can't even beat a girl in a race, and the authors wrote a track athlete character without understanding even the absolute basics of the sport.

>> No.12469877

Rin has artistic merit, the rest are thots

>> No.12469879

It's better than The Fault in Our Stars, but it's no Pride and Prejudice.

>> No.12469907

Rin undoubtedly best girl

>> No.12470155

>the narrator was a complete loser who can't even beat a girl in a race
did you forget his heart was completely fucked up?

>> No.12470394

The impression I got of his disease is that his heart is at risk of having hazardous episodes triggered by excessive strain, not that it's weak in general. One of my competitors in high school track had a condition like that. He was extremely fit, but would sometimes have to stop running because his heartrate would spontaneously double.

>> No.12470456

Emi best girl.

>> No.12470854

>However, I did find the pacing of the H-scenes a bit jarring,
This. It would have been fine without the random porno elements

>> No.12470934

Oh man I haven't thought about this in awhile.
Time for another read
Hope I'm emotionally stable enough for it

>> No.12471691

I played KS in the first month that it came out. It's hard to believe that it's already 7 years old.
Rin's route is by far my favorite, the rest of them are decent except for Shitzune.
Overall, I would say that it's a good starting point for someone who's new to VNs and it's better than 99% of literature written in the past 15 years.

>> No.12471716

I played it twice, first time got emi, but second time got the suicide scene. What does this mean about my life?

>> No.12471729
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what do they even talk about

>> No.12471741
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Fucking BASED

Also nice dubs

>> No.12471749

Visual Novels are the worst of all the mediums they try to be

>> No.12471756

Like most generals they basically just use the thread as an anonymous chatroom.
KS is a pretty short game so there really isn't a whole lot to talk about. They ran out of actual discussion material a long time ago but for some reason they just kept making threads where they talk about nothing.

>> No.12472091

Rin is the most intriguing character to me, and her route was the most painful, but Emi is definitely the best girl by any metric.

>> No.12472105

what he said
They have art contests now and then though. My music won second place in the summer contest last year, which was $25. That was cool. But then I suddenly realized it was unhealthy for me to spend so much time wallowing there in emotional filth, and also a notorious tripfag started showing up again. He's hated so much that nobody posts if they realize he's awake. Skynet is cool though. I had a good few months chatting there. It was nice, like a hidden little cave where losers could show up to hang out, talk about bullshit, and just be losers without having to think too much about it. But it's not a good place to be for a long period of time.

>> No.12472150

Excellent opinion.