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/lit/ - Literature

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12461199 No.12461199 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ how do I learn chemistry, whats the best way to go about it? /sci/ is pretty shit, so I came here.

>> No.12461272

go to uni for actual chemical engineering because reading the textbook by yourself will get you nowhere.
For general knowledge just watch the periodic table vidoes they are actually really good.
t. chem eng

>> No.12461282

By studying physics

>> No.12461287

>he wants to learn chemistry because muh as above so below, fractals etc so deep

>> No.12461325

>knowing anything about the underlying science

>> No.12461346

im gona give you one U to explain yourself

>> No.12461350

get lost kid, this is an alchemy board

>> No.12461365

>Underlying science

>> No.12461486


>> No.12461626

OP, kind of what he said except if you aren't old enough or can go to uni at this very second, Khan Academy videos can help. They're boring imo, but it could help as a supplement. One issue with self-taught chemistry and physics is that not all concepts are immediately apartment to all people. Even after knowing the math and principles they're apt to screw up a conceptual problem. That's why classes with an instructor, labs, and tutoring help.

If it were a cake walk for the general public, chemical engineers and pharmacists wouldn't be paid so much. Good luck though!

>> No.12461640

do a chemistry degree u utter dumbfuck

>> No.12461648

This. And learn physics by studying math.

>> No.12462356
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>reading the textbook by yourself will get you nowhere
Would argue that's not completely true.
I am also taking an engineering degree and 80% of what i learned is from self taught shit from reading the teacher's recommended books or papers instead of actually paying attention the the classes.
Most teachers these days spend their whole lessons reading the shit in their powerpoints and only serve to take questions. Its a real shame when the teachers put themselves in a high horse and tell the students that they have to motivate themselves and its not the teacher's duty to make the classes interesting and more than just teaching other related general knowledge. They basically just create "specialized ignorants".