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12423753 No.12423753 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw changed my major from STEM to philosophy
Books for this feel?

>> No.12423757
File: 313 KB, 1000x584, Blade_Runner_2049_Lighting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll be better off. I don't have a book suggestion.

>> No.12423761
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>> No.12423763
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I majored in philosophy and make 154k . The unemployed humanities major meme is absolutely retarded.

>> No.12423764
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You made the right choice. Don't listen to the inevitable throng of automatons that will accost you

>> No.12423767

What do you do?

>> No.12423768

Oh, how risky and romantic. Drop out of college when youre ready to be a man.

>> No.12423769

I work in healthcare care policy.

>> No.12423770

What does it take to get to that?

>> No.12423774

Healthcare policy*
t. dumb phone poster

>> No.12423779

Work experience in healthcare, a bachelor's degree in something you can reasonably relate to healthcare, and preferably a master's degree in policy, nursing, or law.

>> No.12423785

What do you do on an average work day?

>> No.12423790

so basically, you got a law degree, like every single other phil major who couldn’t get a job

>> No.12423802

u know plato advocated all philosophers to have a serious mathematical knowledge as a pre requesit.
looks like u fucked up OP

>> No.12423810
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>> No.12423818

I would like to recommend you a book about a man who cut his right arm because he thought he would be better off left-handed, unfortunately I don't know of any.

So I can only say you should have kept both of your arms anon.

>> No.12423824
File: 1.88 MB, 1916x787, blade-runner-2049-gosling-car.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I didn't. Although I did get a master's degree. That said, I don't see why it would be considered ignoble for philosophy majors to go into law. They have the highest LSAT scores if I remember correctly. Their aptitude for language and logic suits them to law. And if you are suggesting that the value of an undergraduate degree is based on it's earning potential, then I have to disagree. Undergraduate degrees are very basic, no matter which subject. Their value is in the foundation they build, in making you "educated". If you want to make money or become an expert in your field, get a master's degree or a PhD. Bachelor's degrees are the new HS diplomas.

>> No.12423874

What is your masters?

>> No.12423922

Master's degree in health policy and law

>> No.12424043

Wouldn't law be bad for philosophy majors, since they will have to make wrong arguments in-order to save their shitty client's Ass?

>> No.12424049

I took courses in calculus through differential equations in highschool

>> No.12424196

Wow you are so smart

>> No.12424206

What high school teaches differential equations? The course called "differential equations" is fucking stupid by the way.

>> No.12424215

Well I give him that it's more than what any contemporary of Plato would have known.

>> No.12424289

Philosophy helps with rhetoric and connecting dots, so to speak. But I suppose it would make you a bad philosopher, yes. That said, is it bad if its not necessarily philosophy you are arguing over, but whether or not your client is as shitty as someone is saying?

>> No.12425438

This painting is phenomenal.

>> No.12425939

I took college classes in highschool

>> No.12425958

90% of what lawyers do is read through long and boring texts. Philosophy is essentially the same thing.

>> No.12426647

I read somewhere that public defenders don't give a shit whether or not their client gets jailed. Their job is to uphold the law, so they're basically working together with the prosecutors.

>> No.12427561

read monad by Leibniz - he is obvious polymath

read Husserl, I recommend "cartesian meditations" as the introductory book of his philsophy- he was the assistant of Weierstrass

read "Process and Reality" - whitehead is both mathematican and philsopher. in that book he put his mathematical concept to explain his cosmology

read Bernard Bolzano-
very weird guy. not only he is really great at mathematican he did philosophy, theology, even aesthetic.

so, chill dude. you are not the only one.