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12450590 No.12450590[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>is over 18
>isn't a Kantian

>> No.12450826

do you think you're special for accepting Kant?
literally everyone in the modern day is a Kantian whether they realize it or not.

>> No.12450839

>is under 18
>continues to post threads like this

>> No.12451094

>is over 18
>hasn't grown out of his "philosophical" phase to becoming a well-valued and high-functioning member of society
Face it, your intellectual praxis is totally fucking redundant if you can't even flip a burger right.

>> No.12451110
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>is over 20
>is a virgin

>> No.12451141

t. College sophomore

>> No.12451157
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>isn't a Kierkegaardian

>> No.12451162

Have you achieved "komfort and fashion," then? The English-spirited mediocre types will be jealous.

>> No.12451194
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>tfw 22
>tfw always had girls interested in me throughout school
>tfw always was oblivious until it was too late or sperged too hard and fucked it up
>tfw out of school
>tfw have no idea how to meet girls anymore

>> No.12451215

>what is tinder
>what is bumble
I don't know if you're looking for romance or just a quick fuck, but the fact that dating apps make it so explicit that you both are attracted to each other takes a lot of weight off your shoulders

>> No.12451250

Neither of those are any good for dating

>> No.12451291

excuse the anecdotal evidence but I know a girl who has only had relationships through tinder simply because she hates the pressure and uncertainty of trying to work out whether someone likes your or not in real life. So they can be, if you're the kind of person that is completely incapable of approaching someone in person

>> No.12451294

I don't get any matches on Bumble at all and none of my matches ever respond to me on Tinder. I don't have pictures of myself doing a handstand on a gold jet-ski in Tahiti while drinking ciroc off of my washboard abs, I'm not going to be able to compete on these picture-based apps.

>> No.12451330

What do I do to my profile to attract girls like this? I don't want anything to do with Tinder thots who sleep with some random guy every weekend, I literally just want to look for actual dates.

>> No.12451341

>tfw 25
>tfw Lovecraftian

>> No.12451359

>being "Into" philosophy
read spengler you bugman

>> No.12451386

Jesus Christ, begone, you fucking p-zombie.

>> No.12451395

Imagine taking pride in being read wanting to be an intellectual.
Your IQ might be huge til it's leaking out your spine when I hit you with a rock

>> No.12451428

Lol get fucked incel.

Seriously, all you need are some decent pics which show some """personality""". Pose with a guitar or something or play out your non-autistic hobbies.

>> No.12451430

No topless pictures, no selfies (unless its with a dog), be honest about what you're looking for on tinder and don't waste your swipes on obvious thots when you could be swiping on women who actually deserve it, even if they aren't the best looking. Avoid any girl with an excessive pout, excessive cleavage, excessive filter usage, if their bio says "no manlets", that they love to travel or references their astrological sign. Swipe right on girls who like anime and whose photos hide more than they give away

>> No.12451451

>Swipe right on girls who like anime
>Swipe right on femcel sterilization candidates
Holy fuck awful advice my dude

>> No.12451465

He wanted a relationship, not a thot. given that 90% of girls on tinder just want to fuck, you have to take some extreme measures to find the ones who are actually looking for love

>> No.12451474

>incoherent strawman
Kek, unironically an actual NPC.

>> No.12451489

It seems, then, one ought not to look for love on Tinder.

>> No.12451491

My hobbies are fishing and surfing, they're not exactly social hobbies that I could easily take a picture of. Right now my pictures are a selfie, a funny picture of me with my friends at a party, a picture of me in nice clothes when I graduated college, a picture of my dog, and a picture I took of a locally famous concert venue I go to a lot but I'm not actually in the photo because I don't really take pictures of myself candidly. What do I change?

I think my profile is already fucked, I know the app puts your profile at the bottom of the stack once you get left swiped too many times and I've just swiped right on anything not fat or black because everyone has told me its a numbers game. Is it fine to only have like 3 pictures then if I can't have any selfies other than a dog picture? And what do I put in my bio?

>> No.12451495

>is over 18
>isn't a postmodern neomarxist

>> No.12451506

Sorry, what was that? I'm sure it was a very profound philosophical point, but I simply couldn't hear you over the sound of you making me my blended soya frappaccino.

