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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.34 MB, 3024x4032, bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12432828 No.12432828 [Reply] [Original]

what do you think of my shelf bros, r8 and post yours.

>> No.12432837

4/10, early 20s working girl that is just trying to keep up with the culture. Barely interested in literature as anything more than that though.

>> No.12432843

Disgusting, Marie Kondo is right

>> No.12432849

^LOL. What he said. Early 20s working girl barely keeping up with culture. LOL

>> No.12432857

Probably a qt Asian photography student, though.

>> No.12432865

Looks like the background of some shitty "THIS HAPPENED TODAY" vlog

>> No.12432866
File: 774 KB, 1920x1080, my-books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only grew an interest in lit in the past 3 months. Plus my technical books. Not much of a shelf to show, so yeah.

>> No.12432940
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>> No.12432957

>That Wyndham rebuying
that's like some catcher in the rye obsession
The rest of the books being girly don't make me think it's any less of a psychopath
Depressing/10 you're already past most of the parts of catch 22 that won't make you want to scream and the rest of them are all down hill on the feels train from there. Nice selection though (haven't read Zen and Motorcycles, that might be happy)

>> No.12432958
File: 2.19 MB, 3264x1836, 20190118_140133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually enjoying the culture of this board more then the rest. I'm fairly new here although I've perused a time or two.
Recommendations are welcome.

>> No.12432965

The 90s really did a number on you kid

>> No.12432976

have fun on the slippery-slide from pop-culture libertarianism into all-consuming existential hopelessness

>> No.12433010

I'm well beyond that point. Nietzsche was the game changer from the slippery slope for me. I got into Kipling due to his nationalist ideas and it's rekindled my interest in literature. I can relate now in ways that would have seemed alien before. I intend to read Julius Caesar (Shakespeare) this weekend. I'll be wrapping up Tucker Carlson's Ship of fools today. It's pretty fascinating. Drawing parallels between the modern bipartisan landscape and medieval society.

>> No.12433025


>> No.12433046
File: 1.74 MB, 2263x2837, 20190115_230626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine from last night. All from goodwill for $1 or $2. Black out parts are just irrelevant video games and anime.

>> No.12433055

Fuck off, Nazi trash

>> No.12433062

Why do you both have the ask a ninja handbook? Is this a le epic meme?

>> No.12433063

>finally learning the meme

>> No.12433068

because they're neckbeard incels

>> No.12433073

Seconded. Also he owns Art of the Deal by Mr. Not Trump.

>> No.12433080

Imagine thinking that Art of the Deal conveyed anything of value

>> No.12433082

dont be mean anon

>> No.12433084

How do you find books when you organize by color?

>> No.12433091

You find them with your penis

>> No.12433113

remember book covers

>> No.12433121

The nazis were correct in their time. Although their policies aren't entirely applicable today. Their ideology was the application of modern science coupled with common sense to reality. Stop being a faggot. Read mein kampf. Don't have to agree with it all. I certainly dont.

Brainlet detected. It's a book on bartering and power manipulation. No different then the prince or the 48 laws of power. Picked it up for speech and debate.

>> No.12433132

>The Bell Curve


>> No.12433144

They based a lot of their eugenic work on bogus race science and their fiscal policies destabilized the country in the long run, but keep on drinking the kool-aid

>> No.12433186
File: 23 KB, 252x173, gas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Book about history
>Waah, Nadsi !!!11

fucking cuck

>> No.12433193

>Nazi using Nazi meme to defend Nazi.

Go back to your basement you incel NPC

>> No.12433221

>no different then the prince
Dude, it was written by a ghostwriter to appeal to middle-american idiots who think Trump is a genius. It's a cash-grab for suckers.

>> No.12433232


Having a book about Nazis does not make you a Nazi you fuck nugget

>> No.12433244

the dude literally said he was attracted to Kipling because of nationalism

>> No.12433265
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ah, shit. didnt know my thread died already.

>> No.12433283 [DELETED] 
File: 724 KB, 1512x2016, ww2collection1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the rest of my books are in this cabinet

dont mind some of the shitty movies, before i got space concsious, i just crammed in just any "WWII" movie in there.

>> No.12433324
File: 771 KB, 1512x2016, WWII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the rest of my books are in this here cabinet

>> No.12433353


>> No.12433391
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>> No.12433397

you'll never be a real girl.

