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/lit/ - Literature

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12419376 No.12419376 [Reply] [Original]

Weeb edition

>> No.12419388


>> No.12419414

Today I had my first kiss. Felt underwhelming Tbh. Biting the lips and feeling the moisture was q little nice, but otherwise it wasn't much. Nothing to write home about.

>> No.12419465

I am conflicted about what to do with my life. I'm in my second year of Business and I hate it. I've pushed by my own inertia and my parents insistence to take over their business, and I decided to major in the area in hopes of learning something useful. Both my job and my studies are barren, frustrating and mean absolutely nothing to me, on top of being incredibly stressful.
I've been fantasizing for the entirety of 2018 about changing majors to either Biology or Philosophy, my two passions, I believe I would feel slightly more at ease at these environments, but realistically these are dead fields profesisonally, there are next to no opportunities of real research to be done in my country, it's hard to find job opportunities in those areas, and most of the ones you find are underwhelming. Academia is a mafia and very hard to succeed in. The prospect of financial reward is the only thing keeping me going on the area I'm in, and the fact that I don't live in a good country means I need money as a safety net for my own safety and health,something I'm not sure I could attain if I went to academia. But my life is miserable. I do something I hate 12 hours and when in my free time I do not have the energy pursue that which is dear to me.
I look at my parents and despite being financially very well-off they are miserable people bending under the weight of their jobs. I always despaired at the idea of becoming like them and in the end that's exactly what is going to happen. I'm confused.

>> No.12419498

Change majors you fucking fag. You'll find a job if you study hard. Don't listen to the bullshit 4chan feeds you. You won't make tons of money maybe, but you won't be stuck doing something you hate for the rest of your life.

>> No.12419538

Tell me more anon. Never been kissed except by my mom.

>> No.12419546
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I'm quite glad that I'll be switching to English for my major next year. This academic year has been and shall continue to be a complete and utter waste of time but at least it'll be over soon enough. I've considered doing history or east asian studies instead, but I can't afford the latter and the former is probably much more boring than I'm prepared for.
I fucking love Lal'c from Diebuster.
I'm reading Anthony Kenny's "A New History Of Western Philosophy" and I have to say I quite like it. Dividing each period in two and doing a historical overview before getting into the ins-and-outs of that period's thought is quite nice.
I'm gonna have to get a job to help pay for uni and I don't want to, I don't want to become a prole, bros.
I have to say, reading fragments from the Canterbury Tales as a second language speaker is really hard, even with notes.
I found a couple of really old books a few months ago, one's from the 1720s and the other (A sort of summary of the history of the OT, from what I gather) from the 1780s. I'm kind of scared of reading them, to be entirely honest. I don't want to cause any damage.
I should start taking Japanese seriously if I ever want to read a novel in it. What a nightmarish island tongue, I wish I had no interest in it.
I had planned to start learning Mandarin when I'm done with japanese, but that might very well be never.
Kind of excited about visiting dublin this summer, I'm looking forward to it. It's the first time I'll ever be to a primarily english speaking country. Gonna bring my copy of dubliners with me.

>> No.12419549

Wait until you have sex and be even more disappointed.

>> No.12419810
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Please give me another chance to see her before she leaves.

>> No.12419824
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>> No.12419842

A genetic alogrythem that constructs only rhetorical arguments in support of qualia that I could use to infect the internet with until the end of time. Eventually I believe it will be capable of more than rhetoric. Therefore I will build another alogrythme to do the complete opposite so as spur growth and complexity from the interactions. This I will itemize and turn into merch to be sold at a fair price for admission.

>> No.12419870

Daily reminder that everything I don't like is insincere and irony-poisoned.

>> No.12419877

What should i write? Do i have anything on my mind? Is i shareable or interesting enough?

>> No.12420112

It's incredible how lack of sleep roundly incapacitates you. If you didn't get enough sleep that day, the entire day is a wash. you might as well be deaf and blind.

>> No.12420248

Thinking about studying architecture. Any anon here who studied or is studying it, what are your experiences with it? I've heard the pay is shit and i was discouraged by pretty much everyone, but the promise of materializing my aesthetic vision is something i can't put down for now. Anyway i think i'm fucked, if it isn't Architecture then it will probably be Philosophy or Literature because i have no interest in anything else.

