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/lit/ - Literature

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12445318 No.12445318[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"You sought a woman, you found a soul - you're disappointed."

What's some other good poems for this feel? Feels of being a disillusioned female
"My biological clock is ticking and I really want a child but men are tyrants"-type of feel. "I love a good dicking but sex is inescapably an act of submission and that makes me uncomfortable at an existential level" feels. So on and so on.
I'm joking a bit, but seriously - what's some good poetry like that?

>> No.12445323


>> No.12445340

fair enough

>> No.12445342

how come every post with this image is always utter trash?

>> No.12445348

men are only tyrants if you let them love you the way they want to.
Women want to change everything about a man and yet men just want women to be amenable to them. Sad shit.

>> No.12445358

Could anyone recommend books for the opposite case? I look for souls and keep finding women.

>> No.12445361
File: 12 KB, 170x231, 170px-Nietzsche187a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just rise above your self-pity you self-centered cow! There are children living right now who will get murdered and/or raped before they will turn eight years old!

>> No.12445365

Of course, if you let a woman change you she will never respect you. Actually giving women what they think they want is a terrible way to deal with relationships, since it’s never what women actually want in life because women have no idea what they want.

>> No.12445366

Women are such memes. Accept that you’re literally a hole for men to fuck and to spit out children. Only men can have souls

>> No.12445369

Plato probably thinks cosmic receptacles precede women in that one.The masculine usually involves a sword, the feminine poison/illusions, so just be more seductive and try to prevent men from orgasms, since they're usually more compliant when they are being teased. You'd be surprised at just how many submissive men there are, but if you feel as though those are weak men, which doesn't appear as an incorrect assumption, finding someone who will respect the merits of submission or the merits of passivity without assuming superiority across the board is not very easy, but it's possible.

Or try being gay, but that's pretty easy. There's no challenge, no depth for men at least. Plenty of gay dudes out there that will jump at the mention of sex.

>> No.12445381
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>10 minutes since OP
>9 replies
Calm down you retards

>> No.12445519

t. Weininger

>> No.12445528

You are not a woman, you are a mentally ill man. You will never be a woman.

>> No.12445692

Yes? He was right.

>> No.12445876

Shakespeare, The Rape of Lucrece

>> No.12445879

>implying Shakespear understood women

>> No.12445894

You're looking at wrong places, cunt. Look at places tyrants don't frequent.

>> No.12445918

Poetry about mentally ill women? Hmm have you tried reading any poetry BY women?

>> No.12445937

>Look at places tyrants don't frequent.
such as....

>> No.12446007

i think the answer to this is the as as to OP's.

>> No.12446034

Faber, The Crimson Petal and the White understands women very well

>> No.12446045

what does it say about you that the one author you can think of that "understands women" is male

>> No.12446075

I placed necessity of this one over others, and I don't know, you would need to investigate me as an individual for the causal-unconscious factors responsible for my subjective determining of what value tied to understanding women is the case

>> No.12446089

I thought it was compelling

>> No.12446095

>you would need to investigate me as an individual for the causal-unconscious factors
my psychoanalysis lands on you being a casual - possibly unconscious - chauvinist

>> No.12446100

>implying you understand women better than Shakespeare

>> No.12446114

Unironically, read everything by Sylvia Plath.

>> No.12446132

>implying you know my gender
reported for misogyny and transphobia

>> No.12446162

>implying you know Shakespeare's

>> No.12446181
File: 59 KB, 300x297, 1415141823951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh damn
you out-woke me

>> No.12446386

It's okay kid, use this as a learning experience. Stay humble, stay in your lane, and stay woke

>> No.12446413

Will do. Ps Shakespeare was gay

>> No.12446590

Beer halls in Berlin are right out

>> No.12446594

>assuming his age group
get a load of this discriminatory shit lord

>> No.12446622
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>assuming gender
>assuming social class

filth! you disgust me

>> No.12446647

>assuming any gender or race or species can't self identify as a male person of higher class
When will you stop holding us back

>> No.12446665

It was Munich you fucking illiterate.

