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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 260 KB, 1920x1080, Boston 2018 01 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12445687 No.12445687 [Reply] [Original]

We're having a /lit/ meetup in Boston.

Email bostonliterature at gmail if you're interested & I'll give you the place & time.


If you've been to university organizations, reading groups, or hung out in a cafe up here, you've noticed the stifling eggshell-walking culture. And also that no one reads /lit/ books.


Something in the vein of Ben Franklin's Junto. Discussion, critique, &c.

>> No.12445960
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>> No.12445973

yeah.... ight


where my medford niggas @?

>> No.12446318

The prior /lit/ DC meetup gathered at the Irish Channel restaurant earned the distinction for evacuating the entire restaurant when a zaftig magenta haired woman? Flew into a spittle flecking incandescent rage upon a non-/lit/ patron confiding in her the Irish Channel idiom, "give 'er the pickle and the spear," which she was apoplectic and not at all amused to learn, referred to the Irish Channel restaurant's signature spear shape pickles that came with most of their entrees, that when tossed upon a freshly shagged female bar patron, completed the duties included in the giving of the pickle and the spear. Unfortunately, to give the pickle and the spear usually implies a heavily inebriated patron ghoulishly fornicating in an Irish Channel restaurant bathroom stall with a notably disheveled and blacked out woman. You didn't want any part of the pickle and spear giving and no one really wins in it. But it's part of Irish Channel pub life and no one dies. But that magenta haired harpie had never heard of anything so horrible, which is what she attested to all of us, and inquisited every booth seated customer whether they thought "rape was funny, haha?" Her feigned "haha" laughter made more than one drunk accidentally laugh, which stirred greater and yet more shrill eruptions of spittle and invective and Wiccan curses and phone documented excoriations that we'd all love to forget. Why is it we're going back to the Irish Channel restaurant?

>> No.12446369
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He posted it again.

>> No.12446847

It was funniest the 9th time (You) posted it.

>> No.12446858
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>> No.12447047

Poor writing :(

>> No.12447251

Is Ben going

>> No.12447278

did this really happen?

>> No.12447283

He better be. I still have his copy of Zettels Traum.

>> No.12447625
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No one has ever heard from the DC people since the first one so who knows.

>> No.12447657
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Organizer of the DC meetups here, (dclitmeetup@gmail) the first two meetups were good, nobody cared about the threads and just ignored us. These types of threads have lately begun to draw a lot of attention since the Boston ones started though. When I started to organize for the next DC meetup (Feb 2) a bunch of random people came into the thread to troll/shitpost which is where that pasta is from. We haven't gone to Irish Channel yet (we went to Russia House previously) but it's on track to happen on the 2nd because enough people have already emailed to express interest.

>> No.12447684
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And for the record, what did happen?

>> No.12447725

How have the Boston ones been? What are the people like? I was on the mailing list initially, sorry I never showed

>> No.12447749
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Some well-read people sat around drinking beer and talking about literature/philosophy/etc and on one occasion we went out to some other bars and stuff, nothing too wild. Much better IRL conversation about books than you'd find elsewhere.

>> No.12447916
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I heard about you people. Cause a lot of stress by no-showing.

>> No.12447956

Are the pictures real?

>> No.12448152

There were none taken at any of the DC ones

>> No.12448190


Oh the Irish Channel restaurant is sure to earn some extra literary reviews of their establishment, especially it's camera free bathrooms.

