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File: 123 KB, 1920x1080, S3_antifa-flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12445595 No.12445595[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I joined antifa last week and became an anarcho-communist. What is some good literature I should read? I tried reading Marx but it didn't make any sense to me.

>> No.12445607

Shitty bait, blatantly too obvious. Of course you’ll still get replies anyway.

>> No.12445611

Doctrine of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile.

>> No.12445621

Even the bait has gone down hill

>> No.12445630

>joins violent cult without even knowing basic tenents of his new faith
Yup, that's antifa. Read "Political Religion Beyond Totalitarianism" by Patrick Dassen.

>> No.12445632

everyone itt stfu i cant her my phonecall

>> No.12445633
File: 1.09 MB, 825x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do we know for sure it isn't just OP replying to himself?

>> No.12445666

for sure? we can't know anything.
there's no way for me to know if you aren't OP and vice versa

>> No.12445675
File: 12 KB, 322x500, ComingInsurrection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, of course. it's really good. it may be bullshit, but it's such a pleasure to read.

>> No.12445700

>look it up
>The Turner Diaries of the leftards
kek, this could be fun

>> No.12445703

Hey op, what are some good cuckold websites to check out!

>> No.12445709

Antifa is just a /pol/ bogeyman. The left doesn't take them seriously

>> No.12445717

>Being this onions
Are you sure you are on the right website? Christ why are commies so retarded

>> No.12445732

antifa is not a /pol/ bogeyman they are the only group that /pol/ is legitimately above in the social ladder

>> No.12445817

you can't "join" Antifa. Antifa (Anti-Fascist Action) is a loose confederation of people united under one cause, and NOT an organization. nice try

>> No.12445827


>> No.12445843

>joined antifa

>> No.12445858

Cool, then you don't care when we shut down your organisations after taking power.