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/lit/ - Literature

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1241984 No.1241984 [Reply] [Original]

hey, /lit/, what books should I get caught reading in public to lure pseudo-intellectual women into the sack?

>> No.1241989

sage goes in all fields

>> No.1241991

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.1241992

any book that is mentioned on /lit/

>> No.1241996

you realize sage does nothing on such a slow board?
it's far easier just not to post

>> No.1242002

The Unbearable Lightness of Being
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius

>captcha: blakesleeanus samovery

>> No.1242005

i disagree

>> No.1242007

Every time I see that picture I think it's Kenan Thompson in disguise.

>> No.1242010


That does look just like him.

>> No.1242020

Something that few people know but has a philosophical and existencialist title. A plus is also if the author has a french or eastern european name. The Trouble With Being Born by Emil Cioran for example.

>> No.1242026
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Gender trouble, judith butler or jane austin or someshit....

>> No.1242031

Henry Miller if they're hipster chicks who want to get into a poly-amorous relationship with you.

>> No.1242047


>> No.1242052

Shakespeare. Shakespeare is always good with the ladies. Plus it makes you look smart. Plus it ain't so bad reading even if the fish aren't biting that day.

>> No.1242054

>The Unbearable Lightness of Being
>A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius

Are these worth getting into? I knewe a guy who was really into tULoB, but he made it sound like the philosophical opposite of what I believe. AHBWoSG seemed like a boring "my mother is sick and we are sad" piece so I started reading Guns, Germs and Steel instead. Are they worth reinvestigating?

>> No.1242059


I'm not sure what you believe but isn't it good to test your beliefs by taking in something from the opposing angle?

I recently have been introduced to a relationship that is very similar to the one in that book and I must say that to my surprise it's a lot more positive and rewarding than my strictly monogamous relationships have been.


>> No.1242071
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>> my face when I have an excellent relationship and sex life with a beautiful, intelligent young woman.
>> our post-sex bed chat consists of but is not limited to; the values of aestheticism, Foucault being the cancer of the Humanities in the West and the importance of Gnosticism as the religion of literature
>> I love my life

>> No.1242074

From what I heard the main theme of the book is this sort of melancholy existentialism about how nothing really matters beacuse it will only ever happen once. But I can't get behind sad-mode existentialists. For me, the fact that we are part of a vast, magnificently inctricate universe is exhilarating, and the incomprehensible unlikeliness of our current existence makes everything about us important. Of all the untold infinities of potential events, this is the one that happened.

>> No.1242075

I go with Treasure Island most of the time.

At least some females have heard about it. Some have even read it.

Anything deeper you'd have to chill near literature curses or something. Women normally don't spend their afternoons reading.

>> No.1242077

I don't want women who rival my intelligence
with pseudo-intellectuals I can be completely content in my intellectual superiority yet still manage to have a (at least partially) intelligent conversation.
plus, I need to get laid

>> No.1242081

Good job, buddy. You're living the dream.

You sir, I frown at.

>> No.1242082

>a intelligent conversation

>> No.1242085

Catcher in the Rye

>> No.1242108

because, you know
typing is the prefect representation of someone's mental capacity

>> No.1242110

sorry, bro
typing with one hand
I really need to get laid

>> No.1242115

Am I misinformed about The Unbearable Lightness? I actually would like to know.

>> No.1242132



The title of the book is "The Unbearable Lightness of Being"

How could a book with a title like that be construed as sad-mode existentialism?

>> No.1242140

That's just how it came across when it was described to me. If that's off, do you have a more accurate summary?

>> No.1242174

The Bell Jar. It's light too so that's always a bonus.

>> No.1242181


certainly not the happiest book ever, that's for sure. those are some of the themes, but they're counterbalanced by others.

>> No.1242205

The Unbearable Lightness of Being is an awful book.

>> No.1242237


herp a derp

>> No.1242987

>The Unbearable Lightness of Being
>In Prague in the 1960s people are all boohoo sadface that there is no afterlife

>A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
>Gimmicky drivel from the 90s about a boohoo sadface family that moves to SF to basically just bitch and whine a whole lot

>> No.1243003

>borrow Murakami's Norwegian Wood
>shit's mediocre
>go to the park to read
>above-average looking hipster girl sits on the same bench I am
>looks at the book cover
>'oh, wow, is that norwegian wood? I love that book!'
>start conversation

>> No.1243016
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This, OP. I hear tell chicks go crazy over this shit.

>> No.1243028

I guess I was stating the obvious..

>> No.1243047
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Giovanni's Room

>> No.1243085


This. All heterosexual men really want this. A woman who is almost, but not quite, as smart as he is. And there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.1243090

Studies show that the happiest marriages involve a woman who is smarter than the man.

>> No.1243097

I find a woman who rivals me in intellect to be particularly arousing.

>> No.1243120

i'm not gonna pretend i never had this tendency either but it's a totally juvenile approach to interpersonal relationships - just the idea of "as smart as me, minus nine percent" being a quantifiable thing in the first place

when i say it's juvenile i don't mean to say that there aren't many, many, many fully-grown and highly intelligent adults who are still looking for exactly that. which is too bad

>> No.1243152

i read sword of truth and lord of the rings in public and still get approached by women. quit trying so hard.

>> No.1243162

atlas shrugged, that way you know just where they are on the intellectual ladder and exactly what psychotricks to use

>> No.1243167
File: 28 KB, 400x400, why-do-men-have-nipples-hundreds-of-questions-youd-only-ask-a-doctor-after-your-third-martini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will get the ladies interested.

>> No.1243238

i thought everyone knew that nipples develop before gender is fixed? is this not the case?

>> No.1243253

yeah, they get that out of the way on the first page and then the rest of the book is just great fruit cobbler and streusel buckle recipes