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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.38 MB, 4000x2738, 1548199166224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12458140 No.12458140[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

look at her bookshelf

>> No.12458148

I spy a Borges.
Pretty cool. I am unironically attracted to her.

>> No.12458154

>Infinite Jest

Yeah, she'd definitely fit in with all the pseuds on this board.

>> No.12458156

Am I supposed to know who that woman is ?

Anyway, thread reported.

>> No.12458158

Looks like that IJ has taken a pounding. She must have read all the footnotes. Who is this person?

>> No.12458167

>Capital in 21st memery

Oh yeah total pseud

>> No.12458169

She is literally a bugman. A political bugman, but still a soulless smallbrain just the same. Did you know we have 12 years to live, according to this malnourished product of American education?

>> No.12458175

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, recently elected to Congress in NY, hero and object of affection to all the diet commie soiboys who worship Marx.

>> No.12458186
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Brightness turned up. Pseud or not?

>> No.12458191

>ONNIT products on the rack
>well-loved Infinite Jest on the shelf
>brutalist Soviet architecture outside
>NYC coffee cup perfectly placed
>soiboy looking on with disdain that is actually awe

America is in its last years.

>> No.12458200

I would unironically love it if she did a Reddit AMA, or even posted a thread here on /lit/. Her brainlet ass would be absolutely destroyed by amateur philosophers.

>> No.12458204
File: 81 KB, 270x278, 1531345302835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to be Black

the IJ is probably her basedfriend's, but that is a tiny bookshelf, I'd want my politicians to be more well read frankly

>> No.12458238
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Ultra brainlet

>> No.12458246
File: 38 KB, 640x640, enjoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Raised by a pro-black, Pan-Afrikan single mother during the crack years of 1980s Washington, DC, and educated at Sidwell Friends School and Harvard University, Baratunde Thurston has more than over thirty years' experience being black.


>> No.12458252

she's beautiful.
I love her

>> No.12458256

how can this be when she went to school and has lived in a house her whole life and this is her library?

>> No.12458257

She is unironically smarter than the vast majority of politicians in DC right now. Notice how she is one of the very few Democrats who has entirely resisted getting memed on by Trump.

Granted, being the smartest Democrat is a bit like being the tallest midget.

>> No.12458276

She is ugly for a woman
Dumb for a man
Young for a politician
and desu I'm not a fan

>> No.12458281
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I like how she enrages all you people

>> No.12458285
File: 327 KB, 1228x953, BAS_MAGA5_pounded in the butt by my own butt_themovie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the smell

>> No.12458289

Everything about this woman is staged and fake. She is an empty vessel that the Left can fill with their vision of the perfect candidate

>> No.12458294

Smells like victory

>> No.12458295
File: 59 KB, 800x423, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the lolberts are very afraid and disturbed over at zerohedge

>> No.12458300

Man, I was posting on small, lonely left-wing websites in 2010 that were talking about Modern Monetary Theory. Interesting that she knows about it and supports it. I wonder if she used to post on some of those sites, too.

>> No.12458304

>literal who likes popular books

who cares

>> No.12458306

is this some new socialist meme

>> No.12458308
File: 490 KB, 947x916, BAS_CIAniggerglowing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smells like donkey goblin farts, you silly niggerfaggot.

>> No.12458313

Why are american conservatives so triggered by this woman?

>> No.12458315

Could she BE more btfo?

>> No.12458318

It's an objective statement on how modern sovereign economies function, whenever anyone tries to argue against it they end up just looking like fools

>> No.12458327
File: 108 KB, 480x480, BAShijab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's annoying because eventually a wonderful hero will come along and cut her fucking head clean off.
but until then...lemon pledge!

>> No.12458330

does it have predictive power

>> No.12458331

wtf am i a fury? and wot is this?

>> No.12458336
File: 19 KB, 392x283, 1548169081218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12458343
File: 46 KB, 968x681, quentin-tarantino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why on earth would anyone purchase such a book

>> No.12458344

God, she's so fucking cute.

>> No.12458345

I like how split and cracked the copy of IJ is. Like she studied it front to back to front in some deep rabbinical way.

>> No.12458348

yes, definitely if you want to understand bond markets

>> No.12458349

Imagine reading basic economics and thinking it can be applied to macreconomics

>> No.12458353

>implying she reads and those aren’t her onions boyfriend’s books

Anyone pursuing politics from a young age is soulless and reads nothing more than what is required to appear intellectually informed.

>> No.12458356

Based and redpilled

>> No.12458367

I see Capital and IJ (which looks like it took a beating, second hand maybe?), but can't make out the others due to shit eyesight

>> No.12458372

This has nothing to do with Sowell brainlet

>> No.12458416

thank g*d

>> No.12458488

this is probably true. the elite are rarely well cultured. all the lawyers, doctors, etc. are as pleb as your average /lit/ loser

>> No.12458550

how often you rubbing shoulders with these people?

>> No.12458561

not really an impressive feat

>> No.12458609

what the fuck is that gif

>> No.12458646


>> No.12458698


I just know its a type of plant that like to grow in water/waterlogged soil. What youre looking at is the seed. . . pod? Stick? Velvety texture but when you apply pressure it fluffs up and is supposed to carry the seeds away, sort of like a dandelion. I don't have any clue what they are called.

