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File: 33 KB, 383x500, dwarffortress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12427843 No.12427843 [Reply] [Original]

I need 6 € to get free shipping at Amazon.

Should I buy "Starcraft: Liberty's Crusade" or "Getting started with Dwarf Fortress"?

>> No.12427891

dwarf fort

>> No.12427925

Start with the Greeks

>> No.12427934

That book is almost certainly too out of date to be of much use.

>> No.12427936 [DELETED] 
File: 777 KB, 1280x720, Twilight_Sparkle_reading_S4E09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start with the Greeks
This doesn't help.
OP wanted a real answer like the one of >>12427891!

>> No.12427938

muh pony

>> No.12427965 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 377x383, bored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for you.

>> No.12428001

muh pony

>> No.12428068

Dorf fort isn't that complicated, you don't need a book.

>> No.12428096
File: 35 KB, 340x534, Liberty'sCrusade_Nov_Cover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this one?

>> No.12428103
File: 43 KB, 566x529, axgYeYb_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn to play dwarf fortress
>have fun for it with a week
>too busy to play for a month
>forget everything
>can't bring myself to relearn everything
>can never play again

>> No.12428121

>want to play Dwarf Fortress
>the game runs at 7 FPS after just one year of in game time

>> No.12428284


Fucking nerd

>> No.12428295

idk, looks like a trashy book.

>> No.12428541

Yo OP you should play Cataclysm: DDA it's dope af

>> No.12428698

Lol starcraft is a god tier multiplayer game with a shit story. Why would you think a contrived spinoff book would be any good?

>> No.12428708

>forget everything
The controls are plastered on the screen at all times, how can you forget? I came back to it after 5 years, after all kinds of shit was changed, and still picked it back up like it was second nature.

>> No.12428729

that book is incredibly outdated now OP, if you wanna learn dorf fort just use the wiki

>> No.12428843

dorfs clearly

>> No.12428870

Dwarf Fortress really isn't that hard if you look at the wiki and have an attention span above that of a pre teen

>> No.12428878

You will get more out of a YT tutorial thats up to date for dorf

Liberty's crusade is fucking lame, the MC gets slapped on events on which his imput is either irrelevant or retconned, avoid at all costs.

>> No.12428943

>reading a story set in a shitty 40k rip off

>> No.12428955

The legend of the ten elemental masters

>> No.12429155

you dont need a fucking book to learn dwarf fortress. literally just watch a youtube video or two and you will get it down.

>> No.12429163

Literally just use the wiki guide.


>> No.12429707


>> No.12429821

Based boy recommendations, also Caves of Qud and ADOM.

>> No.12431399


>> No.12432359

Autists in 4chan will tell you dwarf fortress is easy and to just use a guide but cant even have a conversation with a girl. Kek

>> No.12432698

Make a pocket region and start before the year 500, set population max below 150.

>> No.12432732

I'm pretty adept at DF and I'm married, but I thought the game had a very steep learning curve and gave up on it several times while learning to play. Guess I'm a normie npc after all.