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12443430 No.12443430[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Noble unpretentious salt of the earth or nothing but pleb trash? My experiences growing up around people like this only made me want to escape, literally zero intellectual pursuits or taste, just drip fed their opinions from television and the media. Reading books is seen as strange, intellectual analysis of anything is seen as overthinking. The few I’ve met that are intelligent end up with severe personality disorders from their shitty upbringing.

So why do upper class people tend to deify the common man as somehow more noble when in reality they’re the same as rich people but worse, since poverty has rotted whatever potential artistically/intellectually they might possess?

>> No.12443436

Listen to John Lennon’s Working class Hero

>> No.12443445

Working class? Subhuman

>> No.12443479

Yeah beating your wife sounds pretty working class to me

>> No.12443489

What is it that you've read that makes you a different teir of human op? You've established that you're not subhuman trash but what literally works have elevated you above them you and why?

>> No.12443519

I don't like them even though I am one. I find the northern working class accent disgusting.

>> No.12443529

>What is it that you've read that makes you a different teir of human op? You've established that you're not subhuman trash but what literally works have elevated you above them you and why?
Butchers Crossing
and enjoyed the prose for all three
also How to Read a Book - Mortimer Adler
one introductory philosophy book

>> No.12443534

>Middle class
That's not what middle class is brainlet

>> No.12443542

Sounds like your describing the middle class there mate and you sound like a smug prick

When I used to labour work the older men were the most wise and "redpilled" people I've ever met

>> No.12443544

I appreciate them. They're generally very friendly, down to earth people that are the most honest reflection of my country's culture. They're not very intellectual, but that's fine. I prefer them to anyone that would describe themselves as upper class. I suppose that's because as we Australians recognise that many of us were criminals or working class migrants not so long ago and still have an affinity for them.

>> No.12443550


>> No.12443553

wow you really are an intellectual aren't you

>> No.12443641

I’m not a different tier of human and that’s the point. 90% of everything is shit including people and their art, but at least the intelligent few that are born upper class have the means and encouragement to reach their potential. Born anything below and they usually end up weird schizo retards who browse boards like this due to lack of a real life outlet.

I’m definitely lefty leaning but don’t get how if poverty/lack of opportunity is a severe handicap or disease, which I think it is, why the people inflicted with it are considered sacred instead of pitied.

>> No.12443656

Yeah if you consider bitter old men complaining about their shitty wives and telling you to never get married to be wise then feel free.

>> No.12443670

the working class are all right and so are the upper class. the middle class is the enemy

>> No.12443674

It could always be down to the area I’ve grown up in true. I wouldn’t mind average people if they actually were kind and generous but they’re not unfortunately, narcissism and selfishness abounds. Maybe a change of scenery would change my mind.

>> No.12443807


Those "men" are fucking retarded cuckold apes who were too stupid to do anything else. Listen, I fucking hate the rich mostly. I grew up in a rich household and went to private school. Nothing I despise more than a bunch of preppy faggots who all decide to play football and desire to go to Berkley and join some gay frat. Disgusting generic clones who suck dad's dick. But as far as I am concerned these blue collar cucks are equally as pathetic. Always moaning about how tough their lives are or taking out their anger on women. Almost always anti intellectual. No reading, no chess, nothing. Just a 12 pack and Monday night football after a fucking miserable day of standing around a construction site jerking off. Fuck the middle class. They despise wealthy people but shit all over the poor too. Entitled, self important faggots. Fuck em. And fuck you.

>> No.12443816


Completely based and incredibly redpilled.

>> No.12443819


>> No.12443838

So what’s your opinion then, it’s genuinely trash from bottom to top? There’s literally no refuge from anti-intellectualism?

>> No.12443871

the working class are literally subhumans lol. i learned that from reading books about Victorian England

>> No.12443916


I agree.

>> No.12443991

I've had a guy tell me recently that he thinks the political class watch breaking bad and house of cards and such to learn the secrets of control.

Yeah, he was an idiot, but that's what you get at the end of it when you don't really care that much about serious snotty topics.

Higher class people atleast have some political and or artistic conscious but they aren't very interesting mostly.

The division into economic classes is never perfect, teachers might be considered working class(with the wages of some), but they are universally better read than the average person they grew up with

>> No.12444109

everyone has opportunities to grow, its all about attitude
If someone is hindered and you do not strive to help them, are you really allowed to complain? are you too burdened by your own shortcomings to help those who have the potential to be great?