>> No.12458759

>How To Be Black
nigger what

>> No.12458770

>Modern Monetary Theory
Isnt this what is already happening though?
By saying you will go MMT you are jsut admitting to producing money as you desire and completely ignore the possibility of one day perhaps not being able to pay back your loaners?
This is already in effect, the governments are jsut hiding behind the archaic veil of Gold reserve, petro-dollar, ...
I wondered if Argumenting for MMT would be to say that the Government and one foundation deeper the people of that nation are the assurance that this won't jsut disappear.
The people, nation are the safety foundation.

>> No.12458774
File: 51 KB, 640x654, zx481nqz4nm01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stranger in a Strange Land

Any Heinlen in a girl's book shelf gets my pre-cum oozing

>> No.12458778
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending to know what brutalism refers to

>> No.12458803


she's too qt

>> No.12458818

I always have a hearty kek when I see a conservative pseud thinking 'brutalism' refers to a building being 'brutal'. It's one of those pleb-spotters that work with 100% accuracy.

>> No.12458824

Is that How to Be Black book where she learned to pretend she's a tough Bronx girl?

It's a joke book from an Onion writer.

>> No.12458830

Banks are pretty much the worst offenders of this crime. Most of the world debt can never be paid, and the banks know it.

>> No.12458832


Have any of you tried to listen to her talk about economics? i would wager she's read less than 10% of the books on that shelf.

>> No.12458833

You're right that MMT isn't normative per se, it's just a description of how the systems actually really works but the conventional understanding isn't MMT since you have politicians worrying about "running out of money" and politically impose "debt ceilings" to be "fiscally responsible".

>> No.12458913

I've actually listened to her for many hours. It's all about muh feels and amazon makes isn't treating workers fairly. She also pretends to be "woke' because she read the republic once. It's really cringey and 100% that onions guys bookshelf

>> No.12458925

cattail plant

>> No.12458946

But obviously this system is incredibly effective and being sanctimonious by abiding by some contrived morals is simply impeding your own progress, which will only cause faults for your own people or trying to rival an enemy nation. The "sideeffects" are non-existant once you stop giving them merit by not abiding to the archaic system.
So these people ( like Ron Paul) are out of date politicians when it comes to the management of a nations monetary system.

>> No.12458978
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>shilling for central banking

>> No.12458999
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>Modern Monetary Theory (MMT or Modern Money Theory) is a macroeconomic theory that sovereign governments have an unlimited financial ability to pay for the things they wish to purchase and to fulfill promised future payments (Wikipedia)

There are no words.

>> No.12459001

>The "sideeffects" are non-existant
all of my wews

>> No.12459005


>> No.12459011

tell me this theory isn't 'the government can print as much money as they want, therefore it can pay for anything'
someone please tell me

>> No.12459013

>people actually believe this
>officials that were elected to amerimutt Congress push this

>> No.12459021

I seriously don't see you people getting so pissy about this.
if you deny their effects and everyone abides by them, then they are non existant; like some sort of boogeyman, who fails to scare when you stop believing in his ever appearing.
so? the first US consitution failed because of lack of central banking.
we are in the 21st century now; time to bring countries into it as well.
that's exactly what it is! They will provide for everything that the country needs. How quickly will that nation reach the point where all needs are met and any new will be instnatly dealt with. Deny the ability to question the validity and where are the bounds that will hold that nation back?
This is basically already in effect you faggot morons.

>> No.12459023

>Like she studied it front to back to front in some deep rabbinical way
Or bought it used at Goodwill.

>> No.12459026

Please, point to your personal favorite foundational text for this theory for someone unfamiliar with it (seriously and unironically).

>> No.12459029

>so? the first US consitution failed because of lack of central banking.
>we are in the 21st century now; time to bring countries into it as well
Who is Andrew Jackson?
What caused the great depression

>> No.12459033

>money is real

>> No.12459035

what on earth is this post

>> No.12459037

Who's the ginger?

>> No.12459041

>This is basically already in effect you faggot morons.

It might seem that way to someone who has a cursory understanding of monetary policy.

>> No.12459064

I could never live in a teeny cramped NYC apartment even if it was free.

>> No.12459066

>Who is Andrew Jackson?
The fuck are you talking about. Jackson opposed everything the MMT would stand on.
>what enabled the great depression to even be possible
>What got America out of the great depression
yes. yes. it is not as artificial (quite the opposite ofc) as one would want to believe the fiat currency system to be in effect; but the approximity of the two is already so great that a leap to MMT shouldn't be seen as unfeasable.
fucking morons itt
>inb4 he meant you
>the future is now old man

>> No.12459076

imagine still clinging to neoclassical economics like little infants after the private debt disaster of 2008

>> No.12459077


>> No.12459081

>This is basically already in effect you faggot morons
If it is what is already in effect then the moronic part is giving it a new name rather than calling it what it has already been called for a very long time - fiat currency.

>> No.12459082

I'm actually still clinging to decentralized banking and the gold standard, my lad. Cite an example of that EVER not working, and you will have just cited a case where the government tried centralizing and devaluing a currency.

