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/lit/ - Literature

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12442116 No.12442116 [Reply] [Original]

>Yes, I started with the Mesopotamians

>> No.12442139

Wo. Lesson leaned.
Start with the wrong cultural studies, you end up a giant rodent

>> No.12442154


>> No.12442169

Holy fuck, very based

>> No.12442227

Pige? What happened to your snoud?

>> No.12442254 [DELETED] 

Bad boy.

>> No.12442446

Epic (in the literary sense, like Gilgamesh).

>> No.12443327
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>Yeah, I started with The Epic of Manas

>> No.12443370

>not starting with the cave drawings
lmao youre never going to make it

>> No.12444084
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>I started with Shijing , correct.

>> No.12444190

What a cute creature. Good that he's begun his scholarly journey early, he'll soonafter be knowledgable enough to impress the other koala peers of his, or whatever species he is from. Also, what a wise one he is, to begin with the civilization that the dominant culture of the past 2000 years in the West, Judeo-Christianity, began as.

>> No.12444195

Please don't post such images. I become very sad when I see girls in bed with men, because I view them as too pure for such things, and men as rabid animals. Please.

>> No.12444240
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>You haven't read the Aenead? Why not?

>> No.12445029
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>The more I read the more I come back to my folk tales collections. No matter how much genius an individual author puts in to his works they're never going to display the life contained in the oral traditions.

>> No.12445069
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It's a capybara

I started a bronze-age reading list about a year ago that's been really rewarding. Pic of the list so far is attached.

>> No.12445079

I started with the Anglos

>> No.12445099

thats cool babe now swallow me load

>> No.12445271
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>secondary sources

>> No.12445275

The Old Testament is more like 1000 BC to 160 BC

>> No.12445346

Because I'm a Chad, not a Virgil.

>> No.12445509


>> No.12445540

go back to rddit

>> No.12445884

The stuff going back that far is pretty limited to small books like Song of Songs, and the later stuff is mostly apocryphal like Maccabees, so I'm fine with that range.

This is what passes for lit these days? The other thread was right, phone posters were a huge mistake.

>> No.12445910

>these days

>> No.12445955

Aesop Fables are a very easy read

>> No.12445963
File: 194 KB, 1028x675, http:_o.aolcdn.com_hss_storage_midas_fe9404f1ebb1d1eeccea1bf2577b5601_203626316_Screen+Shot+2016-03-31+at+3.40.52+PM.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You end up the most chill dude in the animal kingdom.

>> No.12445992
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>> No.12446042

Because I'm too busy reading your eyes.

>> No.12446047

Stop impersonating me

>> No.12446230

>rolling natural 20s on every diplomacy check.jpg

>> No.12446261
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You're right. Capybara is cool. He kinda reminds me of the Moomins

>> No.12446277


>> No.12446284

This is unbelievable to me. He can just chill beside an alligator? How is this possible? How can an ordinary rodent have transcended to such heights? He's like the Jesus of the rodent-kingdom

>> No.12446310
File: 2.74 MB, 1280x720, spirit animal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A challenger appears

>> No.12446338

Absolutely based. What is this one? He can be the Buddha of his kind, having clearly ascended beyond worldly involvements, while the Capybara can be the Jesus of his, uniting different species together under his Capybaryan creed.

>> No.12446368

Its a Mountain Viscacha, a big rabbit with a tail that went full Zarathustra on the Andes

>> No.12446390

add panchatantra to your list, indian animal fables in the form of a niti

>> No.12446391

He's too big for the crocodile, so it doesn't consider it a food source. You could probably chill next to one too.

>> No.12446745

Just looked it up. Looks like it deserves a spot on the list. Any advice about English resources for Indian history and literature? Google hasn't been very useful, and I keep finding articles on why I shouldn't do it without a spiritual guide, but I'm interested in learning about it for secular reasons.

>> No.12447043


Why do Americans do this?

>> No.12447055

kill yourself

>> No.12447057

Why do religious people clutch their pearls over it?

>> No.12447133
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>Europeans are more religious than Americans

>> No.12447148

Dude, crocs eat gazelles and other creatures way larger than that capybara. Somehow the capy has charmed him and become his fren.

