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File: 143 KB, 768x565, zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12428114 No.12428114 [Reply] [Original]

He knows


>> No.12428137


>> No.12428162

Based daddy uwu

>> No.12428172

>Zizek just called out everyone on this website for being weak and unpatriotic little shits
What’s your excuse /lit/?

>> No.12428188

I buy his books so I get a pass

>> No.12428202

So the left should just start calling the right normies? When should we begin the autistic screeching of the USSr's national anthem m'lady?

>> No.12428204

Based dubshill

>> No.12428219

being in his body must be hell.

>> No.12428230

So he wants the left to consider it unpatriotic to not want floods of immigrants into your country?
Lol, good luck with that working outside your bubble.

>> No.12428240

what the fuck are you talking about? Zizek was accused of being a cryptofascist for his position on immigration

>> No.12428247


>> No.12428302
File: 308 KB, 823x1254, Sulla_Glyptothek_Munich_309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His nose is so red from rubbing it all the fucking time, I'm surprised it hasn't completely worn away

>> No.12428321

Holy shit what is wrong with his voice?
Swallow your fucking spit retard. Also speaking loudly doesn't make your opinion more valid.

What a huge faggot. Also learn English, nigger.

>> No.12428324

Zizek was accused of being a cryptofascist because he literally plagiarized from a fascist journal

>> No.12428327

>/pol/ but smart

>> No.12428333

Source on that claim?

>> No.12428338

In this same vid he says in regards to immigration 'Don't worry, I'm very leftist here.'

>> No.12428357

Just google zizek plagiarism

>> No.12428365

So he's essentially admitting that the present right is in the position of the past left (counterculture) and the present left in the position of the past right (institutional). But then his prescription is for the left to live up to the part? I don't understand why he would say that. If the left just acts the same way the right did when it was institutional, won't we just end up with the same thing happening that happened previously, ie the counterculture will win out among the youth because of its free-wheeling uncouthness and rise to become institutional?

>> No.12428368

I think his position was rather modest, but what "the left" and "the right" says these days is pretty schizophrenic
>In an interview with Channel 4 this week, renowned philosopher and Marxist intellectual Slavoj Zizek made provocative comments regarding the so-called refugee crisis in Europe. Zizek's essential message was that while the impulse to provide humanitarian asssistance to refugees is understandable, such efforts distort the bigger picture in terms of the consequences of mass Muslim migration to Europe.
>Many of Zizek's comments during this interview are troubling. While an admission of cultural differences between Syrian refugees and many European nations is not in itself racist, Zizek's need to place these real or imagined considerations before what you might call humanitarian action is something you might expect to hear from Marine Le Pen, rather than a self-proclaimed 'radical leftist'.

>> No.12428373

>he says in regards to immigration 'Don't worry, I'm very leftist here.'
he's always saying that because the left keeps attacking him for his positions

>> No.12428398

Zizek doesn't totally understand American politics. what he doesn't get is that the mainstream "left" today fights for none of the things that its predecessors 50 years ago were fighting for.

>> No.12428402

Top boomerposting, at least Land and Memerson hide their boomerness

>> No.12428408

He just says that leftists have more faith in their country to assimilate them than the right does.

>> No.12428419

He always claims that though. Even in the video OP just posted

>> No.12428427

It’s almost crazy how far this writer goes to twist his words. In the interview his overarching message is that the gesture of “opening our hearts” to the refugees is bound up with an almost inverted coloniser mentality - these poor savages, desperate for our aid, infrastructure and education, etc... he’s talked about this before in relation to the British colonialists in India, who have a “noble savage”-esque admiration for the poor peasant farmer. The “moral” thing to do is share in the technological and social advances of the west, not pity and weep for these victims enobled by tragedy. It’s not the sentiment he disagrees with but the way it obscures the complex geopolitical problems which create refugees. It means nothing if we adopt this facade of pity and outreach, but fail to act on it and let countless refugees die (a fact which the author readily acknowledges).

>> No.12428454 [DELETED] 

>marxist countried didn't have immigrants, in fact they had more emigrants
Is marxism the fascist dream come true, /lit/?

>> No.12428468

No, that's sort of his entire argument. He says that the values of the "old" American left were uncouth and vulgar fighting against the prim and proper institutional right, whereas now its become a bit reverse with the uncouth right fighting the moralist institutional left. But his solution is to just embrace the moralism and somehow that will stop the rise of the countercultural right? That's idiotic, embracing moralism is what the institutional right did to try to crush the old left and it ended up losing out.

>> No.12428472

this is Zizek basically trying to reinject revolutionary Hegelianism back into the Marxist project; rather than the prolitariat, today's universal subject are those who are produced by society which society has no strata or place for. the left needs to occupy this place of placelessness to return to being subjects of universality. he's saying we need the outsider culture the American left had during the fight for civil rights, he wants the left of Malcolm X not neoliberal establishment politics

>> No.12428503

He is talking about vulgar moralism though. You can be vulgar as long as it's done through moral principles.

>> No.12428512

A country declaring itself "marxist" can be a number of things. Just because some Slavic countries did things one way doesn't mean it will always be like that

>> No.12428513

Then what was the point of his whole analogy of Lenin calling Stalin vulgar? The outsider counterculture is supposed to be vulgar and uncouth and offensive to dominant manners. He's telling them to be like Lenin and take the position of moralism, which is the same losing position the right took 60 years ago.

And I mean fuck, if what you're saying is true how is that realistic? How do you be an outsider when your values dominate society's major institutions? Even Zizek here says "I try to be obscene but in a nonoffensive way". That's not fucking outsider, people like Malcom X didn't give a fuck about being nonoffensive. Outsiders are offensive, that's what makes them outsiders. In order to be the outsider the left has to give up its institutional power, which isn't just going to happen.

>> No.12428538

no. He is saying that faith in their country to assimilate massive floods of people basically equals patriotism, which is either really stupid or an intentional provocation. In either case, he is trying to reinvent the term "patriotism" by shilling to the mainstream left's positions

>> No.12428546

have you ever watched any debates with Malcolm X? he is very eloquent, and a good deal more polite than his white interlocutors. his obscenity was his very position of black independence. that was Rosa Park's obscenity by sitting at the front of the bus.
>Outsiders are offensive, that's what makes them outsiders
offensive towards what though? Trump is offensive but he's more or less business as usual when it comes to world leaders (Putin, Erdogan, ect.), he's no outsider. outsiders need to be offensive to the system itself, which today paradoxically comes in the form of politeness.

>> No.12428582

>he is trying to reinvent the term “patriotism”
You’re reaching a bit, all he does is suggest Germany has a precise sense of pride, where the nation invites refugees because it sees its capacity to accommodate them as a symbol of its strength. What Zizek is very good at doing is differentiating between different European cultures (see his YouTube clip on toilets if you don’t believe me), and this is no exception

>> No.12428603

You're wrong. He's saying that accepting immigration is a display of trust in your people's culture to remain strong and not lose it's core values. That's absolutely not unlike your regular definition of patriotism.