>> No.12444112

>teachers might be considered working class
No. Stop believing the propaganda.

>> No.12444124

He beat Cynthia not Yoko you retarded /mu/ meme spewing fuck. Can't expect empty uncreative neuronormalfags to understand mental illness

>> No.12444129

>another emotionally void /lit/fag makes a thread about things he can't possibly understand because of crippling autism

>> No.12444136

Middle class are boring plebs, working class can at least be fun plebs since appearances might not be as important to them.

>> No.12444146
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>So why do upper class people tend to deify the common man as somehow more noble
not really, it is just a hypocrite virtue signalling. An armchair/caviar/champagne socialism. In a real life, Ivy League leftist/democrat will never go for a drink with a coloured taxi driver.

>> No.12444163

My family has been nobility since the early medieval period, and a very important one at that. Now we are penniless and spend our time in debt and firmly in the middle/lower middle class.
The current upper class isn’t made up of old aristocrats anymore, rather bankers, stockholders, money lenders, corporate types, generally the worst of humanity. Not to say that the lower class is any better really, but the upper class’s job has always been to serve the lower class. This collaboration ensures the continual growth of a country and its people, and anytime the upper class has betrayed this principle, the country and its people always head into decline.
The poor of today are in serious decline, with very few as skilled as the lower class from a century ago. But that’s how the world is right now, and it won’t change soon. But it also is no coincidence that the country is in decline as well. While growth these past two-three has been nice, it isn’t felt by the lower or middle class much other than a few more job openings and some wages rising.
tl;dr: the classes are meant to work together, so naturally they all go to shit when they outright hate each other

>> No.12444169

>implying richfags actually read
barely anyone reads now anon

>> No.12444173

Archaic nonapplicaple concepts

>> No.12444179

I'm a secondary school teacher from a working class background and even though I'm on a (slightly) higher salary than my friends growing up I'm definitely still working class.

>> No.12444184

Premium tier ideaology here. The glorification of the working class is a response to the uppwardly mobile ambitions of the middle class who at least in theory want to absorb some of the privileges of the upper class. Praising the lower class lets the upper class demand that those below them know their place while also making the upper class appear open minded.

>> No.12444202


>> No.12444212

>working class - human trash through and through, should be replaced by robots and repurposed into biofuel
>lower middle class - same but with newer iphones, financed "entry luxury" cars and more magaluf and benidorm trips
>higher middle class - actual homo sapiens sapiens, while still concerned with lifestyle and appearances
>old money upper class - actual homo literarius, the peak of human performance forming the cultural elite in the shadow of both lower and upper classes
>nouveau riche upper class - cartoonishly delusional and divorced from reality humanoids recently diluted by influx of arab petrosheikhs, corrupted ex-soviet officials and chinese new rich. basically working class with lottery money
>yotta-gorillionaire class - $70 billion divorces nuff said

>> No.12444423

Middle class is the most culturally and intellectually dead out of the three. The reason being is that they heavily focus on the family unit. They strive for the suburban home, friendly neighbors, and to relate with people through the most common media available. I cannot blame them for living in a vault. There were some I encountered that knew the sacrifice they were making, but they did it for their loved ones. To me, it is a noble choice.

The upper and working classes are where true art springs. The upper class has the means to engulf themselves in the higher art forms if they choose. The working class is faced with the harshest realities of life. The gifted ones among them can take their suffering and transform it into beauty.

>> No.12444463

It's because it reinforces the working class collective identity and instills a false sense of pride in something that is of almost no benefit to them as an individual. This provide bodies for wars and other dangerous industries.

>> No.12444472


Why the fuck does it matter which one he heat, you mongoloid

>> No.12444482

i've got some bad news for you OP...

>> No.12444501

>few I’ve met that are intelligent end up with severe personality disorders from their shitty upbringing.

Hey, thats me!

>> No.12444532

You're all going to die violently soon

>> No.12444718

They are peasants, don't pay attention to them.

>> No.12444768

I've met decent people from all classes but also some arseholes among all classes.

Some working class are very intelligent but lack the ambition to become financially wealthy. They tend be very family orientated and have successful children. Some are well read, well versed in politics and current affairs and capable of quality conversation.

Others were louts incapable of having decent discussion, usually alcoholics or drug users and often looking for a fight.

Some middle class are nice, generous and conscientious. Others are snobbish and self centred. Same goes for rich people.

Plenty of lazy, rude and anti-intellectual people can be found across Western societies and class doesnt necessarily dictate it.

