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/lit/ - Literature

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12435232 No.12435232 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the Holy Trinity of literature?

>> No.12435238

Homer, Shakespeare and Tolstoy

>> No.12435241

Tired of this meme. It is Flaubert.

>> No.12435244

Balzac would be a better choice

>> No.12435246

Early Tolstoy, Mid Tolstoy, and Late Tolstoy

>> No.12435255

Joyce, Pynchon and David Foster Wallace.

>> No.12435256

Homer is the far bigger meme here

>> No.12435264

It's Tolstovsky and his faithful dog Dostskoy and also God HIMSELF

>> No.12435265

this post makes me sad

>> No.12435269

Balzac doesn't know what he's doing. Neither do Shakespeare and Homer. You need a craftsman in the trilogy.

Even if Homer isn't real, he deserves to be in there.

>> No.12435279

>Shakespeare doesn't know what he's doing

Literally what?

>> No.12435287

>Balzac doesn't know what he's doing
what does that mean?

>> No.12435290

I only mean that they are naturals. They approach writing intuitively. I don't think this is the case with Flaubert.

>> No.12435300

As you are suggesting that the third element of the trinity should be more of a craftful writer, wouldn't it be better to name a symbolist, aestheticist or modernist for the role? Someone like Wilde or Joyce.

>> No.12435310

I don't think so but I'd be interested to hear why you think this.

Only excluded because you can't have two anglos. He is surely in the top five.

>> No.12435313

Dante, Cervantes, and Shakespeare.
Master poet. Master novelist. Master playwright. Can't beat this.

>> No.12435335

Wilde is a personal choice to me, he's among my favourite authors and holds very personal value.
I do see in his writing a strong attempt to reflect the qualities of prose, as more important than the content, as was typical of the movement he took part in. He is the most important writer of aestheticism, and to me, his active choice of placing style over substance and doing art for art's sake influenced all the modernists that came to be in the turn of the century.
Sorry if I didn't make myself very clear, english is not my first language.

>> No.12435340 [DELETED] 

John Green, J. K. Rowling, Stephanie Meyer. ALL GIRLS. GIRL POWER. YAAAS KWEEN SLAY!

>> No.12435346


>> No.12435355

t. redditor

>> No.12436650

Why Zelenka?

>> No.12436719

Homer isn't literature lmao

>> No.12436731

Absolutely pseud tier

>> No.12436733

tolstoy dostoyevsky chekhov

>> No.12436795

Reddit tier choice fren

>> No.12436805

Goethe, Shakespeare, Wilde
this guy gets it

Each author I listed has had an incalculable influence on Literature if I were to push for one more I'd say Sterne or Cervantes

>> No.12436949

Are you talking about style? Balzac was far from being a natural, do you even know what the "Comédie Humaine" is? That was some major craftmanship there.

>> No.12437090

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
William Shakespeare
Miguel de Cervantes

>> No.12437151

Homer, Virgil, Dante

>> No.12437158

Damn I didn’t know any true patricians still came here.

>> No.12437167

No no, you are all wrong.
It's actually
Homer, Shakespeare and Dante.

Everyone else is unworthy.

>> No.12437177

I don't know about the other two, but Dostoevsky is certainly a part of it.

>> No.12437182

Homer and Shakespeare have to be the first two, and everyone will fight over the last... I’d say Joyce.

>> No.12437186
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For holy trinity of literature, I’m going with The Thrawn Trilogy, aka the original Episodes 7-9

>> No.12437191

The holy trinity of music consists of:

Your image is bullshit, OP

>> No.12437203


>> No.12437251
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>> No.12437316

What are you trying to say?

>> No.12437407



>> No.12437441

Dante, Milton, Shakespeare.
Surprised no one did this one yet.

Bach, Beethoven, Coltrane
Schoenberg is a fraud.

>> No.12437490


>> No.12437518

Totally based and redpilled

>> No.12437534

something something 3 hypostases

>> No.12437623

He's bringing out the old "l'arte pompier" meme.

>> No.12437669

You're all wrong. It's Handel, Haydn, Hummel.

>> No.12437718

Zelenka is the best of those composers.

>> No.12437739



>> No.12437791

God tier based

>> No.12437801

Doped up hippy spiritualism isn’t based.

>> No.12437818

that would be Miles
Coltrane was truly enlightened

>> No.12437823

Rabelais, Bossuet and Ovid

>> No.12437869

milton is better than dante

>> No.12437874
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Moses, David and Jesus

>> No.12437887

what is the trinity of jazz?
Coltrane, Miles and Mingus?

>> No.12437893


Flaubert can’t compare with Tolstoy. Prose sonority is nowhere near as important as the capacity to create several different characters and imagine all kinds of scenes and life situations.

>> No.12437934
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Borges, Chekhov, Maupassant

>> No.12438068

lol okay

>> No.12438075

No, he isn't. Nothing he wrote comes close to The Divine Comedy. I understand you're an Anglofag and will never read it in Italian, but those of us who have read it know what the fuck we're talking about.