>> No.12428609
File: 141 KB, 930x720, 1546297313114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Land and Memerson hide their boomerness

>> No.12428678
File: 55 KB, 500x508, 1545513971781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who are against excessive immigration don't trust their country's ability to handle said immigration
No shit?

>> No.12428721

Malcom X's ideas were a lot more obscene than just black independence, but that's neither here nor their. Trump is an elite but his politics and style are very much outsider. I don't know why you think Putin (who isn't even particularly vulgar anyway) and Erdogan are examples of "the system", Russia is fairly isolated as far as larger powers go and Turkey has been alienating itself for years. "The system" would be people like Merkel, Macron, Trudeau, May, Clinton, etc, people who are all noticeably much more well mannered than outsider candidates like Trump and Bolsonaro. I suppose I see what you're saying, but at that I don't really see how the left isn't already out-mannering the right. Corresponding figures on the left like Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez, and Corbyn are already much more well-mannered than people like Trump and Boris Johnson, but it really has nothing to do with the latter's rise in appeal.

>> No.12428751

walking away from breadlines is not proper emigration

>> No.12428887

He just recovered from some liver tumor surgery. Probably hasn't got much time left.

>> No.12429013
File: 111 KB, 1129x936, lul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zizek is woke af, every new thing about him just proves it more and more

>> No.12429033

he basically said nothing

>> No.12429054

what a shit tier argument for mass immigration
this is the greatest intellectual the left can come up with?

>> No.12429066

Have his S's become more salivatory of late? It actually makes him difficult to listen to.

>> No.12429584
File: 156 KB, 1200x908, Shepard-GreaterThanFear-Flag-Hijab-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But claiming to be strong patriots is what they're already doing and have been doing for years and years and years. The russia hoax is a good example. And it has repeatedly failed. Another example: after complaining about America for literal centuries, the day after Trump rode down his escalator every progressive in the Western world was moaning about how Trump was antithetical to American values. It's now 2019 and he's heading into the second half of his first presidency

It's just a dead in the water strategy because everybody knows it isn't really true. You can't be pro-ethnic cleansing and pro-demographic suicide while claiming to support the people who already live in these places.

There is no grand Marxist Lacanian dialectic that can explain away the fact that you supporting foreigners at the expense of natives. Nobody cares how you frame the issue, it's just window dressing.

>> No.12429599

Forgot to mention: this image came out of the women's march, which has since imploded because of allegations of anti-Semitism and reports of too many white women at rallies. The strategy always fails because the people playing it clearly don't have a sincere interest in the well-being of their respective country

>> No.12429673

Do you not know about the cultural history of the past hundred years?

No. There's better.

>> No.12430215

>garbage neoliberal politician incurring horrible costs on the society with mass immigration from shithole countries
>zizek's advice to defend these politicians by saying "actually they are only doing this horrible shit because they know we can overcome it :)"
Just lol at the modern left. But he is right, you have 2 choices. (1) Frame things in our terms in an attempt to improve your rhetoric. Then the Right can capitalize on the normalization of terms such as Nationalist and will point out how the Left is contradictory to them. (2) Continue to be political hall monitors and use social shaming to continue to get what you want and hope that you can cause enough entropy before there is revolution.

(Pick one.)

>> No.12430242

>mfw zizek might be the wojak poster

>> No.12430249

Such as?

>> No.12430270

>vulgar moralism
In other words continue to be reprehensible dirtbags defending child drag queens and march around in pussy hats. Obscenity mixed with moralism is not a winning combination. It's only with humour that vulgarity is pulled off... but the Right has the monopoly on offensive jokes.

>> No.12430339

Me desu. Build a wall and punish businesses that higher illegals but also implement single payer healthcare. uwu

>> No.12430436

I don't think he's as dumb as he pretends to be there. He's mostly just a coward and a hypocrite.

>D-don't worry I'm totally not a racist heh. Also those evil right wingers amirite.

The only way to make him speak frankly about these issues is if you take him some place where he can feel safe to speak his mind, away from cucked virtue signalling Anglos.

>> No.12430468

Yes, my lord!

>> No.12430566

>the Right has the monopoly on offensive jokes.
Name a good conservative comedian

>> No.12430647

I was going to wonder why these people need a Zizek to tell them ABC, but, seeing all the stupid partisan replies in this thread, I can only sigh.

It is also sad that Nagle's book, that only hints at constant self-irony and the possibility that Anonymous (Alt-Right, whatever the current marketing term is) is not a single group, and can't even be a median of multiple groups, is what people have to use as reference.

His point is that when Lenin was an underground rebel, and then one of the leaders of Revolution and Civil war, he didn't hesitate to give orders to shot more members from privileged classes for the glory and success of the world revolution. As a member of bureaucracy of the new state (and also a very ill person), he became bothered with civility and politeness of its members. That's a straightforward parallel with demonstrating for workers not getting paid, and demonstrating for ban of swear words.

>> No.12430650

Unrelated but related: Sokurov's “Taurus”.

>> No.12430666

He knows full well the left is dead. Even makes a reference to it this video 'what remains of the left'.

>> No.12430705

Does Zizek know he has tics? Has he ever addressed them? Seems like he would have a self deprecating joke about his condition

>> No.12430756

Paul Joseph Watson

>> No.12430845

>He's saying that accepting immigration is a display of trust in your people's culture to remain strong and not lose it's core values
I agree with that, though to me I would rather say that it's delusion

>> No.12430848

>offensive comedian

>> No.12430852

Steven Crowder, Gavin Mcinnes and Dave Rubin are all comedians that give me a chuckle.

>> No.12430866

Is Slavoj >>ourguy<<?

>> No.12430871


>> No.12430891

This is a cultural shift i noticed growing up in america. My teen years were in the 2000's. Back then the liberal left were still given to reason and were seen as a rebellious counter culture still. But then obama got into office. And what occurred was a great cultural stagnation as the once rebellious counter culture became an all encompassing stale bourgeois elite. The democrats, rather than being edgy and counter cultural, became moral police. Highly offended at everything, demanding safe spaces. They became very infantlized.
Also, rather than racism being actions you partake in, racism became existence. You were born with privilege so you must be a self hating white guile loser or else. Of course, middle america wasnt interested in that. You know, it gets to a point where if everything you do is racist, then you will start being racist on purpose just to piss off liberals.

And thus the alt right was born

>> No.12430901

>vulgar moralism
Literally the worst thing you could possibly do.

>> No.12430903


>> No.12430906

also the alt right was never an organized thing.
Also it died the second richard spencer thought that larping as a nazi was cool to do in public.

Coupled with the mainstream trying to co opt the alt right with neocon lameoids like ben shapiro and peterson. Its going to be watered down by the time trumps second term ends.

>> No.12430937

Sam Hyde.
Tales from the Trough, if podcasts count.

>> No.12430943

Slav is just pretending to be a leftist (nothing wrong about it) just to have a wider platform of readers. In this postlacanian circlejerk trve leftist is only Badiou i guess.
Just read his lastest book about Lenin, he is literally claiming that we should return to some kind of "conservatism" (in burke sense) and nicely alienated community of individualists. He praise Lenin for an attempt to bring the west to the russian peasants.

