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/lit/ - Literature

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12424891 No.12424891 [Reply] [Original]

You don't need more than 30 books, anon-kun!

>> No.12424903


>Harry Potter
>Every Murakami novel

Is that thirty?

>> No.12424913

she's right, there are barely more than 30 books actually worth the effort

>> No.12424915

the only reason to keep books after reading them is vanity

>> No.12424937

>Not being vain
Get with the program bro

>> No.12424955

>i don't re-read

>> No.12424964

Not this again. She's talking about, NOT having more than 30 UNREAD or PARTIALLY READ books. She's not talking about books that you have FINISHED reading, only the ones that you have NOT COMPLETED.

>> No.12424969

She’s probably right. There are a few books I re read but I should get rid of a lot that I know I will never pick up again

>> No.12424974

Why do asian women take retarded pose and do ridiculous gestures ?

>> No.12424982

>i dont take notes

>> No.12424983

Its called being femenine, but you americans and your orc women will not know about it

>> No.12424986

I need 30 whiffs of Kondo-sama's pussy.

>> No.12424988

Maybe if you're a weeb.

>> No.12425004

Its called being fake and needing to act cute because its all you have going for you

>> No.12425015

try Buddhism

>> No.12425023

asian women are disgusting

>> No.12425038

>that is feminine
I bet you think anime portrays traditional gender roles

>> No.12425367

Seething burgers

>> No.12426504

I hope this chink bitch gets beaten to death by books

>> No.12426511

I hate this bitch telling me how to live
She's ugly too

>> No.12426515

blow me you insufferable cartoon character

>> No.12426520

how do i take useful notes without copying 80% of the book verbatim.

>> No.12426630

She says this to normies who own bunches of shit books and don't even read them, if books are a passion of yours she wouldn't care how many you have as long as you can keep it organized and neat. Her big advice is to only keep the things that create a spark of joy in you, so if you go through your books and all of them give you a spark then keep em, but if you got a bunch of books that you don't give a shit about then yeah toss em.

>> No.12426634

Eat shit lady.

>> No.12427113

>notes are the same as rereading
Ah, so your notes are just an affectation.

>> No.12427312

As pointed out by other anons, that's not how KonMari works, but a lot of people could benefit from weeding their collections now and again. I donate stuff to the library or occasionally give it to family members if it's something I know they would like. The only book that I've ever regretted giving away was a Robert Pinget collection.

>> No.12427320
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>> No.12427343

Wonder if she gives good head. I've had my dick sucked by a nip qt once. She did this crazy twirling motion with her tongue while sucking the tip and furiously licked the most sensitive part on the back. Never came so hard in my life. Most western girls give lousy bjs tbqh

>> No.12427470

I take that advice is for people who just hoard books without actually reading them, rather than for actual literature enthusiasts.

>> No.12427484

Hah, this bitch has a secret black boyfriend, went to the same uni as him.

>> No.12427579
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>he reads purely for enjoyment and doesnt keep books for the sake of reference

>> No.12427666

Alright everybody make their list of 30 books. Looking at my shelf these are the ones I am most liable to come back to again and again.
1. The Art of Electronics
2. Practical Electronics for Inventors
3. Design and Construction of Tube Guitar Amplifiers
4. Human, All too Human
5. The Dawn
6. The Gay Science
7. Beyond Good and Evil
8. Genealogy of Morals
9. Antichrist
10. Loeb Classics Sophocles I
11. Loeb Classics Sophocles II
12. The Iliad
13. The Odyssey (this and above require a lot of painful reckoning about which translation to keep)
14. Complete Works, William Shakespeare
15. The Metamorphoses
16. Godel Escher Bach (it is a fun read)
17. The Essential Plato
18. Tristram Shandy
19. Storm of Steel
20. Chuang Tzu
21. Eumeswil
22. Society of the Spectacle
23. Simulacra and Simulation
24. Based on a True Story
25. The Ancestor's Tale (no bully)
26. The Ego and Its Own (maybe)
27. Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner
28. Whatever
29. The Collected Poems of A.E. Housman
30. The Path of Cinnabar
This was tough and not set in stone.

>> No.12427752
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>> No.12428288

yea, there's just trash books that gotta go. I have mountains of business/self improvement books from various jobs over the years. How many times do i need to read "strength finder" in a lifetime?

The last box of books i gave to the lie berry was a bunch of asimov, michael crighton and some biographies that I know they don't have because I checked. Better some kids get that stuff than me having to move it every few years with a new apartment lease.

>> No.12428346
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She's right

>> No.12428359

Taking notes is more useful during a re-read. You have to know what the text is going for the whole time before you can effectively summarize important points.

