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/lit/ - Literature

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12429778 No.12429778 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some incel literature.

>> No.12429785

My diary

>> No.12429793

Can you show me a sample?

>> No.12429797

nice buzzword fag

>> No.12429825

Inceldom is a growing movement. I'd like to know how one forms such a worldview.

>> No.12429899

Do his victims get money for his writings?

>> No.12430125

Houellebecq. Apart from the famous paragraph that gets posted and reposted to no end, he definitely is the closest one to that mindset.

>> No.12430486


>> No.12430489

What does incel mean?

>> No.12430557


>> No.12430571

If you don’t know, don’t find out. It’s not /lit/, let them die out peacefully

>> No.12430592

I just wanted to kill the concept in a debate.

>> No.12430596

My twisted world desu.

>> No.12430605

I think they mostly read short political articles and wikipedia

>> No.12430612 [DELETED] 


>> No.12430632

Originally, someone who wants a gf or sex but can't find any partner. Leftists gave it the meaning of loser butthurt misogynist neckbeard virgin.

>> No.12430641


Involuntarily Celibate. It's been a term used from at least 2015, usually by virgins in their groups like r9k, but even then it was rare and not a definitive label. But it blew up as a label that has replaced the alt-right when the media decided to link that Canadian Arab guy who killed someone because he was a virgin and had used the word.

It's literally grown to a new irrelevanteaning of what I don't like. Like soiboi, that used to be an apt description of the video game loving low test numales but now means anything.

>> No.12430652

so it's a completely meaningless term? There's not like a duration on how long one must go without having sex when they want it?

It's just a way for people to shame the socially maladjusted? How progressive.

>> No.12430663

Using an etymologically based argument? If so, you are very late to this game.

>> No.12430677
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Whatever by Houellebecq is the most essential literature and probably the only thing you need.

>> No.12430742

Reminder that your pic related was well aware of institutionalized molestation and never said a peep about it.

>> No.12430759


>> No.12431109

OP's notepad on his iphone