>> No.12430944

>civic nationalism


>> No.12430945 [DELETED] 

● There is a discharge hole in nidaya (kappon) in my KESEDO! I have come from Uzbekistan! Rubaiyat (poetry in Persia) is used!
BARE, ball eater shark of inbeki starts! 19:40● of 2019/1/18
● 18:56● of 2019/1/18 to which Hume of a goblin of kapoido among the brain (Of SEX, invalidly!) was sent by a song of varuvureivu
● kopikku among the brain uses octopus in the bottom and makes me insomnia! 18:52● of 2019/1/18
● It doesn't open rather, (nidayakapoido) was urinating for me to make me bring about chill! 18:45● of 2019/1/18
● kopikku among the brain uses the way of the Utsusemi! After shikohachi makes Jan Marr of kapoido a sacrifice of mysteries! 18:26● of 2019/1/18

>> No.12430952

What's wrong with civic nationalism?

>> No.12430976

It doesnt work, but im sure zizek is aware of this and thinks it will lead to the end of the nationstate

>> No.12430996

Yeah I sincerely doubt many whites only but a few years back thought about race this much, why would already poor as shit white people buy into this whole privelege thing is beyond liberals I guess

>> No.12431022

Alex Jones

>> No.12431059

He looks like he's melting.

>> No.12431076

I like anime

>> No.12431101

>recommends Kill All Normies

>> No.12431125

That was literally the dumbest fucking argument I have ever heard

>let’s call Angela merkel a nationalist!
Holy shit

>> No.12431362

>It doesnt work

Define work, because civic nationalism made the U.S the most powerful country on the planet.

>> No.12431398

> the most powerful country on the planet*
*in certain long foregotten nonsensical historical period

>> No.12431426

Sam fucking Hyde.

>> No.12431457

Open borders doesn't work when you have a welfare state. You have to properly vet who comes in.

>> No.12431602

>right wing and conservative are the same thing
High level political discussion ITT

>> No.12431634

The US didnt adopt what could be considered civic nationalism until the 60s, and they were by then obviously already at their peak. What made them that powerful in the first place was real nationalism

>> No.12431666

is this man perpetually sick with flu?

>> No.12431707

'Real nationalism' in the context of the U.S is a euphemism for WASP racist hegemony.

>> No.12431728

wow Chris chan really got his life together! He'll never be normal, sure, but this is probably the best outcome we could've hoped for

>> No.12431827
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>to say "two million refugees, you can come", it means you have a great trust in your nation, that they will be able to integrate them and so on and so on
>we should rather treat alt-right, anti-immigrants as weak people who don't trust their nation and so on and so on

>> No.12431912
File: 42 KB, 504x323, 1507739546659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Nagle's conclusion in "kill all normies", I think she shat on Chapo fag house trying to take up the flag of a new transgressive left against the transgressive right and then said the left should move away from transgression altogether and establish itself once more as a sober (and class focused) movement.

I'm not sure what they plan to do after that, it seems to me it'd be something like establishing something authoritarian to deal with the counter-culture of today with the experiences of yesterdays, keeping all the moral precepts currently in situ in the West garnered by the latter instead of having them washed away by the new counterculture (fag rights and so on). And then gommunism or something, maybe eventually.

>> No.12431970

Not really. If you're a socialist (like Nagle) then American democrats and conservatives are actually just proponents of the same system of liberal capitalism, and there really is no institutional left in the USA.

In other articles Nagle talks about how the alt-right's transgression actually separates them from conservative values. She thinks this is a contradiction in the alt-right mindset that will eventually lead to its implosion, because the alt-right is based on edgy atheism, and anti-western aesthetics, while also trying to promote some nebulous idea of "western culture" which neither democrats or republicans care about. Mainstream conservatives are just trying to preserve consumer culture, religious authority, and the nuclear family, very little of which the new right cares about.

>> No.12431981

he looks like an old man

>> No.12432001

with a severe drinking problem

>> No.12432004
File: 56 KB, 462x377, 1428082807555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you know what i hate? those alt-right guys who claim leftists are subversive
>we should subvert that

>> No.12432008
File: 103 KB, 624x434, 1429130924251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it hard to believe Zizek is being sincere in this video given that he is supposed to be some kind of Marxist.

The reason that the alt-right is a countercultural element is because the 60s left completely capitulated to liberal capitalism, and accepted their fate as middle class academics.

Zizek knows this perfectly well as he is a part of that class himself, but if he said it out loud he would alienate at least half of his audience, so he obviously has to tap dance all over the place.

>> No.12432016

>The reason that the alt-right is a countercultural element is because the 60s left completely capitulated to liberal capitalism, and accepted their fate as middle class academics.
but I thought it was about ethics in video games journalism?

>> No.12432017


>> No.12432022

How could you infer from my post that I was talking in any respect about the useless husks of the twin established US parties? I'm talking about the only 'movements' with any virulence and potency, namely the "alt-right" and the left starting perhaps at the more radical social democrats. It's nothing institutional, just the cultural forces pushing the envelope inevitably from behind the scenes. That's what Nagle was referring to as well.

>> No.12432028
File: 61 KB, 1205x881, 1335218647063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I thought it was about ethics in video games journalism?

>> No.12432035

yeah, nationalism and patriotism are fucking gay as hell

>> No.12432036

fuck off tranny

>> No.12432047

prove me wrong :)

>> No.12432055
File: 78 KB, 1000x1000, 1538997174064.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being sans cock and bollocks you are by default wrong.

>> No.12432060

>Never having encountered Zizek before in the year of our Lord 2019 anno dominos
>Calling anyone else a retard

>> No.12432061

dumb frogposter lol!

>> No.12432064

The guy you were responding to was talking about how Zizek was admitting that the left was "institutional" while the alt-right is now "countercultural." You said that his assessment of Zizek was in line with Angela Nagle's thesis about the alt-right.

I was pointing out that, from Nagle's perspective, everything institutional is right-wing, and that Nagle's thesis doesn't necessarily espouse authoritarianism.

Did you mean that the left has an aesthetic of being institutional? Because, by your own admission, what you consider to be "the left" doesn't have very much institutional power or influence in the US

>> No.12432111

holy fuck, call shapiro! Zizek BTFO

>> No.12432133

From my perspective when that anon said "the left" I had in mind the Democratic party as a vector for actual leftism, you can see that budding in the growth of social democracy within the party and people like the muleish beaner woman.
>by your own admission, what you consider to be "the left" doesn't have very much institutional power or influence in the US
By merit of the Dems being more receptive to the growth of politics that will bring things to a head in the US eventually in my view, the left is certainly institutionalized to a greater degree than the so called alt right, who have to contend with their vector party having the same anti-racism morality as their supposed counterparts. Race politics and such being fundamental to the ideology of the alt-right and matters of economics being firmly second place you couldn't call them institutional by any means and far below their fag socialist opponents.

