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File: 339 KB, 1024x685, Slavoj_Žižek_2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12443434 No.12443434 [Reply] [Original]

opinion on Zizek?

>> No.12443447

He is well talked around here, it is almost as funny as the time when some guy on /mu/ asked about their opinion on neutral milk hotel

>> No.12443462

His movies are pretty based.

>> No.12443495

The death maul of contemporary philosophy. Duel wields Hegel and lacan while doing impressive (mental) gymnastics. You can’t cut him in half however as he’s already an ontologically incomplete entity

>> No.12443709

I enjoy his movies also.

>> No.12443746


>> No.12443749

I’ll take his side over Peterson even if he is a dirty commie because his movies are good, >>12443462.

>> No.12443770

Based as fuck and the most entertaining intellectual alive today

>> No.12443775

he's a fat faggot, if I was so corpulent and disgusting I'd kill myself from shame

>> No.12443828
File: 876 KB, 480x270, 0E665A7D-74D9-4F83-A33B-02BFFCA9AEA6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s not wrong on a lot of things.

>> No.12443877

is this pasta or just very subtle bait?

>> No.12444285

He's pretty good but even he tends to compromise himself with left - liberals.

>> No.12444381
File: 236 KB, 702x386, Screenshot - 09192015 - 06:07:23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stale Althusserian structuralism, Lacanian categories obfuscating analysis of political economy, Hegel beyond 20th C totalitarian critique but Leninist repetitions ending up with bureaucratic socialism, tireless I'll-do-you-one-better inversions, self professed charlatan postures mimicking Lacan...

He's great tho.