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12468194 No.12468194 [Reply] [Original]

I am looking for unbiased books on Canaanite religion and the true history of the Bible and the Jewish god, and how they came to be.
Yawehfags stay out.

>> No.12468221

Xenophon's Cyropaedia
The Holy Bible itself

Praise Jesus.

>> No.12468340

You sadly won't find it here, OP. Jews and Christians, the latter of which larp here, are in a 2000-year-and-running show of Stockholm syndrome towards this Yahweh, wherein all ordinary reasoning is discarded and all actions are done to service this jealous God which they have indentured themselves to. Expect violent resistance from them anon - everything you desire to know of, they desire to prevent you from concluding. Good luck OP, but it's best you take your search elsewhere.

>> No.12468599

>this thread
big cringe and yikes desu senpai

>> No.12468612

Freud's Moses and Monotheism

>> No.12468638

New Orleans here.

They Wrote on Clay is good. I have a better book in my own private collection. Will send you an email when I return.

Worms glow, friend.

>> No.12468810

I'll second this as a good starting point. Then you may be ready for Miguel Serrano.

>> No.12468816
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Pic related is a good scholarly translation of several works from the area, including the Ugaritic Baal Cycle. I would look into an archaeological history of the region as a primer before reading it. A History of the Ancient Near East by van de Mieroop is a good brief overview of the region. Before tackling the OT you should also look into the Documentary hypothesis of biblical authorship, which goes a long way to explaining the different aspects and personalities of Yahweh in the Pentateuch.

>> No.12468865

No such thing as unbiased, but there are some standard academic works in this area, like "The Early History of God" by Mark S. Smith. There's also Daniel Denver's "Did God Have A Wife?" for an archaeological perspective.

>> No.12468878

kill yourself
thank you

>> No.12468956

You’re welcome anon. I’m doing a similar bronze age reading list myself.

>> No.12469028
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Just to add a little bit extra to my post above, you should keep in mind that the literature flowing around the rest Fertile Crescent and archaic Greece in the middle and late Bronze Age was a strong influence on the OT. You should also look into early Sumerian literature for parallels with the flood stories, and Hesiod’s works and days for parallels with the biblical ages of man.

Pic related is my reading list.

>> No.12469066
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>> No.12469140

Here is somewhere to start:


>> No.12469147
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>> No.12469152

I have always wondered about that face down there, looking at Yahweh...

>> No.12469189


>> No.12469421

How desperately do I desire to know what these ancient artifacts are actually depicting. The Annunaki depictions of the Sumerians, the Eastern Island statues, the Yahweh tablet above. I hope the true nature of our ancestral past is someday revealed to us. I believe our history is not at all what we presently imagine it to have been.

>> No.12469882

Getting a little close to ancient alien thinking for my tastes anon.

>> No.12470092

*William Dever
I really messed up that name

>> No.12470303

Going beyond cold western thinking (the fruits of which have depleted the spiritual capacities of man) is what is commonly known as the next step in your initiary process into masonry. Want to know what their not telling you? How the body is a carbon nano suit that was engineered to mine gold? OP I suggest you read The Terra Papers by Robert Morningsky: https://www.scribd.com/document/18922020/The-Terra-Papers.. And while reading think to yourself what was the SOURCE of this channeling.

>> No.12470392

The truth is that scholars don’t know where Yahweh came from.
Oldest records mentioning his name were written around 800 BC Some sources I looked up state he was a import god and some say he was a Canaan god rewritten to fit the monotheistic mold.
The truth is we don’t know much about the ancient Canaanite religion most of the records were probably destroyed or lost.

>> No.12470429

Destroyed by his followers, most likely.

>> No.12470489

Yahweh is Enlil who was an Annunaki flight commander tasked by his father Anu with overseeing mining operations when his gentler and more forgiving brother Enki didnt meet the quotas for paying the Queens from Sirius. I.e. Enlil is a slave master.

>> No.12470509

Yahweh is both Enlil and Enki

>> No.12470510

Are we sure Yahweh isn't Anu himself? After all, the "sons of God" remarks in Genesis would fit Anu being the one named God.

>> No.12470538

/x/ is thataway guys.
OP, please don’t waste your time with this nonsense.

>> No.12470554
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>> No.12470690

No the principles of yang and yin come together to create source which yahweh is not because he was already in the primordial waters before he spoke matter into existence. Enlil can also be likened to Cronus/ Saturn/ Father Time. The idea being that he was good with accounting and scheduling.
Anu rules over a vast amount of this galaxy and doesnt have time to get emotional about our human affairs so it wouldnt make sense to be concerned about our off the beaten path solar system that much.

>> No.12471852

>biblical ages of man.
I'm confused, I think Barosss may be closer

>> No.12471906

>Xenophon's Cyropaedia
I do not remember anything Jewy in the Cyropaedia. What am I forgetting?