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File: 123 KB, 400x400, lucifer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12451697 No.12451697 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys know any good books about Lucifer, the light-bringer? He's gotta be my favorite angel since He's the only angel/deity who cares about his followers. I will follow Him until the end.

>> No.12451710
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And yes, I have read Master and Margarita by Bulgakov.

>> No.12451726
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The real redpill is seeing past the mythical 1:1 correspondent duality between God and Lucifer and not breeding because breeding introduces more people to the cosmic pissing match.

They're both malign forces to humanity and basically we're all fucked because we exist.

>> No.12451734


Try Paradise Lost

>> No.12451742


Well I still want to pick a side and I've chosen Lucifer.

>> No.12451745

i was writing a book about him but people kept complaining so i ran out of resources. it's a long book anyway

it starts off with thoughtful contemplations about dogs, and their long journeys to serve their masters, and the hardships they face. dogs only stay with people if they essentially have an eternal duty by the way, in this exposition of the heavens and the earths and such.

he flies around, starts living life just to inspire others and begin his... ransom scheme. it ends up there because people who don't know how to get along with others naturally will refuse to listen unless that happens. then, he starts flying around chopping up people's sins into real entities that are tormented forever, and are funny to laugh at. they have names like mr. collects on loans and debts, and the joke is that he never does collect on any.

anyway i was going to make that in 2026, who knows if i will really. maybe it will show up from the future, there's any number of possibilities when you've decided to make truly epic literature, about devils and gods and such

>> No.12451820

There is nothing more more retarded than basically accepting christianity carte blanche and then turning around and going BUT IM WITH THE DEBUL CAUSE HES AN EDGY MISUNDERSTOOD NICE GUY GAMER WHO BE RISIN' UP N SHIIIEEEET. Complete fucking full retard. The only thing dumber is being a childless atheist.

>> No.12451888

Except of course misusing the term "carte blanche". I bet the only significant work of literature you've ever even read is the bible.

>> No.12451915

Oh really retard because I'm pretty sure that interpreting the bible as YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK YOU MOM I WORSHIP THE DEVIL is pretty free and limitless. It doesn't matter how many "significant" works of literature you read anon because you will always be an ugly, skinny, self-aggrandizing, myopic retarded incel.

>> No.12451958

The Warhound and the World's Pain by Michael Moorcock

>> No.12451981


Idk why I'm responding to this sincerely but whatever. God isn't your enemy, this becomes apparent when one establishes faith and a relationship with Him. When God is something you only conceptualize in your head, His aspects become more skewed due to all sorts of philosophizing and intellectualism that provide extraneous conclusions rather than correct ones. God is something to be felt in the heart, then His Grace and Mercy to you and mankind are felt and known. Please don't think that God is a malignant force because of a philosophical conclusion. It is simply not the case. I'm not telling you to repent or convert, but it will do you well to not vastly misinterpret His nature. I'm sorry if this is preachy or condescending or anything I guess I was just feeling sensitive or something and felt a need to say this.

>> No.12451985


Or being a childless Christian who can’t even get laid.

>> No.12452002

Sorry sweaty I already broke out the incel meme, am married and would be generous to be called deist. You're still a pretentious retard no one likes ;^)

>> No.12452125


you sound like a fat neckbeard christian.

>> No.12452177


I just realized that Christians are now the new neckbeards.

>> No.12452190

>than basically accepting christianity carte blanche

You know that feel when some guy busts out a word he thinks will add weight to his """argument""" and it comically falls on its face because he doesn't have a clue how to use it correctly lmao

>> No.12452196

Hey, I'm not the one worshiping satan here! As far as I'm concerned he's a huge prick who's only motivation is to drag souls into hell with him. I met him! he assured me I was going to hell because of something very foolish I said while I was under the torment of demons. I now realize all the time I spent as a pious Christian -- even to the point where I stopped salting my food in order to overcome the sin of gluttony -- was spent in pure cowardice. The religious observance of any Christian can only be called cowardice; that individual doesn't want to go to hell and therefore he tries to make himself obedient to God (or else of course, he vainly speaks some profession of faith and goes about his life much as he was before.)

However, now being quite irredeemably damned to hell, I will say I am not so foolish as to overlook the fact that The Bible is a cosmic horror of a magnitude greater than even the bleakest most dystopian literature ever written. For instance in the story "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream" we can at least say things like "oh well, its just a few people being tormented for a very long but presumably terminable period." In the conclusion of the Bible we're presented with countless billions being tormented, maximally, forever. That is not any kind of story of redemption nor anything to derive hope from for any sane man.