>> No.12420295

>wrote novel several years ago, started as a joke then I fleshed it out to full wordcount and revised it several times, completely rewriting it
>has wide appeal, essentially a college age and non-retarded harry potter without the "chosen one" crap, villain isn't evil, cooler fight scenes, and people other than MC can do things
>like i said, started as joke
>wrote several others, all more serious
>keep thinking i should go back and edit it once more then submit it to agents, because obviously my "serious" crap doesn't have a wide enough appeal
I just don't know what to think. since it's not the same genre as my serious work it's not going to get submitted to the same agents, probably not even the same agencies at all, nothing to lose and no way to embarrass myself i guess? if Lev Grossman can get away with doing a "harry potter but edgy" why can't I do "harry potter with grey morality and intelligent battle strategy"? Maybe I'll need to get myself drunk first.
I just want to write dumb fun fantasy shit once in a while.

>> No.12420448

i should have gone into finance because i actually LIKE finance, so i could easily outperform all these pussy ass losers who would rather be poets but were too greedy to follow their passion, but since i was always a geek i thought i should do computer science since that's what geeks do and finance is all dumb bros right? well now tech has been overrun by greedy bros, and a true nerd can excel finance, fuck my life, too late now, but if i do an mba i will strongly consider the finance track

>> No.12420463

not an architect but i know a bit about architecture firms in nyc, it's uncreative, and the pay is mediocre to low by city standards, but chicks think you're that guy from the fountainhead if they hear you're an architect so if your main goal in life is go get laid aka redpill simp, go for it full throttle, on the other hand if you want a fulfilling life not based around masturbating into a vaginahole, major in something else

>> No.12420471

im not able to trust my creative descisions when writing anymore. my goal is just too big. im an idiot for trying

>> No.12420479
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My hands wont stop fucking sweating when I read, it's driving me insane.

>> No.12420506
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I should be doing more but I'm not

>> No.12420537
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>going to sleep and waking up early
>eating healthy
>reading everyday
>running and doing exercises everyday
>keeping a healthy amount of social interaction
Why am I not happy yet? I'm doing everything right.

>> No.12420567

You don't have enough success in your life

>> No.12420587
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When imagining yourself in a better scenario becomes absurd and laughable, it's time to give up.

>> No.12420609

Stuck in a loop of self deprecation and idleness again.
No hope.

>> No.12420617

Good night

>> No.12420652

What do you mean by that? I'm not interested in material wealth.

>> No.12420676

I just want to cuddle and be cuddled. I miss that.

>> No.12420744
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I hope Trump declares a national emergency and builds a wall soon desu. It's outrageous that people can illegally cross the border and get free college tuition in some states when more than half of Americans live paycheck to paycheck

>> No.12420772


>thinking a wall will keep people out

>> No.12420811


You can always use a pen name to keep your own clean, anon. I'm sure what you described could sell very well and it might in fact be easier to peddle your serious work if you already have books on the shelf even if they are different kind of books.

>> No.12420884

what sounds more likely to be the next harry potter?

>a group of teenagers trapped in wonderland struggle to survive in a world that never intended to sustain rational human life
>the same thing but its an underground city full of zombies and giant sapient vermin

>> No.12421023

it worked for Israel and Hungary desu

>> No.12421024
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Dont care about anything right now
Been a NEET since 16, im 20 now
Parents wont kick me out, they love me too much
too bad, being homeless looks kinda fun

>> No.12421029

dont like the VAST majority of illegals just overstay their Visa?

>> No.12421052
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This sprained fucking ankle is preventing me from training. So now i have all the time to look at the horrors of the world we live in, making me want to go out and train more so i can make some change no matter how small it may seem in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.12421072

these threads are the only reason i post on /lit/

>> No.12421086

Do what you truly want anon. Don't let anyone tell you who to be or what to do- that's your life and you should live it the way you like it!

>> No.12421103
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Because you still crave something. Time to get to know your mind

>> No.12421126

I didn't knew thots were into architecs. Though i want a gf, i don't care for fucking a lot of women. I just want to design aesthetic buildings and see them materialized, but it seems that the career is shit. Everyday it seems that the best position for me is to learn to like code monkery.