>> No.12459090

you think 'lel infinite money' is going to solve debt crises

>> No.12459091

I don't know what MMT is but by name it just sounds like a branding Hyman Minsky's economic theories, who is a great economist everyone should read.

>> No.12459093

I believe the formal term is "baffle them with bullshit".

>> No.12459098
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>> No.12459102

Fucking idiot look this >>12458833
by no limit the debpt crisis gets solved, not the no limit solves the debt crisis
yes, the posts saying
>lmao w-w-w-what?
>erm, ok
>frog posting
are the post with actual merit. Sure thing retard.
never post again

>> No.12459104

>lel infinite money
>I'm just gonna strawman everything I don't like to make it sound 1000000 times as dumb
>while not understanding fiscal policy
>while not understanding what Fed interest rates actually do
>pretending you're right

>> No.12459111
File: 73 KB, 1024x514, the happy couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'll take a peek at that.

>> No.12459116

>by no limit the debpt crisis gets solved, not the no limit solves the debt crisis
tfw not intelligent enought to understand gibberish

>> No.12459117

>2008 + 11
>not just printing more money to pay off the debt
Lol drumptards and conservatards so dumb xD

>> No.12459122

>never post again
Try to stop me. All your (You)s are belong to me.

>> No.12459144

If it weren’t for the MMT nonsense (economist here btw) id suck her toes so hard, man. Good lit taste.

>> No.12459157
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>> No.12459162

>Let the ruling classes tremble at a MMT revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.

>> No.12459170

>gross digits
If you found that those were not her books but were only in the photo due to a proxy, would you still want to suck her toes or would you want a proxy to suck them for you?

>> No.12459173

doesn't seem very well read at all
i see what appears to be marx's capital and infinite jest, however
also, how tf she look so old and busted at 29?

>> No.12459176

You missed me.

>> No.12459178

>how tf she look so old and busted at 29?
She interned at Arby's.

>> No.12459181

>the boomer memes are true

thread reported tho not /lit/

>> No.12459189

>What got America out of the great depression

>> No.12459190

I wonder what it is like for the millenials to know that their generation is an absolute failure at progress or ingenuity.
Few Generations will have been as overshadowed by their successors as the doomers by the zoomers. Maybe their failure was necessary but what a waste; and all the damage they caused.

>> No.12459193

>somebody ACTUALLY believes this to be reality
Lol on my life

>> No.12459201

>roastie pseud in congress
way to go, america

>> No.12459243

>Debates the Austrian school meme

>> No.12459262

The nightmare of every boomer

>> No.12459270

>brutalist soviet architecture outside
Please be joking

>> No.12459470

infinite jest is some psued shit but also she has a degree in economics so shes probably read it. I've read it and I just have a degree in political science.

>> No.12459476

of course she has a white bf

>> No.12459481
File: 88 KB, 480x480, Smirk_Face_Emoji_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad, shitskin?

>> No.12459487

he's not white he's soius sapiens

>> No.12459488

>what is a library

>> No.12459494

They got to dazzled by the 68'er boomer social and cultural success that they couldnt focus on anything else (they didnt even do that well with every other meme protest literally doing nothing)

>> No.12459503

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOLing at all the fags with the same taste in /lit/ at this dumb whore, fuck you, fuck AOC, fuck DFW

>> No.12459504

Its RPOS (Racist piece of shit)

>> No.12459515

what exactly do you expect the zooms to accomplish

>> No.12459559

Even though it's stupid /pol/shit, I can accept the existence of some such kind of person as a 'bugman' - small soul, inartistic, uninterested in struggle, and so on.

But how does Ocasio-Cortez fit that? She is articulate, physically lively; she is unsatisfied with the state of the world, and not just on her own account (she seeks a good beyond material accumulation); she clearly has a solid bookshelf of actually-read literature both fictional and nonfictional; she has been engaged for years now in a counterhegemonic political struggle, building a movement and unseating Crowley, a very powerful establishment liberal figure (surely establishment-satisfaction is part of any definition of bugmanhood). So how do you sustain your claim?

>> No.12459564

Gas all the minorities

>> No.12459568

>the entire establishment loves her
something is wewy here

>> No.12459580

This, she's the exact type the neoliberal types have been looking for with the progressive garbage, and she instantly became another OWNS THE CONSERVAKEKS meme personality. She's another commodity like anything else

>> No.12459592

Democrats have been shitting their pants, up to and including saying they are afraid of her tweets, in the last couple of weeks. Some have been calling for her to 'grow up' and accept the party line, others have been saying they're worried that she'll turn the ire of the DSA on them in the next election campaign, and claiming she's triggered them by making them afraid of their jobs. The whole party is worried about her, not welcoming her.

She's not Lenin, but she's stirring up the Dems in a way that nobody has for decades (Bernie aside).

>> No.12459596

>she has been engaged for years now in a counterhegemonic political struggle
She is the archetypal puppet of the establishment. She is young, non-white, a woman, and quixotic, stupid and emotional rather than intelligent and reasoned. She is the face the establishment hopes to lead the progressive vanguard against the America of old, while posing no threat to establishment policies that have been in place for decades.
If you think she is engaged in a 'political struggle' why the hell does every mainstream media outlet adore her so much?

