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12436497 No.12436497 [Reply] [Original]

How hard/expensive would it be to open a bookstore in the third world? Where there aren’t any good lit bookstore?

Not even Harry Potter is easy to find

>> No.12436510

third worlders have torrent

>> No.12436544
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Hard but it depends where.
Argentina, for example is over saturated. This little bookshop only sells books in English, and it has a pretty decent location.
Fucking google maps link.
Google "Estados Unidos 617, C1101AAM CABA" if you want to check the neighborhood.

I used to work around some antique bookdealers in Buenos Aires. First editions of mostly local texts. Never saw a customer go in, though.
The Big Stores have tons of books, and they obviously carry Harry Potter wtf

>> No.12436557

Btw, don't come to Argentina unless you want to get shot or lose money.
Chile is marginally the best place right now, but they are too illiterate.

>> No.12436577

I’m not from that area of the world, I’m from a Middle East third world

I’m not going anywhere, however I plan on opening my book in the big city here where all the pretentious teens want to brag that they read

>> No.12436837
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It matters not where you are located, for it is always the case that knowledge is accessible to those who seek.

>> No.12436858
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actual ownership of business in other countries is difficult for small business. I've looked into it in some SEA countries.

t. deepfried faraang

>> No.12436877

Nice place. I wish I could have visited when I was in Argentina, I had no idea this book store even existed. If I go back to Argentina in march I'll drop by that store.

>> No.12436911

>It matters not where you are located, for it is always the case that knowledge is accessible to those who seek.
That you seek a thing means you know at least what you seek. Yet the unknown exists and we arrive without wandering. You place a key atop the jeweled box and say I seek inside it. You may know the contents with your key but you cannot answer how this key and box came except that someone wanted to explain to you the beautiful unknown deliveries.

>> No.12437188

What use is a bookstore if noone knows how to read?

>> No.12437232

All small bookstores are vanity projects opened by naive dreamers on inheritance money or family funding. They are not profitable or sustainable (unless you quickly scale up.)

>> No.12437252

Idk about other 3rd world countries, but amidst the crisis and the growth of Amazon, lots libraries are shutting down in Brazil, because they can't afford to stay open, but they're mostly huge mega-stores that would have a though time in any receeding economy.

>> No.12437259

>In the 3rd world
>The place barely anyon can fucking read

>> No.12437611

I've been all over the Bronx and don't think I've ever seen a bookstore there. Why worry about the Third World when we have big pockets of shithole people here in the USA?

>> No.12437621

Iny my shithole book corps seek out small bookshops to close them down, only shops that are 20 or more survive, also pirating culture makes it hard.

>> No.12438837

Don’t blaspheme my dude

>> No.12439538

Really made me think

>> No.12439551

Where you at habibi? Shuttling between Dubai and Kuwait here.

>> No.12440791

Mexico City has a pretty dense amount of interest in bookstores still, so I can see that being potentially successful

>> No.12440827

1997 interview about book sales

>> No.12440853

Sell me some fucking collectibles.

>> No.12440856
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>> No.12440878

I'm a third world fag who is currently making a thesis on making publishing companies here.
It is not totally worthless to make one but is way more difficult than in 1st world. Don't bother with rural places and non-major cities, they simply doesn't work.

It isn't a great moment for publishing companies and bookstores as the market is still trying to figure his shit on how to tackle the new technology and their now worthless inventory.
I read you are from the Middle East, it's a different case here (LatinAmerica) as while we aren't avid readers it really isn't difficult to find Harry Potter or most of the western Best-sellers.
Anyway, I think that you can make a working and profitable ( financially sustainable) bookstore if you make most of your physically inventory on shit you will sell like best-sellers, school text, specific books with high demand and cut cost on rent and space. You HAVE to sell other shit like food, dvd/BD, consumables, etc. You need that people has a lot of reasons for going to your store. Maybe some desks and free wi-fi for making homework and shit.
If you wanted the old-fashioned bookstore forget it, that shit is dead and it ain't coming back.
And the most important thing, you ABSOLUTELY need to have a good knowledge on providers and a functional online selling page, so you can send anything they'll ask online immediately and if they ask in your store to have the ability to get the book in a couple of day max.

>> No.12441520

One of the biggest problems with those mega-stores (Saraiva and Cultura, which are the ones that are closing down) is that both bought millions of those Youtuber books which is unfortunately a thing here and guess what? They do not sell. Not even children read books anymore around here. If you enter one of those stores, you will see mostly that and university-required books, but people torrent or copy those, since they are incredibly expensive.