>> No.12428385

I give this a solid 7/10. The Housman and Tristram Shandy are very nice inclusions.

>> No.12428471

30, huh?

1-5 - the Dark Tower series (skip the last two)
6- The Stand
7-11 - Song of Ice and Fire series
12- A Simple Plan
13- The Ruins
14- Don Quixote
15- The Caine Mutiny
16- The Last Ship
17- State of Fear
18- Andromeda Strain
19- A Case of Need
20- Bonfire of the Vanities
21- Dark Rivers of the Heart
22- Saturn Run
23- Gateway
24- Ringworld
25- The Terror
26-30 - The Remaining series

Just off the top of my head.

>> No.12428523

30 books huh, I actually would have a bigger list but off the top of my head
1-4: Nausicaa Manga, perfect collection
5: Consolation of Philosophy
6. Crime and Punishment
7. Treasure Island
8. Count of Monte Cristo
9-11. Romance of the Three Kingdoms (3 book compilation)
12: The Odyssey
13. Complete works of Shakespeare
14: Canticle of Leibowitz
15. Don Quixote
16. Bible
17. Livy's History of Rome
18. Complete Mark Twain
19. Memoirs of a Revolutionary
20. Anna Karenina
21-26. Earthsea series
27. Blood Meridian
28. Charlotte's web
29. The Little Prince
30. Lord of the Rings

>> No.12428540

>Canticle of Leibowitz
Whats the consensus on this? Is it required reading? It seems interesting, I like post-apoc stuff.

>> No.12428543

Alright. I’ll try to keep off books that overlap with your list, but some are just impossible. I’m imagining I’m on an island with these and have no way to switch them out, so longevity and maintaining interest over multiple readings are my main considerations.
1. Don Quixote
2. Complete Shakespeare
3. Tropic of Cancer
4. For Whom the Bell Tolls
5. Complete Donne
6. The Master and Margarita
7. Doctor Zhivago
8. War and Peace
9. The Fall
10. Gogol’s stories
11. East of Eden
12. One Hundred Years of Solitude
13. Brother’s Karamazov
12. Works of Milton
14. The Lord of the Rings (if I could find an edition that has The Hobbit within in that would be ideal, but I don’t think it makes it on the list)
15. Tristram Shandy
16. City of God
17. Wuthering Heights
18. Le Morte D’Arthur
19. Big Sur
20. Joseph Andrews
21. Koroko
22. Stoner
23. The Setting Sun
24. Leaves of Grass
25. Moby Dick
26. Dante’s Divine Comedy
27. Tao Te Ching
28. The Odyssey
29. The Illiad
30. Les Misérables

>> No.12428547

Shit now that I think about it I’d probably switch some of those out. This is hard.

>> No.12428553

I only have like 10

>> No.12428560

Yes mommy, thank you mommy!

>> No.12428572

Let's not forget indecisiveness. "I will read it later".
If you're not reading it, it's probably trash. If you're planning to read it in 10 years you're a fucking lazy moron. Talking to myself here desu.

>> No.12428583

Which JAV number is this?

>> No.12428584

>your orc women will not know about it
Our orc women pose like that constantly.

>> No.12428598

It's weird but good. It's hard to describe.
Post apoc Roman Catholic scientist monks preserving technology by copying texts over the course of time but humanity fucks up yet again with nukes, these Post apoc Roman Catholic scientist monks blast off into space to a new world.

>> No.12428608

I'm the guy you responded to and that's a pretty good list, I don't think there is any need to be unique though. Most folks of some measure of literacy would probably want to have Shakespeare, Homer and the like. I would think there would be a pretty strong core of books most of us would choose and some more variable books peppered in to taste.

>> No.12428618

>You don't need more than 30 books, anon-kun!
Sauce for this statement or GTFO. This looks like a /pol/ tier smear.

>> No.12428630 [DELETED] 

I, for one, welcome our nip overlords.

>> No.12428638

Thanks, Marie!

>> No.12428646

This. It's hilarious how even weebs are more in-tune with their masculine sensibility than the normalfags floating around here these days.

