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12462931 No.12462931 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, lads 18 y/o student just about to leave school here. Just bought Storm of Steel and I have been thinking of joining the military for a while as I cannot go to university next year. Will this book help me, or will it make me not want to go?

Ernst Junger seems like a great man and I see him as a role model. I'd appreciate some good advice from older anons.

>> No.12462960

Jünger knew nothing but scholarly failure and joining the army (first the French Foreign Legion and after deserting, the German Army) seemed like a great improvement for him, so you could try it out. You'll make some money, meet new people, live new experiences... If you're able to put up with humiliation, indoctrination, killing and being at risk of being killed yourself then go for it.

>> No.12462974

What sort of humiliation do you mean? I was thinking of entering as an officer, would this involve less humiliation?

>> No.12462976

It depends on which version of it you grab. Junger heavily revised it numerous times over the decades.

>> No.12462990

One of the cores of military training is reducing your ego so that you're better at following orders. Then again, high command can be pretty stubborn so entering as an officer will likely induce less humiliation than entering as a grunt. I don't think it'll be much worse than having a strict boss at any other job.

>> No.12462997

I bought the penguin classics version, Is that alright?

>> No.12463012

That's true. The main thing I'm worried about is the social-justice. I live in the the U.K, and the military is nothing like Junger's.

>> No.12463063

I'm afraid I can't help you there; I'm from Spain and here the military has a long history of affiliation towards right wing parties that don't care much about that. Even then, I doubt that there's much to worry about; the U.K has a respectable military history so you'll probably be fine. I do wonder, what do you intend to gain from incorporating into the military?

>> No.12463127
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Yes, we need good men to die for Israel.

>> No.12463141

Discipline and good money, as well as having stories and experiences to tell in the future. I could be the next Chris Kyle (apart from being killed

>> No.12463145

Yes you should join the military.

>> No.12463156

That's one of the things I dislike about the military

>> No.12463158

Then even among that social justice rubbish you should be able to get that. The companionship that one draws from their brothers in arms is said to be unmatched; Hitler called his time in WWI "the best of his life" just because he finally felt like he belonged somewhere.

>> No.12463165

it's a good thing the president is pulling us out of as many kike wars as he can.

>> No.12463167

Why do you think that?

>> No.12463176

Thanks for the advice, anon. Definitely considering it now

>> No.12463183

bennies are pretty good.

>> No.12463184

No you shouldn't OP (Even more so if you are American)

"Ancient chivalry is dead. Wars are waged by technicians."
-Ernst Jünger

>> No.12463199

You're welcome; you might end up liking the military enough to make a career out of it. I believe that John Monash and Philippe Pétain both joined the army as a second career option and became renowned figures in their field.

>> No.12463201

It'll whip you into proper shape both mentally and physically, as long as you don't act like a nigger about it.

>> No.12463213

There might be a little humiliation when you're actually getting yelled at for doing something stupid, but here in the states at least, Veterans get higher priority for jobs and have days dedicated to them. Even if you were just a janitor on a ship in peace-time military, you're still figuratively a whole foot taller than any civilian

>> No.12463222

An army career sound quite comfy desu, especially in the higher officer ranks that don't involve any death risks. I'll make sure to check out those two.

>> No.12463224
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>> No.12463228

I'm a well-adjusted autist, the chances of me acting like a nig nog are pretty slim

>> No.12463229

There is a difference between old and young Ernst Jünger.

Young Jünger wouldn't have condemned him joining the military for sure.

>> No.12463236

I hope you slit your wrists before you turn 19. Fash mongrel.

>> No.12463246

I hope that's how it is here in the U.K. Although I think we're a bit more cynical about the military due to the years of demoralisation

>> No.12463257

Are you implying Junger was a fascist? He openly denounced Hitler and declined his writings to be used in the nat soc's daily stormer

>> No.12463375

A good military figure to do some reading on would be Paul von Hindenburg. He lived as a soldier in the Prussian army, enjoyed a fruitful career and retired in order to pursue a quiet life studying military history. Then WWI came in, he joined the army and became a national hero whose image is pretty immaculate even after becoming the last president of the Weimar Republic.