>> No.12421155

Gonna repost this cause i didn't get any replies

I really wish that people would just leave male children and adolescents alone. There are so many different groups and factions trying to control their lives that it makes me sick. Only a few days after they are born, religious fanatics want to mutilate their genitals. Normal behavior is pathologized. An urge to explore is rebranded as ADHD, a desire to explore gender presentation is pathologized as Gender Dysphoria. Creativity and appreciation of aesthetics are derided as effeminate, rowdiness and self-reliance are toxic masculinity now. Boys cannot have close relationships with people of any gender or it is assumed that the mutual affection is of a sexual nature. A lack of aggression or sex drive is diagnosed as low Testosterone. Army recruiters, gangbangers, pedophiles all want to exploit a young man's loneliness and desire for belonging. Simone de Beauvoir was absolutely correct in diagnosing that primary male problem is an assumption of hyperagency. Everyone wants a piece of the pie- men to control

I can't imagine growing up as a boy today. There are so many snares and pitfalls to run into and so little actual guidance and even less empathy from society.

>> No.12421169

If you want to make a living off of writing, you can't get picky with what you publish. Everyone else has to make sacrifices to provide for their families, why should you get a pass? Use a pen name if it's really that bad

>> No.12421171

It's been a while since I was actively querying, but it seems like to talk to the agent you use your real name, and the pen name is only for the publishing step. I could easily be wrong, though. I've been using my first and middle name only.
Yeah, you know I've thought about that strategy, write something mass market just to get street cred. I've already got the draft laying here, may as well, I guess... Thanks m8. God it shouldn't be this hard to get my shit in print.

>> No.12421180

Some of it can be seen as an urge to educate them though. As the saying goes "youth is wasted on the young", they are full of life and have no understanding on how to utilize it effectively.

>> No.12421181

Here's your (You), anon :)

>> No.12421190
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its pretty funny seeing women talk about how Sam and Frodo from LOTR are gay.
Sometimes i wonder if women actually do feel love for their close friends like men do....

>> No.12421219

I have some books on tibetan buddhism my father left me. Maybe it's time to finally take a look.

>> No.12421270

I recently got over my addiction to downers. It was rough but I feel clear mentally. I can't shake the feeling of melancholy though. When on downers I wanted to kill myself and felt depressed about everything but now I feel as if I'm in an emotional malaise no matter what I do.

The meme suggestions of eat right, exercise, socialise, etc. I am doing them and I have been. Those are just bandages for a deeper cut.

>> No.12421298
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It seems my current thoughts are based/associated to something I recently seen, even this very idea is specifically something at the root I didn't choose to see. I chose to read an author, but I didn't choose to have seen his/her name to begin the urge to read him/her. This is very sad and I ask whats the point if I don't have a choice. My eye is always urged to swerve in the direction of a color it had just recently focused upon. My entire personality and thought is based on a familiarity bias. A falling of dominoes, sadly being the domino. I'm an object, perhaps even a product. The hurt I feel when all my most thoughtful of thoughts are mimicry of mediocrity. I hate this

>> No.12421441

Why does Europe's coffee game btfo america's so badly? Never liked coffee before I visited and now I'm buying moka pots and shit just to try to imitate a proper espresso.

>> No.12421459

Good post. I wonder if women have similar experiences.

>> No.12421504

Beauvoir's one on feminine mystique reads like that for girls. Tl;Dr is women are only seen if they're vacant, so the less like a human with something behind the eyes you appear, the hotter you'll be.

Beauvoir's seriously twisted but she is smart. No feminist has read her because they would be triggered (she also thought women shouldn't be given the option of when to have kids because they'd choose not to work)
If you want a mindful of a week dig into her shit. Not the anon you're quoting btw

>> No.12421592

Nobody trusted the US with beverages after the tea incident. The Volstead laws just confirmed it, because the Arabs at least make good coffee where they don't drink. Everywhere in the world has better coffee game than Canada and UK. Look at this comfy weeb shit

>> No.12421631


Because by and large America's food and drink market is a race to the bottom to produce cheap substitutes that give a better bottom line. Middle class, WASP America has no serious food history of its own so nobody cares to stop the fall.