The authoritarian part I concede I'd forgotten a lot of the book at this point apart from some things.

>> No.12432173

Frankly I think it's the other way around. Other than Bernie and AOC there aren't really any socialist voices standing up in the democrat party.

Nagle's point is that the alt-right is made up of atheists who are largely into hedonistic pornography, edgy humor, drug shit, existentialist philosophy, etc. All of which does not congeal into a coherent value system on the basis of which a nation can be governed. It doesn't contradict "anti-racism" which republicans don't care about. It contradicts "western family values." The type of transgression the alt-right came up with is not a coherent, useful, or appealing political philosophy.

>> No.12432240

How are demsuccs even leftist they just seem like any other statist just with a "acceptable" veneer

>> No.12432276
File: 110 KB, 634x482, 1502836762928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Frankly I think it's the other way around.
There's absolutely 0 (zero) bridgehead for race politics (favouring whites, openly and unabashedly) in the USA today.

>Nagle's point is that the alt-right is made up of atheists who are largely into hedonistic pornography, edgy humor, drug shit, existentialist philosophy, etc. All of which does not congeal into a coherent value system on the basis of which a nation can be governed.
The alt-right is a phenomenon, it can't propose any value system and doesn't, the only semblance of coherency to this broad term is being pro-white. The people brought under the term are multi-faceted and have value systems in their own rights whether they're libertarians or natsocs or nazbol/strasserists or neocons or whatever.
>"anti-racism" which republicans don't care about.
I don't know what to tell you, republicans care or feign caring about that shit as much as the democrats in the US.
>The type of transgression the alt-right came up with is not a coherent
True, people fall in to their niches after entering the chasm, if you wish to be ominous sounding that's how I'd phrase it

>> No.12432296

This doesn't show anything. The people accusing Zizek of being fascist would accuse anyone of being fascist. Zizek has a (wrong imo but) well considered appraisal of immigration, not primarily founded on exploiting social currency.

Thus, to those leftists whose opinions are subject to the constant feedback loop of having more and more absurd and radical opinions, due to the general rule among radicals that maximal radicality is always desirable (because the more radical you are the higher esteem you are held in by other radicals), it doesn't matter what Zizek says, if it's even slightly less radical than the most radical thing he could say, he's a fascist.

So the fact they called him that doesn't show he's at all anti-immigration, just that he's too good for his crowd

>> No.12432312

he literally said Germany shouldn't have to take in so many immigrants and that they need stronger a millitary presence to protect borders/control flows of refugees

>> No.12432419

This should be seen as a normal stance.

>> No.12432451

>unchecked illegal immigration is bad
wow, what a radical stance
Zizek back at it again with his nazi propaganda

>> No.12432452

I don't even disagree with you here but pretending that "the left" writ large would feel the same way is a bit much. I still consider myself a communist but I can't talk politics with your average left winger without ending up in pretty much the same boat Zizek ends up in. universalism (for some god awful reason) is seen today as explicitly right wing

>> No.12432552

>absolutely zero
Most American politics is in favor of whites what are you talking about. It's mostly a class issue anyway though. US policy favors rich whites, and rich people in general. I live in the Bronx, and you can see how this is just a dumping ground for poor black people so that Manhattan can remain mostly empty, mostly white, and entirely rich.

>republicans care or feign caring
To a bare minimum, but they really really don't and aren't. Republicans bitching and moaning about "diversity" and "affirmative action" while gutting urban welfare programs and perpetuating a racist drug war is entirely about giving white people the upper hand.

>the alt-right is a phenomenon
Phenomenon's can and have proposed value systems. The American revolution, and the romantic, democratic, capitalist ideas that preceded it were a phenomenon that coincided with women's rights movements and the slave trade and these were all coherent systems that led to effective (not a moral judgment) governments. Nothing the alt-right does can lead to an effective governing point, because it is mostly mindless hedonism and humor-based. The individual movements you've cited are not, themselves, coherent is part of what I mean. As in
>we want to return to "western values"
>But also anime porn and atheism which is antithetical to western values
I'd say lack of respect for consumer culture and religious authority is also a pretty prominent marker for the alt-right that is totally out of sync with standard conservative western values.

>> No.12432678

He's kind of dumb, isn't he? Why do you fellas keep memeing him?

>> No.12432798

holy shit this guy is retarded lol

>> No.12432835

>this entire post
holy yikes

>> No.12432858

I don't know I guess we just disagree

>> No.12432928

With Zizek we see the ultimate failing of socialism. He understand quite lucidly how the roles have shifted. But he fails to see that the left only ever existed in its relationship to traditional society. One cannot be both progressive and traditional, so the left cannot actually maintain the institutions. The very arguments he calls on the left to make are so obviously counterfactual to their position that it only draws a starker contrast between the true moral foundation of the right, and the selfish indulgence of the left. Letting in millions of migrants is a trust in nation? Perhaps, but is it really more trusting than saying we do not need to increase the population? Is it more trusting than saying they can have a moral territorial expansion? Is it more trusting than saying your nation can wage a moral war? In what way is government force a demonstration of trust? No one can believe this. And so, he loses sight of reality in pursuit of the best rhetoric. He demonstrates precisely why leftism is doomed by accepting that the conservative position not only holds leftisms previous strength, but also held the high ground with its moral claims in the past. It's all over now.

>> No.12433027

>Conservatism = new punk

the hippies won the culture wars of the late twentieth century, even when Reagan was president the left dominated where it really mattered: hollywood, publishing, news, music, the arts, philosophy, ect.. Punk lost it's punk because it became the mainstream and had to manufacture boogeymen that were "above it". It became phony. It lost it's allure. It's edge was dulled.

>Trump = the right's dying breath

Trump will be the last republican president for a long time or even forever. Texas will go blue, whites will be a minority. Women dominate in the university and will take over all the professional, white collar jobs typically ascribed to white males.

>New punk

Conservatives adapt to becoming a minority by using guerrilla tactics. Young men see it as anti-establishment, gravitate toward writers like houellebecq, implement culture jamming

the cycle repeats

>> No.12433171

He speaks about eleven more languages than you do

>> No.12433176

>Most American politics is in favor of whites what are you talking about.
Democrats have an animosity towards whites in the US, the Republicans are ambivalent to the most part which is just as bad really. Fair enough, the Democrats try to phase out whites physically with the demographic thing and otherwise with their rhetoric because whites just aren't voting for them enough and their base is the coloured gibs crowd, but on the Republican's behalf it's nonsensical to not at this point openly espouse racial politics, instead continuing on with the patriotism and civic nationalist angle to I think ostensibly appeal to the browns, they're completely hampered by these mores they've adopted of anti-racism/colourblindness.
>I live in the Bronx
I'm very sorry about that.
>and you can see how this is just a dumping ground for poor black people
>so that Manhattan can remain mostly empty, mostly white, and entirely rich.
Looking at demographics of both of these places your Bronx is 50/50 white black and Manhattan reflects almost exactly the demographics of the USA with blacks and whites, it's just disproportionately Jewish.
>To a bare minimum
Stating they're colourblind and value merit should be all they have to do considering their political ethos, which is what you mean by minimum here.
>Republicans bitching and moaning about "diversity" and "affirmative action"
In line with their political ethos of meritocracy
>while gutting urban welfare programs
In line with political ethos regarding low government involvement.
>and perpetuating a racist drug war
>entirely about giving white people the upper hand
If they gave a shit about whites having the upper hand they'd advocate for the ethnostate and never kowtow to liberals and fags as they do.
>Phenomenon's can and have proposed value systems.
You're right, I should've added some qualifier to the word phenomenon but I can't be bothered to think of one to express how disjointed it is.