>> No.12451517

just go out to a bar lmao
I'm a total asocial sperg and 20 minutes in I already was making out with some teenage girl

>> No.12451546

I go to bars every weekend but I don't really understand how you meet new people there. I go out with my friends and we hang out and it seems like everyone else there is all hanging out with their own group of people. I think I talked to a couple random girls at a bar once in the summer and it was super awkward, they turned out to be like 30 and entirely uninterested.

>> No.12451568
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>I'm a Peirceian

>> No.12451577

just start up a conversation - realise that they're probably for the same reason that you are. If they're not interested it's gonna be immediately obvious, so try to make a good impression

>> No.12451621

What do you mean? Am I supposed to just butte into other people's conversations? That sounds autistic as fuck dude. I've never seen someone at a bar alone, they're always in groups talking with the people they came there with just like I am.

>> No.12451637

Socializing is autistic now? If those people didn't want to meet new people, they would have stayed at home. Every girl I met at a bar was there with some girlfriends.

>> No.12451667

I mean I've been with people at a bar who have tried stuff like that and it's always cringey as fuck. The girls are there having their own conversation about whatever the fuck and you butte in saying some stupid shit and they get pissy and defensive because you're ruining their conversation and jamming yourself into their group. It always looks so forced.

>> No.12451689

>I've never seen someone at a bar alone
What kind of fucking oversocialized yuppie containment subsection of New York city do you live in?

>> No.12451692

>It always looks so forced.
It looks forced because that is the paradigm that broads have established. Every ice-breaker is a shit test.
>The girls are there having their own conversation about whatever the fuck
Generally, broads are only at the bar because they are hunting. Just because they rejected someone does not negate the fact that they were hunting.

>> No.12451702

I don't know where you live, I'm in Russia and every time the girls are open and friendly, and I'm far from being a chad

>> No.12451722

Central New Jersey

But then what incentive do I have to talk to them if they're just going to act like bitches the whole time? I don't want to spend hours talking to someone who doesn't want to talk to me. Where do I find girls like the ones in college who were nice to me, I was just too oblivious to realize why?

I mean girls that I know after the fact that were into me that I met in places like apartment parties or classes or clubs were always super nice, but girls in bars are cold and bitchy.

>> No.12451751

>But then what incentive do I have to talk to them if they're just going to act like bitches the whole time?
The vagina. That's how this shit works. Accept it, turn gay, or join us in the hermitage.

>> No.12451758

You americans are weirdos!

>> No.12451810

>Where do I find girls like the ones in college who were nice?
Not at bars. Rarely does this work well. You need to find them on some common ground. College was your opportunity and you blew it so, now, you need to find a new common ground. Find something at which you excel. Find some kind of a group activity where you can engage in this behavior with others. Let it organically happen. It's work.

>> No.12451811

That's not "how things work", I've only found this kind of attitude in bars and it's because you're acting like a sperg butting into other people's shit when you're clearly not welcome. This exchange has been entirely unhelpful and your attitude is the opposite of the one I'm trying to garner.

>> No.12451824

What are examples of group activities where this kind of thing could happen? I used to do MMA and like I said I surf and fish, but none of these things are things where I'm going to find women.

>> No.12451862

>but none of these things are things where I'm going to find women.
You won't find many in those, but you will find some, and you only need one. The broad does not need to want to do MMA, surf, or fish - she just needs to have the proclivity towards a dude that does. I am already starting to get the smell for the broads that you find near the water when it's cold. The cold will filter the spoiled princesses. Most of what remains are probably keepers. Look for the filters like this. You do not want the broads that require everything to be manicured for them.

>> No.12451874

And above all, you don't want to be as artistically creepy as this poster and refer to other human beings as "broads"

>> No.12451913

>Ayy lmao - what's a broad like you doing in a place like this?
Call them what you will - I am not reccing that you speak to them like my greentext. My advice is solid and you know it.

>> No.12451918

I know it only takes one but I haven't met any girls through any of these activities which is why I think I need to find something else that I like that's maybe a little more group oriented.