>> No.12438076


>> No.12438146







>> No.12438893


>> No.12438908

>at least one anglo in each trinity
Some quota you have there, lad

>> No.12438922

Homer, Shakespeare and Goethe

>> No.12438932

>Schoenberg is a fraud.

>> No.12439006

Not my fault anglos produce the best lit.

>> No.12439069

Completely agree with everything except Poe and Maupassant in short story writers. They're fairly light-weight. Replace them with Kafka and Chekhov.

>> No.12439281

That's just propaganda

>> No.12439301
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I'm sorry but is this some kind of joke? The consensus has always been that the trinity of composers is comprised of Bach, Mozart and Beethoven, not Mozart, Schoenberg and whoever that other greaseball is.

>> No.12439302

aha noo.

>> No.12439309

So, which mutt tribe are you from?

>> No.12439314

Replace Mingus with Monk.

>> No.12439329

>all this second-rate anglo trash
Amerigoblin, please, go.

>> No.12439332

Maupassant without a doubt belongs, idk about poe

>> No.12439338

haha stay mad peasant

>> No.12439361

>Balzac was approaching writing intuitively

Human Comedy required so much planning he needed puppets to make sur ehe wouldn't forget one of the characters in the process.

The guy was high on caffein all the time and would often write 20h a day ffs. He was a major tryhard, not that it is a bad thing.

>> No.12439376


Maupassant without a doubt belongs. You might no be well read enough in the short story to know it, but he's very good and massively influential. Even Tolstoy acknowledged his quality while damning him for his morals. You know how hard that was to get Tolstoy to do?

>> No.12439377
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>monolingual anglo subhuman calling anyone a peasant

>> No.12439385

You seem to be overstating Wilde influence. He took a lot from the symbolists and the decadent before him, including Baudelaire and Huysmans. His own of aestheticism was very recognizable but not as groundbreaking as you make it out to be.

If you're going about influence it should probably a choice between Homer, Dante, Shakespeare and Cervantes.

>> No.12439398

Nice but I'd replace Virgil with Homer. Still fine tho.

>> No.12439412

Poe was too influential on the short story to be excluded. He even had a major influence on poetry despite being a second-rate poet himself.

>> No.12439438


It's Zola.

>> No.12439453

make a better list. you won't be able to.

>> No.12439559

>Moliere over Racine or Corneille
>Milton over Ovid and Virgil or even Chaucer
>Wordsworth on the chart at all
>Iberian discounter-Boccaccio on the chart at all
>Joyce on the chart at all
Your whole post is just default choices mixed with shitty /lit/ memes by people like yourself who read nothing but Simple English Wikipedia summaries of books. Apply yourself.

>> No.12439563
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If you're gonna be this transparent you might as well just tell me to post it.

>> No.12439699

>I found so many pieces of Haydn that more or less accomplished the innovations Mozart is typically credited with that I had to oust poor Wolfgang from my personal Trinity and replace him with Schumann.
ftfy, now bow down to papa 'seppe

>> No.12439729
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>sheikh pir mentioned more than anyone else
Plebs, plebs everywhere who haven't discovered the superior purebred Marlowe.

>> No.12439978

TANAKH, Greek New Testament, Holy Koran.

>> No.12440150

and replace Miles with Ayler

>> No.12440157

Homer, Virgil, Dante

>> No.12440165

Camus, Pessoa and Dosto. Alternatively, slide in Kafka somewhere.

>> No.12440249
File: 346 KB, 841x1085, BA9C967E-3E5B-459D-BC7F-56D3F3A2F8F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Love Supreme is infinitely more complex than anything Schoenberg made.
If you disagree, you probably have a poor understanding of musical composition.
>pic related: schoenberg painting

>> No.12440334
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>> No.12440359

Complex music doesn't mean good music

>> No.12440380

Look, a Jazz gag is hiding in theory based formalism to because he can’t face the fact that his precious music amounts to nothing more than sexual used, nihilistic noodling.

>> No.12440441

Not seeing any arguments beyond pseud contrarianism chum. Why are you getting so emotional over this?

>> No.12440456

more like ballsack

>> No.12440587

I'll concede Maupassant but replace Poe. Having influence alone doesn't make him worthy. His influence only stretches as far as thematics, the writing itself is not great, mostly hackneyed gothic cliche in every area. It's embarrassing enough he even has to be argued over Kafka or Chekhov.

>> No.12440997

Says the fag supporting the degenerate Schoenberg. Coltrane is Next Level, especially in the context of those surrounding him. Or do you actually think Schoenberg’s compositions are suprerior than Coltrane’s? Lmfao

>> No.12441020

reply to this post with an in-depth, written in italian, description of why it's so good or fuck off

>> No.12441095

Milton, Hölderlin, Baudelaire

>> No.12441271

Schoenberg ruined classical music.

>> No.12441402


>> No.12441464

Schoenberg made music capable of confronting the decadent elements of modernity. Jazz was one of the symptoms of the disease. His works are intensely beautiful.