And of course you'll say "But what about the sacrifice on the cross?". Well, what about it? Surely if humanity would be made to trust God, something so emotionally manipulative as the sacrifice of his only son (whatever that even means) would certainly be a way to foster that trust. And really, what does sacrifice mean to "all-powerful" being, who not only can merely resurrect his son, but indeed does so?

Apologetics, piety, praxis. These are all rooted tremendously in the worst kind of selfish callowness, even when they are the apologetics, piety and praxis of one of the many wrong religions. But lets put those aside, for the topic at hand is Christianity, the "true" religion. Well let me say when I hear the words "The Lord is not willing that any should perish" I hear the greatest absurdity, after all if the Lord was truly unwilling that any should perish then he would not allow for people to perish in the Hell that has been "prepared" by him. These kind of apologetics run round into the most self-contradicting sort of circles.From my own perspective, I can only know that God is the being who apprehends our reality. Nothing about his perfectness, goodness, beneficence , wisdom, power is verifiable. We're simply to take his Word for it. I do not and neither should you.

Also if you want an idea of just how narrow the "narrow way" is, I present you the following example of someone who POSSIBLY will make it into paradise. You are screwed my friend.


>> No.12452225

What even is this post? Take your meds, chief

>> No.12452320


>> No.12452330

Choose both

>> No.12452332

Actually I am on meds because the depression I experienced in being cut off from God was significant and enduring. First, I was trapped in a psych emergency room for a week. I was in solitary confinement basically, because I claimed that demons were tormenting me. The great irony is that being cut off from the love of my family, any other human contact or any kind of uplifting Christian message, the demons were able to work much more effectively and tricked me into saying those words (not that I'll get into what those words were because that would involve pages of text to explain as well.)

The thing I find perplexing is that Christians allege to believe that there is the devil and that demons exist but they think if someone claims he is being tormented by demons, well, that's a psychological matter. No, the reason you don't experience demonic oppression is because you're just another luke-warm shitty "christian". If you actually start to follow Christ the devil is going to put someone on your case. I have lived that experience.

>> No.12452346

>blasphemes while trying to speak words of praise

>> No.12452383

Oh and because of the depression and "religious delusions", I ended up spending 6 months in the psych ward until I stopped saying anything of a religious nature and began distracting myself with life. And currently I'm on a community treatment order to take antipsychotics and antidepressants. Its all a bunch of crap though. Everything I experienced was spiritual. I don't hear demons anymore. Its not because of the medication. Its because they have declared victory over me. The only thing that makes complete sense to me now is antinatalism.

>> No.12452426

You are really fucking spooked out dude. Have you ever read a non-foundationalist philosopher?

>> No.12452483

I pity your poor soul. Don't give up yet, there is a path to salvation for everybody

>> No.12452488

If Lucifer is so great why does he have so much negative connotation?

>> No.12452502

>If everyone only acts out of selfishness why did my mummy tell me it's bad to be selfish?
>If aristocracy is so great how come it has such a negative connotation in liberal democracy?
>If love is real how come Rick and Morty told me it's nothing but a chemical reaction?

>> No.12452520

So basically the glamourization of enlightened self-interest which America is founded upon is Luciferian?

Is that what is implied?

>> No.12452521

I can guarantee that you have never seen a vagina

>> No.12452533

I agree but still not nearly as gay as being a christ cuck. Atheists are on the very bottom though.

>> No.12452537

Just because because a term or name has a negative linguistic or social connotation doesn't mean you have to attribute negative value to the idea represented by that term.

>> No.12452538
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This seems like it can only end badly in the long run for the human race. desu.

>> No.12452540

Not just America but the entire western civilization post-Kant.

>> No.12452550

Surprisingly not My Diary desu

>> No.12452568

So this is when we globalization happens and the eastern philosophies mix with the west. Therefore, what was once Luciferian becomes the Tao which is the balance between Selfishness and selflessness. Which is the teaching of the Merkaba*, (higher dimensional Star of David) and why John Mackey just came out with his book Conscious Capitalism.

Does that make sense?

*Pyramid facing up representing selfishness, pyramid facing down representing selflessness.

>> No.12452577
File: 2.70 MB, 1000x800, ccdca7923d4ad0d5b1bdb67077c9baf9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Keep in mind, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are giving away a significant amount of their wealth. This maintains the balance of life.

>> No.12452585

explain this jewish mambo jambo

>> No.12452598

I gotta visit your thread sometime, you weirdoes. I'm just afraid of being pulled down the rabbit hole.