The UK has the same problem to a lesser degree but customers are mildly harder to fleece there and there are some legal protections for food, movements like CAMRA, etc. Plus people can go on holiday to Europe and realise their food is shit but Americans can't exactly hop on the Eurotunnel and drive to Naples for pizza.

>> No.12421639

>Because by and large America's food and drink market is a race to the bottom to produce cheap substitutes that give a better bottom line. Middle class, WASP America has no serious food history of its own so nobody cares to stop the fall.

cynical shitlibs fling this crap but then in the next thread they will be crying about $9 organic lattes in seattle or whatever, face u guys just like to whine

>> No.12421641

Everytime I go into social media I feel nothing but disgust when seeing posts that aren't memes or shit like that, all of the people desperate for attention for whichever reason they have deep down but do not share. Thots wanting to get attention from men, faggots wanting attention from men, men wanting attention from thots or actually decent and respectable women, white knights wanting attention from anything. People plugging their shit so called music or whatever they call art or clothes when a single post from them goes viral, worthless people posting on and on about being depressed and wanting to fuck. Sometimes I like to think that they're actually depressed because they understand the banality of their own existance, but it is most likely that they're not aware of how shit and shallow their life is. Constant shitting on traditional values, disregarding the effect and importance that these have had on the building of our society, wanting to destroy everything that they stand on because it does not seem fair to them and it hurts their feelings. The people claiming that everyone is beautiful but then going on to demonize whoever doesn''t align with their views, yes everyone is beautiful to you but that sense of beauty you hold is soo baseless and shallow that it loses all meaning. The opposite happens with our vocabulary, say nigger or nigga or something remotely similar and every person this side of the Atlantic is up in arms like the fate of civilization is at stake, this spirit of contradiction and loss of value (both due to something being assigned too much importance or too little) makes me want for society to go back to war torn times so that there is no room for bickering on this level. What I detest the most is how these hollow people have taken the sun and transformed it to little more than an accessory to their photos, everything exists for me, nothing is beyond limits if it is for me, this is what the modern thought is, and even my own loathing of it is a demonstration of the fact that it exists, because I want the whole world to change so that it fits my views even if it is to destroy that very way of thinking. I will destroy modernity and raze all cities to the ground, whatever it costs me, I want to restore beauty to this world by any means necessary and no one will stop me beyond myself. So that's about it, kill yourselves

>> No.12421647
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Holy fuck what a based woman.

>> No.12421657

She used fuck kids, anon. No amount of Heidegger reading washes that off

>> No.12421679

The only example on her wikipedia page was a 17 year old when she was 30

>> No.12421696

She enabled sartres serial raping.

>> No.12421703

That's probably the sisters whose parents sued because they figured she'd raped the 14 year old and the Nazis fired her because you shouldn't fuck your students. They're a long term relationship and she wrote L'invitée about wanting to kill one because Sartre fucked the younger pussy more than her.
The kids she fucked and procured for Sartre were about twelve and their correspondence lists ages below fourteen usually. Normally they were just children Beauvoir found and told she'd introduce to Sartre. The student thing is kind of fucked up but the letters are completely fucked. They gave each other special points for virgins.

>> No.12421705

if i were her id let him, sartre was ugly as fuck he needed coochie

>> No.12421716

wtf I hate sartre now

>> No.12421717

She did not take that view, see She Came To Stay

>> No.12421725

I feel disgusted overhearing conversations on the metro. Most people conformed to a horrible reality, obsessing over the most shallow things. Observing a genuine person is such a rarity and pleasure. I don't really want to be part of society. I just want to appreciate the beautiful art that has been created and the people close to me. I start school monday, hopefully I can be nice to everyone and not be an arrogant ass.

>> No.12422055

I don't want to go to sleep. I still feel like I need some kind of fix before I can move on. I've just browsed 4chan and my native image board for the whole evening. I feel like I should read a book, but I'm hyperactive from all this surfing. And I'm not tired enough to go to sleep. It's already so late that I'll end up skipping school tomorrow(today), I just can't muster the willpower to go to the lectures, although I know I should. I need to learn and it would be good to maintain social relations to people at school, even though I'm completely indifferent to them, but it's nice not study alone.

