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12427727 No.12427727 [Reply] [Original]

Is it fair to say that he is the Nietzsche, or at very least the Carl Jung of our time?

>> No.12427776

Jung is far more significant than Nietzsche so it doesn’t make sense to say “or at least Jung”. But yes, he is this generation’s Nietzsche: a self help doofus for wayward edgy boys who is fundamentally right in a lot of ways but who embarrasses himself on basically every particular.

>> No.12427814


>> No.12427864

No, and you're either baiting or retarded

>> No.12427882


>> No.12427903

Epic /leftypol/ irony thread

>> No.12427915

Fuck NO! I bet you don’t even understand how much of a hack he is compared to Nietszche and Jung.

>> No.12427954
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>> No.12427985

Grow up youtubebabby

>> No.12428025

hahaha jesus christ I didn't realize it was this bad

>> No.12428800

>hears about Nietzsche in hs
>see a popular guy on youtube talking about him
>start fapping to peterson daily

wtf man

>> No.12428927


The greatest mind of the 21st Century is Marshall McLuhan

>> No.12428932

reminder to report these threads for the advertising and marketing they are

>> No.12428944

>Jung is far more significant than Nietzsche
lol wtf, am I in bizarro world

>> No.12429293
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Jordan Peterson is the Jordan Peterson of our time.

>> No.12429311


>> No.12429323

DJ "Big nuts" Jung >>>>>>>>>> Neechee >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jay clean dick Pee

>> No.12429328

At-least he is better than the pseuds of this sub, who think hey no more about philosophy than a person who is academia for past 30 years.

>> No.12429333

Nietzsche never said anything useful to anybody. Jung spent his entire life mapping out the human psyche methodically and his findings (if they aren't distorted beyond recognition by con-men like JP) are our only hope of sanity in the modern world.

>> No.12429338


>> No.12429341
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>Jung is far more significant than Nietzsche

>> No.12429346 [DELETED] 

>human psyche methodically
I beg to differ

>> No.12429358


>Peterson is the modern equivalent of Jung and is extremely well-read

Jordan Peterson is not a philosopher and he is not a scientist in the humanities or social science. Most of the things he says which sound "philosophical" are in the field of analytical psychology (Jungian psychology).
But then, he would be uncovered as a quacksalver, too.
1. Jungian psychology is highly criticized. (Personally, I study Jungian psychology and support Jung's theories.)
2. Which brings me to the second point: Peterson doesn't apply Jungian psychology orderly. He uses Jungs theory to justify most of what he says but he ignores the part of Jungian psychology that wouldn't fit in his world view. For example, in Jungian psychology the political right and left are the representation of equal forces in the collective unconscious. Fighting against the SJW is illogical according to Jungian psychology. Now, you could argue that he developed Jungian psychology but he didn't. He doesn't explain the significant meanderings.
3.He himself said that he is captured by an archetype. In Jungian psychology, it means that he doesn't make an inner conflict conscious and projects it onto something in the outer world. (Obviously, it's his work.) He plays the archetype of the father and hero and attracts people, who unconsciously need to compensate this archetype.

Jordan Peterson about the hero archetype:
> My wife keeps me from identifying too much with the archetype :)

He signed as the "archetypal father".

Also: Even though, Jungian psychology is the foundation of his work, he never went through a Jungian therapy or has an education in Jungian psychology.

>> No.12429365

his model of the psyche is absolutely superior to garbage like DSM-5. Him and to a lesser extent Freud are like the Romans to our dark ages. I hope you aren't one of those people who think diagnoses like schizoid or bipolar or borderline or histrionic which are absurdly interchangeable represent anything other than regression from previous knowledge.

>> No.12429373


>> No.12429379

From what I've seen he seems to completely ignore the anima/animus, and I don't think he's ever gotten close to touching on his works on alchemy. I mean I haven't either but I'm not an academic in the field of psychology

>> No.12429387

Based asian milkerposter

>> No.12429394


>> No.12429409

m8 you have no idea. The five factor model is like the four humors of old, it's so retarded how far we've fallen. You mix up conscientiousness neuroticism,openness, etc. and you magically get individual personalities, just like mixing up black and yellow bile gives you the plague

>> No.12429410
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No, it's Kevin MacDonald.

>> No.12429433


I'm cringing at the Mosley avatar

>> No.12429446

Peterson is smart, well-read, knows alot of shit about the humanities, western culture and religion, and is good at literary analysis. He's a dingleberry of psychoanalysis. He's a conservative intellectual who has risen as a direct challenge to the unrestricted leftist narrative that has dominated the humanities since the mid-late 1900s.

He's not a fucking revolutionary, but there is PLENTY of room for his philosophy and cultural criticism. If you disagree without a real reason you're just a fucking half-wit.

>> No.12429456
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>> No.12429471

he's a stabilizing influence though, which is a terrible thing. He wants to bring society back just close enough to normal that the tech/mass-media system can continue to function without mishap. That means that we'll just continue to deep fry our psyche's for another hundred years or so until decay overtakes us. Better to get it over with now when we're still somewhat human.

>> No.12429487
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If by Nietzsche or Jung, you mean a guy with a logically inconsistent philosophy built on sophistry and personal whim, who midwits study and bring up in conversation to seem sophisticated, then yes.

