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/lit/ - Literature

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12442202 No.12442202 [Reply] [Original]

What justifies charging $45 for a digital book?

Give me an epub/mobi pls /lit/

>> No.12442217

It's a fucking scam. They used to say physical books were expensive because what they cost to make. But now with digital what's the excuse...

>> No.12442270

It tooks almost the same entire effort to make the ebook version of already printed book. It is a price for labor.

>> No.12442349
File: 89 KB, 363x475, 1496633988275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ebooks start out super cheap
>the minute Amazon cornered the market on ebook readers, suddenly the prices went up to the same and sometimes higher than the physical books

really makes you hmm

>> No.12442390

It costs the same to produce paper as it does 1's & 0's? Put down the crack pipe buddy.

>> No.12442430
File: 40 KB, 385x325, NIKE labor cost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12442443

I went to the doctor with my grandfather. The doctor says the ingredients in prescription drugs cost 2 cents per pill.

>> No.12442450

He's referring to the labor required to write, edit, format, etc the book, not the physical paper, you fucking retards.

>> No.12442466


The fact that people buy it. You're allowed to do anything. Also have you tried library genesis?

>> No.12442471

He said "already printed" that means the book is already written. Why would you pay for a writer and editor for a book that's already been written?

You sir, are the fucking retard.

>> No.12442570

people who think this is how cost margins work are actually retarded. Not that im on the side of big companies but if you factored in NIKE's gigantic marketing costs the margins on their products go way down. This is why often a high end but lesser known brand will often have better quality than even a more expensive and famous brand.

>> No.12442575

So the publishing house can make the money back that they paid to the writer and editor up front to write it

>> No.12442693

Try taking text from a scan and making an eBook out of it. You'll see why it costs so much.

>> No.12442703

It's not that hard even /a/ does it for free

>> No.12442711

how come I feel like “radical orthodoxy” is going to be as equally retarded a misreading of Jesus Christ as any other sect out there?

>> No.12442728

Why would /a/ be making epubs?

>> No.12442752

there's a pdf on aaaaarg.fail
the niggers itt can probably turn it into a decent epub since apparently it's so damn easy

>> No.12442778

Weeb light novels and manga they scan that and translate it for free

>> No.12442782

So it's nothing comparable to actual literature.

>> No.12442786

It is the same thing when it come to the manual work you mongoloid stop defending the money grabbing publishers

>> No.12442793

No, your comic books are not comparable to a 100,000 word novel.

>> No.12442803

Light novels are longer than that, and for the comics you can't use and automatic software for the text like aabb reader that asks you to fill a few words a page and then automatically makes it in whatever format you want so yea, they actually need more work

>> No.12442827

I'm not going to bicker over this because it's stupid. Instead, since you think it's so easy, I'll challenge you to prove it. There's a .PDF of Radical Orthodoxy available on Libgen, if you use it and create your own retail quality epub and post it within 24 hours I'll send you a 100 dollars via Paypal.

>> No.12442840

Sure anonymous ...

>> No.12442851

Academic writing is expensive because the target market (both ebooks and physical copies) is university libraries which are willing to pay over the odds for these books.

>> No.12442927

And you still end up paying through your tuition

>> No.12442939

>this guy