>> No.12463391

Lmao cringe

>> No.12463397

Thats a "Yikes" from me

>> No.12463400
File: 143 KB, 1024x745, hitler-with-hindenburg-1024x745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paul Von Hindenburg was a great man, are there any books about him that you know of?

>> No.12463404

He wrote his memoirs; you could start from there.

>> No.12463408

OP here, sadly this is mostly true, but I'll still try and do what I can.

>> No.12463412

Sorry, forgot to add the title: "Out of my Life".

>> No.12463418

I will, thanks for the recommendation

>> No.12463422

Hey anon
If you want to join you should. Its a life changing experience. Whether its for the better or worse depends, but nevertheless who wants to sit on their arse in this cosmopolitan shithole forever. Go live your life and follow your passions. If it gets you killed at least you died a hero rather than a coward in bed, you know?
Thats how Iook at it. "We feel most alive when we are closest to death."

Jünger is a very inspiring man, a true hero. Its like someone plucked an ancient hero out of a Greek myth and threw him into WW1. It will no doubt be inspiring but it also might be a sobering experience. He doesnt sugarcoat anything, its very graphic. It may deter you from joining. And theres no shame in that either lad. Some people are born warriors and some aren't.

>> No.12463445

When will someone translate his work "Battle as an inner experience"?
I just read Evola's "Metaphysics of War" and I want to get into this idea of the warriors spirit some more.
Also OP you might like that book. Evola was also an officer in WW1 just like Jünger.

>> No.12463452

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12463453

You're welcome, anon; I hope you enjoy it.

>> No.12463459

Thanks for the advice. The idea of being stuck behind a desk for my entire life seems worse than death. I just hope that if I am killed, it will be in a heroic fashion, rather than while on the toilet

>> No.12463493
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Imagine believing this...

>> No.12463512

You will more than likely end up piloting drones to kill babies, or get deployed to suppress the inevitable unrest at home. At best you will die from an S-500 while looking at a digital screen.

>> No.12463556

Did you even read the book and other stuff by Jünger?
WW2 brought the industrialization of war and Jünger was completely disillusioned with heroic realism.

>> No.12463586

I take it that you dislike the military?

>> No.12463591

And is it better to listen to a young idealist then a wise greybeard?

>> No.12463601

The book is about ww1, but I think that Junger was against industrialisation, just like>>12463184 said

>> No.12463634
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My favorite part from Storm of Steel

"Then I saw my first enemy. A figure in brown uniform, wounded apparently, crouched twenty paces away in the middle of the battered path, with his hands propped on the ground. I turned a corner, and we caught sight of each other. I saw him jump as I approached, and stare at me with gaping eyes, while I, with my face behind my pistol, stalked up to him slowly and coldly. A bloody scene with no witnesses was about to happen. It was a relief to me, finally, to have the foe in front of me and within reach. I set the mouth of the pistol at the man's temple -he was too frightened to move - while my other fist grabbed hold of his tunic, feeling medals and badges of rank. An officer; he must have held some command post in these trenches. With a plaintive sound, he reached into his pocket, not to pull out a weapon, but a photograph which he held up to
me. I saw him on it, surrounded by numerous family, all standing on a terrace.
It was a plea from another world. Later, I thought it was blind chance that I let him go and plunged onward. That one man of all often appeared in my dreams. I hope that meant he got to see his homeland again."

>> No.12463640

>did you even read the book
Did you even read the OP?

>> No.12463652

Didn't read the entire passage as I don't want to spoil it for myself, I'll start reading now.

When does this passage appear in the book?

>> No.12463666

War has changed too much since his time to make it an exciting and transcendent experience.
>Press button from hundreds of miles away from war zone
>missiles launch
>Huge explosion
So this, is war?

>> No.12463675

Sadly it is, although theirs nothing we can do about that now.

>> No.12463691

Page 160

>> No.12463721

Take the taliban pill

>> No.12463746

Thank you

>> No.12463753

I don't see how that follows.
But the modern globalist security force? Yeah, there's not much more disgusting than that.