>> No.12449527
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>> No.12449634

They get posted all the time

>> No.12449735


As the DC meetups Organizer I would again encourage people who reek of weed to do the right thing and slink off to some alley or urban canal and toke themselves to contentment and not pollute a literary space with their cannabinoidal epiphanies, digressions and tangents. This is not "Family Guy," this is a literary club meeting to discuss literature and literary culture. Its not a drug den to chill with your bros and scratch yourselves and chortle and belch into your headsets at other dystopic morons networked into the same electronic tomfoolery. Its about books and reading them and loving and hating them and the discussions there of henceforth. To the vaper, the cart sipper, the epic dabber and the surreptitious surgeon tweeting a lil jay bird by the glistening, shimmering retention pond behind the Bariatric Surgery Center, to them I say count yourselves lucky Trump has postponed your dates with our ropes. But that day will come, long before any singularity and basic income can swoop in to save you. There will be no android buddy ferrying your bong and soda to you atop your gaming throne. No, there will only be a great reckoning for all Cannabinoidal chattel, hoisting you each to the lamp's light, ours cheers notably hoarse and restrained from having been at this for a great many hours and now nearly grown bored of it. Maybe we'd leave you up there as a decoration for righteousness or maybe we'd drop you into a nearly suffocated heap and let the gathered children practice melee on you.

>> No.12449901

The /lit/ meetups at the Irish Channel pub have proven the most fruitful ground for a foot stalker, a person who makes pictures of women's feet his quarry. I needn't even register attendance at one of these meetups, eavesdropping distance vastly exceeding their social vetting which I surely wouldn't pass. No one likes a well used racial slur anymore. It's an art. I don't really need much. Their feet will do and once I hear a name its sometimes astonishingly enough, but often they'll read aloud various account names for different pictographic and socio-media library services upon which every women religiously uploads her media. It has become like a chore for them. Every day I must photograph my breakfast and shoes. And my feet in the sand or by the pool are also typical patterns observed in 99% of women. Women advertise their feet to the world with great regularity. They know exactly what they're doing so I feel no shame in "stalking." But make no mistake it can truly be a hunt. Sometimes the damsel remains obscure and quiet and requires a bit of continued observation and tracking to understand where she might store pictures of her feet. Vacation photos? A yoga group? Events? Male companions? All can prove helpful in locating pictures of heels, peep-toes let alone sandals, flip-flops or unabashedbarefootedness. I can proudly say that every woman who has attended a /lit/ meetup in Washington DC has exquisite, magnificent, painful to behold adorable round and soft, languid and athletic, curvy, archy, supple, wrinkly, I could just die in your feet, just shrink myself and roll myself to the base of your toes, to where I could be squished, crushed and compacted into my constituent goos by your toes scrunching and flexing into me. I could say that such a fate would be an honor, a delight, a pleasure beyond comprehension for any of the DC /lit/ meetup's female attendees. They are not merely healthy women but women who take great pride in their hygiene and social presentation. The whole world may go to hell but their tootsies will always look perfect. These women are helping to spiritually realign our nihilistic society and it starts with their pretty feet.

>> No.12449930

I'd got if I were in Boston, or in the US.

>> No.12450138
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Are there 2 different DC meetup groups?

>> No.12450763

Did you guy really do coke and nitrous at the afterparty?

>> No.12451104

I live in Boston. I don't read though.

>> No.12451131

Those are from the Boston ones or from somewhere else, you can look up Russia House online and see for yourself the pictures look nothing like the interior of it

Only 1

>> No.12451591
File: 19 KB, 500x371, VuJi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no Boston ones you maniac

Reading is cringe

>> No.12451629

Americans only

>> No.12451652


Boston /lit/ meetups have all been on twitch so far. people are more comfortable reading to a group in that format which has come to be its chief selling point. its nice to hear people reading books throughout my house instead of listening to whatever afrophilic sodomy was available immediately on the electric jew

>> No.12451703
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Pretty close to the truth. They've degenerated into multi-hour group Skype video calls with heroic amounts of alcohol consumption.

>> No.12451871



>> No.12452107


just molly for the cuddle party after the brutal critique festival

>> No.12452136

There's on in the discord group that meets at comet ping pong not even memeing on you

>> No.12452471

Wtf is this

>> No.12452873
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>> No.12453020

Awesome pic, thanks man.

>> No.12453118
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>> No.12453137
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>> No.12453153

Pseudo-nationalist recognition joy is antithetical to art.