>> No.12459606

I retract my statement then, all i saw was memes of everyone loving her

>> No.12459618

>She's not Lenin
Why can't communists just take their bankrupt and destructive ideology and go away.
Being a communist/marxist only makes sense if you are jewish or another non-white.

>> No.12459625

Well she's non-white and apparently jewish so hey

>> No.12459631

>Not commie enough
establishment puppet! democrat stooge! Darling of the media!
> Too commie
booo communism man bad

Which one is it, Eli? Get your shilling straight.

>> No.12459639

So, wait. Let me get this straight. Your idea of anti-hegemonic is a middle aged straight white man?

>> No.12459659

I'm the guy he originally replied to. Good point, but forgot to say "rich", which is the big component here.

Incidentally now we're describing Trump, as if people think he's some anti-establishment radical.

>> No.12459671

the establishment absolutely hate Trump

>> No.12459676

So do I. Still can't believe we elected that racist, misogynistic, homophobic, orange baboon

>> No.12459690

Nightmare? More like entertainment.

>> No.12459692

You're an uninformed, over-internetted, downs syndrome addled cunt. The establishment can't stand her any more than they can stand Bernie. If anything they're less accepting of her because she represents a looming threat to the party orthodoxy. If you read any news at all you'd be privy to it. Only Zellenial leftists are embracing her like a kind of prophetess.

>> No.12459699

She tweeted all your base are belong to us. The absolute madwoman. I am hype for some radicals in DC that aren't fascist pigs.

>> No.12459701

Baka turn up the contrast so we can read the books

>> No.12459702

You're straight up fucking retarded. Have you ever even flirted with an original thought? Or do you just parrot inconsistent, ridiculous talking points that anti-affirmative action advocates have been saying since the 60s? It was lowest-common denominator, dog-whistle shit then and it remains so today.

>> No.12459704

what exactly is the argument for affirmative action
how is it not discrimination

>> No.12459709

Yeah I'm sure Nancy and the rest of party leadership are wild for that shit even though it's packaged with the prospect of being saddled with a 70% marginal tax rate.

I swear it's like nobody on this board has ever left 4chan

>> No.12459711

Correct. Even the books are consciously selected and placed. She is a fraud

>> No.12459731

>progs hate wealth inequality
>progs vote in retard socialist
>prints more money
>Cantillon effect
>redistributes wealth from the poor to the rich

>> No.12459738

>same board that jacks off to donna tart also thinks orc-asio is cute
i hope you lot get dealt with by the plague

>> No.12459746

i'm euro and our journoboomers celebrate her pretty hard right now because they think her dancing video has btfo all fascist pigs for all eternity.

>> No.12459747

>how is it not discrimination
Not really the point of my post, but I'll explain a bit. I'm pretty crossfaded right now, but this is so simple that a six-year old on computer duster should be able to grasp it.

The United States, as well as most of the western world, has a history of racial discrimination of many forms. From disenfranchisement to segregation, and from redlining to slavery, populations native, migrant, and captured have been put to work in this country for the benefit of this country and to their own detriment. America is what is is today, in no small part, because of the stolen labor of the black population. This by extension affects the whole of the west, quickening the pace of industrialization and creating the most wealth the world has ever seen. In the midst of all this generation wars have been fought, and black/ minority American soldiers and reserves have placed their lives on the line for the nation.

All of this has happened, and the king lion's share of the spoils have gone to whites, whether private, corporate, or government sector citizens, or more abstractly toward the institutions they represent. This is a pretty serious injustice, if you accept that human beings are in any way entitled to the products of their labor or that soldiers should be looked after once they've served. Affirmative action is one way in which the balances are slowly being tipped toward the middle. Once their, equality will be restored to its proper, primordial state and no external intervention will be necessary to right things. For now, however, the forces that initially tipped the balance in favor of imperialist, neoliberal powers still exist. And as long as they exist, they must be counteracted.

Think of them as diet reparations, if that helps.

>> No.12459751


can this bitch sit on a fucking chair properly or what?

>> No.12459754

>Correct. Even the books are consciously selected and placed. She is a fraud

Do you work for fucking Mossad? Why does this read like a conservative southeast Asian halfway through ESL classes wrote it?

>> No.12459756

Why is her collection so small?

>> No.12459757

No one serious thinks that

>> No.12459759

you have no idea how bad things are.

>> No.12459767

Not this anon, but let me put this into jargon you might be happier accepting. If niggers and browns are dumb and poor, you can either
> Let them stay dumb and poor, and they'll keep being criminal and poor and stealing your bike and rioting and burning the CVS
> Give them education they normally couldn't afford, and they'll stop stealing your bike and have higher chance of contributing to the broad social welfare. Those educated ones return to the community, and teach people there how to be successful, and start businesses and make things better for everyone.

Even /pol/ should be able to follow this logic.

>> No.12459768

>the king lion's share of the spoils have gone to whites,
there would be no spoils without whites, whites invented all of it. It's also ridiculous to assert it's because of black labor, the North was much richer under capitalism than the south under slavery.

Also there is no primordial equality, all of history is just people fighting. Other races deserve nothing at all from whites, they should be grateful for all the technology whites invented

>> No.12459769

Oh be a little more charitable in your readings. I know there are people who seriously think that. I meant that no one worth taking seriously thinks that. It's a fallen understanding and not worth discussing.