>> No.12447159

Those are caiman not actual crocs or gators.

>> No.12447171

Animals are weirdly fickle

A predator will eat every fucking creature that comes along its way, but then find one stuck in the mud and help it get out, and the two will become best friends for life. Doesn't matter that the predator then goes on to eat the other animal's family, they'll just chill and be bonded because of a chance encounter.

>> No.12447189

I don't know, the cat has a look on its face like it fears rape.

>> No.12447199

Well I wrote that list and I'm not American or religious, so there's at least one non-American religious pearl-clutcher in the thread.

>> No.12447216
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We really ought to place the year zero farther back to avoid all this nonsense.


>> No.12447228

Kill yourself.

>> No.12447260

Seems like a huge amount of work for unnecessary revisionism.

>> No.12447449

When on high, am i right?

>> No.12447487

Once everything is digitized it wont be so hard.
Easier than the US adopting the metric system
(Which bothers me that they haven't, more and more these days)

>> No.12447614

The US is a regressive nightmare, and it’s better to leave them in an idealized dreamland of 1950s middle America while they fade out of relevance.

>> No.12447740

Gregorian Calendar has no year zero.
It goes straight from -1 to 1.

>> No.12447767

It places year 1 BC and 1 AD arbitrarily around some non-event and forces historians and archeologists to count backwards for no good reason. Day or minute zero should be placed around the time Gobekli Tepe was made

>> No.12447782

I will pray for you :)

>> No.12448354

>No From Cyrus to Alexander
gtfo pleb

>> No.12448827


>> No.12449856

Your filter for someone being a pleb is that they didn’t include some secondary source pop-history book in a reading list made up of primary sources? Yikes.

>> No.12449903

>calling academic history pop history
>Reading only primary history
bet you think the Persian army was 1 million strong lmao

>> No.12450095

Nah, the later portions of Daniel are from the 160s BC, since they clearly reference Antiochus IV.

>> No.12450108

For history, John Keay's "India: A History" is a good overview. Gavin Flood's "Introduction to Hinduism" provides a good historical perspective of the religion.

>> No.12450127

Is there any Persian literature that would make learning all of this Persian history worthwhile for a literature reading list?

>> No.12450149

Nah, the Persepolis library got burned by Alexander and then he and the Diodochi encouraged Hellenic works, i was just shitposting

>> No.12450228

based skisofernia poster

>> No.12450379

Any secular literature coming from India in this period, or just the Hindu religious texts?

>> No.12450572

The earliest texts that aren't specifically religious are grammar treatises which are probably too technical and dry to be of interest. It's a bit later, but Kautilya's Arthashastra is a political treatise and is very interesting.

>> No.12450636

Interesting. In your opinion, is jumping into the Rigveda worthwhile, or will I miss out on too much historical/religious context?

>> No.12450748


Intimidation is diplomacy

>> No.12451314

Congratulations to everyone involved, this was the only halfway decent discussion I’ve read on lit all week.

>> No.12451774

Have you read Myths & Legends of Babylonia & Assyria by Lewis Spence? It has some outdated spellings and info (says Sumerians were Semite If I recall correctly) but expands futher into religious practices, their astrology, semi-historical figures, and some literature.
I'm specializing into mythology, and wonder if you know anything to go after Kramer's Sumerian Mythology, whether the book is myth-centric or not (as there are some history books with great detail on that subject)

>> No.12452077


I laughed way too hard at this

>> No.12452162

the only namefag worth anythingin 2019 is dinotendies of /fit/, fuck off

>> No.12452446
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>> No.12452829

I haven't actually read any Spence, and am currently reading Kramer's Sumerian history. It doesn't go very much in depth, but deep enough for my purposes. That being said, I found an html copy of Spence on Gutenberg, and it looks very interesting. I'll have to check that out, thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.12453760

To serve what purpose?

>> No.12454065

She looks like she's about to cry

>> No.12454200

This, but unironically

>> No.12454812

The Rig Veda is a collection of over 1000 hymns, it's not something you can read through like the Epic of Gilgamesh.

>> No.12455053

The U.S. is more stable than it has ever been. Thank God for fracking.

>> No.12455164
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>but of course I started with the cave paintings