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File: 109 KB, 707x530, argument hierarchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12445880 No.12445880 [Reply] [Original]

>everything in your life is your own fault :^)

This is obviously not true when you take a look at the lifes of North Koreans or African child soldiers.

What's a good (philosophical) way to tell people this concept is bullshit in general without having to use explicit examples?

>> No.12445887

You can tell them that "everything in your life is your own fault" is a vague statement that requires significant clarification.

>> No.12445889
File: 79 KB, 777x656, 1454103154913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.12446004

Ask them if they consider the result of a coinflip to be their fault because they determined the force they used when flipping it. Then ask them if Bill Gates being born to an extremely wealthy family who gave him access to advanced computing at a time when only the ultra-wealthy could afford it was his fault, too, since he took the initiative to exploit an opportunity that was exclusively offered to him. If they can't see how the two are correlated they're fucking dumb.

>> No.12446172
File: 245 KB, 736x400, badluck5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grab the largest Chaos Theory related book available at the moment and beat them up with it
There is no point conversing with intellectual plebs

>> No.12446208


>> No.12447586

"as long as any force exists in my life that is out of my voluntary control, I must not be responsible for everything" you are only responsible for what you can control

>> No.12447613

Actually, you are. As long as you exist, have the capacity to understand your situation, and the potential physical force to enact change, your circumstances are your own.
For example, I hate wageslaving, but until I convince enough wagies that we should upend this system, I am to blame for failing to secure my ends. I can say "this shit sucks" but ultimately in action is acceptance

>> No.12447729

Ask what personal action you took that caused you to be born retarded.
He either has to admit that it's not your fault you're retarded, or admit that you aren't retarded.

>> No.12449218
File: 316 KB, 840x578, toxic person.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or how is your fault that you got cursed with a huge dick

>> No.12450132


It would make little sense for an omnipotent Self to refract beyond its Monad, into a "world" as it were, while maintaining its 1:1 ratio of Self-identity and power, first and foremost in light of Reason. Otherwise any one thing the Self entertains is redundant and, moreover, incompatible with any other thing it entertains. Anything and everything would be immovable objects and irresistible forces locked in absurd conflict with no purpose or resolution. Everything in everything's everything IS their own fault, the all-pervading Self's fault. For inasmuch as instantiations control themselves they also obey themselves, and in turn each other. In mere thoughts the Dialectic of control and obedience is most obvious. You control and obey your thoughts equally. You can embody tremendous Philosophy and miserable obsession in equal measure, or summon Reason out of the void and succumb to brain farts in equal measure, even coincidentally. Such is your being in the "world".

>> No.12450205

great post

we are infinitely responsible for ourselves

>> No.12450232
File: 275 KB, 393x549, thismotherfucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that this motherfucker right here, the 2nd greatest person of the 19th century, the Prince of the Philosophical Shitpost, thought Ad Hominem attacks as the highest form of argument, and rightly so. If your philosophical system results in a miserable life, it's shit desu.
>muh moral luck
Amor fati, nigger.

>> No.12450234

>everything in your life is your own responsibility

Thats whats meant OBVIOUSLY

>> No.12450781

>everything in your life is your own fault :^)
>I agree
Just be more successful than them - the only people that feel the need to say this is those that are extremely insecure about their own achievements. Their sandcastles will topple at the slightest breeze whisked away from the hurricane that you're supposed to be. Scare them without words. Give them a taste of exactly what their beloved self-madeness has begotten them and then laugh when they still recoil and Death's loving visage

>> No.12450900
File: 73 KB, 816x1056, Sustainable life on Earth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12451007

If you defend that there is no free will or defend determinism then you prove them wrong.
Say, if by using the laws of phisics and knowing an particle's location and speed you can predict its next movement, then if by any chance we knew the position and speed of all electrons and atoms in the universe then we would be able to predict every movement in the universe, every brain chemical reaction and sensation in existance. The fact that it is theoretically possible to know and predict means that there is no free will and every action is pre-determined.

I dont know if i made myself clear about this or not. There are very few refutations to this aside from the quantum sciences saying that there is a level of unpredictability and randomness in the quantum level. But that is still still uncertain and even if true it only refutes determinism and doesnt support the existance of free will.

>> No.12451051

literally, i swear i never saw such awful looking graph trying to explain bullshit.
>hurr if we all live ""well"" in a ""sustainable"" way and share the same morals then we will fight to equal ""rights"" and ""fredom""
This is shit is peak western thought trying to convey that there are objective morals that everyone needs to follow and that everyone's understanding and opinion of the topics in the pyramid is the same from all over the world. what a load of bullshit.

>> No.12451064

Wow, you're worse than the feminists.
Explains life's best case scenario.

You must not have a proper understanding of God/love.

>> No.12451153

>Wow, you're worse than the feminists.
What refutation is even that? You cant even bring a single point to defend that shit of a graph, everything there is entirely subjective. If you go ask people around the world and from diferent timelines what is "being a good partner" you will get a rainbow of diferent responses. And this is just one example taken from there.

People like to take every single graph in front of them as a undeniable fact without checking the how it was made, by who and their method. This image shows no source in it and the poor aesthetic only supports how unreliable and amature it is.

>> No.12451173

What's wrong with being vague?

It gets the philosophical outline for the individual to find their own filler depending on the culture they are apart of and they life path that they are on.

>> No.12451251
File: 49 KB, 814x697, Sustainable life on Earth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12451264


How 2 fit in with a progressive society.jpeg

>> No.12451271

>What's wrong with being vague?
With it being vague? Nothing. Thing is that it tries to appeal as if it is not vague and its something objective that applies to all people.
It doesnt draw any conclusion, the logic behind this doesnt even match with the conclusion at the top.
>It gets the philosophical outline for the individual to find their own filler depending on the culture they are apart of and they life path that they are on.
As i said before, this graph doesnt even do that. The pyramid implies that if you meet every single bottom layer you would ultimately reach the top and go pro-equal rights, care for the enviroment and like globalization, which is simply untrue and if you dont then it means you are "missing" somewhere else. Only us, "westerners" like to think shit works like this and view them this way. Hell, even in europe you have people that reach diferent opinions from this.

>> No.12451296

So basically, this is only good in "Utopian" cities/areas. Such as progressive cities with good/sustainable city planning, its own culture & generally a university.

Like Gainesville, Florida. The Portland you've probably never heard of.

>> No.12451353

>relying this hard on spooks to maintain your point
>Even needs to add the ad hominem at the end to make him feel superior
What is even the point of continuing this arguement? You speak with the mindset of a 17 year old that has been feeding on american television 24/7.
Even if what you said is by any means true, it wouldnt serve as a refutation.
Maybe you should go back to your ""utopia"" and learn a few things more.

>> No.12451371

>So basically you think treating others like shit is the answer.

>> No.12451437
File: 36 KB, 400x460, 1504230429952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying there is a objective "answer"
>Implying you can treat everyone nicely specially when they have diferent preceptions of reality and morals
>Implying that even if that was true it would still be something objectively better than anything else
lmaoing at you.

>> No.12451507
File: 51 KB, 478x540, 1546749692604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valid points.

Now, what I will leave you with is that there is wisdom in those jpegs. It may be vague and not completely objective, but there are definitely multiple grains of wisdom that can be applied to just about everyone's life whom reads it in one essence or another.

You might as well be talking shit about a self-help book right now similar to those whom crucified Jesus. Jesus was the best person HE could be, but others still found fault.