>> No.12445080

>The few I’ve met that are intelligent end up with severe personality disorders from their shitty upbringing.
Literally me

>> No.12445115

I'm not OP but reading philosophy has made me very disillusioned with the modern world. I don't feel superior to anyone, it's not their fault that they are drifting along with whatever societal trends are currently prevalent. I just feel an overwhelming sense of melancholy for the state of the world and the only thing I feel I can do is improve myself spiritually to find some sort of contentment with my place in it.

>> No.12445123
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real post

>> No.12445126

Honestly anon just kill yourself. All philosophers were autistic incel losers and their thousands of pages of assrage doesnt change that. You have been duped. You are just an autistic incel. Just end it and save everyone around you decades of insufferability.

>> No.12445130

Just unthinking pawns to be controlled by people who are better and smarter than them.

>> No.12445142

This is what the old money upper class wants to believe. But the working class is much closer to a spiritual aristocracy tempered by intense suffering than the old money anemics ever will be. Not that it's a general condition, but the working class is much more likely to produce an artistic genius than any upper class.

>> No.12445173

I think I'm actually more of a schizoid volcel, but philosophy genuinely gives my life meaning, so I'm going to keep living for a while and see what happens

>> No.12445191

Working and middle class are very different and educated, well read people tend to be a subset within the middle class.
You have no idea what you're talking about and are probably a burger.

>> No.12445194

>appearances might not be as important

maybe not in some places but it seems to me that the working class are bound to be more superficial just in a different way. TV is full of lumpenprole media like reality tv shows and talent contests full of celebrity worship.

>> No.12445199

too easy to relate to

>> No.12445204

are american private schools this bad that you can come off sounding like an ape

>> No.12445335

>le born in the wrong generation
Seriously though people have always been plebs. For the first time in history we're living in a world with practically free access to intellectual content for almost everyone, especially in the western world. I think people are becoming more intellectual, slowly yes, but these things always start slow. Remember that 20 years ago most people didn't have internet access. Before that, how exactly was a lower class person supposed to find intellectual content? I think we've made incredible progress, considering.

>> No.12445371

the middle class is in this constant of seeming transition where they long for something greater than themselves but fail to reach it due to their mediocrity, much of the time without realizing it
i have nothing but contempt for them

>> No.12445379

ITT: Amerifats that have no idea what middle class actually is

>> No.12445387

middle class is a spook.

>> No.12446616

The working class are great, the middle class are a desert.

>> No.12446637
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>> No.12446663

>The few I’ve met that are intelligent end up with severe personality disorders from their shitty upbringing.

You hit the nail on the head, this is what has happened to me. Imagine how I feel meeting "uperclass" or people born into money and have everything they ever wanted and they have a lower intelligence? Or just don't care about others or social problems? It's torture.
I've regularly related to the whole notion that "some people were not born for this world, their hearts are not not designed for such a cruel world" which has made me contemplate suicide on and off for about a decade now. But I just keep being tortured until one day I will snap and take a bunch of rich people with me. Fuck society.

>> No.12446716

>tfw you realize the Hindus were right and the caste system was a gift from Vishnu for us to effectively govern

>> No.12446737

finally a single non-retarded post
protip: all civilizations have caste systems, we don't live in a civilization (but we do live in a society)

>> No.12446743

Retarded post.

>> No.12446841
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Upper middle class people are shitheads too. Scented candles, expensive stupid electronics, months of spending on shit they dont need, scented candles and soaps all in all just really wasteful and tasteless. A lot of the contemporary upper middle classes are "Self made men" and like my dad probably grew up dirt poor and through luck and a bit of talent ended up with more money than the sum of all their ancestors net worth combined. Which of course they try as hard as possible to piss away on stupid shit. My dad has a scarcity mindset where he'll bulk buy useless things from Costco like tins of corn, as if we're ever gonna just sit down and eat from a flat pack of tinned corn. You can take the boy out of the housing estate but you can't take the housing estate out of the boy i guess.

