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/lit/ - Literature

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1243666 No.1243666 [Reply] [Original]

does anyone else buy wayyyy too many books for your to read pile at home?

>> No.1243668

Oh yeah. I recently did a sorting, of sorts, though, where I threw away a large number of books.

>> No.1243672
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currently restructuring my bookshelf, now theres a huge pile of books without a home....kinda sad

could never throw away a book though, i still have all my goosebumps

>> No.1243679

Yep. I've promised myself I wont buy anything new until Christmas so I can concentrate on working though the pile of guilt.

>> No.1243688
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everytime i walk through a bookstore, i always seem to end getting at least one book, probably cause all the good ones are so cheap

more jesus

>> No.1243692
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yep but College does make you stack em' high SO LITTLE TIME SO MANY BOOKS!

>> No.1243723
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I'm hoping to distort the book market via second-hand bookstores and op-shops.

>> No.1243729

I buy books faster than I can read them. I used to hate it, but now I honestly don't mind. I like always having whatever book I want within reach. For example: a few hours ago I said to myself, "I want to read some pre-Tolkien fantasy." I looked at my bookshelf and saw The Complete Chronicles of Conan, The King of Elfland's Daughter, and The Once and Future king.

I'll get started on some of those this weekend. =D

>> No.1243742

>The Complete Chronicles of Conan, The King of Elfland's Daughter, and The Once and Future king.

The first and last one are more contemporary to Tolkien than anything else.

I only bring this nit up because most modern fantasy tries to combine Conan and Tolkien and it just doesn't work very well.

>> No.1243745

I just did that with Magical Realism. I'm not sure it makes me less guilty about it though.

>> No.1243751
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>I used to hate it, but now I honestly don't mind.

I'm frankly of a totally different opinion. I used to tell myself I'd catch up, but that's not happening any time soon.

>> No.1243756

To quote Harlan Ellison, who owns 250,000 books, "Who the hell wants a library of books they've already read?"

>> No.1243759

Fuck yeah, that quote is now my justification forever. Thank you.

>> No.1243779
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True enough. It's certainly not the cost, because second hand books are generally cheap, and I more-or-less have the space. But there's always the prospect that I'm depriving someone of an interesting read that's otherwise rotting on my shelf. On Monday I'm dropping a box of books on my nearest library to do as they please with. I'd have to be dying though to part with much more than that.

>> No.1243801

I used to, but I started using the library. Much easier on the wallet and I won't have to move 10 more 50 pound boxes than I already have, the next time I move.

>> No.1243816

I used to, but I bought an e-book reader. Now I buy expository works (since I like to annotate the fuck out of them), library the fiction that I can, and pirate the rest.

>> No.1243875

I have books pilled up on the floor because I don't have enough space for them. I used to read at least one book per week, but with college this is just impossible.

>> No.1243905

>implying it's not because you're on /lit/ all the time.

>> No.1243917

my to-read pile is anywhere from five minimum to however many else i steal from the mega-corp bookstore in town.
it's never empty and expands weekly since whenever i stop in for coffee i'll grab one or two MORE books that catch my attention or i've been meaning to get.
also, a good 80% of my selections come from lit.

>> No.1243928

I currently have 16 books I havent read yet. Not too bad, I'll buy more in a few weeks when I'm almost through

>> No.1243938

I have too many and I'm a little embarrassed by it, mainly because I should be saving money right now rather than buying books now that I won't even read until some time in the future.

>> No.1244044

I'm going to go ahead and agree with >>1243905

I go to college full time while working 24 hours a week and I manage to get a book a week in plus a short story or two.

Well, I'm currently unemployed, but that was my situation for awhile.