>> No.12446678
File: 18 KB, 400x501, 1531783908406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing worse than a /lit/ psued is a female /lit/ psued

try some rupi kaur btw

>> No.12446679

>implying he doesn't function as one of a large collective
I can't handle this hate

>> No.12446683

please say syke

>> No.12446698
File: 143 KB, 854x859, 1354106991430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even suggesting "gender", "race", or "species" are legitimate constructs

we are literally all the same. how dare you assume "identity" is even real

>> No.12446719

>we are literally all the same
Fuckin' how? name one

>> No.12446722


gotcha hard

>> No.12446749
File: 145 KB, 716x540, Plebeian guile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The levels of r9k on this board have made it the most "pseud" it has ever been

>> No.12446753

we're all pink on the inside, bigot

>> No.12446755

I'm gonna break the meta and say I love this

>> No.12446764

how is it that /r9k/ is magically ruining every board?

>> No.12446793

it's really that women ruin every board

actually it is women that are tyrannical with their gender-specific religion translated into social supremacy.

>i'm a women
>men are tyrants
>the end

therefore, crusade against every forum where men convene to shoot the shit

>> No.12446829

Women could actually do that, but seeing that we're not constantly spammed with legitimate accusations of misogyny I don't think so. Women, for the most part, leave this place alone.

Because it's already ruined; this place is and always was a dumpster fire

>> No.12446839

Is r9k worse than pol?

>> No.12446851

suck my dick whore.

>> No.12446873

no you're just retarded

>> No.12446895

blah blah blah reddit is thataway

>> No.12446898

How is it "magic" to bring your shitty attitude around with you everywhere and moan in people's faces about your immature hangups?
I know you call yourselves wizards sometimes, but this isn't magic, this is a pathological problem you need to be treated for.


It's more of a mentality I'm calling out. Often a person will exhibit both mentalities though.
One politically dense, the other socially dense. Can't say which is worse by degree. They're categorical

>> No.12446904

Camille Paglia, Sex and Character

Esther Vilar, The Manipulated Man

Otto Weininger, Sex and Character

Mary Wollstonecraft, Vindication of the Rights of Women

>> No.12446907
File: 133 KB, 497x501, amazed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why reject the submissive aspect of life? I'm a man and I've come to feel a thousand times more confident / secure just by letting myself accept the inevitable vulnerability that comes with life. It means I'm no longer trying to "prove" that I'm active and capable and dominant, because I've faced the things that would make me feel passive and incapable and submissive, and no longer fear them.

You're a woman. You basically have a free pass to accept your vulnerability. It's actually an amazing fucking thing.

>> No.12446918

you are just the worst

>> No.12446929

God finally someone made some legit suggestions
I think a lot of people on this board would be surprised to find that they actually agree with MW on a lot of shit

>> No.12446931

because its wrong for women to enjoy getting penetrated because patriarchy is evil because women can't not be oppressed because men are tyrants because b-because -

>> No.12446994
File: 47 KB, 400x362, 1531130222828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman uncharacteristically questions the overbearing essence of womanhood that society has foisted on her since birth and that is responsible for all the shittiest behaviors of women that misogynists hate
>somehow manages to escape all the safety release mechanisms inherent in the female gender's normal behaviors, socially constructed over thousands of years to neutralize any dissenting thoughts and always bring a confused woman back into unthinking conformity with her role as Generic Woman
>somehow resists the petty, deceptively worthless privileges that society bestows on women for conforming, such as the short-term dopamine rush of effortlessly socially ostracizing and shaming would-be critics of women-in-general (for example by calling misogynistic men virgins, or feeling socially superior to unfeminine women who jeopardize their place in the womanly hierarchy by stopping to doubt themselves and their participation in it)
>actually faces into the storm of self-doubt and self-loathing instead of retreating into the always-open easy path of self-deception that 99.999999% of women unthinkingly tread
>misogynists spam her with basic bitch misogyny instead of encouraging her to undertake further self-examination
>don't realize that as a woman she's already 99.999999999% likely to bail out on her painful examination of the female condition because the downhill slope of saying "Nope, I'm beautiful and wonderful and the most special girl in the world! All my orbiters tell me so, and I can always plug into social media and bask in meaningless socialization and attention!" is always available
>don't realize that women capable of self-examination are rare flowers that need to be cultivated
>don't realize that any possibility of overturning diseased modern femininity will have to rest on such rare women somehow beating the odds many times over, somehow refusing to take any easy road offered to them out of sheer principle, and somehow creating an entirely new feminism from scratch, a painful process that will involve resisting all the habitual comforts of womanhood, renouncing orbiters and ready-made platitudes, renouncing the warmth and ubiquity of oversocialization, and forging a wholly new way of being-female-in-the-world
>tfw OP could be like Hugh from the Borg in that one episode of TNG but knee-jerk misogynists can't recognize a strategic opportunity when they see one
>tfw we are doomed to another ten thousand trillion billion years of this dialectical failure to launch

