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12446219 No.12446219[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good ones?

>> No.12446232

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.12446239

Infinite Jest's Hugh/Helen Steeply

>> No.12446253
File: 124 KB, 600x904, MishimaIsPureHeterosex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Mishima.

>> No.12446264


Really? I've never read anything from him, but I though that he was some supermacho-samurai or something.

>> No.12446279

bodybuilding samurai in the streets, kimono in the sheets (actually, make that the other way around)

>> No.12446290

Sort of. He was a gay macho samurai

>> No.12446320

No. Why would you want to read such a thing?
He wasn't gay

>> No.12446334
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My diary desu

>> No.12446480

Start with the Greeks

>> No.12446485

>He wasn't gay

Depends what you mean with the word gay. If you mean 'gay' as in wearing thongs dancing in the streets during Pride and listening to Barbara Streisand, then no clearly not.

But if you mean gay as just a marker for someone who wants to fuck people of the same sex, then he clearly was gay.

>> No.12446519

Name one male person he had sex with.

>> No.12446528

He had an affair with another Japanese writer named Jiro Fukushima, who wrote a book about their sex life and was promptly sued for defamation by Mishima's kids

>> No.12446551

You're right that sounds pretty gay.

>> No.12446554

Sorry anon, but you don't have to ever actually had sex with a member of the same sex in order to classify as homosexual. It's enough that you want to.

>> No.12446697

Filth by Irvine Welsh...but that kind of spoils the book lmao

>> No.12447129


>> No.12447244
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>> No.12447291

Seeing stuff like this makes me so sad. Not because I'm white, or racist, I'm neither, but because I'm not at all masculine like this. I don't have height, or muscles, or a brooding look. And if that's what girls want, well, I'm out of luck. I'm submissive, and sensitive, and appreciate femininity like it were something so delicate I must be careful not to disturb it, and that's how I'd treat women. But sadly, girls seem to desire big, muscular men the most, and I cannot meet that criteria for them. Maybe I'll be reborn into another universe after this lifetime, wherein girls there are dominant and nurturing towards sweet, sensitive men. One can only hope, I guess.

>> No.12447304

The Twyborn Affair

>> No.12447310

Mmmm, but gay men love boys like you~

>> No.12447824

Dude you don't have to be a literal Chad to keep a woman happy, you just have to try a little bit. You don't even need to be massive. While weight lifting would probably help with your test levels and body composition, you can be plenty masculine presenting with just regular calisthenics. If you do 30 push ups and squats per day for a few months and ate a decent amount of protein and fats you'd be amazed at how much better you'll look and feel.

The idea isn't that you need to always be this perfect masculine archetype, it's that you always fight and strive towards this ideal knowing full well that while you are going to be an imperfect manifestation of your ideals, that striving for them has brought you significantly closer and has made you hardened and disciplined physically and psychologically.

>> No.12447845

> appreciate femininity like it were something so delicate I must be careful not to disturb it, and that's how I'd treat women

Maybe if you treated women like real people instead you wouldn't be such an incel.

>> No.12447944

The Bakkhai

>> No.12447962


>> No.12447996

I love boys like that
t. female

>> No.12448020

No, please don't say this, I always get scared when gay men say this to me.

Thanks fren. I will try to get somewhat fit. I'm not overweight or underweight - I'm lean and with average definition, but sticking to an exercise routine is tremendously tough for me. It's difficult to remember all the nutritional stuff as well.

I do treat them like real people. But I just respect and cherish them a lot.

>> No.12448025

>I always get scared when gay men say this to me.
That fear boner is your true self trying to escape from the closet

>> No.12448031

Not being rude, but could you prove to me you are really female? A picture of some sort, but of course without anything incriminating or sexual? I'd appreciate it, if you could. There are many on here who enjoy pretending to be women, and I wouldn't be able to tell through text alone.

At the least, would you mind elaborating on what you like about such types of boys?

>> No.12448052

validate elsewhere scum

>> No.12448101

Sorry. Atleast your thread is getting bumps.

>> No.12448188

>this is how gays are made
everything makes sense now

>> No.12448252

Yeah, being gay, my best friends in the world are straight guys that can hang out with me and even let me compliment them on a day they look cute, and just be chill. The ones who get nervous and scared? Well I bookmark their contact info and circle back around to fuck them in 2-3 years once they’ve come out.

>> No.12448293

I guess that 90% of the posters on this site is asexual lel

>> No.12448297

Stranger in a Strange Land.

>> No.12448300

All you really have left is to adopt a mom fetish and I think the gay sets in, it pictured well in my experience.

>> No.12448319

Any info on the author? I want to see her face

>> No.12448432

>people who oppose faggotry are actually faggots themselves
do you think this is like the early 2000s or something? this shaming tactic is stale as shit, nobody takes this seriously anymore lmao get new material

>> No.12448467
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hey buddy boy