>> No.12463778

Take the houthi pill brother. Humble sandal-wearing goat herders fighting holding their own against a billion dollar military complex. They are a modern heroic people

>> No.12463789

Anyone know where I can find a first (or at least pre WWII) edition in English? I imagine WWII, industrialization of war, and the division of Germany in the Cold War would affect his revisions greatly, and I want to read his reflections on "just" WWI. I found a pdf of the 1st ed online, but it's in German and I'm not quite there in the language.

>> No.12463790

Sounds good, do they have a website?

>> No.12463806

There is a 1929 version but Idk where you can get it
Probably only able to buy used on amazon for a ton of money

>> No.12463851


>> No.12463896

Watchlist bait.

>> No.12463903

what do you mean by this?

>> No.12463909
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war never changes
implying you arent already on one

>> No.12463928

there are levels to stupid social signaling
what do you think he meant nigger?

>> No.12463942

Who cares if im on a watchlist. What are they going to convict me of? Watching videos of a violent conflict? I have no concern for the state in this regard

>> No.12463954

Mentioning terr'ists, even the CIA-funded ones, in even a neutral light will put you on a watch list.

>> No.12463964

And i will keep mentioning these heros

>> No.12463967
File: 2.93 MB, 854x480, 1541364779023.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is Great!
Death to America!
Death to Israel!
Curse upon the Jews!

>> No.12464061

Do you glow in the dark?

>> No.12464080

Im not a CIA n*gger, remember the mutt governmutt is i shutdown and aforementioned glow in the dark people aren't doing it for free (unlike jannies). I admire these warriors simple as

>> No.12464082

no one "joins" the houthis you morons, they arent isis or al-quaeda, you cant join them.
Why are americans so fucking retarded?

>> No.12464087

Imagine thinking that anything significant gets shutdown for this WWE drama...

>> No.12464103

stop shitting up this thread you american

>> No.12464111

Not American.
And it's true. Maybe you should get out with your MAGA-tier bullshit.

>> No.12464141

I say join just on the basis that everyone that I went to highschool with that joined the military now has a better life than me

>> No.12464155

How is admiring the spirit of Houthi warriors "MAGA" ?
Anyway the thread is already ruined, nothing to be done about it now. I am sorry OP, yours was the thread i ruined by attracting americans. They cannot refrain from debasing the spirit of everything they come across. I hope you can forgive me.

>> No.12464172

Lmao its kind of true
You learn discipline and that goes a long way

>> No.12464174

You think the spectacle of government is the real government, even when it's headed by a WWE/reality tv fool who shitposts on twitter.

>> No.12464179

that last source looks like a stormfront meetup irl

>> No.12464187

ah yes my response to being calles a glow in the dark cia nggr was entirely serious. God forbid one tries to make a joke you shitstain

>> No.12464191
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>> No.12464199

I'm from England, I want to go to Sandhurst when I graduate. As far as I am concerned to die for England is not to die for the British govt or to die for the army in its current iteration. you'll be fine

>> No.12464399
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>> No.12464491

No, read Copse 125 directly after Storm of Steel, there's stark contrast in tone.

>> No.12464581

Late Junger is ambivalent toward technology, he sees it animated by a reckless and insatiable will-to-power, incapable of equilibrium with the environment. He calls this active force titanism based on an obscure etymology of the titan as the "over-extender". Junger of the inter-war period on the other hand completely embraces it (The Worker and the essay Total Mobilization).

>> No.12464625

Any Canadians with experience in the military?

>> No.12465056

op if you're doing it for self-improvement then yes go ahead its an excellent idea

if you're thinking of doing it for any other reason such as honour or chivalry or purpose then i must remind u that at its core u will be oppressing your fellow proles across the globe in service to extremely rich globalists who are disgusted by your existence

>> No.12465066

>far as I am concerned to die for England is not to die for the British govt or to die for the army in its current iteration.

wtf are you even trying to say
this is the lit board u must be able to coherently convey meaning to browse here u gaylord

>> No.12465071

I think you're a little off.

>> No.12465074

boomer here, listen to me anon
my biggest regret is not joining the military

>> No.12465082

My grandfather apparently taught the book at the Naval war college back in the 80s, he actually sent me his 1929 edition. I don’t think he even realizes how rare it is. But I’m pretty sure you can find it on archive.org if you are ok with ebooks.

>> No.12465090
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>fellow proles across the globe

>> No.12465735