>> No.12433222
File: 761 KB, 479x638, rodge on a tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we want to return to "western values"
I don't see many people who you could call alt-right advocating for those anymore, it seems like more of an alt-light thing.
>But also anime porn and atheism
Also this except the atheism, the overwhelming majority of them certainly are atheists perhaps with some theist larpers.

For the most part people want to throw down the current system and achieve something totally unique and revolutionary, like people with their neo-luddism kaczynski stuff, again the socialists and the libertarians
People who have a fetish for the 1950's I don't see much of anymore, not since very early day /pol/ and now perhaps with all the boomers on that board, which evinces some maturity across the now broad spectrum I think

>> No.12433278

Sam Hyde
Nick Mullen
Norm Macdonald
Louis CK

>> No.12433288

>If they gave a shit about whites
I'll qualify and say they don't give a shit about poor whites beyond manipulating them into complacency. That's what "meritocracy" and "low political involvement are about." But most of the rich white people I know nearly burst a vein when they see a black or Mexican person succeeding.

>People want to achieve something completely unique
Except that it's based on the "white ethnostate" idea which is just re-packaged Nazism which was tried before and didn't work.

>Bronx is 50/50 white black
It's really not. It's mostly black and Hispanic and there are some ethnic whites. There are very few white people here. WorldPopulationreview says %21 but the Wikipedia numbers (as of 2013) say 10 which are both more accurate than fifty. Wikipedia says Manhattan is about 60% white.

>republicans are colourblind
Actually funny

>> No.12433289 [DELETED] 

If he's so intelligent, then why can't he speak English properly?

It's literally not that difficult to imitate a generic American or British accent.

>> No.12433350

>Most American politics is in favor of whites
So why don't politicians do anything substantial about non-white immigration?
(And don't mention "the wall", because we all know it's pretty much just virtue signaling and won't solve shit.)
California became minority white in just a few decades and other states seem to follow the pattern. How can this happen in a pro-white country?

Pretty much, yeah. You can't have a practical, working form of socialism with open borders and neo-liberal values.

>> No.12433427

>But most of the rich white people I know nearly burst a vein when they see a black or Mexican person succeeding.
>lives in the bronx
>is a liberal/commie
>associates with racist rich white people

>I'll qualify and say they don't give a shit about poor whites beyond manipulating them into complacency.
Of course they don't, the Republican party is exclusively old rich boomers. They're useful if they can be manipulated by the zeitgeist until the overton window suitably shifts to once more accommodate race politics imo.
>Except that it's based on the "white ethnostate" idea which is just re-packaged Nazism which was tried before and didn't work.
Are you saying ethnostates can't work? Why, because Nazi Germany fell due to its vampire economy, military spending and various embargoes and ultimately war? Do European countries not work or something?
>It's really not.
I had forgotten about amerimutts and their non-hispanic white thing.
>Wikipedia says Manhattan is about 60% white
56% is reflective of your country wide demographics, it's literally spot on with the meme according to the latest census.

>> No.12433856

Nick Mullen's not conservative at all. He voted for Bernie. Right-wingers think he's on their side because he makes jokes about the n-word.

>> No.12433906

Grew up in Midwestern suburbs around a lot of rich white people. They bitch and moan about diversity "the mexicans" about as much as you do, but they mostly care about beating China.

>Do European countries not work or something
I mean, what does "work" mean. Did feudalism "work" for most people? Western European economies have been propped up by resources harvested from India and Africa for the past few centuries.

Also if you came to the Bronx and saw what I mean, the Latinos here would not be considered white anywhere. They're mostly brown and a lot of people who own restaurants around here don't speak English. Hitler probably wouldn't have considered the Albanians to be white either.

>> No.12433972

If you are so intelligent just learn to imitate the Slovenian accent.

>> No.12434039

>Western European economies have been propped up by resources harvested from India and Africa for the past few centuries.
All of those shitholes have been more than fairly compensated, if we're being honest here. And that's if we're talking colonialism, which countries like Germany didn't even take part in.

But anyway, global exchange of goods does not require demographic changes.

>> No.12434192

Epic retort desu senpai

>> No.12434199

If you make jokes about the nigger word and call yourself a leftist you're legitimately too stupid to continue existing, it's like a jew joining the NSDAP

>> No.12434234
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>talking colonialism, which countries like Germany didn't even take part in

>> No.12434379

if you thought maoist-thirdworldism was bad in the 60s....

>> No.12434487

For a couple decades they did, in south west Africa, but certainly not to the level that France, Britain, or even Belgium did.
I like a lot of what Zizek has to say but his closing statements were retarded. What, you want people to tell even more bald faced lies? Yeah, what a fucking patriot, importing over a million without any real plans or vetting process so all the murderers and rapists can sneak in with their more tame welfare collecting, anchor baby hauling counterparts.

>> No.12434525

I have a hard time pinning down his angle. One day he's pushing the idea that maybe supporting mass migration isn't the best thing to draw the working class back to the left, and then here he's saying that the left should embrace migration as patriotic? What's he trying to get at? He's smart enough to have an ulterior motive but I really can't tell what it is, he's too inconsistent on foundational issues.

>> No.12434551

>He's smart enough to have an ulterior motive
is he???

>> No.12434601

I mean I assume he is, I've read a couple of his books and I don't think he's particularly stupid. I'm not saying he's some masterful grey eminence but he seems a step above most ideologues.

>> No.12434667


Zizek is incredible for speaking like he does about these topics relative to his surroundings. His point about revenge at the end rings so true when you look at places like chapotraphouse, where users are saying the edgiest shit (while dogmatically avoiding ableist language) in an impotent display of their resentment. When Trump got elected, Zizek's stupid friend Avital Ronell said to reconsider Nietzsche's concept of ressentiment, very ironic since the left and academics in general have flown that flag since the fall of the USSR.

>> No.12434731

Does he have tourette's?

>> No.12434740
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*blocks your path*

>> No.12434748

no it's about actually reading Guy Debord & co. instead of just carrying the books around to impress girls (guys?)

like the level of just fucking brazen ignorance within the american 'left' is astounding. imagine lionizing shit like psychedelics and punk rock decades after they had been recuperated and fallen out of fashion. completely fucking retarded.

wignats and frogposters are counter-cultural because they exist as the shadow of popular internet culture. there is no inherent worth to being in that position. it's not inherent Left territory or imply revolutionary potential. hippies didn't smoke out NATO and white kids from /pol/ won't bring back jim crow

>> No.12434873

Even wash your penis Peterson likes shrooms


>> No.12435012

Wow, Dan Harmon really let himself go.