>> No.12433515
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>> No.12433698
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Fuck my shit up /lit/

>> No.12433702

Alot of their euginics work was faulty. However in the midst of the situation they found themselves in it was rationalized although not necessary. However, in the current era is another story. I wholeheartedly support eugenics now and absolutely see a need for it. With modern genetic research this can be done, however it is a very slippery slope into creating a revolutionary phenotype.
Furthermore Gottfried Feder was correct. I concur that interest is immoral and a sleight of hand trick that leaches power from nations and puts it into the hands of a private few. For further reading you can read Gottfried feder's manifesto of the abolition to slavery upon interest.

I was a kid in middle school that bought the meme. That's how the book is marketed. And there is a bit to it. I'm not just gonna throw it away. However I do recall there are excellent examples in the book you may find useful if you pursue a career in sales or a basic business degree.

>> No.12433722

>the art of the deal
complete your cringe set and get that meme magics book with a frog on the cover

>> No.12433774

What version of Tale of Genji is that? How is the translation?

>> No.12433804

Royall Tyler, artistic but still pretty literal translation with lots of material and footnotes to help you understand.

>> No.12433820

>Royall Tyler
Oh I have heard this name before. Ill look for that copy, thank you.

>> No.12433833

Sure. I got the Washburn ebook and it's much more of a reader's translation without any abridging. Also worth it.

>> No.12433864

Is the Royall one abridged?

>> No.12433940

Not at all, just Washburn incorporates in the text all the stuff Royall puts in long notes.

>> No.12435261


post your shit

>> No.12435514

>Blacks out the anime and vidya
At least youre ashamed of your disgusting habits

>> No.12435532

We do not need so many fucking threads about posting pictures of books. Fucking male instagram thots.

>> No.12435539 [DELETED] 

That's really stylish! Just hope you actually read.

>> No.12436363

it's interesting to see how bad /lit/'s taste in books is

>> No.12436387

It's called a BOOKshelf not CRAPshelf.

>> No.12436404

>the right wing exists
stop the presses

>> No.12436415

Your bookshelf is literally the collapse of a man from Plebbit to /POL/.

God forgive you for the shit you read.

>> No.12436421


Fucking hell it actually gets worse....

>Ayn Rand
>Comic Books
>"American Dictionary"
>The liberty indecent
>Fucking DVDs

The only saving grace you have is the how unread all the books look.

>> No.12436519

>organized by color
What the fuck.

>> No.12436563

why am I seeing words instead of shelves, start posting some shelves you imbeciles

>> No.12436581

Post yours first

>> No.12436796
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I got rid of my bookcase because I got tired of having to re-shelf them. Most of my library is nonfic anyway, so I just pile them atop my desk for quick reference.

>> No.12436809

How is Hunter?

>> No.12436826
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>> No.12436832

anon, can i see your handwriting?

>> No.12436886
File: 1.81 MB, 2782x2087, noexif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People compliment my handwriting all the time, even though it looks like absolute shit. It's on the verge of asemic writing if you ask me, but it's honestly just proof that I'm falling into schizophrenia.

>> No.12437077

What's the point of these threads if everyone just posts bookshelves that they've found on reddit?

>> No.12437198

>anyone who owns The Bell Curve is a nazi
>owning a book written by Trump is equivalent to blindly supporting him
Come on, guys. Really?

>> No.12437332

Is atwood good? I've read handmaids tale, and i literally cant hear anything but


>> No.12437404

>25 copies of "Day of the Triffids"

>> No.12437411

Thats a Nice start anon! Keep reading!

>> No.12437418

>vertical stacks
>Hillary Rodham Clinton

>> No.12437460

It's pretty normal for people to collect different editions and covers of their favorite book. What's the deal with that book, though? Is it bad?

>> No.12437537

How much YA do you guys still keep? I have Harry Potter and Eragon since the days I read them

>> No.12437560

Sauron spotted

>> No.12437592
File: 2.95 MB, 1503x927, smalllibrary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in between shelves right now. Here are my books.

>> No.12437619

No it's not 'pretty normal' to have 25 different copies of one book. If they were different translation i could maybe understand, or if they had one cheap edition for reading and a Nice edition on the shelf, but 25 paperback copies of the same shitty sci-fi novel is not normal.

>> No.12437941

>keeping books
just go to the library lmao

>> No.12438313

It was ok. Pretty much a cheap action novel about hunting down and assassinating jews. Nothing great. Wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.12438356

anon i really like this

>> No.12438408

>keeping a dead tree inside another dead tree

>> No.12438430


>everything neatly arranged to look cluttered yet disorganised, like a true brilliant eccentric mind

I can feel that you really belong in these threads (or Reddit)

>> No.12438456

I like the color coordination

>> No.12438481
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x2448, A14655C7-35D9-40DB-B294-85A769F50DCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my current stack

>> No.12438484
File: 719 KB, 2448x3264, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12438495

>toys on your bookshelves

>> No.12438508

>Not having tiny wind-up cars on your shelves to help choose a volume at random.