>> No.12459772

pol would rather we weren't importing these people into our countries in the first place. Also you know what stops crime? Fascism

>> No.12459781

Your solution is to punish individuals for slavery they have not commited just because they are white, and reward other individuals who have never been slaves because they are not white? Sounds like discrimination to me.

>> No.12459783

Barely anyone in her district showed up to vote. This is why citizens should be encouraged to vote

>> No.12459794

Yeah im sure cletus is sure feeling those "spoils" of being a white man

>> No.12459822

That's why this isn't a one-angle struggle. Cletus does have it better in some places especially in the old South, but even then he's still got it like shit. That's why he needs to join a union, get organised, and fight against the common enemy - the rich. Look into a group called Redneck Revolt, they even run gun clubs and shit (that is, they're not just inner city liberal Dems)

The socialist argument would be to argue for much better, and much better-funded, availability of educational placements anyway. Likewise, projects to actually create jobs even if it doesn't costs the ruling class more. Making everyone compete for some small number of jobs and college spots is a bullshit game that keeps us divided.

is the basic reason why any of this is worth it.

>> No.12459825

No need for the ableist rhetoric roastie, I understand full well what she represents but capital is great at subsuming any kind of person like this. Call me a cynic or whatever I don't care. We'll see in a few years if she was anything more than a fad or not

>> No.12459830

Even if it does cost*, my mistake, polite sage.

>> No.12459841 [DELETED] 
File: 805 KB, 853x1077, CD896297-C2EF-4174-95F2-03FBC5CC33AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about i sustain an erection and fuck you’re girl

>> No.12459849

>The socialist argument would be to argue for much better, and much better-funded, availability of educational placements anyway.

>> No.12459851

>there would be no spoils without whites, whites invented all of it
Few philosophical problems there as well as historical. First we'll deal with history. The Muslim and Hindu worlds were the most technologically advanced in the world for the majority of the Common Era. Whites have been banging sticks together (comparatively) for the majority of the time, only having a meaningful rebirth when the Bubonic plague created the economic conditions for developments in art and engineering. We'd be just as backwater as the rest of the world if not for a lucky plague. Even after that we only played catch up to the moors, Indians and Chinese for quite a while. Then we gained access to the new world, took its wealth to finance further development, conquered the rest of the world and so on and so on. Further your statements imply that you think the people whites have tortured and destroyed over the past 500 years should be thankful for it because we now have electric scooters and porcelain veneers. That's a claim that needs to be defended, not simply asserted.
>It's also ridiculous to assert it's because of black labor, the North was much richer under capitalism than the south under slavery.
You;re uneducated, the north was built on slavery too. The first African Slaves arrived in America in 1616 in Jamestown Virginia and the last northern slaves to be freed were still in bondage well into the 19th century.
>Also there is no primordial equality
I'm speaking metaphysically. Surely you understand that when we speak of equality we mean something other than manufacturing outcomes to achieve statistical equivalents. This is a sort of manufactured equality that allows for no variation. The real (primordial, before all alteration) equality is that quality which means that probabilities for opportunity are not shifted by one's skin color, and they are equally considered on individual merit.
> they should be grateful for all the technology whites invented
Yeah that's a shitty opinion but I'm not gonna tell you what to think

>> No.12459863


because her brain is

>> No.12459865

My copy of Atlas Shrugged is like that but i haven't even read it once.

>> No.12459867

>Taxes on superprofits are a fixed percentage set by god, except when they're being consistently cut over a 40 year period
> In exchange for benefitting from the physical and social infrastructure of a nation, a corporation should have to give back... a good logo and a friendly smile at tax-time!

>> No.12459887


>> No.12459892

Whites were builing civiization long before the plague, so your Jared diamond tier history can eat a dick. As for other races being thankful- they wouldnt be clamoring to move to our countries if they didnt want our civilization.

Youre still missing the point, every race of peopel have fought and conquered throughout history, Only whites are expected to repent for this shit. Nobody else. The Arabs dont have to let Subsaharans into their countries for enslaving them for centuries.

Your metaphysical equality is meaningless, and you certainly wont acheive equal opportunity by explicitly discriminating against whites and asians.

Also race is not skin colour, read a book about genetics

>> No.12459925

>What is corporate tax
>What is estate tax
>What is property tax
>What is capital gains tax
>What are international trade tariffs to boost internal development
>What are government-secured student loans (like in Australia)
>Investments in education for the historically poor are a sunk cost, not an economic investment in the whole community
>Money spent on education and infrastructural development is the same as money spent on gibsmedats
>Investments in supporting sectors of the economy are a sunk cost, not an investment in national wealth

For me, socialism is not about calling whites to repent. Liberal guilt is a liberal phenomenon which doesn't have any place in socialist thinking. The point is that we can have a just and dignified society while building these services - and it pays off for all of us.

>> No.12459926

So when are the demsuccs gonna go full commie when they realize this so they can get rid of money or whatever dumb shit they say

>> No.12459927
File: 221 KB, 800x1423, 800px-Old_St_Paul's_Cathedral_photographic_reconstruction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

built before 1300 and teh plague, the tallest building in the entire world at the time
such a backwater

>> No.12459967

Socialism is not funded by the rich. It is funded by the middle class. Have a look at the tax policies of Scandinavia. Most revenue is raised by a high and rather flat income tax.

