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/lit/ - Literature

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1244821 No.1244821 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1244825


>> No.1244831
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>> No.1244844
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>> No.1244867
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>> No.1244871
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>> No.1244955

so what does /lit/ think?

>> No.1244961


That you're an idiot and a troglodyte.

>> No.1244968

Think of what.

>> No.1244989

how is Jonathan strange? is it worth the read?

>> No.1244991

the collection

>> No.1244998

Looks like something I saw yesterday reposted.

>> No.1245563


>> No.1245570


I saw a copy of it the other day for one or two dollars (op-shop), and it's as thick as a car. I then read that it's some kind of homage to magical old England, and decided it wasn't worth the effort.

>> No.1245571
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>> No.1245574

my paperback is 1006 pages
its not like the usual fantasy, set in a quasi medieval world or the bad LotR rehashes, its set in Regency era Britain, the Napoleonic Wars are a major subplot, and the story is set as if all the old faerie stories and magical myths were real but there hadn't been any or magicians for centuries
The writing and prose would be comparable to Jane Austen

>> No.1245580

>Dan Brown
>Andy McNab
>Star Wars novels
>KIDS Star Wars novels at that
>Warhammer novels
stop, now.

>> No.1245605

So you are rewriting Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel?

>> No.1245609

...wat? I was describing it

>> No.1245610

Bookshelf thread?

>> No.1245613

it appears so
and commentary

>> No.1245617

I am looking into the lair of a man-child, and I am aghast.

>> No.1245627

why? what?

>> No.1245656
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>Latro in the Mist
>Soldier of Sidon

Is the other Gene Wolfe stuff as captivating and entertaining?

>> No.1245673


>> No.1245685

I plan on picking up the Wizard Knight books soon.

By the looks of your collection, you'll enjoy The Chronicles of Amber when you get to it. The first five books are incredible. The five remaining are not quite so, but they are good.

>> No.1245692

the Fantasy Masterworks edition collects just the first five

>> No.1245696
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>> No.1245701
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>> No.1245724

Oh, come on, OP. Don't stack your books on each other vertically. It could lead to bending of pages .

>> No.1245727

I ran out of space, I need at least two need book cases
and they're packed pretty tight so they should be okay till they get their own

>> No.1245733

>Hurr someone on /lit/ is taking pride in his collection. Let's make fun of him for no reason. We are so funny and superior.

>> No.1245754

But his collection is 80% fantasy scifi, he has to be made fun off.

>> No.1245755

thank you for your support, but I see at most two such posts like that

>> No.1245758

make fun of the far leftwing books he has on the bottom shelf

>> No.1245769


45+47 Stella Street... was one of my favourite books as a kid, and one I'd definitely pass on to my kids.

Everybody needs to learn about suburban gentrification and money laundering at some point.

>> No.1245772


Where's your trip, TyBrax?

>> No.1245797

God forbid anyone read what they enjoy!

Plenty of /lit/ besides TyBrax hate on sci-fi/fantasy.

>> No.1245806

How is Caligula and The Just? I have read Plague and Stranger by Camus and really enjoyed them, I'm imagining he never wrote anything less than great.

>> No.1245811

>God forbid anyone read what they enjoy!

People enjoy twilight, what would you say if a person posted their shelf and it was full of twilight books? This isn't much better. He has fucking toys.

>> No.1245819


Well, considering there are only, what, four books in the Twilight series, it would be much worse if someone had a several shelves full of it.

There is nothing wrong with having a preference for genre fiction. Some people read for enjoyment or relaxation more than to make themselves feel superior.

>> No.1245823

Twilight is a special exception. This is an unwritten law. Don't give me that bullshit. Twilight barely counts as words forming sentences.

And where do you see toys? All I see besides books is some... I don't know what it is, but it looks more like a decoration or a paperweight or something. I have a golden lion paperweight that I stole from a hotel in Las Vegas. Does that count as a toy?

The man(?) has some vastly enjoyable reads in his collection. Don't hate.

>> No.1245837

>Some people read for enjoyment or relaxation

You mean, everyone? You thought that would be an excuse to read almost exclusively troglodyte shit?

>> No.1245843

>uses the word "troglodyte"
>opinion instantly invalidated

>> No.1245846


>troglodyte shit

I am so terribly sorry. I cannot believe that his personal taste in words was so very offensive to your holiness' refined, intellectually superior sensibilities.

We'll be sure to have this thread removed posthaste for you, my lord.

>> No.1245850

Gene Wolfe ftw!

>> No.1245869

>genre fiction
why do you define a hierarchy? literature, and...the others?
this is simply good and bad
>Some people read for enjoyment or relaxation more than to make themselves feel superior.
>implying Science Fiction & Fantasy is unliterate and relaxing
if I wanted relaxing light reading would I be reading Gene Wolfe?
>I don't know what it is, but it looks more like a decoration or a paperweight or something.
Its a Sphinx. I made it in pottery in grade 4 :(
You can just see the edge of a vase/pot/thing I made in pottery in year 10, equally crude unfortunately

>> No.1245870

Well hurry up with it.

>> No.1245873

I see denouncements, but I dont see explanations for why Author A or Work B are bad and not literature
Except of course the base assumption all science fiction & fantasy must be bad ipso facto, which automatically makes you a cave dweller

>> No.1245885

>ask for explanation for something is bad
>thread dies

>> No.1245942

>uses "cave dweller" instead of troglodyte
I'll allow it.

>> No.1246695
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Here's my shelves! The first picture is an overall view, then most of the individual shelves. Need to buy another one soon though, running out of room.

>> No.1246820
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From previous failure pile thread I did a moment ago.

Just moved into a new place, mostly new books here.

>> No.1246848

>Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Faulker and Camus in one part of collection
>Welcome to the NHK, Chobits, and IM in the bottom center
Quite an interesting variation in your collection there...

>> No.1246865

Hah, yeah, I like to think I have extensive tastes.

>> No.1246890

Interesting way to obscurely jab at someone's intelligence/culture.

I'll add it to my repertoire, I tend to use plebeian and philistine mainly.

>> No.1247880 [DELETED] 


>> No.1248804


>> No.1248807


>> No.1249020

Why not?