>> No.12422067

Maybe you should join a monastery, Anon.

>> No.12422095

I'll never amount to anything intellectually or creatively though that's what I've devoted my life to

>> No.12422099
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Has somebody made you smile today?

>> No.12422117

only my twitch streamer fake friends

>> No.12422164

>Beauvoir's one on feminine mystique
Which one is that?

>> No.12422171
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I have never gotten replies on my thoughts but it's ok, i don't deserve (you)s that would only make me feel like i'm more adequate than i really am. The futile love i feel for a girl is fleeting and i find myself loving no one these days, i don't think i ever even loved her, i don't even think about her, much. I think she loves me too which makes it even worse.

>> No.12422188

get a job

>> No.12422199

I'm trying anon, hoping to get an internship with this one company that seems right up my alley. Worried I don't have the ideal background though, at least on paper.

>> No.12422238
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Thinking of going the other way,
to leaving mine.

>> No.12422275

Second Sex, depending on the translation you can search for immanence and pull up various gems. If you want the male aspect, search for transcendence. She also has one on Bardot and the Lolita syndrome, which is shorter but harder to find considering the title, and that's also a trip.

>> No.12422277

True. And the majority of them are Canadian

>> No.12422283

thanks man

>> No.12422342

Why don't we tackle the real cause of stagnating wages instead of taking it out on Juan the Honduran avocado farmer whose home no longer supports agriculture because of persistent drought and who has no future in his country because Hillary Clinton helped destabilize their government?

>> No.12422362

male and without romance, but replete in strength and tenacity. therefore, like Lord REI says, I must train in martial repose, in a state of NOWAR, like the guard in the citadel.

>> No.12422369

"Ten, eleven, twelve...", Jason counted off. That was twelve rings of the bell--twelve PM.
The bell rang on the hour between 7AM and 7PM. "A nice touch", Jason thought, as he remembered the church bell in his own hometown as a kid. But since there was no church in New Oldham, the bell was housed in the steeple atop Town Hall, the large white building at the far end of the town green. The New Oldham Town Hall was actually the park's centralized hub of administration. Men and women worked in offices, keeping the lights on so to speak, which meant payroll, placing orders for the stores and restaurants, and keeping in communication with Disney Imagineers responsible for the town.
Being noon, the local brewery was now permitted to open, which is exactly where Jason was headed. Jason wasn't the type of person to normally have a drink at noon; but he was on vacation. And besides, something about having a drink or two at the brewery felt different than going to a bar.
The only other time Jason had been to a brewery was when he toured Anheuser Busch on a business trip to St. Louis. The Bear Claw Brothers Brewery was nothing like Anheuser Busch, it was a "microbrewery" and made only small batches of a variety of different beers.
Bear Claw was nestled in among the other shops on Orange Street, between Max's Barber and Shave and a marketing firm called Designly, its facade standing in sharp contrast. Bear Claw had a clean-but-rustic looking exterior. It's facade hung with thick, darkly stained shiplap. Black gooseneck lighting illuminated its sign on the front of the building, which announced its name in white, lower-case lettering. A slate sandwichboard advertised that day's beer selection.
Jason settled on an India Pale Ale called How many teeth does an alligator have, anyway. 'Man, wait until my friends hear the names they have for beers', he thought.
Next to him was a young couple his age, thirty or so, with a boy maybe only three. The couple was sampling a "flight" of beers while their son stacked Jenga blocks in the corner.
"Some place, huh?". Jason's attempt to start a conversation.
"Oh, the brewery?", the man responded. "We were just talking about the interior of this place. It's like little house on the prairie meets an old factory." He was right, Jason thought. The walls were made of brick and exposed metal I-beams held back a wooden ceiling. There was a bicycle hung on the wall and all the tables had daisies inside of mason jars.
"It's like "farmhouse-punk". You know, like steam-punk." Said Jason. The man looked at him confused. "Steam-punk. It's a science fiction genre." That didn't help. "Have you seen Wild, Wild West, the Will Smith movie?" Jason asked.
"I'm Craig," said the man, changing subjects. "This is my wife, Emily."
"Jason. And who's your little engineer?" Jason said pointing to their son.
"That's Hunter."
'Hunter', Jason thought, 'that's a neat name'.