>> No.12453175

Anyone near Minneapolis wanna meet up? I'm in Sioux Falls, but I assume the twin cities would be a better meet-up spot, since I doubt any of you live out here where I am.

>> No.12453209


>> No.12453288
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Rare NotPynchon thread for y'all:


>> No.12453469
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>> No.12453526
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>> No.12453905
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>> No.12453932

I'm going to take pictures and post them here whether you like it or not.

>> No.12454012

we post pictures after each to head this off

>> No.12454183

FYI, the HOA sent me a letter about the noise from last time so if I host the after party again, we gotta do something differently. I know everybody likes the fire pit, though.

Also, please, ladies and gentlemen, if you need to vape can you just do it outside or in the restroom? It's immensely difficult to have a serious conversation when every proud vandyke, goatee and neckbeard this side of the WH40K timeline are symphonic-ally clouding out the entire pub, to the point where the bartenders can barely see through the fog the customers' hands waving credit cards or holding empty glasses. Patrons whose social roles had long been to police such misbehavior found themselves long confounded upon their sudden enclosure by opaque, slightly watermelon and pine zephyrs that had them dumbfounded, knowing rather immediately that these clouds were clearly not from a fire but neither damp and so neither from a fog machine. As people moved about the Irish Channel restaurant they'd part and shift and collide clouds, waving futile paths through the thickly hanging blankets. And still the swarthy /lit/izens toked and exhaled on, some attempting a vaper's etiquette demonstration by expelling a volcanic plume of vapor into the ceiling and briefly away from everyone, hanging in the air as a canopy for only a minute or two before it blended with the mottled floor-gracing cloud layers. Another jettisoned his post-prandial vapor from his nostrils, conjuring for a dramatic few seconds the satanic visage of a saturnic satyr.

>> No.12454210

Put down the thesaurus.

>> No.12454228


only if its on an e-reader. I don't bother with e-ink and neither should you.

>> No.12454241

man, old /lit/ looked really patrician. back when anons were literate and /pol/io-vaccinated

>> No.12455205

More DC pasta? But why

>> No.12455298

As far as I can tell it was exactly the same, generally

>> No.12456134

DC is far and away the most lit city

>> No.12456165

What would a /pol/ vaccine consist of?

>> No.12456581

One doesn't simply "put down" a Roget.

>> No.12456757

Heh, you're alright. Looking forward to have witty, intellectually stimulating discussion with you.

>> No.12457513

Are u going to organize this

>> No.12457831

WT F!!

>> No.12459017


>> No.12459282

Not op

>> No.12459302

I hope I don't ruin the meetup with my bad attitude

>> No.12460025

Its with deep regret that I inform the Boston /lit/ Meetup Group we have been banned from all Clover Food Lab locations. Our dank memery and semi-synchronized group flossing were not appreciated and proved no match for their especially Semitic legal representative who was adamant and spoke only in nasally intoned kvetching, like most of what he says sounds like a question until he wraps it up in a declarative. He said we were not just disorderly but a threat to their customers and their employees. Justin photographing the feet of women customers apparently didn't do us any favors. They're also blaming a plumbing issue on our group and are holding over our heads a bill for damages and repairs if we ever return to a Clover Food Lab. I'm afraid to do any more bookings for our group because there's some hooligans who are ruining it for the rest of the literary community.

>> No.12460868

You're telling us this on the board, steve? Book the reservation!

>> No.12461547

No one has a worst attitude as me

>> No.12462064
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>> No.12462488

They're all from Uganda and they all go to Harvard

>> No.12462500

bad writing
good writing

>> No.12462506

Ugandans are welcome and encouraged to join.

>> No.12462523
File: 5 KB, 275x183, ecsb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emerson College Skull and Bones pounds 40's while listening to soundcloud rap in parking lots. What do you do?

>> No.12462533

this one's good too

>> No.12462546

frosted tips

>> No.12462565

Where's the Wallace Stevens tat?