>> No.12446997

i think a lot of people on this board woudln't be surprised to find that they agree that you are a faggot

>> No.12447049


>> No.12447056

Is that really you, Butterfly? We've had many chats over the years. I'm gonna test you just to be sure. Who is your favorite historian?

>> No.12447065

Wollstonecraft is brilliant

>> No.12447066

All the women I've met that come even close to this are stuck between knowing that the world perceives them as "unfeminine" and being unable to give up the ideal of femininity in themselves. A think a lot of men are in the reverse position. So I think it's a lot less dire a situation than you make it out to be. This current gender and sex situation is a real historical novelty. Men in general could very well be a novelty and mutation of the human race. Ideas are fragile and easily overcome things, once the shimmer of reason is stripped from them.

>> No.12447067

no she isn't

>> No.12447068

Thanks for posting this.

>> No.12447075

you're a woman until you prove otherwise
suck my dick
Wollstonecraft is brilliant

>> No.12447085

Is being a disallusioned female even a thing in this modern era? I’m being as serious as an incel can be, I honestly cannot comprehend being dissatisfied with being a female. You have the upper hand in deciding relationships AND society doesn’t pressure you to hold a standard beyond having a kid. Sounds pretty good to me OP.

>> No.12447100

Well I really liked Hobsbawm, but I have a lot of Braudel too. You're probably thinking of the former
More recently read sampled some Georges Lefebvre. He's good too.

She was. Not as skilled with the older English as Thomas Paine, but a really good thinker.

>> No.12447106

Really top quality bait.

>> No.12447117

You wanna be a woman?
>Beyond having a kid
I mean sounds like a lot of pressure to me. I'd skip town

Anyway, if you actually understood how feminists understand patriarchy, you'd understand what OP is talking about. Look up Andrea Dworkin. It's basically the feminist equivalent to being an incel

>> No.12447120 [DELETED] 

>"You sought a lunch ticket, you found a soul - you're fuming."
ftfy and kys irrelevant hag

>> No.12447125

didn't ask for your opinion

>> No.12447144

Hobsbawm and Braudel were the only answers I was willing to accept.

>> No.12447145

Paine's writing is definitely smoother, but you see what I mean about people on this board?

They're not exactly the same, but Wollstonecraft has some ideas in common with this guy >>12446994

>> No.12447154

But even feminists hated her. I get that as a human, there is a desire for mutual respect. In the place of the master of the master-slave dialectic, however, not meeting the standards held as such, I think, is much worse than falling into a slave role. Now, I think rape is absolutely awful and assault shouldn’t be tolerated, but for men, both sexes assume a rising to lofty standards set by generations before us. Basically, failing as a women should be less terrible than failing as a man. In that sense, I wouldn’t mind being a woman.

>> No.12447175
File: 53 KB, 360x480, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>society doesn’t pressure you to hold a standard beyond having a kid

the West is Satan

>> No.12447177

Dworkin represents the most pessimistic extreme of feminism where masculine culture is so dominant that all sex is rape. It's not a matter of failure. It's that being a slave is unacceptable, but also inevitable for Dworkin.

Unless it's lesbian sex, but she wasn't even a lesbian. Dworkin lived in some sort of bizarre cohabitation with a gay man.

