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12462927 No.12462927 [Reply] [Original]

What is the literary equivalent of Rust Cohle?

>I think human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self; an accretion of sensory, experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody. Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.

>If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward then, brother, that person is a piece of shit. And I’d like to get as many of them out in the open as possible. You gotta get together and tell yourself stories that violate every law of the universe just to get through the goddamn day? What’s that say about your reality?

>You see we all got what I call a life trap, a gene deep certainty that things will be different… that you’ll move to another city and meet the people that’ll be the friends for the rest of your life… that you’ll fall in love and be fulfilled… fucking fulfillment… and closure whatever the fuck those two fuckin’ empty jars to hold this shit storm. Nothing’s ever fulfilled, not until the very end. and closure. Nothing is ever over.

>“Death created time to grow the things that it would kill.”

>“It’s all one ghetto man, giant gutter in outer space.

>The ontological fallacy of expecting a light at the end of the tunnel, well, that’s what the preacher sells, same as a shrink. See, the preacher, he encourages your capacity for illusion. Then he tells you it’s a fucking virtue. Always a buck to be had doing that, and it’s such a desperate sense of entitlement, isn’t it?

>Well, if the common good has got to make up fairy tales, then it’s not good for anybody.

>“I think about my daughter now, and what she was spared. Sometimes I feel grateful. The doctor said she didn’t feel a thing; went straight into a coma. Then, somewhere in that blackness, she slipped off into another deeper kind. Isn’t that a beautiful way to go out, painlessly as a happy child? Trouble with dying later is you’ve already grown up. The damage is done, it’s too late.”

>> No.12462937

Literally 100% plagiarized from ‘The Conspiracy Against the Human Race’ by Thomas Ligotti. I mean literally copy-pasted. You’re welcome.

>> No.12462938

Thomas Ligotti obviously, that's literally where that stuff was taken from

>> No.12462939

Conspiracy against the human race.

>> No.12462944


>> No.12462949

how can you even refute any of this t b h

>> No.12462956


>> No.12462975

you cant

>> No.12462985

You can’t, thats the point. Every time an antinatalism thread appears, the only refute is “haha ur an incel”

>> No.12463341


>> No.12463363

Paul Valery basically argues the opposite but not directly.

>> No.12463860

You can't you just try not to think about it too much

>> No.12463875

You've missed the point. True Detective season 1 was about the redemption of Rustin Spencer Cohle. Nihilistic antinatalism was his starting point, and therefore objectively mistaken. Most of his character was about overcoming this pseudery and reclaiming hope, because hope is what man needs the most on this shithole planet.

tldr skip that fucking whiny brainlet Ligotti, read Job.

>> No.12463886

>We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself
lmao at all these plebs who can't into Non-Dualism.

>> No.12463946

Did you watch the show? Pizolatto dealt the death blow to Rust's teenagerish anti-natalist pessimism by showing that it is just as much of an illusion as pure optimism. Watch the last scene of the show. This "philosophy" you want people to refute, is irrefutable, and therefore meaningless. Anyone who holds such things as their personal philosophy are people who simply want to justify their laziness and moping, in my opinion.

>> No.12463981

>You can't you just try not to think about it too much

This. In my experience thought suppression and conscious action according to what feels right/good is the only way to regain a lost "meaning of life".

>> No.12464059

> justify their laziness and moping, in my opinion.
You didn't need to waste time writing out everything else if you were just going to end with "haha incel" anyhow

>> No.12464066

Stop being reductive and arguing in bad faith.

>> No.12464077

Congrats on not even bothering to deny your only "argument" is an offshoot of "haha incel"

>> No.12464089

>arguing in bad faith.
i dont think ive ever seen anyone say this and not be projecting

>> No.12464098
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>> No.12464100

>it is just as much of an illusion as pure optimism
Respond to that, please. I already know you won't.

>> No.12464108

But Ligotti just plagiarized Cioran, so really Cioran

>> No.12464132

It's only an illusion if you're one of those neo-depressives that doesn't really understand it to be true and whose outlook on life would do a 180 should you have whatever simple, usually material, desire you've been missing out on granted.
Basically, I agree with
>Anyone who holds such things as their personal philosophy are people who simply want to justify their laziness and moping, in my opinion.
minus the "anyone" part. Swap that with "Most people".

>> No.12464134

you stop being a utilitarian

>> No.12464169 [DELETED] 
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transcending the mortal coil through jesus christ and uniting with pleroma

>> No.12464291

>It's only an illusion if you're one of those neo-depressives that doesn't really understand it to be true
But my question was this: how exactly is it true? That's more what I wanted you to address.

>> No.12464308

By understanding that consciousness never "appeared", but is the container of everything which appears. Ligotti's just an edgelord who prefers to dabble into pseudopoetics rather than understand what he's even speaking of. Also, take the nondualismpill if you can. Follow a spiritual path and realize your true nature, my frens.

>> No.12464621

No. Cohle even sneers at the mention of him. He's a Schope boy. Nietzsche is into joy

>> No.12464641

>what is that, fuckin' nietzsche?
anon remembers

>> No.12465212

By understanding that conscience is just an illusion, that we are not separated from nature, and humanity is pure determinism

>> No.12465301


>> No.12465335
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>implying consciousness is an illusion

>> No.12465351

"consciousness is an illusion' is quite literally the least true thing that has ever been stated by anybody

>> No.12465488

You should probably read Ecclesiastes first and then Job

>> No.12465497

Blindsight by Peter Watts

>> No.12465925

Seriously does anyone think Liggoti ever browse this board??

>> No.12465982

>nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself
Ego? Yea, there's functionally infinite discussions on how to solve that problem. Stopped reading there. Just another brainlet spouting off their perspective on the natural world like the problem isn't their piss-poor analysis and false equivalencies.