>> No.12428753

>tfw Kondo-san will never dominate you

>> No.12428774

Only including written literature and philosophy, unlike other anon, because otherwise it's too hard to choose:

1. Complete Dante
2. Complete Shakespeare
3. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
4. Brothers Karamazov (need one dosto, can't afford much more than one, might as well be this one)
5. Critique of Pure Reason
6.Flowers of Evil
7. Father Goriot and as many Human Comedy books I can make count as one
8. The Red and the Black
9. Moby Dick
10. Genealogy of Morals
11. Any collection of Valéry's poetry including the Young Parque, his essays too if possible
12. Master and Margarita
13. Anna Karenina, begrudgingly
14. Complete Chekov Short Stores
15. Complete Kawabata short stories
16. Rimbaud's collected poetry
17. Epic of Gilgamesh
18. Complete Cortazar short stories (man I love short stories)
19. Complete Mapassant short stories
20. Stig Dagerman's Our Need for Solace cannot be sated
21. Rilke's Book of poverty and death, with Arthur Adamov's preface
22. Kafka's Metamorphosis
23. Molière's The Misanthrope
24. Corneille's Comical Illusion
25. Racine's Phèdre
26. Don Quixote
27. Lawrence Durell's Black Book (or Henry Miller Remember to Remember)
28. K. Dick's Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (or Ubik, or Flow my Tears - this challenge is hard)
29. Were the Wild Things Are (or His Dark Materials trilogy)
30. Sandor Marai' The Sister

Wish I could sneak in some Conrad or Hugo but I've already overstepped.
I cheated a bit but man that wasn't easy. Pretty standard list all in all, but that's what you get with only 30 items.

Both very nice lists. It's rather comforting to think we have enough great books left to read to fill a dozen of those.

>> No.12428781

My father has been buying books like candy for the past 40 years. We have over 1500 books at home, most of them look awesome. I think I'll never make it.

>> No.12428783

All women are fake, nips are just based enough to cover it up with cute shit

>> No.12428796

Thats not true. I could just as easily claim all men are fake. What the fuck does being fake even mean

>> No.12428820

>Talking to myself here desu.
You're talking to me too. I have way to many unread and part-read books, I'm done buying books for the year. Unless I finish all of my Pynchon novels, in which case I'll get what I don't have.

>> No.12428824

Thanks for the compliments on my list. Counterfeit Unrealities is a collection of Dick's that has Ubik and Three Stigmata.

>> No.12428828

>What the fuck does being fake even mean
Being phony.

>> No.12428834

Citation Needed

>> No.12428928

you should really be giving away, reselling, or throwing out a lot of your books every decade regardless

>> No.12428970

Thanks bro. You're a real /litizen.

>> No.12429280

Citation Needed that she ever made the claim.

>> No.12429414

Fuck minimalists.
When I was a spartan I knew that five books was the most aesthetically pleasing.
Marie Kondo's a subhuman nigger.
With five books you don't even need a bookshelf anymore.
She doesn't give a shit because the more stuff you buy the happier it makes them.
Minimalists worship money and commodities.
The pansies always whine about their books. No exceptions.
>Waaahhh waahhh, I'm decluttering my things so well but I just can't bear to part with all this bounded paper on my shelf!!!
Truth they need dropped on them is they're reading shit.
Like the tao of pooh and Marie Kondo's books.
20 years this will just aggregate and their sub(human)culture is going to rather advocate for s/burning/selling the books and getting a kindle.
Jeff Bezos is the best minimalist. He has no hair, he has no family, he has no home. All is amazon. And he's got millions of underlings to create life for him.
He is the best kind of minimalist a Marie Kondite could and would ever hope to be.

>> No.12429491

This is only a post. I want to re-read this once it is refined as a rant. This is breddi gud for a start.

>> No.12429546

you know you fucked up somewhere along the line when you arrive at Jeff Bezos

>> No.12429562

You must be mentally ill or something

>> No.12429794

>She's ugly too
You don't like her because she's pretty and nice

>> No.12429819

He's trying to anger anons. (And me I guess). Probably likes her.
She's cute. I've no problem with her

>> No.12429862

Don't listen to this one, it's a false flagging anon

>> No.12429905


>> No.12430020

1. Britannica Great Books Melville (just Moby Dick. I wish they'd at least thrown Bartleby in there too)
2-3. Britannica Great Books Shakespeare I,II
4. Britannica Great Books Plutarch
5. Tao Te Ching Addiss & Lombardo Translation Hardcover
6-9. The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings Box Set
10. Silmarillion Hardcover
11. Viking Portable Dante
12. Literature From The Bible
13. Enders Game Mass Market
14-16. Illuminatus Trilogy Mass Markets
17. Chronicles of Master Li and Number Ten Ox
18-21. Eisenhorn Trilogy Mass Markets
22. Penguin Dictionary of Symbols
23. Labyrinths by Borges
24. Library of America Valis and Later Novels
25-26. Shadow & Claw and Sword & Citadel
27. The Stars My Destination Mass Market
28. Collected Folk Tales by Alan Garner Hardcover
29. Wind, Sand and Stars
30. Roots of the Western Tradition

>> No.12430032

>doesn't reference or re-read older books

>> No.12430038

Wait I replace the last two with a box set of Voltaires Philosophical Dictionary in two volumes that I have.