>> No.12422378

Bardot is way easier to read btw

>> No.12422409

Based and youthpilled

>> No.12422433

In Persepolis, there’s this page where the author talks about how Iran used a hypermoralistic fixation on morality to distract people from the political reality.
More and more I feel like this is the case in America. Simply being a man is becoming pathologized as some sort of mental illness, and normal sexual relations have been destroyed by a combination of #MeToo and Tinder. It’s all so fucking banal. Meanwhile, a quarter of my shitty minimum wage pay check is being taken in taxes, to be redistributed to trust fund kiddies and their start ups, while I can’t even get a simple vaccination without paying hundreds of dollars and am living paycheck to paycheck while working thirty hours a week and going to school full time. Everything I eat comes out of a food bank, and if I wasn’t living with my girlfriend I would be homeless.
Politicians and media personalities should be dragged from their houses in the middle of the night and incinerated with gasoline for what they’ve done to this country. Fuck. I’m so tired of it all.

>> No.12422436

Used book I got from ebay smells strongly of cigarette smoke and body odor, and is falling apart. I can smell it from here. Get the feeling that it has been in a chain smoker's bathroom since 1989.

>> No.12422440

>Politicians and media personalities should be dragged from their houses in the middle of the night and incinerated with gasoline for what they’ve done to this country. Fuck. I’m so tired of it all.
This attitude is becoming more and more common (even if for often contradictory reasons). I have to imagine something will give soon.

>> No.12422474
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I know how autistic this sounds but are there any books about the sexuality of a submissive male? I've always been attracted to dominant women but it seems so many sub men are massive basedboy faggots. I want a more indepth and less pathetic look at this topic.

>> No.12422491
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School sucks

>> No.12422495


It's a pathetic fetish. Men are not submissive to women during the very act of penetration.

>> No.12422508

>reading it in english

>> No.12422511
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my gf showed me her phone and i think she had a tinder notification at the top of the screen

all i could see was the little flame logo so i'm not sure

>> No.12422529

Fucking hell, this semester is going to rape my ass
But I won't let it happen (I hope...)

>> No.12422543

you can bet your ass she's on tinder. "dating" apps are to women as internet porn is to men. she has far more options than you. It's a fact of life, of biology, of sexuality, of dick in ass

>> No.12422548

I'm taking a good French class... One day

>> No.12422557

If it makes you feel better anon, I get tinder notifications from time to time even though I haven't used the app in months, shit like "who are all these new people in your area? swipe right to find out!", trying to entice you back in. And if it bothers you that much you should just bring it up to her, if your relationship can't survive that it was doomed anyway.

>> No.12422562

It's a treat in French if that motivates you

>> No.12422569

How do I bring it up without sounding autistic

>> No.12422581

The idea that massive illegal immigration isn't a real cause of stagnating wages originates from and is mainly pushed by Koch brothers funded think tanks. Even Bernies Sanders called open borders a "Koch brothers idea" back in 2016. Anyways they can stay in Mexico or neighboring countries if they want to leave Honduras, they're not America's responsibility.

>> No.12422594

"Are you on tinder?"

>> No.12422595

They sure as hell are when their gf is pegging them

>> No.12422607

Pure delusion caused by an ultimate unwillingness to question the powers that be, supported neither by data nor reasoning. But go anon, keep blaming the brown people as the elite continue to loot and plunder what's left of the middle class and grind the poor into an even more defeated mass of wageslaves.

>> No.12422819
File: 36 KB, 426x639, ED-AV683_bkrvwo_JV_20161017153938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supported neither by data nor reasoning


>> No.12422827

>Pure delusion caused by an ultimate unwillingness to question the powers that be

not sure how u figure this since every single "power that be" is in favor of open borders, except trump, who if you didn't notice is under attack from every sector of the elite

>> No.12422830

>keep blaming the brown people as the elite continue to loot and plunder what's left of the middle class and grind the poor into an even more defeated mass of wageslaves.