>> No.12462810


In The Clouds, the poets of Athens are referred to as rustics as an insult. They were generally seen as being effeminate, obsessed with material things (would wear fashionable rings, like fops), had long hair and were made fun of constantly for being closeted homosexuals.

Interesting threads, thanks for posting!

>> No.12462959 [DELETED] 
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Last meetup this girl came

>> No.12462970
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Pic from last meetup

>> No.12462972

And everyone clapped

>> No.12462993
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I hear Pynchon sometimes shows up to the meetups.

>> No.12463107
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pic from last meeting

>> No.12463120
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Me on the left

>> No.12463135
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hahahaha the kenosha kid hahahahah

>> No.12463295

Is that Ted Cruz Jr?

I hear he goes to Harvard.

>> No.12463368

not cool asshole

>> No.12463378
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>> No.12463451

Where do I sign up for my milkies and my tendies?

>> No.12463460

Can we meet up at Boston University?

>> No.12463464

Did I ever bother you, ever, for anything, in your life?

>> No.12463471


>> No.12463474

The no doxxing rule. You don't think I'll figure out who you are?

>> No.12463510

Bartender mommy (Haley) will serve them, as usual.

>> No.12463527

This is not true but now that we know what that faggot looks like there is a coordinated effort to turn him into an end note if you know what I'm saying.

>> No.12463779

Do you know de wae

>> No.12463804

Anderson Cooper posted on /lit/?

>> No.12464004

Why though?

>> No.12464012

Look, sweetheart, I can't delete the photo anymore. I'll send you a text, let's go to The Middle East and get a drink.

>> No.12464045

Her teats are like a holstein.

>> No.12464263

Idk let's see... I can't have normal sex anymore?

>> No.12464270
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There are people who don't know how close /lit/ meetups are to the first chapter of V..

>> No.12464367

Blindsided by this one but I understand now.

Jesus fucking Christ... ok. Checkmate. You win. Packing my bags and heading out. You'll never have to think of me ever again.

>> No.12464519
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Someone hasn't read V.

>> No.12464547

Keep cool but care.

>> No.12464562

your daily reminder to stop posting, kirk

>> No.12464563

Oh you like the Jazz?

>> No.12464584

My favorite character is the monk who falls in love with a rat in the sewers, how about you?

>> No.12464596
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This conversation is over.

>> No.12464720

You're anonymous here Bonesman
Tell us the secrets of Skull and Bones. Is it really as occult as people say, or nah?

>> No.12464726

Are you a skellington?

>> No.12464746

occult? heh


>> No.12464813
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are these meetups real or just a monthly shitposting thread? i don't think i'll ever be able to tell

>> No.12464924

>emerson college bonesman

>> No.12465161
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as an aside my 'home' button brings me up to the top of the page in /lit/ threads but doesn't work on any other websites, does anyone know what's up with that

>> No.12465242

Not volunteering to organize, but I wonder if a Philadelphia-area meetup has been attempted.

>> No.12465264

We've been doing philly meetups since 2009. What's your email?

>> No.12465316

/lit/lanta revival when
I want to meet the Emory kids and make terrible jokes about them being spoiled private school fags

>> No.12465389

Here you go senpai:

>> No.12465422

Ew, oof and yikes

>> No.12465432

Tell your dad to buy you a thesaurus fag
Hahaha, yea

>> No.12465440

Ok. I am yerrib,e p
Ppp with synonymous

>> No.12465449
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>> No.12465454

F-fren? Did you have a stroke?
I take it back, squash isn't gay

>> No.12465493

Is age restriction a thing for these meetups? I'm assuming drinking alcohol will be involved.

>> No.12465562

yooo I'd totally be up for this I want in too

>> No.12465688

Would you really want to know the truth about Skull and Bones? And I'm not talking about Emerson.

>> No.12465705

Yes. You have to be Chinese. We van you to Harvard, rub the foot, and talk about literature.

