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12447263 No.12447263 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with him?

>> No.12447267
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>> No.12447367
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a jew atheist?

>> No.12447396
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Zizek's a charlatan. Spinoza/Deleuze BTFO'd Hegel and Lacan hoodwinked everyone in Paris. Zizek should feel embarrassed to cite those two thinkers, but he STILL hasn't learned shit. His one quasi-contribution, ideology, is literally just the old base/superstructure dichotomy with a side of extra Hegel and Lacan drizzled on top. The man's a crypto-racist and a suave misogynist.

Also, all his "insights" follow the same. fucking. pattern.

>right-wingers think the problem is A, and think we should do B.
>left-wingers think the problem is C, and we should do D.
>the problem is C and we should do nothing.

>> No.12447400

Start with the western canon, i.e., the Greeks

>> No.12447446

You can reductionize any thinker that way

>> No.12447452


Except Zizek's honest-to-god rec is "do nothing." Don't act. Think.

Like, jesus christ my guy. People are fucking dying and your plan is to make everyone read the Phenomenology of Spirit? Get fucked.

>> No.12447460

he means we need new theories to deal with the problems we face today, not that we should let people die. can you strawman any harder?

>> No.12447467


...all zizek does is strawman the world.

I mean. Come on. Haven't you noticed that all he does is figure out what everyone else is saying, then say the opposite, then frantically try and justify it?

The man told everyone to vote for Trump. If you want to defend him after that feel free.

>> No.12447470

the butthole

>> No.12447576

>Haven't you noticed that all he does is figure out what everyone else is saying, then say the opposite, then frantically try and justify it?
t. has never stepped foot in academia
That's literally all "smart people" do

>> No.12447651

Can you provide actual examples rather than vague strawmans and name calling?

>> No.12447745

I really just want to know what I need to read from his writings.

>> No.12447785

>The man told everyone to vote for Trump. If you want to defend him after that feel free.
Ew okay originally I could see where you're coming from but if this is your justification it just seems very flimsy. I don't think you understand at all where he's coming from when he says stuff like this. If you don't see the strategic interests a Trump victory serves beyond a bunch of Maga hat-wearing pasty middle schoolers trying to trigger the libtards then you're really no less simple than they are.

>> No.12447793

it's not difficult to understand what he means, but that doesn't make it less stupid.

>> No.12447795
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>> No.12447811

accelerationism is for assholes

>> No.12447869

It's not stupid, people like you are just in denial and really you're the problem with the Left. Zizek is telling you to just acknowledge the problems you're facing so that you can finally fucking fix them rather than letting them get worse. Instead you're just going to let the Left get more and more neurotic and alienating towards the actual working class leaving them with the Right as the only real alternative to the failing liberal order. You screaming that the idpol fanatics who run Fortune 500 HR departments aren't technically the Left is like when /pol/locks whine that Richard Spencer isn't technically a Nazi. Your shit stinks, nobody is buying it. The longer you try to ignore these people because "they're actually just liberals" the more damage they're going to do to the Left.

>> No.12447889

and what is your solution to this supposed problem?

>> No.12447910


>> No.12447932

I can listen or watch Zizek. Everytime I do I imagine I’m at a party trying to pull some poon but there’s a rich, cennected don with alot of connections doing blow while trying to philosohize with me. His erratic movement coupled with his lisp obfuscate his points under saliva and the aftermath of cocaine abuse.

>> No.12447935

the trash bin

>> No.12447954


>> No.12447981

In most of the West I think there is no solution and the Left is already dead. This is certainly true in America. Once the USSR collapsed the credibility of any real Left movement in the West dropped to 0 and everything got slowly co-opted by liberal progressive-stack type crap. I really think the primary goal of anybody who isn't liberal should be to destroy liberalism first and foremost because it is by far the most powerful ideological force and on it's way to irreversible victory. At best I think this means joining the Right and trying to co-opt them into some kind of Strasserism. A lot of Right parties in the West are starting to starting to pursue policies that Left traditionally supported anyway.

>> No.12448041

That's not really new. Fascists are opportunists first and idealists second, and I'm not going to help promote fascism and hope it turns out alright for me and others.

>> No.12448064

As if the Left has some sort of sugary history of peace and tolerance? If you're reasoning for not supporting something is because boohoo some people might be excluded then you really don't belong on the Left or the Right, you're a liberal.

>> No.12448065


>> No.12448104

I'm not white. I'm not going to support white identity politics.

thanks for the kek

>> No.12448165

Welp then you were always destined to be a liberal pawn. Your interests will probably never align with the native workers.

>> No.12448187

My interests include seizing the means of production, planned economies, and the abolishment of capital. Bit unclear how not wanting to murder brown people makes one a liberal pawn. You're likely a 19 year old child that has never even attempted to organize with the 'native workers' (and posting nazbol memes on discord really doesn't count btw).

>> No.12448194

>Stalin by the bedside
No where, really. Even if this guy put it there as a joke, as a Russian, I can say this idiot is dead to me.

>> No.12448195

Your national sense of humor has never been beyond reproach.

>> No.12448202

My national sense of humor ends with posting a picture of a guy who killed more Russians than Hitler.

>> No.12448205

nice meme

>> No.12448210

I just bought sublime ideology. I’ll let you know OP if I just made a huge mistake.

>> No.12448211

You mom's ass is a meme.

>> No.12448217

jesus christ

>> No.12448229

Yes. Like I said. Americans laugh all the time about men who killed millions of Americans; Andrew Jackson, Christopher Columbus, and so on.

>> No.12448256

I've met plenty of people like you and you're all the same. You sit their talking about muh Leftism when all you do is fight for your racial/ethnic interests which almost always are in opposition to the economic interests of native workers. I bet you've been to plenty of "socialist" meetings where you complain about the evil orange cheetoh kicking muh special trans women out of the military and oh wait you want to say something? Sorry you're a white guy you're at the bottom of the progressive stack literally everyone will get the speaking stick before you! I don't know if you're just being disingenuous about the whole thing or if you genuinely think that you're fighting liberalism. I'd imagine the latter just based on your posts about Zizek's opinion of Trump and the state of the Left in general. Keep doing what you're doing, I'm sure you'll escape what's being talked about here eventually.

>> No.12448280

no to all the above

>> No.12448373

What an absolutely awful post

Even Zizek has admitted his thinking is pseudo-deleuzian, but to call him a crypto-racist is the most idiotic thing I’ve heard all week.

>> No.12448458

you're not russian

>> No.12448489
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Start with the Scruton.

>> No.12448600

sublime object of ideology
plague of fantasies

>> No.12448612

>xe doesn't even know that zizek uses ideology in the althusserian sense
spotted the (neo)liberal pseud

>> No.12448650

In the trash bin

>> No.12448891


>> No.12448921

>The man's a crypto-racist and a suave misogynist.
wtf I love zizek now