>> No.12429505

contd. JP style normal is the exact opposite of what needs to happen. Right now people still have a cultural memory of how life was like before mass media, but in a hundred years they won't at all. There won't be anything at all to fall back on when they realize that their model of reality is flawed.

>> No.12429512

Great point about the "stabilizing influence". I think this at the core of his thought. It's why he can't be "original".

I don't think the rest of your argument is necessarily the case however.

Thank you for the thoughtful response...was refreshing.

>> No.12429548

No he's more of a right wing flavored gatekeeper for the establishment, like Hitchensor like Chomsky for the left

>> No.12429553 [DELETED] 

If you disagree without a real reason you're just a fucking half-wit
Go through 4chan archive and look for Peterson or pseud, you will find enough criticism of him. If you read through all of them in unbiased way, you will realize that Peterson is pseud.

>> No.12429555

It's a valid point. But being conservative doesn't mean holding on to EVERYTHING. JP's more conservative way of thinking doesn't retard cultural development. I think it helps guide it...conservative thought looks back at CERTAIN ELEMENTS of the past with a sense of honor. For example, JPs lectures on the Bible use modern understandings of mythology, anthropology, literary analysis, and psychoanalysis to make sense of a document at the root of western culture that serves to connect modern man somewhat with yesterday's man. There's lots of useful knowledge in old texts and in ancient wisdom that could benefit the people of today. If this kind of tough thinking and discovery has already been done, then we have something to gain from it instead of find it all out all over again from scratch.

>> No.12429559
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No, it would not be fair. Peterson has nothing new to offer at all. He's just an attention whore at this point.

Also, this is a good video that every brainlet follower of JP should watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7u3Lu-kzgg

>> No.12429576

Peterson has a misunderstanding of most post-modernism. I'll concede this. But this doesn't invalidate EVERYTHING he's ever said.

I'm actually surprised that Peterson doesn't embrace some post-modernists more. At times he seems to fit in quite well with some of them. He's blinded by the evil Marxist in the closet.

>> No.12429578

>If you disagree without a real reason you're just a fucking half-wit
Go through 4chan archive and look for Peterson or pseud, you will find enough criticism of him. If you read through all of them in unbiased way, you will realize that Peterson is pseud.

>> No.12429605

>He's a psychologist
enough said

>> No.12429606

Try to not look at JP as a mammoth intellectual figure, and try to look at him as a harbinger for more airtime of academics with more developed and refined conservative thought that has been suppressed for the past sixty years. Freud was ridiculous, and while Jung was still a Pseud, the thought was MUCH MORE refined and influential. Consider even the lineage of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

I think that Peterson is a much needed breath of fresh air that will help open the general discourse.

>> No.12429624

He's an above average psychologist

>> No.12429627

i dont know how to find it
you find it

>> No.12429633

The parable of the madman is awesome. Read that, then watch Zardoz.

>> No.12429640

I'm not even "conservative" in the traditional sense. It's not a left wing right wing type of thing. I just agree with Ellul that mass-media has profoundly changed culture, and that it is inseparable from propaganda.

>> No.12429656

I think it's fair to say his daughter is a thot

>> No.12429678

no, kek

>> No.12429693


>> No.12429701

He's a self-help author.

>> No.12429720

Lol, look what I found:

>> No.12429765

Are we really talking about dailystormer's articles?

>> No.12429775

Yes, I know it is hilariously ridiculous. Peterson is a pseud , but writing such articles about him is so stupid, I bet the author must be butt-hurt SJW.

>> No.12429790
File: 67 KB, 618x1066, mikhaila-peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12429802

The fact that a man is capable of hurting the butts of SJWs and getting PRAISE for on a large scale it is the most refreshing thing of the new millennium.

>> No.12429830

Naah, it was common way before Peterson even started doing it himself.

>> No.12429835

Why not? I mean if he's a nazi and nazis hate him, he must be the most awful human being alive

>> No.12429841

he's on the short list

>> No.12429878

jbp is the new socrates. we in a new paradigm for philosophy

>> No.12429939

Kill yourself NOW.

>> No.12429952

He is a literal reincarnation of the Rattenfänger
Him bringing the church and Nietzsche together is the most vile thing ever and this incel preacher should die

>> No.12429955

this generation's paulo coehlo t b h

>> No.12430087

Peterson IQ is no higher than 125, he is a snake oil salesman that sounds smart to dumb people.

>> No.12430095

i'm trigggered

>> No.12430126

But he's absolutely right, Nietszche was sad about God's death, it's up to us to revive God.

>> No.12430196

He's a super-normie that failed normies worship because they don't know anything other than being a fucking normie.

>> No.12430545

This. Peterson should hopefully get people into deeper philosophic traditions that are more fleshed out.

>> No.12430563

i can't put into words how much these jordan bernt peterson impersonations crack me up.

>> No.12430564

pseudo-scholarship does not promote genuine scholarship.

>> No.12430567


>> No.12430572

>That link
Kill yourself

>> No.12430575

What does Jordan Peterson think of Freud?

>> No.12430586 [DELETED] 

why care? /lit/ pseuds won't understand him

>> No.12430753

No it was a mixed bag. The point was God is dead but bringing him back is probably fruitless, it is necessary to try and work through it.