I went to private school and while there were some outstanding guys there I noticed that the shitheads got worse the more money they had. Private school showed me who gets the money, and business school taught me how they get it. Its made my economics significantly more red than my fathers but only out of spite. There are seriously people around these days who have more money than the Medici and yet they piss it all away on Bose headphones etc. Money can't buy taste, poverty does not ennoble and all in all I can report that there is no point romanticising the upper middle class. Whats left of royalty and aristocracy are more interested in snorting coke than art. Prince Charles is actually something of a foppish patrician which is refreshing. I've met him before and he's extremely nice and strangely shy. Really we can't attribute pros and cons to classes like in the old days, everything has been muddled and levelled so much. The only classicist I know has a dad in jail for breaking and entering. Goes to show that worthiness is really an individual thing now and has no bearing on your background. My grandfather was a Glasgow union member and labourer. I'm only a generation removed from 1940s slums and unlike my dad haven't forgotten it. So I have compassion for people kicking the shit but I don't romantacise it. Again I think everything has been so levelled you're better off treating people on an individual case by case basis because what "class" they're from has no bearing on their character, or even their tastes. Anyway I'm rambling here but that basic bitch take is my contribution. Stereotypes are true but be prepared to change your mind

>> No.12446849

>Scented candles, expensive stupid electronics, months of spending on shit they dont need, scented candles and soaps all in all just really wasteful and tasteless.
I realise I repeated scented candles lmao but it fucking gets me rich women will spend $80+ on a fucking bit of smelly wax

>> No.12446917

Thanks for sharing your perspective. I can relate to the Costco anecdote though I doubt I grew up anywhere near as wealthy as you. Seeing people waste so much money without purpose, joy, or taste is maddening.

The idea that there’s literally no refuge from the tasteless consumerism you’ve described is depressing. Reminds me of that Queen of Versailles documentary where the billionaire’s wife had a shopping addiction and started buying carts full of Walmart trash when the financial crisis hit since it was more affordable given her husband’s situation. Unbelievable.

>> No.12446960

>The idea that there’s literally no refuge from the tasteless consumerism you’ve described is depressing.
Exactly don't think by going up a few pay grades you're going to escape it. You're just gonna have people spend more money on trash. Now when it comes to the true middle classes the "aspirational class" you will see some really unhinged spending. Because they think they can spend themselves up. The only antidote to all this is in all honesty is some epoch making catastrophe and maybe something like the Arts and Crafts Movement. As for yourself right now I'd recommend going your own way with like minded people, staying under the radar and waiting it out.

>> No.12446982

We have a caste system. We pretend it doesn't exist, we pretend "anyone can rise to the top", but it's still there.

Nothing really has fundamentally changed about civilisation. Even the division between democracy and monarchy is just superficial. The only differences is we've changed the narrative about it.

>> No.12447014

Thanks for the post anon. As someone who's lived a similar experience, I'd say I agree with your conclusion. If class ever was a good indicator of someone's character, (although I'm not sure it was), those days are long gone. People will either be noble or deadbeats no matter what their upbringing is. There's simply too many variables to use class alone as a metric. It sounds like a cliche but it's really true that it's one's own character, and not their status in life, that makes them either worthy or not worth your time.

>> No.12447054


Just thought I'd leave this here.


>> No.12447137

I think it depends very much on the country. The English working class, for example, are probably the most degenerated out of any country. In Mediterranean countries on the other hand their semi-rural and highly clannish nature give them a certain kind of charm and vigour, I suppose. The one upside of the American working class, where it still exists, is its raw vigour where I don't really see anywhere else. There's an energy there that might still be harnessed.

The upper class like to deify the common man though because of that inherent anxiety of wealth; they know that in the end they're the same person, so they either assuage their consciences over the disparity between rich and poor or delude themselves as a way of ignoring their privileged position by doing their best to fake an admiration for the lower orders of society, occasionally taking action without any serious result. There's also upper-class ennui that causes them to try to find something "authentic", and since they can't look any higher they stoop as low as they can instead.

>> No.12447185

From what I've heard the British upper classes have fallen much further than the upper classes of any other country. They're practically aping the behaviours of the lower classes at this point.

>> No.12447194

>They're practically aping the behaviours of the lower classes at this point.
Thats a common theme in the Anglosphere in general. Weird kind of cultural cringe/guilt. I know Australia is like that and I bet Episcopalian WASPS from Nantucket are probably bigger fans of R Kelly than Schubert.

>> No.12447236

I suppose there's more to it than this, but I blame capitalism. Virtually everything - including high art and class - has been commodified, so when the experience of enjoying literature or attending an art museum is promoted and branded using the exact same methods as watching the footy or going to WaterWorld, then naturally people are going to associate the two and naturally gravitate towards what is more "popular" and appeals to their baser instincts.

