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12450823 No.12450823[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we save the Western civilization from angry racist incels?

>> No.12450838

How do we save lit from constant American political bullshit? Doesn’t seem possible, honestly.

>> No.12450842

>guys please pay attention to me

fuck off

>> No.12450843

We delete cuck porn from the internet

>> No.12450844

suck 'um off and educate them while diversifying their experiences. If that doesn't work, it's over.

>> No.12450851

wtf does this have to do with anything

>> No.12450858

Reminder that 99% of political threads, this one included, are off topic and belong on the politics board (>>>/pol/)

>> No.12450868

No, they belong on reddit.

>> No.12450869
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By reintroducing arranged marriages and abolishing no fault-divorce.

>> No.12450874

By not overstating their influence on political culture by making threads like this

>> No.12450879
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>> No.12450883

>Contributing anything except degeneracy.

>> No.12450887
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Heyo, what's the difference!

>> No.12450890

by nuking america and wiping out every single /pol/ baiting mutt like you

>> No.12450898

Ah yes, people just love to post online to get ignored.
OP posted mild bait, sure but that's the absolute most retarded often-used reply on the internet.

>> No.12450929

Stop paying attention to them and making bait thread for starters. You think neolibs actually give a shit about these dudes and not just pump them up for the spectacle of it? Cmon now

>> No.12450948

By empathizing with them and taking incels and applying literary analysis to their folk-texts.


>> No.12450955


I think forgiveness is the more simplified (and less confrontational) version of the latter.

>> No.12450957

>people replying to this thread unironically
holy reddit

>> No.12450959
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state assigned asian gfs

>> No.12450973

Of all the political events you could shitpost about, why has this mundane shit got so much attention?

>> No.12450976

Just wait til actual conversations start here and not just le trollololo shit post.

That'll be the golden era of 4chan.

>> No.12450982

>incel folk texts
what is this even supposed to mean? They’re not a coherent group of people there are incels in every male population on earth, there are incel married men and men with high ses

>> No.12450996

uhh sweatie, this is 4channel
run off to your little incel site kthx

>> No.12451014

When everything is as over sensationalized as it is in all forms of media the most mundane stick out more than ever.

>> No.12451022

This is the answer

>> No.12451033

am i an incel if i'm a virgin in my late 20s, but i tried tinder once and a girl offered to have sex with me but I declined

>> No.12451034
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And yet you replied to his post.
You are everything wrong with "fourchannel" today.
Please commit sudoku.

>> No.12451047

Yes. Incels are incapable of copulating emotionally, psychologically, socially or physically (usually all of the aforementioned factor in). You can be incel and have a partner if they cuck you and deny sex, though that is more just being beta. It doesn’t matter if you are offered sex, that just means you aren’t facecel (more than likely).

>> No.12451049

Youre a big dick volcel baby

>> No.12451059

>he doesn't know what saging is
you should hang out, or "lurk" as us "old faggots" call it, for at least 45 minutes before posting

>> No.12451066
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we should lock them all up in outdoor , highly populated campsites. We could call them concentration camps.
They would have the choice of spending the rest of their life in the sites playing vidya, watching anime and masturbating to HQ pornography, or they can choose to be sterilised and forced to attend mandatory "man the fuck up" classes after which they can reintegrate into society. Either way we'd remove these beta faggots from the gene pool

>> No.12451071

Ethan, is that you?

>> No.12451078

Yes, it is me, Ethan. I've never said this before, but I think I'm in love with you and want you to plunder my ass after class today.

>> No.12451083


>> No.12451086

No, it's me Brayden.

>> No.12451111
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How do you think Rome was founded you dummy? Angry racists hungry for poon are the bedrock of western civilization, and that's a good thing

>> No.12451124
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I oft wonder: do the people who start these threads actually read books? Do they come here just for the political "discourse"?

>> No.12451134

nah Rome was founded with the wolf n romulus n shit... damn how that shit go

>> No.12451152

>wondering if someone on /lit/ reads a book
why? you already know the answer.

>> No.12451211
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end capitalism

>> No.12451255

it was founded when a bunch of angry incels raided a neighboring tribe and stole their women, the rape of the sabines

>> No.12451262

I'm an American and I completely concur. I wish our politics could just be canceled, deleted, uninstalled.
Eventually things will level out and stop being so sloppy, I hope.

>> No.12451275

>tfw not even that racist but find racism pretty funny

Maybe thats my "privelege" but hokey liberal humor sucks and lefty humor is meh. Absurdist twitter shit is lame too. Idk man

>> No.12451284
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>Western sivilization is monkhood fantasies of impropriety
koan yourself a meme and vilify them, thereby making them somehow appealing to the opposite sex? Not that that would work.

>> No.12451305

Repeated, massive, mind altering doses of LSD. We must have the accelerated change that we all seek.
Failing that, assassination is the only cure.

>> No.12451320

>praying to JimJonesbot9000
such a mythic state bro