>> No.12459981

Define 'middle class' for me please

>> No.12459991

The middle class is a class of people in the middle of a social hierarchy.

>> No.12459993


>> No.12459995

which ranges from barely earning more than the underclass up to earning almost as much as the upper class.

>> No.12459999

You mean the middle 95%? The middle 20%? Those at exactly the 50th percentile of income?

The middle 30%? You mean the people from the 6th percentile to the 80th? Middle in terms of their annual income, their control of assets, or their access to political power? What kind of income ranges?

>> No.12460002

A trust fund kid earns $50k from the trust fund without working. Is he the same kind of middle as a public servant, military officer, or welder also earning this amount annually?

>> No.12460007

Certainly not the rich.

>> No.12460034 [DELETED] 

that's why politicians always pander to the "middle class" because in america everyone thinks they're "middle class" from the guy working in some warehouse for $15 an hour to some family doctor getting $150 an hour, when the politician says they're going to help "the working class" everyone assumes they mean them

>> No.12460036

I am. It's why I was asking the searching questions about how he defines it. You can't just say "anyone not living in stinking poverty or Trumpian luxury is middleclass". You've gotta ask questions about the relationship to ownership, means of production, basis for wealth, and all that shit.

>> No.12460038

>"we'll see in a few years if she was anything more than a fad or not"
you mean just like papa t?

>> No.12460048
File: 73 KB, 282x888, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Borges collected fictions?

>> No.12460055

>Anyone who has to work for a living
>Nobby Clark attempts to write his way out of the petty bourgeoisie
Marxism has a managerial class who do not own the means of production like the land holding aristocracy or the factory owning bourgeoisie, but manage the means of production on their behalf and who are also considered the largest part of the bourgeois dictatorship and middle class.

>> No.12460076

rick roderick had a not bad unofficial definition of working class in one of his lectures: stop working for 7 years and if all kinds of bad stuff happens to you, you were working class

>> No.12460079


All money is made and sanctioned by Government alone.

>> No.12460093

The existence of extravagant Gothic cathedrals doesn't contradict my point. The Church and Aristocracy were always wealthy enough to have greater access to culture. The area which surrounded Old Saint Paul's is not so opulent. The changes brought on after the plague were the result of the emergence of a consumer class with disposable income.

>> No.12460095

Based Rick Roderick, he was too good for this world.

>> No.12460104
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What if AOC was butterfly all along?

>> No.12460106
File: 17 KB, 480x320, lrm1403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Infinite Jest worn out as fuck
>everything else fresh off the Amazon warehouse shelf

>> No.12460109

This is the best headcanon

>> No.12460111

as opposed to what? individual banks releasing their own notes like in the 1820s or something?

>> No.12460125

>I'm pretty crossfaded right now
Yeah stopped there.
Why am I not surprised that an anti-white socialist is also a drug addled degenerate?
Get the fuck off /lit/ you anti-intellectual faggot

>> No.12460135

Ummm. How do we know these are hers?

>> No.12460136

>On June 26, 2018, Ocasio-Cortez won the Democratic Party's primary election for the 14th congressional district, defeating the ten-term incumbent Congressman, Democratic Caucus Chair Joe Crowley, in one of the biggest upset victories in the 2018 midterm election primaries.[11] Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.[12]

>As a high school student, Ocasio-Cortez won an international science fair prize for in vivo research on anti-oxidants.[13] Before running for Congress, she served as an educational director for the 2017 Northeast Collegiate World Series for the National Hispanic Institute, and worked as a bartender. In January 2019, she became, at the age of 29, the youngest woman ever to serve in the United States Congress.[14]

bow down you sad fucks you can never achieve half of what she has done already

>> No.12460140

Fairly certain that's piketty's Capital in the 21st century, not the Capital we like.

>> No.12460142

Butterfly really went outside? Holy crap.
This is going to be better than the time we started a rumour butterfly was the mod and the mods decided to ignore us for two years. :DD Butterfly is love, butterfly is life, I welcome her new black female overlord incarnation and commend her on closely reading IJ.

>> No.12460150

>What caused the great depression?
Retraction of Federal Reserve loans en masse that caused a minor banking failure, precipitating a collapse of the stock market - and hence a heavy banking failure.

>> No.12460153
File: 163 KB, 1200x889, 1200px-Priamuspronomus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we know

>> No.12460168

yo someone with mad twitter bots should blow this up so the mainstream press runs with it "aoc shitposts on alt-right website 4channel uncovered!" then when trump lower the boom on fake news cnn and the nytimes will be like "but but it got retweeted by 40,000 bots so it must be true! journalists are serious people!"

>> No.12460179

Is this the tripfag who keeps claiming to be a congresswoman and a fan of Yourcenar?

>> No.12460185

Butters is a namefag

>> No.12460192

Let's not. AOC will just do another Colbert report and say, "yeah I post on Lit, people should read more."
she's too chill for that shit

>> No.12460193

Because defying Marie Kondo's Rule of 30 is raysis.

>> No.12460196

It's her office, not her home. That's where she keeps the good shit.