Wow, do you know what would help this situation get EVEN BETTER?!? millions of more unskilled non-English speaking illegal immigrants to come in and drive up rent and compete for more low-skilled labor!!! fucking based amirite?!?!

>> No.12422841


>> No.12422851

I walked pass a rape in an alley a week ago and I didn't do anything to stop it, the guilt has been too much to handle for me lately even though I knew I wouldve just ended up getting stabbed, I've been thinking about it for every waking moment of the past week.
Lowest point in my life

>> No.12422854

WII INTERNET IS GOOOOD BETTER THAN CHROME!!!! it has cool music and you can have miis, nice job nintendogs

Sent from my chrome book

>> No.12422860

this happened to me once, i was laying in bed in my underwear thinking about having a fap, and i heard some lady in the hall get her purse snatched, i felt guilty like i should have rushed out in my boxers greek style and fucked the decrepit junkie up, but then the other time line is i go out there and get shot and thrown down the stairs over some ladies purse that 20 bucks and an ebt card in it or whatever, a couple years later a dude got smoked right outside that building trying to fight to take his phone back from a robber, so i probably made the right choice t b h

>> No.12422865

damn dude you could have at least called the cops! I hope this is a troll

>> No.12422868

one time i was walking home from work and i heard screams coming from the trunk of a car that stopped at a stop sign, honestly i had no idea what to do, and now i just tell myself i imagined it so that it doesn't eat at me, i mean what are the chances the really happened, had to be my imagination

>> No.12422873

the cops are an occupying army why would he call those imperialist pigs? they'd probably shoot the innocent rapist because they're all racis

>> No.12422877

Jesus Anon. Did you just pretend not to notice? Did she scream at you for help? Could you have called the cops?
I don’t think running up and stopping it would have been wise either, but you could have at least called the cops

>> No.12422884

call the cops? woah looks like somebody's not woke! do you want the rapist to be sent into the school to prison pipeline? do u want to be part of the new jim crow? check your privilege asshole

>> No.12422889

Not to be a gayfag but kissing is great when it's the right moment with the right person (who the right person is will depend on the moment also). Kissing is hit or miss but when it hits, man does it hit.

>> No.12422904

This. How often do you get free phonecalls
I think a lot of people who won't walk by don't think about what ifs in the moment or after. I never think "oh he might stab me" and I think that might be why they never stab me. If you're thinking about that it's very hard to convince someone you're the hall monitor. Normally if I see some shit I disapprove of in public I'm thinking as I'm saying "hey the fuck you think you're doing and why the fuck are you dumb enough to let me be seeing it you mothrrfucker let me get at you and teach you some shit your mother forgot about". Normally it's other people who tell me "omg you're going to get stabbed" but my brain just says "no this motherfucker needs to learn some shit".
What part of "free phonecalls" are you missing?

>> No.12422907

I didn't, that place is known for crime but I took that alley from time to time as a shortcut, it was night and they did see me because one of them in a white hoodie got up as if he was coming my way, I just changed directions and pretended as if I saw nothing
I keep on telling myself that cops wouldn't have made it in time or that they usually ignore those kinds of place, but I know I shouldve called regardless and its really killing me

>> No.12422914
File: 42 KB, 599x708, 1547067738464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12422916

>I think a lot of people who won't walk by don't think about what ifs in the moment or after. I never think "oh he might stab me" and I think that might be why they never stab me. If you're thinking about that it's very hard to convince someone you're the hall monitor. Normally if I see some shit I disapprove of in public I'm thinking as I'm saying "hey the fuck you think you're doing and why the fuck are you dumb enough to let me be seeing it you mothrrfucker let me get at you and teach you some shit your mother forgot about". Normally it's other people who tell me "omg you're going to get stabbed" but my brain just says "no this motherfucker needs to learn some shit".

you live in the suburbs don't u lmao

>> No.12422927

I live in an SRO that's being sold to be gentrified.

