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/lit/ - Literature

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12450215 No.12450215[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>that scene in Blood Meridian when the Injuns think the whites don’t have any gunpowder left

Turns out they were wrong

>> No.12450221

based /pol/ spammer
get all these lefty/pol/ faggots the fuck out of here

>> No.12450233
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resemblance is uncanny

>> No.12450265

did u see the black hebrew israelites were there trolling everyone (DAS RITE!) u should watch the whole video as recorded on cellphone not as recorded by that professional leftist activist's camera crew lol

>> No.12450271

>they both have a face
>also the nose is similar from that angle
woah... drumpftards btfo, I guess I'm a #cruzmissile now

>> No.12450274

Sperg-tastic post.

>> No.12450278
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Are you saying the Holocaust was a joke?

>> No.12450279

>takes right wing meme
>puts maga hat on it
so this is the creative power of the left i've heard so much about

>> No.12450285

I’m trying to find a ‘la creatura’ meme that has the proper perspective for the redskin but unfortunately most of the profile ones are facing the wrong direction to match with the OP pic.

>> No.12450286

Hang yourself you fuckign spastic!

>> No.12450290

You should've included this sperg's poem in the op

>> No.12450291

I would have loved to be there and beat the shit out of this punk ass kid. I'm out of patience. This kid needs a good beating to learn what's good.

>> No.12450292
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>> No.12450295

Damn.. The 'tism jumped out

>> No.12450298

So really it was the black peoples fault kek

>> No.12450300

How many more threads have you got to make ?

>> No.12450302
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>b-but I'm not the one controlled by ideology

>> No.12450307

>smile awkwardly while some weird dude plays the drums in front of your face
worse than satan

>> No.12450309

>some dude singing in front of some kid
>kids just smirking
>everyone in background laughing taking snapchats

>> No.12450313

None of you homos came to my thread


>> No.12450314

you can flip images with MS Paint

>> No.12450315
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look at all the butthurt replies to this post. god's work anon.

>> No.12450318

this thread is about a book, politics are not allowed anon

>> No.12450320

more anti-catholic hatred being stirred up by the democrat party and the mainstream media

>> No.12450322

this is suprisingly effective bait

>> No.12450328

I’m going to celebrate for a while, whites haven’t BTFO non whites this hard since Nagasaki
I was seething all weekend
Now on Martin Luther King Day the press is finally starting to let out the whole story

>> No.12450331

based radical centrist

>> No.12450333

Don't play dumb. You know what that piece of shit is doing. Wearing that hat and acting like a spoiled rich shit is asking to get beaten and get what? I'm up for the job. That pathetic little boy wouldn't stand 10 seconds on his feet. Too bad I don't care about honor anymore and I will beat him in the ground too.

>> No.12450336

even the nytimes had to run a story admitting it was fake news this morning lmao

>> No.12450340


>> No.12450341

I also like to fantasise about beating up 15 year olds. Makes me feel powerful, like a big boy.

>> No.12450342

this is suprisingly ineffective bait

>> No.12450345

go ahead

the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church

>> No.12450350

>tfw everyone is an npc

>> No.12450355

Has the zoomer menace finally made the millenial basedboy realize that child beating was/is indeed correct

>> No.12450359

It's on him for acting all tough when he's a privileged kid. It will be good for him. It's a lesson he needs to learn the time is due. Once he mature he would be grateful for the rest of his life.

>> No.12450364

did sam hyde write this post

>> No.12450367

What martyr? Remember when your boy Spencer got punched and he became a joke to everyone? If I had been there this kid would have become an even bigger joke.

>> No.12450373

the real NPC move is thinking you aren't an NPC

>> No.12450375

>comparing christians marching to save the unborn with nazis

the left has really lost touch with reality

>> No.12450378

The boy does need a wake-up slap for supporting someone who turned out to be a standard Republican.
Maybe it could even start a democratic revolution in the US.

>> No.12450384

>takes wojak
>puts a smiley face into it
Based creative redditor.

>> No.12450386

He was a joke to everyone before that though. Sucker punches are weak anyway no matter who it is

>> No.12450387

>the left
reddit is over there, pal

>> No.12450388

>trump isn't actually hitler
>trump is just a regular politician!

ohhh now u tell me!

>> No.12450390

lmao keep talking about books you retards because you dont have a clue about politics, none of you

>> No.12450393

>literature board
Report and sage

>> No.12450396

he got sucker punch and didn't get knocked out or even dropped, either the puncher had too much onions or spencer got a rock chin

>> No.12450397

>implying I would sucker punch this kid
Fuck. I would even let him throw the first punch. That way he can't cry victim once I'm finished beating the shit out him until he passes out.

>> No.12450400

pretty sure everyone in these threads just false flags

>> No.12450401

The politically possessed are little more than mindless automatons spreading the word of their gods. It's like the cordyceps fungus which infects ants and controls their movements by hijacking their senses and desires, forcing them to climb to a high spot before the fungus bursts out of their heads and scatters it's spores onto as large an area as possible. Ideology does the same thing, burying deep into to person's mind and fundamentally altering the frames upon which they see the world. Then, like the poor ant, they move to a particular hobby or interest and the political ideology within them bursts out, infesting their interpretation and comments on everything. Little can be done about it, as not even they are in control.

