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12437506 No.12437506[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12437582

You may be sarcastic but this book did change my thinking a lot and it is his best work as well.

>> No.12437599

In what way did it change your thinking?

>> No.12437678

>antifragility, not robustness, is the opposite of fragility

some pretty genius insight if you think about it
taleb is a smart dude

>> No.12437687

I stopped cleaning my room

>> No.12437702

I mean, it depends in what sense you consider opposite to be in effect. If you consider it to be like an additive inverse where antifragility is the same extrema but in the opposite polarity, then that statement is correct. However if you consider a multiplicative kind of inverse in which they nullify each other when combined, robustness and fragility would work as opposites. A robust object made fragile becomes a sort of neutral object which contains neither quality.

He is right about the concept of anti-fragility being an important one that the English language doesn't properly address, but it isn't something that makes the concept of robustness non-useful in terms of fragility. They just address different issues.

>> No.12437703

>Plato, Aristotle, Averroes

>Early Stoics, Menodotus of Nicomedia, Popper, Burke, Wittgenstein, John Gray

>Roman Stoics, Nietszche, perhaps Hegel, Jaspers

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12437715

top 5 arab intellectual desu

black swan also blew my mind
>random things happen, you can't predict stuff
like whoa, why did nobody think of that

>> No.12438832
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>> No.12438841

More that you cant predict what you cant predict
t. Donald

>> No.12438846

>Marie Kondo wants to know your location

>> No.12438848

>a robust object made fragile
is by definition fragile otherwise your use of fragile is insipid and you meant to say, was deprived of its robustness.

>> No.12438912

Can you guys stop posting this literal who YouTube man? I keep thinking he is Salman Rushdie

>> No.12438955

They’re actually the same man; when he goes into Rushdie-mode he just wears some glasses and makes a smug face

>> No.12439028

>Roman Stoics, Nietszche, perhaps Hegel, Jaspers

if he said that, hes unironically based

>> No.12439114

It's defined specifically as the shape of the payoff function wrt. some stressor variable. Fragility is concave, robust is linear, antifragility is convex.

>> No.12439155

he's a longwinded braggard and that seemed out of place in a serious book but i rolled with it. dude uses the word "sissy" as a concept of weakness for fucks sakes i mean come on, it's like he's trolling. i enjoyed the concept of antifragile. his take on health and diet is intriguing (less medicine is more, fasting, old foods, no processed stuff) . he said interesting about the ancients having methods to inject randomness to make various decision systems function better in an antifragile way, if i read it again i will focus on this part ... too bad he is so all over the place. i wonder if another writer or someone else picked up on that idea and fleshed it out better.

>> No.12439279
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>> No.12439299


he never wrote that

>> No.12439397

It's from antifragile, just read it.

>> No.12440275

is him even a philosopher or not

>> No.12440619

There are plenty of things that can be fairly robust/versatile even under mismanagement that can intentionally made fragile.

>> No.12440882

I thought he was a Quant?

>> No.12441889

>underrating aristotle, thé most well-rounded and perfect philosopher out there

>> No.12443156

philosophers are SISSIES

>> No.12443624

Too many words to describe something simple