>> No.12447188

To honestly answer the OP and avoid the bait in this thread:

The Satanic Bible is a pretty source for similar motifs.
>Blessed are the destroyers of false hope, for they are the true Messiahs - Cursed are the god-adorers, for they shall be shorn sheep!

>> No.12447223

Rosalind and Cleopatra are probably the most 'woman' woman characters that there ever were.

>> No.12447242

there is no bait, this is a sincere board. your inability to stare directly at human depravity is quite ironic considering your recommendation.

>> No.12447327
File: 53 KB, 500x335, sweet-mommy-gf-im-so-proud-of-you-anon-i-29256499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you love women too, anon? You seem to really care for them from this post, taking the time to honestly and accurately diagnose them and the plight they face in modernity. You deserve a nice woman just for saying all these kind things. I hope you get one, anon. Make sure you love her so much, okay? Because women are the softest and sweetest creatures in existence, and when they love you and embrace you in their softness there is nothing else a man needs in the whole world. I may never get one, but I hope you, kind anon, do.

>> No.12447337

You sound like an absolute faggot and your sentimental drooling is the reason you will "never get" a woman.

>> No.12447342

Ah, Butter, so nice to still see you here. I'm so happy to have a feminine presence on this board. You once told me some insights on women's perceptions of men, and I still appreciate you for that window-into the world of women.

>> No.12447355

>women are the softest and sweetest creatures in existence, and when they love you and embrace you in their softness there is nothing else a man needs in the whole world
I think you're largely the reason for that anon's post.

>> No.12447440

>don't realize that as a woman she's already 99.999999999% likely to bail out on her painful examination of the female condition because the downhill slope of saying "Nope, I'm beautiful and wonderful and the most special girl in the world! All my orbiters tell me so, and I can always plug into social media and bask in meaningless socialization and attention!" is always available
God this one hits stupid hard, I can't help but notice the only times most of my woman friends are open to self reflection is after they've had terrible breakups but most of the time they fall into some beta orbiter's constant positive affection to actually change their habits. It doesn't help with girl social media making self-aware memes about how women don't want to hear actual advice to fix their situations when they're vulnerable, they want to be consoled and to be told they were in the right

>> No.12447471

I think men are just as likely to sink into denial as women if that's what you mean. I got a roommate right now who assaulted a mutual friend and it's fucked up a bunch of our mutual relationships, and now whenever it comes up he shuts down and starts yelling about how "she's no angel."

He's nickel-and-dimed me over the electricity bill, and now he really has betrayed someone's trust, but if you bring up the bad shit he's done he starts shouting about "loyalty" and "I thought you were my real friends" like its the other way round and we betrayed him.

>> No.12447486

ALLEGED to have assaulted a mutual friend. I think that's his point.

>> No.12447491

No he admitted it to me. His exact words were "I did violate consent there." Wasn't a completed rape either, but things have gotten fucked up

>> No.12447506

Unironically this

>> No.12447512

Are you ever going to leave this board? You aren't welcome

>> No.12447517

Gross. I agree that men are just as likely to sink into denial. It's almost more pernicious in a man because if a woman finds no external confirmation for her belief that she was "in the right," she'll often abandon it, whereas men are more consistently told that they should ignore external validation unconditionally. Or, at least, the latter position is considered "more masculine."

But that he can recognize his abuse of a person's trust and still feel he is justified is disgusting, an abomination of volition. Should be fucking sterilized

>> No.12447533

I’m a riddle in nine syllables,
An elephant, a ponderous house,
A melon strolling on two tendrils.
O red fruit, ivory, fine timbers!
This loaf’s big with its yeasty rising.
Money’s new-minted in this fat purse.
I’m a means, a stage, a cow in calf.
I’ve eaten a bag of green apples,
Boarded the train there’s no getting off.
Slyvia Plath

>> No.12447537

A post on this awful site actually changed my mind. Damn

>> No.12447538

It's more complicated than that, but not by much. He knows he did something wrong, but he's reluctant to take all the blame, and even more reluctant to do any self-examination as a result.