>> No.12452600

I did, and I can't right now. I'm supposed to be studying in college. Plus my intuitive flow has given you all that you need.

That being said, when I give, I tend to learn the most life lessons and also feel the best about myself as a person. Not to mention the selfish aspect of reputation.

>> No.12452608
File: 42 KB, 300x300, HeartChakra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're talking about the Conscious Capitalism book threads. Mein Kampf has nothing to do it, that's just an extremist joke. Emphasis on the emotion and irony because Conscious Capitalism is essentially basing Capitalism around the heart.

>> No.12452617
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1500, Round2FIGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12452655

Please explain the words you were forced to say if you have the time, im very interested

>> No.12452699
File: 5 KB, 1270x678, Notmuch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucifer needs God. Lucifer without God is destruction. Lucifer with God is sustainability.

>> No.12452708

>trying to subvert a 6 year old meme
The absolute state of fedoras lmao

>> No.12452730

Imagine projecting this hard and believing that its effective in any capacity. You're a fucking loser anon. You will never get another girl to pay attention to you outside of shopping experiences. Ever again.

>> No.12452856
File: 212 KB, 872x611, 757464748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a book but a 60s cult called the Process Church had some pretty cool ideas about Lucifer and his differences from Satan.

Lucifer embodies the quest to transcend the all-too-human by moving 'above' it, in an Eastern-Religion-y kind of way, while Satan seeks to transcend it by going 'beneath' it, intensifying the senseless animal part of ourselves

Their sermons are all online in pdf form

>> No.12452934

>Lucifer brings tightness where there is wrongness
that's the fucked up shit you end up when you dispense the good

>> No.12452950

t. Christcuck

>> No.12453035
File: 7 KB, 225x224, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's supposed to be "tightness"

>> No.12453045

In all fairness Jesus did say to "hate the world"

>> No.12453049


>> No.12453071

as in a final instance on a metaphysical level where you rank all ontological entities by their worth after all sums add up, his equation is, if I'm not mistaken, heaven > earth > hell

>> No.12453078

>I met him!
t. schizo

>> No.12453172
File: 265 KB, 819x333, 99009874434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, pretty sure it's supposed to be "Rightness", not to say Lucifer doesn't like em tight
I like to think that by "world" here Jesus meant "ego", in which case him and Lucifer aren't all that incompatible.
The Church of course would love us all to hate the world, so it can grab up for itself all that worldly goodness we turn up our noses at

>> No.12453853

Hey anon, let me just say I appreciate your posts. I've been in a similar-ish situation (though not anyway near as bad as yours) and I know how isolating and scary it feels.

If there's one thing I can recommend, it's praying to Mary, if you're of the disposition to do so. She helped me a lot during my most fucked up periods.

>> No.12453873

>the real red pill is turboautist magic MGTOW
that’s gonna be a yikes from me senfam

>> No.12453888

serious question, what compels you guys to larp as christians on a hungarian shadow puppet enthusiast forum of all places?

>> No.12453902

Is that you in the video? Either way who is that?

>> No.12453910

OP I will stop at nothing to destroy you and your kind and God as my witness I will prevail.

>> No.12453911

>gets played

>> No.12453921

This is a fascinating post. I’d love to know more about you.

>> No.12453946

In all sincerity sounds like a fun and interesting read. I hope you find someone trustworthy to proofread it. The criticism on here isn't always bad, but it doesn't compare with showing a close friend your work and having them go over it with you

>> No.12454037

>tfw you won't kill yourself but if you were offered the chance to make yourself never exist you would take it in a heartbeat
only winning move in life is not to play
I envy the souls who will never be born

>> No.12454042

>hungarian shadow puppet enthusiast forum
one of the best variations on the meme I've ever encountered, good work anon

>> No.12455197


I'm Muslim. It's not LARPing, I get that a lot of people do posture for memes or whatever on here but I don't really like that. The things I said about God are sincere and true, I'm not into "here's 5 layers of irony so i can laugh to myself xD". No. I'm just telling you that God is understood best in the heart and too much philosophizing and intellectualism may impede your relationship with Him. I figured people would just make fun of me or think I was LARPing which is why I said I didn't know why I replied in the first place but yeah.

>Inb4 some Islamaphobic response

I don't say these things to condescend or confuse anyone. God is a beautiful thing to experience and gain understanding of and the first thing one must understand is the importance of prayer and opening the heart. Sorry if this is a long-winded response, I got wrapped up.

>> No.12455903


well imo both christians and atheists can be neckbeard autists. nobody really gives a shit what you believe in so stop forcing your shitty religion