>> No.12450403

>regular *American* "politician"

You don't have politics in America, you have some elites larping as "left" and "right" while filling your country with brown people.

>> No.12450404

wow watch out everybody we got a politics expert here!

>> No.12450405

i think the conclusion that can be drawn from the events of the last couple of years is that democracy was a failed experiment and that we should return to monarchism

>> No.12450406

guess you could call me that
>I read nrx blogs

>> No.12450408

they're not npcs, they're pcs larping

>> No.12450409

I mean if that meme is true the puncher was a literal shit eating cuckold so it isnt surprising.
Damn cant wait to shout worldstar at this RACIST 15 YEAR GETS BEATDOWN FROM BIG DICK LIBBOI

>> No.12450411

Of course, but the few real takes are embarrassing.

>> No.12450413
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neither democracy nor monarchism are a match for true meritocracy-bureaucracy.

>> No.12450415

>meme irl shitpost group unaffiliated with native demonstration calls some faggoty sperglord crackers faggoty sperglord crackers
>this clearly justifies these smug 15 IQ cul-de-sac dwelling shits fornite dancing on indian graves

>> No.12450417
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this thread is peak meta

>> No.12450422

>two people being retards on the street
>burger """"politics""""

>> No.12450425

“Hack away”

>> No.12450430
File: 604 KB, 582x785, 1548093263381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catholics have always been problematic

>> No.12450432

>complaining about immigrant kids bantering with a "native" (we're all just people, you know)
whoa, intolerant as fuck

>> No.12450433 [DELETED] 

hey does anyone know what kind of video camera that native elder's camera crew were using? i couldn't see it well enough to get the make and model in the catholic kids grainy cell phone videos, but judging from the quality of the video on cnn and nbc it was really nice, thinking about copping one if i can find out what it is

>> No.12450445

thats a bad look

>> No.12450447

exactly, just because those kids are legal immigrants doesn't make them less of valuable contributors to america than someone who ran across the border in the dark of night with a backpack full of fentanyl, no person is illegal!

>> No.12450452

It's politics the moment you fight a battle over it, dummy.

>> No.12450454
File: 199 KB, 376x302, laff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>team colors are black and white
>people paint their faces in... black and white !!!
>these aren't even the covington catholic school colors so this is clearly a photo of another school

>> No.12450455

all of the players are wearing black tho, so what is the context? haven't you learned by now that the more you spread fakenews the more people walk away from the dems?

>> No.12450458

The United States is a regressive shit hole and needs to be nuked into radioactive glass.

>> No.12450462

winnie the poo, free tibet, multi-part democracy *moon runes*

>> No.12450463
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We need to unironically make the Turner Diaries real

>> No.12450467

all news are fake news, you just interpret things whatever makes you feel better

>> No.12450480

I hate few things with the fervour with which I hate the American people.

>> No.12450481

no. Alex Jones is real news. he tells me the truth.

>> No.12450493

Absolute yikes. Don't play coy and pretend you aren't some flavor of nihilistic collectivist faggot anon. None of your autistic incel philosophers mean anything to anyone but other autistic incels, like you.

>> No.12450504

Which begs the question why the fuck you’re posting this on the literature board, you one-track mind midwit.

>> No.12450511

because I like to talk about books with my friends on /lit/

>> No.12450515

>implying this thread is even tangentially related to books.
People like you are the reason this board is on life-support.

>> No.12450520
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>> No.12450530

>people who like to talk about books are the reason /lit/ sucks

makes sense to me

>> No.12450541

Are there any books where old fucks get mad at young people for standing around?

>> No.12450549

This is why you don’t engage with the politically obsessed. Absent any rhetorical skill, all they can supply is irritating ridicule. The United States is a pox on humanity at this point.

>> No.12450558
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Absolutely correct, but what you're forgetting is that this is an entirely recent phenomenon. A "meme" spreads neither because of its actual beneficial effects for its bearers (those who adopt a certain idea, say, become more successful in life and thus gain an upper hand in the struggle for survival), nor because of characteristics which make it subjectively attractive to its bearers (one would naturally tend to privilege an idea which promises happiness over an idea which promises nothing but misery and sacrifice). Rather, like a computer virus, a meme proliferates simply by programming its own retransmission. Recall the classic example of two missionaries working in a politically stable and wealthy country: one says "The end is near--repent or you will suffer greatly," while the other's message is just to enjoy a happy life. Although the second message is much more attractive and beneficent, it is the first that will win out. Why? Because, if you really believe that the end is near, you will make a tremendous effort to convert as many people as possible, whereas the second belief requires no such extreme commitment to proselytizing.

>> No.12450568

the thing i love about this smug white kid vs. indian elder situation is that everyone on every side of the situation feels like they have been wronged. This is a peak media achievement and I hope they can keep this sort of stuff up, where everyone feels like they are losing all the time. Best way to keep the hamsters in their wheels.

>> No.12450585

i know, but you have to read between the lines

>> No.12450595


>> No.12450597

>it's not the jews

>> No.12450612

>90% of contemporary politics is tactical production of Rorschach incidents.
t. nick land

>> No.12450642

based bait raiter

>> No.12450696
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>> No.12450711
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literally a facebook meme

>> No.12450736

I thought that meant it was an iphone photo

>> No.12450746


>> No.12450753

I just got it off /pol/

>> No.12450759