Then again I could be pulling this out of my ass, but I still feel like capitalism and commidification has played a big part in it

>> No.12447238

They're generally pretty chill. I'd rather binge drink and play vidya with a bunch of wagies than peacock at a trendy bar with a bunch of sois

>> No.12447287

Well, a mass culture fostered and enabled by captialism sure. As an advertising hack I can tell you its not quite the Elders of the Protocols of Madison Avenue. There are limits to what you can do with a poster. Ultimately there has to be a culture amenable to buying or otherwise consuming trash and there is. I'd consider the entertainment industry to be a far more influential taste maker than advertising but the two are practically the same thing now. it is a mass society and really the first global society that we live in today. You can buy Levi jeans on every continent. Resistance really is futile, not that i dont want to resist, just that by not making a big show of going against the current you can actually get away with a surprising amount. Democratisation is a big factor too. It creates a lowest common denominator which is why "class" is such a nebulous thing now. Everyone is a little bit of everyone else and the lines are all blurred. So the fashionable and desirable traits and people are not "up" from baseline but in fact baseline. And the baseline gets lower and lower the more people rush to meet it. So advertising and media has to dangle the carrot ever lower to try and not get left behind by the masses.

>> No.12447306

Shut up, stop worshipping an Americanized ideal of success, stop worshipping sex and status, stop being a chimp

>> No.12447379

This is why leftism is a bad idea. You can't just structurally eliminate the upper class and live in egalitarian utopia (protip a crypto-class system similar to the first one emerges immediately in every case), you have to structure the society in such a way that the upper classes are willing and obliged to exercise noblesse oblige

>> No.12447389
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based and roachpilled

>> No.12447638

What are the best books on the practice of advertisement?

>> No.12447653

Depends on the person. Some working class people are really interesting people. Others are NPC faggots.

Same goes for wealthy people.

>> No.12447721

You romanticize the poor yet denigrate an entire class of people based off of a vague taxonomy at best. All the critiques you levied against an entire class of people apply to your romanticized poor. If I espouse my hatred for my own socioeconomic class, then it gives me license to hate everyone else. Nice logic, stupid.

>> No.12447833

All this pontification over the same invective that has been recycled through the ages. The affluent are susceptible to decadence and the poor vote themselves entitlements and are used for political control. This is outlined throughout the ages especially Greece and Rome. The middle is more important for societal stability and are more skeptical of the other two classes for the reasons outlined. The middle is less dependent, desperate and does not have the same margin of error as the affluent. The middle has always been maligned by the affluent and poor for they lack its pretense, perceived tastelessness and romanticism. You're all a bunch of pretentious, pseudo-intellectual, ungrateful, suburban faggots.

>> No.12448241
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Middle class cuckold detected

>> No.12448323

>implying the American working class isn't just meth and opioid addicts

>> No.12448329
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ugh.. my once proud Russia, fallen to capitalism and western decadence..

>> No.12448365

Britfag here.

I find the working class a very interesting mix. You can tell which ones are there because of a certain outlook/attitude to life, and who is there because they're fucking stupid.

I know an older guy from London with a cockney accent (old hippie type). He's easily one of the smartest people I've ever met, definitely the wittiest when it comes to make quips and puns. He's read almost every great author and is familiar with every philosopher. You can pretty much name any topic and he'll know about it. He's spiritualistic, but doesn't subscribe to any formal religious group. Compare that to some working class people who are like you described. He probably could've acquired money if he'd really wanted to but has always been satisfied with his life. No kids, so he doesn't have to worry about leaving an inheritance.

>> No.12448392

>When I used to labour work the older men were the most wise and "redpilled" people I've ever met
You never did any labour work.

>> No.12448419

Op check out Bordieu’s Distinction for a good study on the classes, their tastes and motivations.

>> No.12448694

I'd probably start with uni textbooks just for the fundamentals. The all time classics are Bernays and Marshal McLuhan of course