>> No.12435044

As usual Zizek takes forever to say something meaningless. It isn't patriotism to replace your population. That is the opposite of patriotism.

>> No.12435050

The man is desperate to remain relevant and thus contrarian, that's all there is to understanding Zizek. He is a dumb person's smart person.

>> No.12435057

>please like me again leftists I'm a sjw too!
I never thought he'd sink so low

>> No.12435069
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So he's gone from
>the election of Trump is a good thing for the escalation of decay
>not wanting a flood of immigrants is equivalent to civic cowardice
can someone explain why anyone takes him seriously or invites him to speak at events?

>> No.12435281

that's just joey rogan bullshit these days who cares
every white man of that age demographic is 'into that' and throws sticks of butter in their coffee every morning

>> No.12435309

>Joe Rogan bullshit is on the same level as peer reviewed papers published by respected academics

okay who let the polfaggots in?

>> No.12435312

Also keep in mind that this is a man who is keenly aware of the Timothy Leary types as evidenced from that PragerU vid

>> No.12435490

>the alt-right
Did you mean: thing that don't really exist
You guys (being here for so long) should know better than to trust a boomer's opinion on 4chan

>> No.12435496

>snorts coke in public

>> No.12435554

Good bait but not good enough

>> No.12435574

hes right tho

>> No.12435582

Sam Hyde and Nick Mullen are the two funniest people alive

>> No.12435590

Are you claiming there aren't right wingers who use vulgar memes? It's a generalization but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

>> No.12435611

so that's what the "alt-right" is? right wing people with a penchant for internet memes? just lol @ u

>> No.12435624

Yeah typically. You can look it up if you want. Of course everything is just a social construct.

>> No.12435629

>oh u cant define it? then it isnt real teehee!

He describes a very obvious recent phenomenon of 'right-wing counterculture' so even if you are triggered by the term 'alt-right' he's still referring to something specific. don't be a fucking nerd about it

>> No.12435647

Liberals rebrand everything in order to subvert and control the narrative. There is an ever weakening strain of white supremacists in the US and they got a spotlight put on them during the 2016 election for their support of Trump. Some of them wore that banner to avoid being called out for what they were, (fascists generally) but they grew to hate it for one reason or another.

>> No.12435648

I want to enter /pol/ right now and count how many pro-Trump, neocon memes you see there. If neocons have a penchant for memes and the definition of alt-right is to have a penchant of memes, then I guess the Republican Party is an alt-right party, which makes it both the right and its alternative. How surreal

>admits he can't define it
>"he's still referring to something specific"

>> No.12435659

The alt right isn't real. Open your eyes sheeple

>> No.12435667
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>so in lack of an argument he won't even dare quoting me again

You just got dabbed on mein nigger

>> No.12435669

They are. They're just fascists and the media needed to sanitize them.

>> No.12435672

Who are you?

>> No.12435674

>replace your population
why do retards think immigration into the US is replacing the population?

replacing fat mutts who like ground beef and cheese with fat mutts who like ground beef and cheese.

>> No.12435681

he's high on coke and stimulants 24/7

>> No.12435686

Everytime I hear this guy, I am reaffirmed of his complete and utter buffoonery.
Why do you take him seriously, /lit/?

He started out as a joke. But not people are unironically humoring him. Imagine if there were people on /g/ who legitimately acknowledged Terry Davis as a competent and well adjusted developer. That is the equivalent of /lit/ appreciating Zizek.

>> No.12435694

>admits he can't define it

You should probably just delete your posts and leave if you can't distinguish between two different names on 4chan or follow an argument without sperging at a specific use of a term you don't like

>> No.12435699
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>civic nationalism made the U.S the most powerful country on the planet.

>> No.12435700

what does that even mean you absolute retard

>hurrr they both like food so they the same
>they mutts

>> No.12435701
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>you aren't a strong nationalist if you don't trust millions of 3rd world immigrants who more often than not just use the system for their own benefit and culture
I don't know why I even gave this retarded video a chance. Nationhood is a manifestation of biology, there is no HAHA GOTCHA argument around that. If you change the biology you fundamentally destroy the nation.

>> No.12435705

>Nationhood is a manifestation of biology

Retard, why did biology only manifest itself in this way worldwide 200 years ago?

>> No.12435709
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>Nationhood is a manifestation of biology

>> No.12435721


Being reasonable makes you a sperg?

There's no alt-right. The media (and Hillary Clinton) tried somehow to claim neo-nazis, nationalists, white supremacists, libertarians, neocons, anti-zionists, racists and anti-semites in general compose an specific demographic with defined goals. This only makes sense if you're a boomer trying to parse the complexity and inherent disorientation of anonymous internet forums into an umbrella term. It's an obviously flawed and meant as a boogeyman.

The only possible, non-retarded definition for an "alt-right" is "right-wing internet culture", which doesn't really align with the media's usage of the term.

>> No.12435724


>> No.12435725

Yes you're right, people who built nations have no common denominator like race, it's all a spook haha
no biological connection at all XDXDXD

>> No.12435735

Why do people leftists often utilize the same ostracizing behaviour that a bully would try using on the playground? Wouldn't being a bully be oppressive "fascist" behaviour?

>> No.12435760

>mental gymnastics

>> No.12435771

lit turned me into a nazi, not because of pol rather due to the vast amount of retarded niggers and faggots posting their brainwank here.

>> No.12435774

If you were being reasonable you'd notice that, like I already said before, Zizek is using it in a specific way that is not necessarily the "media's" idea of the alt-right, like when he explicitly says "so-called 'alt-right'". If you were being reasonable you would have seen a disconnect between his loose definition as a 'right-wing counterculture' and your understanding of the term as having 'defined goals' and you would not have commented in a way that has 0 to do with the video of the topic. The irony in this is the criticism of the media you are doing is very much an old left counterculture idea that is now firmly in the wheelhouse of the 'alt-right', whatever it is.

>> No.12435775

Farts are also a manifestation of biology

>> No.12435780

What do nations represent in your mind, then?
Are they just people who just so happened to stumble upon eachother and said "hey let's make this easier for both of us!"
Do you actually believe large groups of human beings would work together to create a safe living space for their children without some sort of biological connection?
woah you got me, everything biological is a spook now

>> No.12435782

why go out of the way to 'build nations' if it's simply a manifestation of biology? use your noggin m8

>> No.12435796

'some sort of biological connection' is a bit vague innit, you could mean anything

>> No.12435805

I'm talking about race.

>> No.12435819

>that video

zizek is such an incel lunatic
#metoo is literally about ending sexual exploitation. how's that not helping others?

