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12455382 No.12455382 [Reply] [Original]

>great love for writing as a kid
>get burned out by exams in school, lose love for it
>can't write during college
>fall into some boring office job that sucks all the inspiration out of you
>desperately trying to recover that feeling but stuck in a loop

Who else knows this feel

How do I embrace the D O O M mindset and use it fuel for my journey

>> No.12455391
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>> No.12455403

Read Discipline and Punish

>> No.12455408
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>tfw Foucault

>> No.12455415

Big mood


And to be honest, you gotta just start putting time aside for writing, if that’s what you want to do. You gotta say, “Yo, from 1800 to 1900 is my writing hour, I’m finna spend that hour writing” and then you gotta do it. Sitting around thinking about writing is almost worthless, you gotta sit down and write, even if you’re writing pure shit, because even shitty first drafts are better than non-existant first drafts.

That’s what I’ve been doing. And I hate everything I write and I’m pretty sure it’s all shit. But this time last year I wouldn’t even have been able to justifiably call myself a writer. At least now I can myself a poor but improving writer.

>> No.12455448

Read Kafka

>> No.12455456

OP here

Wrote something short and it relieved the D O O M a little

Maybe I need to do this to keep myself sane, even if it's shit

>> No.12455473

Oh, it’s gonna be shit, you shouldn’t let that bother you. Until you’re literally living off your writing, you need to stop thinking of your writing as “good” and “bad”

It’s not “I wrote something bad today” it’s “I wrote something today”

>> No.12455559

OP, what do you do on your lunch breaks? Do you chat to people..? If not, write on your lunch breaks. Immediately after work, don't go home. Home is where all the shitty habits are. Get yourself in the mood for a coffee, be wanker, and go write in the cafe.

>> No.12455662

At the moment I'm working through lunch errday, it fucking sucks, but it means I can start late

Might do make some coffee and write in the mornings before work.

I used to find my creative period was from about 22:30 - 00:30 or so, but it's not always practical these days after work/gym/training

>Home is where all the shitty habits are. Get yourself in the mood for a coffee, be wanker, and go write in the cafe.

Interesting advice, I might take that up. You're right, home is a tarpit, you just get sucked into doing normal shit as soon as you get in the door

>> No.12456202

Put down words on paper, dude. If it helps you, keep a journal and fill it up whenever you take breaks. Just hope your coworkers don't bother you with questions.

>> No.12456362

Write every day whether you "love" it or not. Or just find another hobby. Reading your post it sounds like whatever you were gonna write would be whiny and mediocre anyway

>> No.12457123


>> No.12457192

I am in a similar situation. I have no more motivation to write because it does not feel like freedom anymore. All the "voices" in my head keep correcting me, asking this, thinking that - it aint the feeling of childs play anymore. Its exactly the opposite. I know love hurts, but... I gotta quit at least for a while to see if it even is love, or just simply me trying to justify my existence to myself.

>> No.12457669

Gotta walk away from time to time. Doubt will follow you job to job poking you with a stick, but when you sit and write it comes at you with a club. Doubt will fuck you if you want to be good too much. It will fuck you into not wanting to be good at anything anymore.

Good luck finding neutral space somewhere.