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12423776 No.12423776[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's late capitalism? Is society collapsing?

>> No.12423793

Late capitalism is the post-industrial stage where all the actual hard factory labour is shipped offshore to various disconnected places where we don't see it and the rest of us get paid to smile and serve others or send and receive 100 e-mails a day

>> No.12423797
File: 36 KB, 640x535, moeconcern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-what comes after later capitalism?

>> No.12423800

Porky was supposed to deliver my jetpack and 4 day workweek in 30 minutes or less.

>> No.12423811

I hope capitalism is fashionably late

>> No.12423812

>"c-capitalism will collapse anytime soon!" says increasingly nervous Marxist for the 897976° time

>> No.12423820
File: 106 KB, 960x720, Three+stages+of+capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's someone's way of describing this stage of the cycle. It always collapses though. I fear it will continue to collapse and stagger up again, each time losing more and more... well, of everything, before people ever unite behind a plan to just not do it anymore.

We hope.

>> No.12423827

Late Capitalism begins when the entire third world enters the post-industrial, Silcon Valley age. After late capitalism we have End Game Captialism and then and only then do we get collapse. Eta for collapse is around 1000 years

>> No.12423829

>"C-capitalism will last forever!" says increasingly depressed liberal watching the rise of reactionaries and marxists before his very eyes in the late 2010s

>> No.12423837
File: 32 KB, 400x276, Bank_Justin_Sullivan-56a9a6425f9b58b7d0fdab91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
I was just thinking this. It is incorrect to say capitalism is wrong, or failed, or immoral. The fundamentals of capital and how to manipulate it have existed since history began. The trouble is when that capital is taken out of people's hands and replaced with debt, typically by plutocrats far removed. It would be more accurate to criticize banking and its affiliation with government, and the nationalization and globalization of massive debts that tie all together, and fall together.

>> No.12423873

>rise of marxists
You wish.

>> No.12423876

Marxists were far more powerful in the 70s. The "Marxists" of today are just larping liberals.

>> No.12423884

It's capitalism post-Keynesianism and post-Fordism, aka neoliberal capitalism, usually thought of as beginning in the late 60s and really kicking into gear in the 80s


>> No.12423906

>Capitalism will last forever
It's true, though. Even if the Earth is destroyed and we all die from ecological disaster, it's still probably going to stick around with us in the afterlife. How can God be infinitely good if He doesn't allow capitalism to exist in heaven?

>> No.12423907

When it collapses, a new capitalism will rise again. Because unlike meme socialist utopias, capitalism is the natural result of people having things, giving value to them, and exchanging them.
You cannot stop it unless you actively aim to, and no one will because people, mostly, like having things.

>> No.12423908

Those marxists and reactionaries sure have been rising for a long time

>> No.12423915

This never happened and no one comes close to the strawman
Marxists are so delusional and pathetic

>> No.12423921

Capitalism has already been replaced by managerialism. The populist-nationalist challenge will move us to a left-realist post-keynesian mode of economic organization. Think Italy under Five Star and Northern League

>> No.12423930
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Unfortunately, Marxism is not the only alternative to capitalism. (And, indeed, not even the most natural nor inevitable one.)

>> No.12423931

>When Feudalism collapses m'lord, a new feudalism will rise again! Because unlike meme peasant utopias, feudalism is the natural result of lords owning land, reaping value from it, and protecting it.
>You cannot stop it unless you actively aim to, and no one will because lords, mostly, like having land.

>> No.12424896

>When the old man suffers a heart attack, a whole NEW OLD MAN will rise from the ashes...
This is not the mythical phoenix, this is a shitty economic system that has a beginning, middle and end, just like everything else. Where the end is and what will it look like is up for debate.

>it has existed since history began.
No. Since law and money began. And the real trouble is its very nature, it's reward for accumulating it. The People aren't the good shepherds where some saintly magic happens. They become the lawmakers, bankers and plutocrats.
The solution is to not use money at all. Some advocate labor vouchers, I think we can do without that even, but w/e

>> No.12424928

Just wait for neo china to arrive from the future brah

>> No.12425005

Our current stage of capitalism does look a lot like neo-feudalism. If anything, the one constant through history is the unequal concentrarion of wealth.

>> No.12425007

We don't need economics where we're going

>> No.12425012

Capitalism is sentient

>> No.12425028

Daily reminder that it's capitalists who are behind globalism, not marxists.

>> No.12425033


>> No.12425245

Goddamnit, why did this make me giggle?