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12439068 No.12439068 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books on the Holocaust and revisionism from both sides of the issue?

Is that one Italian revisionist the "best" Holocaust denier in terms of nonbias?

>> No.12439085



>> No.12440060

Fuck off to /pol/

>> No.12440070

Holocaust happened you uneducated stormfag

>> No.12440073

MODS MODS MODS delete this shit right now!

>> No.12440077

Irving keeps revising his numbers upwards:

>> No.12440080


>> No.12440087

Get out to /pol/

>> No.12440094

We don't discuss such problems here.

>> No.12440097
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>> No.12440107

Fug off

>> No.12440109
File: 11 KB, 228x246, dfgdgw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unique posters (counting me, the OP) in this thread: 4
>total replies: 10

Stop sperging out, dude. Thanks for the bumps and enjoy your ban for flooding.

>> No.12440239

Aaaa fuck of nazi!!!

>> No.12440266

Why are some people like irving so obsessed with the holocaust and Jews? I read part of that book that gets meme, that culture of critique, and it was full of bs I had to put it down.

>> No.12440271

Because they are basement faggots and racists. Dont read it

>> No.12440348

>Dude I just want to hear both sides of the "do humans have hands?" issue.

>> No.12440381

name 1 thing you read in COC which you found to be bullshit?

>> No.12440388

Written by the seething wh*Teoid

>> No.12440391


>> No.12440396

It's been a while since I've read it, but he mentions something along the line that jews instinctively act against western values but the sources he gives are vague. It would someone saying whites are racist and cites neo nazis to prove their point.

Not to mention, what's the point of his book? Jews are supposedly responsible for the death of so called white nations, now what? His association with white nationalist organizations is also a red flag. It's something I can't take seriously.

>> No.12440403

hide and report all /pol/shitters

>> No.12440416

I think his point was that since Jews are an often persecuted minority, their group psychology has evolved to subtly undermine their opponents as a means of defusing potential reprisals against them.

I don't think he ever blames them for anything besides contributing to a culture of excessive self-critique, but he originates this idea in the pathological altruism of whites.

>> No.12440510

Over 6 million died.

>> No.12440523

Sage , this is not b ; pol containment needs enforcing.

>> No.12440555

yeah, you clearly haven't even skimmed the book. now go back to fucking your dad.

>> No.12440570

anti-semitism is a blight

>> No.12440629
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>t. hasn't studied the JQ

>> No.12440697
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The subject is very interesting, however Neo-Nazis and Germophiles ruin the subject by repeating the same old debunked arguments and inforgraphics. Myself, I'm very interested in the subject but reject most of what said Neo-Nazis claim. Irving is an interesting figure but has been caught lying or misrepresenting facts. OPs video is pretty interesting. I'd would like to see a counter-argument if there is one to be made.
That being said fuck kr*uts.

>> No.12441015

Citing neo-Nazis to prove your point isn't a problem if the neo-Nazis arguments were correct.

>> No.12441087

thanks for ruining a perfectly legitimate /lit/ thread with your autism, you colossal whorechild.

>> No.12441160
File: 108 KB, 499x385, 1544224150375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing to revise... it was always a blatant hoax

>> No.12441167

damn JIDF browses here too

>> No.12441912

>asks for books on certain topic
>flooded with fuck off to pol, delete this
What the fuck?

>> No.12441923
File: 56 KB, 448x542, john-lukacs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btfos David Irving so hard that Irving sues him for defamation and gets sections criticising his work and character removed from the British edition of his book
so much for free speech, heh...

>> No.12441993

>tfw Irving got outed as a pseud in a courtroom
dire desu

>> No.12442002
File: 19 KB, 220x322, 220px-Eichmann_in_Jerusalem_book_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12442196

Irving is a dipshit for a lot of reasons but that trial was a farce and an insult to British law and personal freedoms.

>> No.12442241

t. bitter nazi

>> No.12442660

simply epic

we fught anudda nazi comrades let's celebrate our victory over at r/socialism

>> No.12443050
File: 927 KB, 658x1168, Screenshot_20190120-043737~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good read.

>> No.12443063

Actually the proper board for this is >>>/his/

>> No.12443132

Golly gee, Juden, he wouldn't kill 1,000 people.
Fine, 1,000,000 people, but they weren't gassed.
Ok, three million.
Fine, some were gassed. It was four million.
It couldn't be higher than five million.

>> No.12444220