>> No.12451928

>not immediately establishing dominance by referring to the broad you are going to throatfuck as "broad" and "sweet-cheeks" to her face from the get go
don't listen to this fag, he'll never fuck dames that are dimes, only dogfaced battle-axes. broads love confidence. just don't pussy out

>> No.12451943

confidence does not equal disdain that you show, alphaboy.

>> No.12451956

>OP is about mocking anyone who isn't a kantian
>thread derails into tinder advice and how to pick up chicks
Hume would've been proud

>> No.12451987

>maybe a little more group oriented.
I know. Pickings will be slim. Maybe walk the area and see what interests you. Do not join something that you dislike just because of a high density of broads. That is a recipe for disaster. If you are not having a good time then they will not want to be near you. Literally walk your area, talk to people, and look ate bulletin boards. Take an extra part time job for a while even if for shit pay just to get mixed with people.

>> No.12452039

I am the cancer that killed Hume.

>> No.12452097

Doesn’t Trenton have a club you can go to on the river? Last time I was there it was filled with spics and niggers tho

>> No.12452103

I live in a beachtown suburb and it's the winter, there's not exactly a lot of walking or bulletin boards around.

>> No.12452116

Trenton's full of niggers, why would you ever go there. I live by Asbury Park, Red Bank, and Seaside where all the Jew Yorkers and guidos go in the summer.

>> No.12452149

>Central NJ
Sheeeiiitt! I missed that. Winter up there is such a bitch that it is noted in military history. I am a temperate weather fag so you need advice on cold weather activity from others. Anyways, stand fast. Best of luck to you.

>> No.12452157

Enjoy your promiscuous rotted pork loin of a woman.

>> No.12452178

They call it "cuffing season" for a reason. I'm pretty much willing to guarantee that any even marginally eligible woman you meet now will be in a relationship, simply because it's winter. I'm a Syracusefag and this has been my lifelong experience. Save your money and libidinous energy for a warmer time of year.

>> No.12452269
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>mfw people care about sex

>> No.12452646

I guess. People always tell me what a great area it is but it's never helped me.

What the fuck is "cuffing season"?

If I just wanted sex I'd just fuck blacks and fats from Tinder, I want a relationship with an at least avg looking girl who's not a whore.

>> No.12452654

Like handcuffs. Its a name for the time of year when people start forming couples relationships. I think it's supposed to be in Autumn?

>> No.12452665

Is that a thing? I've never noticed anything like that, the few friends and coworkers I know who aren't single seem to always meet their girls in the summer.

>> No.12452672

Just because you are gay doesn't mean we all are. Some of us are attracted to women here.

>> No.12452683
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>tfw all my relationships have started in autumn
h-have I just been a predictable servant of globohomocorp all along?

>> No.12452700

I just looked it up and its supposed to be October to March. The principle seems to be that when it gets cold outside people don't want to play the field so they form monogamous couples, in part, to avoid leaving their homes.

Sounds like bunk to me, but that's supposedly what it is.

>> No.12452704

I kant read

>> No.12452771

Attraction to women is the gayest thing there is. Imagine being turned on by a person's ass.

>b-but it's a different shape than a mans ass s-so it's not gay

Disgusting. Reproduction is for niggers and niggers are gay.

>> No.12453017

philosophy copelets of /lit/ BTFO

t. incel weeb

>> No.12453024

autism: the post

>> No.12453051

It's not a solid rule for the entire Northeast, only my experience as a Syarcusan. Of course, women out with their girlfriends at bars and that sort of thing aren't likely to have boyfriends any time of the year. But women you meet at work, through hobbies and other things that aren't explicitly or implicitly related to sex or romance, will all be in relationships except for the femcels. Maybe it's a quirk of Syracuse, because there are so few attractive women here, I don't know, I've never lived in Central Jersey. The only way for you to confirm or refute my advice is to go out there and try to meet worthwhile women outside of bars and like locations.

>> No.12453383

/pol/tards literally believe people's bodies start rotting when they have sex

It's not a meme, they think it's biologically true. What a sack of fucking illiterate retards that board is