>> No.12465819

Met a guy from fairfield county who was a squash player. One of the best men I've ever met.

>> No.12465871

Flavor-wise, size, or in some other sense?

>> No.12465929

He grew up in a place filled with country clubs and yet retained an ability to carve out his own mind and life.

He also was fucked the same girl I did. Eskimo brothers.

>> No.12466434

The truth is that one cannot distinguish between the bone of a peasant and a king.

S&B has changed a lot though since when my grandfather was in it, I have no idea what it's like now.

>> No.12466507

Easy to be successful when dad buys your way into the pipeline: boarding school, college, big money career.

The divorce rates are pretty high and most rich people are fucked in the head. No jealousy here.

>> No.12466823


>> No.12467796

chinaman onry

make many alcohol

>> No.12467802

But anthropologists literally do this... Or is that the point if the expression?

>> No.12467857

The point is that human beings live fragile, cruel, and short lives. Everyone suffers, everyone worries, etc.

The point is humility.

>> No.12467949

Lol imagine having to shove that idea down prep school kids' throats? And then they only signal that they understand LMAO

>> No.12467990

*human beings are fragile, cruel

>> No.12468431

/pol/ didn't exist in 2010. That said, /b/ was still the largest influence on the site in general.

The best way to vaccinate against pol is to not reeee every time you see pol memes or opinions, and to just ignore them desu. Reeing just outs you as a bluepilled fag, even if that might not be your opinion

>> No.12468441

O I c.

>> No.12468501

I thought all these threads were just shitposting, how long till someone drugs the groups or serves cumbrownies

>> No.12468720
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Imagine spending years trusting someone and they never tell you how to operate in a foreign environment. They just play chess with you while pretending to be your friend. And pretending to be Catholic as well.

>> No.12468857

We were never really playing chess. I just opened the default microsoft chess game and put all your moves in against the maximum difficulty.

Never trust anyone

>> No.12469025

>cheating in chess

jesus christ, what a fucking loser

>> No.12469087

Stay salted loser. Winning needs no excuse.

>> No.12469105

Just wait.

>> No.12469153

>The truth is that one cannot distinguish between the bone of a peasant and a king.
In ancient egypt you could due to massive royal incest.

>> No.12469406


>> No.12469463

anyone have the screencap of the confirmed-Pynchon post summer of 2017

>> No.12469619
File: 279 KB, 1400x1400, rupi-kaur-year-in-women-mobile-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't like to read books, but i like to shitpost about rupi kaur. can i still come?

>> No.12469659

Those were tryhard fakes. Read the real ones then read the new ones.

>> No.12470054

We're booking Rupi for a reading

>> No.12470663


>> No.12471126

Is that a woman?

>> No.12471291
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>> No.12471535
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>> No.12471545

She's beautiful. Too bad she's a fucking commie.

>> No.12471734
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>> No.12471769

>Too bad she's a fucking commie.


>> No.12471822
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>> No.12472014
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>> No.12472655


what do you think Rupi Kaur's feet smell like? and do you think you could train her to approach a London Jewess' level of Femdom proficiency? Indian girls never realize their potential as femdom godesses. they either stay as foot fetishists or become toilet godesses but never dwell in pain or humiliation or incest.

>> No.12472664


if i had an indian bus seat gf, I would demand that she attack my nuts as soon as she cleared the dessert plates and to not cease verbally emasculating me until a safeword or shed milked me dry

>> No.12472673


Rupi Kaur would make such a divine cuckoldress. Can you imagine the poetic barbs she'd cast your way as she brandished the Brahmin's phallus and tantrically taunted you?

>> No.12472922


>> No.12473685


>> No.12474690

I see you are a Land scholar. Accelerate.

>> No.12474914

Is suicide acceleration?

>> No.12475858

the fuck is this larping shit? middle east is dope btw

>> No.12475964

No it aint u faux hipster fgt