He's an asshole. Thanks for validating my concerns about it

>> No.12447542

This is largely what Wollstonecraft is like, including the suicidal tendencies.
Read Mary Wollstonecraft

>> No.12447570

"Taking blame" is an entirely different thing from feeling guilty. I don't think anyone ought to take blame, and he's perfectly "right" to be indignant about it, inwardly anyway. But from what you describe he doesn't really seem to feel guilty. When I say "he should be fucking sterilized" that's in the ideal world of the should in which we can know whether or not this man has the capacity for guilt. But I'm sure you know him better than I do and can answer that question for yourself. Honestly I have a hard time understanding how a person could ever get to the point where they would violate consent. I have a hard enough time engaging when consent is offered, explicitly or otherwise.

>> No.12447581

>Woah, like, the first line says "I’m a riddle in nine syllables" and it has nine syllables. That's quirky and self-referential. It probably has some significance but I'm not sure what it is.

>> No.12447594

Oh men are fully able to form denial complexes and the like, it's just the surrounding I find that's different. I've made some mistakes in my life and the denial I fell into was fed into by my male friends who thought I might kill myself if I wasn't made to feel better and I'd think this is the same with women(depending on the situation), I've just found that when women fall into the same pit, it's lying emotional support to get something from them, not lying emotion to stop them from doing something, like harming themselves
After becoming stable I was confronted about how my behavior was wrong and allowed time to reflect and change based on it. With those girl friends I mentioned in >>12447440 it's more of a constant reassurance to erase any doubt of wrongdoing at all, with no room for self-reflection

I still largely feel as though the rat race that society puts women's socialization through is to blame, not only because of the constant desire for female sexuality and the shaming of giving it(which makes the behavior of never reflecting so common), but also that women are judged almost purely by their social capital, where even if you're the most Stacy girl alive or an alt girl, you're still judged by the same basis of conformity to some type forever. If you're a weirdo dude past high school, no one gives a shit about you unless you're a threat. Woman live with that pecking order game for most of their entire lives no matter what they do

>> No.12447595

Any recs?

>> No.12447611


>> No.12447695

She didn't manage to write a ton before dying. I'm thinking specifically of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. She hates women because she really wants them to be better. Check it out

>> No.12447713

"Inheriting, in a lineal descent from the first fair defect in nature, the sovereignty of beauty, they have, to maintain their power, resigned the natural rights, which the exercise of reason might have procured them, and chosen rather to be short-lived queens than labour to obtain the sober pleasures that arise from equality. Exalted by their inferiority (this sounds like a contradiction) they constantly demand homage as women, though experience should teach them that the men who pride themselves upon paying this arbitrary insolent respect to the sex, with the most scrupulous exactness, are most inclined to tyrannize over, and despise, the very weakness they cherish. ... Ah! why do women, I write with affectionate solicitude, condescend to receive a degree of attention and respect from strangers, different from that reciprocation of civility which the dictates of humanity and the politeness of civilization authorise between man and man? And, why do they not discover, when 'in the noon of beauty's power,' that they are treated like queens only to be deluded by hollow respect, till they are led to resign, or not assume, their natural prerogatives? Confined then in cages like the feathered race, they have nothing to do but to plume themselves, and stalk with mock majesty from perch to perch. It is true they are provided with food and raiment, for which they neither toil nor spin; but health, liberty, and virtue, are given in exchange. But, where, amongst mankind has been found sufficient strength of mind to enable a being to resign these adventitious prerogatives; one who, rising with the calm dignity of reason above opinion, dared to be proud of the privileges inherent in man? And it is vain to expect it whilst hereditary power chokes the affections and nips reason in the bud

The passions of men have thus placed women on thrones, and, till mankind become more reasonable, it is to be feared that women will avail themselves of the power which they attain with the least exertion, and which is the most indisputable."

>> No.12447835

will you be my gf

>> No.12448790
File: 881 KB, 1764x1764, 1541633683275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, i guess

>> No.12449691

What can I do as a man to help women?

I think that the situation women are stuck in is horrible, but I don’t know what I can do to help the situation without hypocritically butting into their lives.

>> No.12449736

This but unironically. Gender dissolution is coming. Your time is in its penultimate hour, m*le.