>> No.12465987

>how exactly is it true?

>> No.12466005

Every single bit of it is based on an expectation that something SHOULD BE while becoming demoralized that nothing is guaranteed.

It's understanding that water is wet, accepting that idea completely - but then thinking to yourself, "But what if water wasn't wet?!", getting excited at the possibility, and then becoming despondent that you'll never live in a world where water isn't wet. Then you convince yourself that your life isn't worth living if you can't have a world where water isn't wet, despite the fact that you perfectly understand that water is wet and you completely accept the reality that water is wet.

It's the result of childish, self-centered over-rationalization on the part of a person who cannot accept the way things are. It's absolutely nothing but vapid ego demands on nature. Instead of accepting the way life is, people like demand it to be unrealistically, non-functionally different and throw an existential temper tantrum when it can't be different.

>> No.12466013

Great analysis anon, I agree the position above, though used tastefully on True Detective (since Rust moves on from such infantile and edgy worldviews, which he was helped brought to initially by the death of his daughter), is an absolute embarassment on the part of someone like Ligotti, who sincerely holds to every strand of such sentiments, caring solely for the poeticism of it and not anything related to its internal consistency.

>> No.12466699


>> No.12466718

But water isn't wet you MONG

>> No.12466736

imagine being so self important that you think youre separate from nature

>> No.12466944

He says consciousness is unnatural because no other sentient being has it

>> No.12466965

Yes. How can anyone live by the edgy Cohl morals ? So immature and "cringey", he sounds like an angsty teenager. But Cohl is what, 40 ?

>> No.12466978


Optimism is the leap of faith promoted by Kierkegaard. Still far better and constructive than any nihilistic BS.

>> No.12466998

Believing in fairytales is not optimism thats delusion

>> No.12467003

Optimism is fairy tales now. Seek help anon.

>> No.12467016

You lack reading comprehension anon.

>> No.12467017

>I'm important and I matter! Me myself and I!

>> No.12467239


>> No.12468410

He's dead desu

>> No.12468418

Some first year phil student's essay.

>> No.12468437
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>> No.12468798

Ligotti primarily plagiarized John Gray, who plagiarized Cioran, Zapffe, Benatar, et al. Those pessimists plagiarized Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Rousseau, etc. Who were plagiarists of Anaximander, Parmenides, Pyhrro, and so on.

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.12468834

He’s quoting Nietzsche

>> No.12468846

consciousness as an illusion and time as a flat circle are Nietzsche, read a book faggot

>> No.12469427


>> No.12469482

>nothing is better than something
the mindblowingly perfect conditions to allow consciousness to believe it is actually separate from source is a disgusting aberration?

>> No.12469485
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>there unironically are people in this very thread, right in this very moment, who are happy they were born

>> No.12469533

based and anchoredpilled

>> No.12469747


>> No.12469758

>I think human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law.
This is just notes from underground

>> No.12469781

And Ligotti, of course (who took some philosophical concepts from the first half of notes from underground)

>> No.12469972

It's done, why I shouldn't at least try. Rebellion against world is just as meaningless as blindly accepting it.

>> No.12470069

Eugene Thacker

>> No.12470715

No you idiot. Nietzsche was as pro life as you could be.

>> No.12470721


>> No.12470731

Suffering isn't bad

>> No.12470759

I have never seen a convincing justification for why every antinatalist shouldn't kill themselves

>> No.12470819

It's frightening.

>> No.12470921

Ew dude that musty old meme. I was following your guy's argument and I was interested until you completely invalidated your whole argument by being childish.

You obviously ran out of shit to say and decided to pretend you were above the whole conversation

>> No.12470945

which John Gray work gets into this stuff?

>> No.12470949

antinatalism and promortalism are different things. you haven't seen a convincing justification because you have not read books about the subject.

>> No.12470952

>x =/= x
lol based retard.
>b-but it can make u betterer
you wouldn't say hunger itself good because it reminds you to eat, faggot. If that's the case, why don't you seek out suffering and stop eating all the time to maximize the good.

>> No.12470961
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>> No.12470965

No the quotes about consciousness and time are from Nietzsche you fucking brainlet. Its a schopenhauerian return to pessimism with the gnosis of the deconstructed self and implications of ER applied to a doomed Will at the heart of existence. Rust is an atavistic synthesis not a rejection of Nietzsche with pseudo freduian milquetoast critiques of religion, his tirades about the christtards are the least interesting and developed notions he offers.

>> No.12470972

Buddhism seeks to minimize suffering in all its forms. Thanks for playing though, brainlet

>> No.12471014

True but he clearly despairs at the concept of eternal recurrence which is the opposite of what Nietzsche goes for

>> No.12471096

This. Rejecting life is like trying to stop a speeding car. If you insist on trying to reject life/fight the car, just lay down and die

>> No.12471178
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>and whose outlook on life would do a 180 should you have whatever simple, usually material, desire you've been missing out on granted.

This is really granting a lot of power to simple material objects. Simply speaking from personal experience, and from the experiences of those around me, it's very obvious that achieving material goals does not grant any lasting happiness. In fact we can see this evidenced in the hedonic treadmill. You may believe a car or a gf will make your life better, and it will for a moment, but then you're back in the same place you started.
My point is, take those "neo-depressives" at their word because it's almost certainly true, their lives would not be improved by some object or person.

>> No.12471249

In that case all value judgements are BTFO and everyone who doesn't subscribe to moral nihilism is deluded.

>> No.12471268
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Another one of these threads. Read Lovecraft you fucking pseuds. The show is literally The Call of Cthulhu. Nic Pizzolatto threw a literary chaff grenade in that interview and is still getting away with it.