>> No.12435821

race itself is vague, like i bet there is not huge genetic variation between people on one side of the french border and people on the italian side, yet they are supposedly distinct 'nations', in separate nation-states that have a similar history and language. 'nationhood' as we understand it is fairly recent in human history, as is an idea of 'race' and that the two developed almost simultaneously is no accident but a way of organising or categorising the world in ways we are frequently finding inadequate. i'm not saying genetic variation is a spook or that people don't find value in hanging out with people who are similar, but there are philosophical underpinnings to these beliefs rather than pure science that we became aware of in the 1400s. nationhood will probably wane as the internet gets bigger, loyalty to soil becomes less relevant. americans and europeans are distinct nations and somewhat distinct races but there is a blurring of pan-national beliefs in global politics

>> No.12435827

>very ironic since the left and academics in general have flown that flag since the fall of the USSR.

And now it's the right's turn with the flag, it's not fair otherwise, etc.

>> No.12435845
File: 658 KB, 640x740, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't want your country to become like Detriot then you're simply scared and not a real nationalist

>> No.12435848

>chris chan lost his classic shirt
>turns on on slavoj zizek some time later
what the fuck dude, i know you're as communist and shit but you cant just steal shit from retarded people

>> No.12435896

False analogue

>> No.12435914
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>> No.12435921


>> No.12435943

Nick Mullen's not conservative at all. He voted for Bernie. He makes jokes about rape and the n-word, that doesn't make him a conservative.

>> No.12436028

The source of Zizek's power is his meme voice and mannerisms, you can never take that away from him

>> No.12436056

In the 1800s "American nationalists" (WASPs and related groups) were complaining about the "hordes" of Russian, Italian, Irish, Chinese, etc. immigrants from Europe, and were making the same arguments that nativists today are making. 1800s America experienced one of the single biggest explosions in population in human history, a result of both industrialisation AND massive immigration. Had America adopted an exclusionary, WASP-preferential immigration system, it would quite literally have less than a third of the population it does today.

>> No.12436067

Zizek was living in the communist bloc during the counter-cultural revolution, he's hardly a "western bourgeois academic."

>> No.12436074

from Europe and Asia**

>> No.12436090


fucking hell those joe rogan style thumbnails with the ugly green border are disgusting.

>> No.12436391

I'm a brainlet. Genuinely, wasn't aware there were still leftists had these believes. I had become "right wing" because of this.

>> No.12436410
File: 2.36 MB, 400x299, stalin4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this guy is considered the final bss of philosophy and the left wing
>mfw he's easily destroyed and swept aside by marxism-leninism

>> No.12436424

does anyone actually consider zizek the final boss of philosophy though?

>> No.12436436

>he defines left and right using the cultural zeitgeist of the time
What will you do if Berniebros become socially conservative and conservatives become live and let live libertarians?

>> No.12436512

/lit/ is a bunch of easily impressed brainlets, that's why.

Zizek is not dumb, but he does love to chime in on these pleb topics like "the alt-right", without even understanding much of it (hence citing fucking Angela Nagle), playing along with the interviewer and telling them what they want to hear.
He's constantly pandering to the audience at hand. If he's among SJWs he'll make sure to be pro-immigration anti-racist, if you put him next to some nationalists he'll sing a different tune.
Any good intellectual is able to come up with rationalizations for any ideological position. But at some point it gets annoying and I'm honestly tired of listening to this guy at this point.
Even worse is when some brainlets here can't see through his bullshit and are desperate to come up with explanations for his contradicting views.

>> No.12436541

I've always known he was full of horseshit, I just like listening to him because he sounds funny and sniffs a lot

>> No.12436751

Well said. I agree completely.

>> No.12436763


>Nick Mullen

you faggots are exactly the cunts they always make fun of on the show and you don't even realise they hate you
the guy you worships hates you

>> No.12436769

I’m so tired of seeing his fat face. I hate public intellectuals. Don’t follow leaders. Watch your pawking metaws.

>> No.12436802

When liberals in the usa can play the bad guy to their base they'll rule like they do in Canada. We're so used to liberal(american) interventions with our federation that we've learned to accept pragmatic solutions along with hypocrisy and scandal. That's why we can put a white dickhead in power in the middle of metoo and blm. We could actually accept our PM stopping his current immigration policy, but most of us know it is a wedge issue. Watch our PM get away with a bunch of shit the americans only wish they could do but cant because their system is inherently flawed. Canadians have learned to work the ropes better than any country on earth.
is any of this /lit/?

>> No.12436825

That's some right commie shit, bro. What you on about? Stalin's like My fucking state and none other is commie-land and don't you forget it? Stalin and Bush are closer than Zizek and marxism.

>> No.12437256

>the right

You must be very confused. """Conservatives""" are just slower, less scary leftists, they conserve nothing.

>> No.12437568
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>tfw realizing the reddit invasion succeeded

>> No.12437907

Ed Chang

>> No.12438434

Nick's not really ideological. He has some pozzed opinions but he's not married to them. He's friends with chapos but he's more than willing to make fun of the fart left/leftypol types

I think he's like the the jaded DSA guy from that bit a couple months ago, the guy with a retarded black son who's disillusioned with socialism and pissed he never got to say the n word.

>> No.12438441

Donald J. Trump

>> No.12438480

>I have great faith in my body therefore I will inject my self with aids!- Zizek

>> No.12438763

Sloterdijk >>>>> Zizek > shit >>>> POWER GAP >>>>> le penis washer man >> p*nker
Prove me wrong

>> No.12439193

Slovenia is more like Austria than the rest of our shitholes that jumped from feudalism to centrally planned economies

>> No.12439322

Another good example is a lot of standup comedians like Bill Burr, who is vulgar, and anti-racist, but ultimately espouses traditional gender roles and pretty center-right beliefs. He's got this whole bit about buying a gun which circles around a lot, but ultimately makes buying a gun sound like a good idea.

You're right, Trump isn't exactly mainstream in that sense, but what about Bush for instance? Liberals have sort of forgiven him in his old age, but he has some beliefs and practices that a lot of people would still consider "offensive." He certainly doesn't qualify as an outsider because he upholds establishment values.

You're definition of "insider" is just "liberal." AOC is an outsider, as can be seen from the constant stream of people who don't like her going out of their way to endlessly talk about what she's wearing. Liberals and conservatives are both always shitting on her, and democrats have been hellbent on making Bernie look like he's not a viable option since 2016.

That's the real point. These people are outwardly respectful and respectable, but they offend the institutions of liberal capitalism so their opponents try to present them as unhinged and underqualified.

>> No.12439349

good post

>> No.12439447
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>loves listening to jews spew platitudinal moralist drivel about oppression and butt stuff

>> No.12439522
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His proposition in the end makes sense. We should have the trust and courage in our nation to integrate immigrants into our lands. However this does not make the right weak or the left powerful. The issue is about correcting barbaric behavior out of foreigners on home soil or accepting diverse cultural norms. The right cracks the whip at immigrants when they do bad and the left is the mother that forgives. The problem lies when there's too much naivety in the mother, she might forgive her serial killer son when there is no need for it. There are thousands of immigrants of which we would be simply better off getting rid of due to their inability to be punished and integrated. Muslims who are jailed in the UK are a great example, they end up radicalizing themselves and even others.