>> No.12438510

The Clinton was a gift, with a Trump joke book. I mean I'm liberal af, that's pretty obvious, I might read a bit but I don't wanna read her explaining wtf happened for 400 pages, I have political fatigue and better shit to read.
>vertical stacks
somebody told me this was easier on the spine. Am I wrong?

>> No.12438516

LOTR is great...
Yoga for Men sounds interesting but I didn't read that.
The rest is just garbage desu.

>> No.12438527

>somebody told me this was easier on the spine. Am I wrong
Yes, you're wrong. Stacking them vertically does the same spine damage as shelving them too tightly. It's a slow process but don't leave them that way and the heavier the book, the sooner you should move it. Break them up into smaller stacks if you can to take weight off and rotate their positions in the stack.

>> No.12438530

Hello there

>> No.12438546

Really? Okay.
There's a few I want to get rid of anyway because it's getting too tight. So, I'll get to pick some.

>> No.12438570

>The Red book by Carl Jung
>Upside down

What did you mean by this?

>> No.12438693

Anon, I...

>> No.12438704
File: 6 KB, 227x225, 1541842725615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love it!

>> No.12438730

Y'all mind doing some charts and postin' 'em on the thread for those?

>> No.12438782
File: 201 KB, 1180x1204, 1528997828552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to go bookshelfless once after seeing cozy pictures of neatly cluttered desks. Basically this was the result.

>> No.12440755

Wait there's no way that's pencil, right?
What pen do you use?

>> No.12440766

do you use drugs?

>> No.12440916

I like how you are trying to bond with a larper. Also, how can they be "barely" interested in culture when there are 4 read Tolkien's? That's, at least, midldly interested.

>> No.12440942

That's because most of cozy spaces you find on the Internet relies on photography tricks that on the actual space.

>> No.12442248 [DELETED] 
File: 759 KB, 1512x2016, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12442508

Cool droid

>> No.12442849
File: 1.72 MB, 3264x2448, A17BFBE4-C9C5-4C65-A845-2CE64B0B12E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic win

>> No.12442868

Tolkien is as trendy as you get. Stephen Colbert is a Tolkienfag ffs. kill yourself namefag

>> No.12442908

New Zealand is so overrated. If you havn't already been throw that book into a fire and don't bother.

>> No.12442972

New Zealand is great.

>> No.12443017

>the tunnel
nice meme

>> No.12443024

This entire shelf is a meme.

>> No.12443046
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best one so far

>> No.12443083
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>reading star wars books

>> No.12443097
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>> No.12443129

I've been to over 30 countries and New Zealand was among the worst.

>> No.12443135

why do you hate NZ?

>> No.12443424

>recycling bin
based and redpilled

>> No.12443703

>those perfect spines
Fuck off

>> No.12444132

why are you just displaying movies

>> No.12444884

Given that most women's written works are "'waah! the wrong guy loves me! waah!," Atwood's maudlin and uninspired sci-fi is excellent in comparison. Or you could just read some actual literature.

>> No.12445243


>> No.12445549
File: 2.40 MB, 5472x7296, new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-organized everything and bought a picture.

>> No.12445809

Are you a female? It looks neat and well organised but there is something feminine about the choice of books and the aethetics you've got going

>> No.12446492

Thank you saint Gibson

>> No.12446498

Not enough jews and nigs

>> No.12447843
File: 1.92 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20190121_161023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna have to use a third shelf soon

>> No.12447917
File: 2.59 MB, 4032x3024, DFB4EF3D-D3FD-4495-A073-421B5BD08360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12447941

>No Borges
I'm disappointed

>> No.12448032

How is your copy of Moby Dick so small? is it abridged or something?

>> No.12448037

Some people have a small Dick, anon, and there's nothing wrong with that

>> No.12448096

You're creeping me out

>> No.12448100

>physical copies of The Turner Diaries and Hunter

>> No.12448122


>> No.12448150
File: 346 KB, 546x546, 1446584015300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12448345

I pamper books. Only time they get bent or smudged is when I'm in a refinery or power plant or something. Also I mostly listen to audiobooks and then follow along with a physical copy nowadays. All of the comics I've read in .cbr files then bought based upon whether I liked it or not. Also take the sleeves off when I take them off the shelf.

>> No.12448348

i've got ficciones somewhere

>> No.12448496

How much was the picture?