>> No.12448711

old money > working class > middle class > new money > under class

>> No.12448807

The middle class is good and should be the goal for most people. As a privileged scion of the upper middle class, I must say I despise a large part of the American class that either self-describes or conforms to the standards of white trash behavior. There is little romantic about this class of practically subhuman drug abusers, Harley-Davidson riding, goatee wearing consumerists. This is distinct class of people and is different from blue collar and rural people who occupy various portions of America and I do not want to conflate these groups. I am specifically attacking the the fat slobs who leave KY-jelly in their bathroom right next to their heretic bathroom edition of the Bible. These one-eyed pitbull owning retards aren't even "traditional", and you can often see the disfunction displayed in their children and their lack of an upbringing. Whenever I've encountered fat, fake-lesbian girls with an unnaturally dyed hair color, their family pictures often included a goatee having retard who's checked out of his role as a father before he even shot off his half-loved load. The pinnacle of this pathetic vignette was a fat lard of a "man" schlepping his half-nigger mongrel around a pilgrim fest, which I had the pleasure of attending: he was still adorned with the Harldey-Davidson t-shirt he was born and molded by, his fat stomach protruding and enlarging the wheel of a motorcycle that probably hasn't been produced since the 60s. His most likely fat and neglected whore daughter blessed him with the care of this niglet who he shambled behind. Yes, I hate these people, I am better than them, I am a descendant of Robert Morris (the cosignator of our beautiful Declaration of Independence and Constitution) and I am their superior both mentally and morally.

>> No.12448871

Thanks for the recommendation I’ll check it out.

>> No.12448890

That’s interesting to hear about the British working class. Here in burger land my perception of them has mostly been through pop-culture like Peaky Blinders or Snatch, which tends to heavily romanticize them. Then again, Sons of Anarchy does something similar for the American lower classes but still screams trashy to me. Watching 5 minutes of some shitty UK reality show about teen moms or the like would probably be a more accurate gauge.

>There's also upper-class ennui that causes them to try to find something "authentic", and since they can't look any higher they stoop as low as they can instead
I think this is probably the root cause of the romanticism, good point.

>> No.12448922

Thanks for the recommendations. Is advertisement a professional which is heavily theoretically based (as in, there a strong grounding is social psychology and sociological theories) or more of a practical "whatever works" type of affair built of precedent? Sorry to bother you too much.

>> No.12449021

Have you ever met a middle management careerist interesting enough to speak to for any length of time?

>> No.12449027

What's the difference between an intellectual and a pseudointellectual?

>> No.12449052

The american south working class is either some of the most humble and admirable people around or nigger tier

>> No.12449065

I'm blue collar. I work with my hands. I sometimes have a lot of downtime at work and I frequently read then. Just tonight I read 50 pages of The Path of Cinnabar while on the clock. My two crewmates dick around on their phone during downtime for the most part. One of them sometimes reads "funny" things to me off of 9gag under the bizarre assumption that I am interested in such a thing, often while I myself am reading a book. I am content with my lot in life, socio-economically speaking. I make good money, can buy whatever books I like, whatever music equipment I need. I am engaged to a woman who cooks my every meal. I like it.

>> No.12449087

that's incredible, wow, very nice, where can I subscribe to your blog for more content like this?

>> No.12449149

Based anon

>> No.12449155

No need to subscribe anywhere I post here on four chan . com regularly.

>> No.12449197

>>12445126 (especially you)
Psychoantisocial black death purge undercurrent of pure hatred present on 4chan on absolute display. Just screenshot this post and if you ever begin to doubt that imageboards are not evil incarnate you can look at it and reflect on why you all remain to stay here in the gallows by your own will. Me? I do it so I can give these people a taste of their own medicine, writing nothing but oblivious pretensions that they do not care to read in an effort to elevate my own worldview above that of others in this game we call life. hit me with your best one-liner, nigger faggot.

>> No.12449408
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>> No.12449424

Nothing wrong with that. Multicultural cities are a pleasure to be in.

>> No.12449437

There are plenty of other places for off-topic racebait, try to contain yourself

>> No.12449453

Yeah if you can afford it or given free housing due to your shade.

>> No.12449472

If my "city" was all white it would be even more of a mcshithole, without any nice taqueria's and pupusarias to get my cheap eats at. There was
a time when a white man could get absolutely trashed in a tex-mex place and call all the waiters 'pedro', and the waiters would love them for it. In a post trump America, the would probably spit in their food.
You racist assholes are completely destroying race-relations and are causing societal decay with your autism.

>> No.12449496

So the problem is crapitalism..

>> No.12449504

Sure but then literally everyone will want to live in and try to live in cities so im just not sure of the logistics of that situation.

>> No.12449524

Not me, as much as I like visiting the city I would never want to live in one, I prefer to live around as much nonhuman life as possible and many, if not most, people do. the reason mass migration into cities happens is traditional rual Life and agricultural production being swallowed up into the supply chains of transnationals.

>> No.12449607


Race baiting? Were talking about the working class? Don't you know who the working class is?

Are you talking about the brown people moving into white nations on mass? Because I don't see a whole lot of multiculturalism happening in the eastern countries, just the western ones.