>> No.12460204

This lunatic is the left wing Sarah palin

>> No.12460205

>Redneck Revolt
>not just inner city liberal Dems
Anon, please - if you are going to lie then at least make it plausible.

>> No.12460211

Lol two meme books Piketty didn’t even last ten years last I heard he was lecturing on the behalf of Julius Malema

>> No.12460217

All I can think of is Luis Suarez when I see her

>> No.12460218

>Certainly not the rich.
Of course not. Right up to $1 less than rich.

>> No.12460222

Great poem anon

>> No.12460226

Do not bully our beautiful butterfly just because she got a real job.
I think Colbert would appreciate any poems we wrote to her so long as they were metered.

>> No.12460228

You can tell she’s a brainlet because those books on the top shelf would fit the normal way.

>> No.12460232
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>shoes at home

>> No.12460234
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It looks like it - pic related.

>> No.12460236


>ugly for a woman and dumb for a man


>> No.12460238

Tetris hasn't been anti-capitalist since 1986

>> No.12460239

That’s how my cock feels after 20 years of internet porn. I just cum dust now.

>> No.12460241

It tripped for a while.

>> No.12460242

Man she really has /pol/ scared doesn't she

>> No.12460244
File: 424 KB, 960x590, Alexandra_Ocasio_Cortez22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12460247

No, there's at least two tripfags who are white males trying to denigrate our aethiopian athena at butterfly namefag gf. AOC wouldn't trip.

>> No.12460255

Literally yaas queen. Unfortunately, the answer to loud, racist, vulgar right-wing crap is this loud, blunt-speaking, communist left-wing crap. I'm not surprised or mind it at all.

>> No.12460260

It does mean the building looks brutal though...

>> No.12460267

Ah makes sense

>> No.12460276

This fucking thing is redacted in such a reddit way
Get the fuck out and kill yourself

>> No.12460283
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>> No.12460291

What the fuck is this post. Dear lord
Nigga you know anything about inflation and goverment debt, or at least of desire/needs theory?

>> No.12460297
File: 248 KB, 1200x900, DiGFeufV4AAs-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12460312

both are shilling
Political thought and democratic discourse is a poison for the modern man, its banalizes the ethos and kills the power to trascend the material life

>> No.12460332

what do you think the connection is between inflation and government debt

>> No.12460335

That’s exactly what mmt is lol

>> No.12460336

>The United States, as well as most of the western world, has a history of racial discrimination of many forms
Try every society, nation and tribe ever with some less brutal than others.
> Once their, equality will be restored to its proper, primordial state and no external intervention will be necessary to right things.
This is an unsubstantiated claim. Begging the question.
>All of this has happened, and the king lion's share of the spoils have gone to whites
'Whites' are not a uniform bloc. They are divided by class and culture. Most didn't own slaves, hundreds of thousands died in the Civil War, and most of their ancestors didn't even come to the states until after the Civil War. Additionally, did blacks in free states not benefit from slavery or how about the ones that engaged or sold slaves? Given America's desirability by immigrants (European,Asian,African,Hispanic,...) have they not benefit from slavery if America's success can only be attributed to slavery and the multitude of other factors that can be argued?

>> No.12460352

Ok. She owns like five books. Good for her. She also seems hopelessly stupid.

>> No.12460362

b-b-ut dancing and smoking weed in the bathtub!

>> No.12460363

>Things fall apart
>infinite jest

>> No.12460369

Can some Ameriburger please provide some insight into the extent of the support this woman gets? I mean you don't need to have a PhD in Economics to figure out she is economically and politically illiterate, but she seems to ride the 'stop oppression, imperialism, privilege, etc' wave quite successfully so far. I just can't imagine anyone past their mid twenties actually supporting her. What's her demographic?

>> No.12460371

She is being memed really hard by the dems right now, so all of social media is in love with her

>> No.12460374

>She is being memed really hard by the dems right now
no she isn't, are you kidding, the party is trying and absolutely failing to shut her down and regain control of the conversation

>> No.12460376
File: 30 KB, 265x341, 1517867724191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black/ minority American soldiers and reserves have placed their lives on the line for the nation.

>> No.12460377

>the party is trying and absolutely failing to shut her down and regain control of the conversation
what did he mean by this

>> No.12460383

That's just what they want you to think. They know that people want something different and want people to "bust things up" like Trump, but the old school dems can't do it themselves. So they bring in a new person. "oh, however will we stop her?" Meanwhile, she parades their new party line, while getting to the top of reddit, frequently, being all over /pol/ constantly, and constantly talked about on the news. Shilled to excess - it's all propaganda

>> No.12460390

So how big a public is what we see reflected through that segment of social media really? I just can't picture her having much of a political career, not once she gets thrown in with the big boys. She reeks of incompetence even to a middle aged janitor who dropped out of elementary school (not referring to myself).

>> No.12460391

She's like butterfly but 3d

>> No.12460403

she isn't eligible to run for president until 2028
the establishment democrats are not interested in pushing a radical agenda, as it is completely contrary to the desires of their donors and their base of power.
aoc doesn't have anything to lose other than her seat. she doesn't owe anyone anything, unlike pretty much anyone else that's been in the game as long as someone like, say, nancy pelosi.
who do you suppose is pushing her to the fore, and to what end?

