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/lit/ - Literature

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12449963 No.12449963 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading me fellow anons?

>> No.12450052

Why did the blockheads have to coopt the Green Pill meme? They soiled it.

>> No.12450088

>the gospel of thomas but not the bible

>> No.12450539
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I study all the pills, but green is the only one that I really feel a connection with. Haven't a clue as to what the Bog Pill lit here is but I'm definitely interested.

>> No.12450743

Why is there a difference between Green and Purple pill? When you get down to the roots of each they share similar topics through occultism.

>> No.12450845

Currently reading Farewell to arms. Discovered Hemingway through Fitzgerald, since I craved more work from that generation in American Literature. In comparison to Hemingway Fitzgerald looks like a whinny kid. But tbqh I think it's a phase thing: I was 15 when I read This Side of Paradise, so it resonated a lot with that discovering coming of age phase of life; now that I'm 25 Hemingway just sounds so more mature and assertive.

>> No.12450865
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>Prometheus Rising
okay brainlet

>> No.12450901

>Haven't a clue as to what the Bog Pill lit here is
want a quick rundown?

>> No.12450911

Why everything needs to be some kind of pill for you retards ? Also the last books I've read have don't fit in any of these

>> No.12451048

Not him, but I'm interested

>> No.12451070

You're operating under the gross misunderstanding that the people that make these charts actually read the books on them, or that "green pill" and "purple pill" are actual defined terms that are anywhere near consistent.

>> No.12451093

What's the pill for completely abandoning your physical self and the physical world and letting go of all emotional and physical pain

>> No.12451135

I'm currently reading Prometheus Rising, after reading Coincidance earlier this month. I love how it's structured like the expanding brain meme and talks about "robotized" people and being "woke". I figure it was rather influential in structuring a lot of peoples' thoughts about this stuff. It has unironically made me more conscious of certain things, especially in the moral, cultural, and neurological relativism vein. I really like the idea of "reality tunnels". Another thing that 'clicked' for me was miscommunication by addressing the wrong circuit of another person:

>The message is addressed from Circuit I to Circuit IV. It means "I feel weak; help bolster me up." If the answer comes back from Circuit III to Circuit III, "Well, let's analyze the problem..." there has been a Wrong Address.

I'm not sure how much I buy the latter four circuits besides the collective unconsciousness one (which I think may be able to be explained by other means). It's funny how he brings up a Joyce quote almost every chapter (sometimes multiple times a chapter)—you can tell he really just wants to talk about Finnegans Wake lol.

It would be interesting to see someone update the "excercizes" for the present day.

>> No.12451180

PR is interesting at first, but it goes batshit insane at the end.

>Another thing that 'clicked' for me was miscommunication by addressing the wrong circuit of another person:
Not sure, but it sounds like wittgenstein language games.

>> No.12451388

Fetch me the pasta, my dude. I checked and found that none of their books have been translated to english yet. Very unfortunate for monolinguist plebs such as myself.

>> No.12451455
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It's an interesting model, for sure. Using techno-linguistics to explain bio-phenomena can be very useful. If you expand your study to computer engineering, it can really open new alleys for the spiritual search. I've found from studying hermeticism that these various information pathways can all relate to each other and help explain one another.
We can scale up or down and learn the same lessons. Scale up from matter into the ideals of spirit and essence, scale down into man-made structures of cyberspace, the allegoric representations are there as simply information.

>> No.12451864

>PR is interesting at first, but it goes batshit insane at the end.
Just finished it. It's amazing how the book goes from pretty reasonable, if eclectic, humorous psychology to ufo conspiracy drug occult yogic quantum transcendence lol. I'll probably reread the first half at some point, his more 'grounded' insights are much more interesting to me.

>> No.12451974

The Mokshapill