>> No.12430083

Number 24 is cheating and is actually 4 books in one volume.

>> No.12430236

>walks around in public nearnaked with a bucket of expensive paints on face
>complains that foreigners, in their own countries, dress like grandmas because they have a fashion sense they put work into and don't think merely exposing skin and shaking their butt is equal to that
Unlike the West (barring certain lowerclass girls), women elsewhere are feminine, it's not fake it's their character. You're not content unless the world crumbles down to your nonexistent standards and lack of values.

>> No.12430260

Wohoho nonono

>> No.12430282
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>pfft those filthy 'western' women can't compete with cute, traditional and 'BASED AF' eastern goddesses

>> No.12430477

Based and realitypilled

>> No.12430493
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Damn the roastie rage is thick in this thread. Why are white women so threatened by tiny asians?

>> No.12430532
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>i ruff you rong tyme baybee
>i wat'chee ani-meh wit you
>i sucki sucki fo you bic boi

>> No.12430635

1. The Holy Bible (King James Edition)
2-30. Nothing

That was easy.

>> No.12430642
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Wow, I suddenly don't want to fuck asian women because of that cartoon. xD

>> No.12430713

But books make good speaker stands and night stands. You can also use them as coasters but only if they aren't too thick.

>> No.12430751

Is a box set a "book"? what about those ridiculously expensive 4000 page one-volume editions?

>> No.12430773

What's it like having awful taste. Drop that pop fantasy crap.
Solid list. Good choice to put bible and livy there.
Very good list. Although for me personally karamazov and master and margarita arent worth rereading.

>> No.12430786
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>fucking gook whores

>> No.12430791

I'm not going to throw away things I have bought

>> No.12430793
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>fucking feminist wh*te women
At least they've only ridden tiny asian pricks and not Jamal's shlong, family.

>> No.12430795

asian women are robots trust me

>> No.12430808
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>a-at least Chang's cum was dripping in her tuna can!
the absolute state of weabNEETs

>> No.12430915

It's hard to fit 30. I think if I had to make a list it would look something like this.

1. Plato - Complete Works.
2-3. Aristotle - Complete Works Vol I and II.
4-8 Euripides - The Complete Plays Vol I to V.
9-10 Sophocles - The Complete Plays Vol I and II.
11-12 Homer - Complete Works: Iliad and Oddysey.
13. The Bible.
14. Quran.
15. Manu's Laws.
16. St. Augustine - Confessions.
17. Milton - Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained.
18. Shakespeare - Complete Works.
19. Berkeley - Principles of Human Knowledge and Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous.
20. Hume - An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.
21. Kant - Critiquie of Pure Reason.
22. Darwin - The Origin of Species.
23. Cervantes - Don Quixote.
24. Kierkegaard - Either/Or.
25. Keats - Complete Poems.
26. Goethe - Faust.
27. Dostoyevski - The Brothers Karamazov.
28. Kafka - Complete Short Stories.
29. Joyce - Ulysses.
30. Wittgenstein - Philosophical Investigations.

>> No.12430923

why do people pretend to be a man online to criticize women

>> No.12430933

Your lists suck. You can read most of that online for free already. 30 is a number made for consumerism.

>> No.12431014

If you wanted to minmaxed the fuck out of this you would go for shit like Summa Theologica which gives you like 80% of Aristotle, Cicero, Maimonides, etc.

>> No.12431775
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>18. Tristram Shandy
>19. Storm of Steel

>> No.12431825

It's actually realistic if you have good public libraries in your area and take notes separately. But "The Minimalists", another Netflix documentary cult, believe it's okay to own as many books as you want as long as they bring you a lot of value and you aren't just hoarding them.

1. Montaigne's Complete Works (Everyman's Library)
2. Plato's major dialogues or Complete Works
3. Aristotle's major or complete works
4. Shakespeare's Complete Works
5. Divine Comedy (Everyman's Library Mandelbaum edition)
6. Borges complete fictions (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

I can probably stop here and be perfectly content rereading these and just taking out one-off works from the public library, but I'm a fucking pleb so don't take me seriously

>> No.12431835

Oh I forgot Ulysses

>> No.12431841

I swear she's the only jap bitch I've ever seen who looks older than she really is (34). Is she from some obscure lineage or something?

>> No.12431873

Can I get a source for this gif?