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/lit/ - Literature

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12444199 No.12444199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what is there to be done about the reddit/pewdiepie influx

>> No.12444208

embrace it

>> No.12444228
File: 28 KB, 214x317, MV5BZWE2MzM2MTItYzE3Ny00OTIyLTk4ODMtOWY2NmFjM2FkY2ZkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTc4MzI2NQ@@._V1_UY317_CR83,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The board didn't have a sudden drastic change it was a gradual change that probably started before the pewdiepie thing,you should know since you watch him and know everything about him

>> No.12444231

You'll find your answer in the last thread you made about this.

>> No.12444232

stop slapping infinite jest on there, /lit/ gave it such a meme status that only around 50 people are reading it right now

>> No.12444243
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We had this exact same thread yesterday

>> No.12444807

The real issue was the influx of /pol/ users. Their insufferable post-ironic racism and retarded reactionary rhetoric shits up every thread even when it's nothing to do with politics, to the point where if you make a discussion thread on a non-white author's work the thread devolves into a xenophobic circlejerk and the janitors have to delete it. Fuck, if you even post a white author's work who's known to have left-leaning political opinions they will attack that. So yeah, if they'd kindly fuck off back to the cesspit they came from that'd be swell.

>> No.12444836
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reminder /q/ was deleted 6 years ago. Not that you were here, of course.

>> No.12444838

imagine being this fag lmao

>> No.12445006

lol butthurt

>> No.12445128

I'm pretty sure there are significantly less of them now on the board since gookmoot split the website. I think it's literally the same two NEETs shitting up every thread probably.

>> No.12446206

such a cute lil boy

>> No.12446218

>thinking that the split had any effect whatsoever
You're even dumber than the gook.

>> No.12446236

Shut up nigger

>> No.12446241

Fucking right. Holocaust deniers and edgy racists keep derailing conversations that are actually about books so that we can instead talk about whether or not Africans are savages. Fuckthesecunts

>> No.12446259

>insufferable post-ironic racism
Post-irony is the only way forward for humanity. Most of /pol/ is unironic these days.

>> No.12446272


We are here to stay.

Deal with it lmao :^)

>> No.12446308
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And by influx do you mean his occult following or his interest book?

>Recomend Conscious Capitalism by John Mackey so he can share the superb ideology with his occult followers.

>> No.12446340

>muh reactionary
Not progressive enough, eh? Sorry for standing my ground against your insufferable degeneracy. All I want is a loving family guided by tradition and an insurance that my bloodline will live on.

>> No.12447484

The virgin Redditor
The Chad polack

>> No.12447489

Do girls like these sorts of shy, nerdy, inexperienced boys? Those who have never held a girl's hand before, but are very sweet in soul? Or do the vast majority exclusively prefer dominant, muscular men, who have plenty of history interacting with women?

>> No.12447552

I'm sure if any real girls are reading this that they will not divulge their secrets.

>> No.12447556

Why not? What's so secret when you're on an anonymous forum? Also, what's the harm in admitting you prefer inexperienced, sweet boys to experienced, dominant ones?

>> No.12447712


>> No.12447717

You don't need to bump threads on /lit/

>> No.12447762

Are you a girl, desu?