>> No.12460409

yeah, okay bugman
the light's on you, skitter off to your hole

>> No.12460411

I don't know, but she is obviously being pushed by someone. We haven't seen this much of a new senator... ever from what I can remember. Frequently on the top of reddit, all over 4chan (invcluding this thread), all over the news, all over facebook. Whoever is behind her, has money. She came out of nowhere and is now in all of our faces - it's odd to me that nobody finds this suspicious

>> No.12460412

Relax buddeh, genuinely want to get some insight into who it is that supports her.

>> No.12460414

adding to this, she is starting to approach hillary or bernie levels of push at the moment

>> No.12460416

But butterfly is more well read and even when she postures through sophistry she's just more competent at being a fraud.

>> No.12460418

That's cuz butterfly in pure form doesn't have 3dpd. It was always going to be the issue with making anime real, and I think that's why Trump hasn't followed through on his election promises for it.

>> No.12460421

>t. butterfly

>> No.12460422

her campaign donations are a matter of public record, as is her personal income history for the past few years
you need to remember that trump paid exactly zero dollars for his media exposure
nor there need to be any conspiracy to support his huge popularity on both reddit and 4chan, as well as countless other forums, comments sections, etc.
buzz can have a way of reverberating back on itself, and building
aoc is popular now because she, like trump, is not falling into any of the traps that are being set for her, and she's built a platform that a lot of people genuinely support

>> No.12460435

Did you copy paste this from rebbit?

>> No.12460440

Trump however, had Mercer and Cambridge Analytica developing effective strategies for targeting the electorate through social media. Much like Obama's campaign paved the way for that tactic. I doubt AOC's strategies are that slick. I think it's more a case of people overestimating her support, because the young online activist types are simply more visible online, but it's unlikely to be an accurate representation of the whole picture.

>> No.12460451
File: 496 KB, 2048x1536, LJsKFfj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want a ride buddy?

>> No.12460454

>ywn lick her armpits after a sunny sweaty ride down the village

>> No.12460458
File: 126 KB, 1080x864, joyce-1080x864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patrician taste

>> No.12460463

la goblina

>> No.12460466

i totally agree
she had a lot of support on the ground, but nothing like the kind of money that would be needed to mount a propaganda campaign on the scale that's being suggested by posters here
she is being given a lot of free media attention, which i think is great
people are talking about her and her policy positions, which i also think is great
there are also people deliberately and maliciously spreading outright falsehoods about her and her support, like the donkey dong in the other thread that claimed goldman sachs was her biggest campaign donor
that is less than great

>> No.12460473

>people are talking about her and her policy positions, which i also think is great

>> No.12460474


>> No.12460481

>its another economic memers trying to find a short cut around supply / demand episode.

>> No.12460490

state power will trump your libertarian jerk-off fantasies every single time, my dude

>> No.12460508

It's hypocritical to chastise 'Whites' yet give Islamic civilizations a pass for its success even though it spread through conquest of various civilizations. Who is 'we'? Certain civilizations you might label as 'White' are not the only group guilty of committing sins or conquest, nor will they be the last. Do the Scots take blame for what the Spanish and Portuguese did in South America? Unless those are not 'white', then do they take blame for what the English may have done? The conquest of Europe by Rome had been influential in spreading ideas and innovations. To ascribe its collective success, which was not uniform, to a sole plague is baseless conjecture and could be ascribable to many other factors. Countless plagues have afflicted different civilizations and often result in a regression due to a loss of social capital. Advances in culture, technology and medicine in the last 100+ years cannot be reduced to electric scooters and veneers. Do I thank Rome for conquering vast regions of Europe? I cannot deny that it was influential nor was it all bad for nothing that has been bestowed in this era emerged out of a vacuum. Poverty in other parts of the world are due to a multitude of factors and are the default state of humans. The factors and historical developments actions that attributable need to be clearly argued rather than through polemics.

>> No.12460511

Affirmative action was set in place soon after general rights were given to black because they didn't want companies to not hire blacks based off the still present racial bias at the time. That shit is over, and just because racism still exists doesn't mean that it is prevalent throughout colleges, companies, and in some 'systemic' form. Now, blacks are benefiting from it more than they should, look at the test scores they need compared to those by whites and asians, look at diversity quotas in the hiring processes. Your entire argument is muh reparations for wars that whites gave more than blacks did.

>> No.12460525

She is not articulate for she dodges all serious questioning of her demagogic platform.

>> No.12460584

Cletus here. Redneck revolt is a fucking joke. No one I know or work with would take that shit seriously. The rich are not my enemy. I make a good wage for honest hard work.

Leftists do not understand us anymore and that is why they have lost us eternally. They think they can change the focus of our communities ex nihilo to their ideology (which, by the way does little to help us). This is why they attack everything around which our communities function: church, family, hunting and (sadly) sports. They think their beautiful ideas should be at the center of it but leftism left the factory floor for the university long ago. We all know that. You should, too.

>> No.12460636

why does she have an oscar?

>> No.12460645

Why are /lit/cels triggered so hard by this woman? Is it because she's actually read the meme books you shill on this board and you haven't?

>> No.12460649

because it was her turn

>> No.12460650

Why do you try to push this line so hard?

>> No.12460660


>> No.12460670

What line? The truth?