>> No.12439546

The fuck are you talking about, Zizek was literally bourgeois, his parents were wealthy and allowed him to bum around universities until he was able to finally support himself financially in his mid 30's.

>> No.12439635

>the most famous man from my country is retarded sniffing marxist
It hurts bros

>> No.12439800

>tfw your country has a history of producing excellent scholastic and Thomistic philosophers
>they receive little attention in the west and haven't even been translated to English
>Meanwhile the weird paedophilic Marxist high school teacher with absolutely insane theories on education is widely studied and everything he ever wrote has received multiple translations in several languages
You don't know suffering.

>> No.12440535

That's the whole point. Everything you say is fucking dumb. So we are going to be fucking dumb to you now. I'm not arguing any further at this point, fuck you.

>> No.12440545

>scholastic and Thomistic philosophers
nothing of value was lost

>> No.12440564

You also have Laibach.

>> No.12440764


what german and french was he saying here

>> No.12441511

Zizek is a fucking idiot blabbering on always about the same shit. 'If you think something is the case it is actually that the exact opposite is the case because blah blah blah horseshit...'

>> No.12441953

He says Verleugnung in German, can't pick out the French words

>> No.12442091

Je sais bien mais quand méme

>> No.12442717

And a flair for some good blow

>> No.12442721

Zizek the Brainlet.

>> No.12443575
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>> No.12443601

>Nationhood is a manifestation of biology
Pretty sure Nationalism was created to defy biological tribalism...

>> No.12443629

>past left (counterculture) and the present left in the position of the past right (institutional)
That is not the axis he was talking about, but rather edgy vs moralistic

>> No.12443646

>Sam Hyde
Bitch that title belongs to Chapelle alone.

I can kinda agree he might qualify as a comedian but he isn't a very good one.

>> No.12443904

didnt know chapelle was a conservative

>> No.12443944

I meant best comedian

>> No.12443953

Why is he dressed like Chris-chan?

>> No.12443973

is this the globalist power ranking? because i'm inclined to agree

>> No.12444327


>> No.12444765


lol who?

>> No.12444851

He was talking about both because they go hand-in-hand. The left became moralistic because it became institutional.

>> No.12444886
File: 1022 KB, 1510x2198, LeftyMemeLoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread.

>> No.12444897


>> No.12444915

Just racking my brain trying to think of anything I've seen recently with a Sam Hyde in it...

>> No.12445503

this is the xavier renegade angel of bad memes

>> No.12446382

Also he's talking about 'a couple of hundred', when the number was like 800000

>> No.12447023

Are you for Fucking real!? Hahahahahaj this is how far up thier own asses the left is!

Also Norm McDonald. The smartest man in comedy

>> No.12447082

In the dark ages the village idiot was an integral part of local life. Whether you like it or not I think Zizek thinks it is the best way to communicate his ideas successfully

>> No.12447164

But he literally didn’t say anything about it being institutional, not Nagle said anything about the Left being instituational. You are just projecting onto him

>> No.12447190

Institutional is the opposite of counter-culture, which he names fairly regularly throughout the entire thing. Counter-culture is counter to the dominant culture, which is considered dominant because it is institutional and therefore enforced.

>> No.12447192 [SPOILER] 
File: 335 KB, 2048x1152, 1548038115550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to mention that he was talking about the behaviour and aesthetics of Left and Right has changed, not the power dynamic.

Hell the biggest leftist in the place he is speaking is quite moralistic in how he speaks and agitates despite being the political outsider even within his own party whereas some right wingers behave like morons and transgressive yet very entrenched in their party hierarchy.

>> No.12447218

Even in this bizarre definition of the word leftism hasn’t been enforced unless you are peddling that liberalism = leftism bullshit

>> No.12447253
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>> No.12447766

Where do you think we are? This isn't /pol/ or whatever redit debate nonsense you crawled out of. In the context of what Zizek is talking about where people like Trump and Bolsonaro are considered culturally Alt-Right, people on the other side of the spectrum at a corresponding magnitude are considered the Left. Universities, Fortune 500 companies, and governments have been and are continuously supporting cultural policies in the direction of the vulgar ill-mannered SJW types on the Left that Zizek is referring to in this video. Cultural Leftism has been co-opted by capitalism, this isn't something that even Zizek disputes and in fact it's the framework he's working under when he says stuff like what he's saying here.

>> No.12448089

brainlet take

>> No.12448305

Fuck off faggot, I have been here since laughing orson Wells. Your long rant about ‘woke’ness in culture is irrevelant to what we are talking about ie the defintion of this stupid word you created ‘institutional’ and its revelance to the moralistic/edgy that Zizek. Rant about capitalism trying to play catch up to social issues all you want but none of those institutions are innately or controlled by leftists. Hell even in UK where Zizek said those, those very same woke liberals themselves that controls the news and universities hound Corbyn with accusation of anti-semitism and sexism and more with little support over his policies, shows that the ‘cultural leftism’ you whine and wince about is distinct and hostile torwards leftists that came before.

It is quite clear you just play the old tune of ‘the Right is the real counterculture now!’ like a good NPC but the power dynamics still or haven’t changed.

>> No.12448424

>shows that the ‘cultural leftism’ you whine and wince about is distinct and hostile torwards leftists that came before.
No fucking shit you stupid nigger this is what I've been saying the whole time, this is what everyone's been saying. The Left has been taken over by caustic idpol types who exclude or shame anybody that isn't them. You can point to them from within the Left and say "THEY'RE NOT THE LEFT THEY'RE LIBERALS" but nobody outside of the Left gives a shit, you sound like one of those tiki-torch marchers who tries to explain that he's technically not a fascist he's a tradtionalist reactionary whatever and that's so much different! You people are so fucking lacking in self-awareness and you're not going change how things are going because you're never going to change your attitude.

>It is quite clear you just play the old tune of ‘the Right is the real counterculture now!
Seriously? It was always "quite clear", I've been explicitly endorsing Zizek's position on this the entire time. You're an idiot, I think we're done here.

>> No.12448445

thanks for the kek

>> No.12448461


>Why dont you let them in, what are you, afraid of the consequences?

Zizek's argument is literally a non-nonsensical dare

DESU its even a bit embarassing, as this is a classic leftist argument:

>You should do this, otherwise you are 'THE ENEMY'
>if you dont do this you're just like them
>Why dont you let them in, what are you, racist?

>> No.12448509

>we should accuse our enemies of doing what we are, deny that we did it and abuse moral rhetoric we don't even believe in
so this is the power of "the left"

>> No.12448520

zizek is an >ends justify the means kinda guy

>> No.12449138
File: 42 KB, 523x683, 1510418078940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is daddy zizek has some kind of rare condition or is he on cocaine ?
> basically why he rubs his nose all the damn time ???/

>> No.12449666

I can't get over the CWC sweater he's wearing

>> No.12449685

Didn't everyone reach this same conclusion back in 2015

>> No.12450607

Not a comedian, but nonetheless E;R