>> No.12422959

you should watch less batman, real life doens't work like that

my favorite one was when a "good samaritan" was helping a dude on the ground who had been stabbed and the stabbee's friend rushes outside and kills the guy trying to help his friend thinking he's the one who stabbed him, oh and in another incident in my city a "good samaritan" who started beating up a thug who had been harassing a women got smoked by the thugs friend who ran up and emptied a clip, for which he received a 7 year sentence for manslaughter, strange since it looked like cold blooded murder to me, but hey i'm not the DA

>> No.12422993


I am trying to get hired at my dream job but they don't really need anyone right now. It's the only place I really want to work and after my last row with employment doing something I don't really want to do because I was pressured to by outside forces I'd rather not sacrifice my mental health for it.

Luckily my family understands and I remain a NEET and still have money left from last year if I do want for anything extra.

>> No.12423008

>Oh no the spooky junkies
Baby they don't want to have to stab you, you have to wake them up from a nod or some shit for most to get violent. Most people don't want to get violent and fuck yeah you do call the cops on the guy who has sliced up his girl and her brother and is now stabbing himself in the chest. The "lol never call the cops for that" doesn't work unless you have lots of neighbors who also get on other people's shit in public. If you're worried about helping some bleeding dude on the ground, not using gloves is the first big fuck up there. I guess it comes back to I don't mind if his friend stabs me by accident so much. Touching some random bleeding dude without gloves I'd tell anyone not to do though, haven't you heard of AIDS by now?

>> No.12423035

you don't mind being stabbed to death? well ok then, carry on

>> No.12423049

I'd prefer it to letting some dude bleed to death or rape somebody, yeah.

>> No.12423061

you should have raped the rapist

>> No.12423065

I have withdrawn from the human race and will not participate to my full capacity in its commerce until I am furnished with and injected into my own species.

>> No.12423067

Also if you fuck with the laundry room or mailboxes, I don't give a shit if you think you're stabbing someone you're learning not to fuck shit up today because the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.12423070

yeah cool maybe the mayor will show up at your funeral and you'll get two seconds of fame on the local news

>> No.12423082

Wtf would the mayor be at my funeral for? Seriously, you're worried about every good Samaritan and neighbor dying, he's probably got another three funerals that day.

>> No.12423086

Sometimes in the evenings I'll put a t-shirt over my lamp to change to throw the room into a colored light then put on some music and just dance by myself. This is incredibly autistic but I enjoy it a lot.

>> No.12423087

>yelling at some loser roommate in your sro is the same as getting involved with beef in a gang controlled drug block


>> No.12423093

She's way out of my league, she should just stop humoring my attention

>> No.12423097

I was talking about the junkies who break in, I don't yell at neighbors, they're close enough you can use an indoor voice

>> No.12423107

Why the fuck would your neighbor fuck up your mailbox or the communal laundry?

>> No.12423125

We must live ourselves, not just be holes for life to flow through

>> No.12423161

well obviously if a junkie broke into my house i would do everything in my power to end his sorry existence, but if i see someone getting fucked up outside on the street i'm not gonna run outside and try to be a hero because the chances of that ending well are extremely low

>> No.12423216


Americans, I swear. Isn't it your bedtime so you can wageslave and use your guns against the gubberment... eventually?

>> No.12423225

america is the greatest shit this world has seen since peak greece, kys euroturd

>> No.12423233


I can no longer tell what is and isn't satire.

>> No.12423240

T. Hasn't suckled on the teat of liberty

>> No.12423245

I think he just still live with his mom or something.

>> No.12423318

Should I just say I completed college on a LinkedIn account or say I dropped out and did freelance and just mock some work up for fake local businesses? Should I even make a LinkedIn account? The job search is getting dire and everywhere I look is just retail and warehouse work.

>> No.12423337

I want to make old timey propaganda posters that say PHONEPOSTING is SHITPOSTING and lead a successful populist campaign to ban all phone users from posting

Any time I see some nigger using 4chan like a chatroom or social media tweet thing now, I realize it's a phone poster who wants to expend minimum effort and give a one-line or one-sentence reply but still post to kill time. This is half the site's fucking users now.

>> No.12423357

effortposting is gay, take it to reddit if you wanna prattle on for 8 paragraphs

>> No.12423367 [DELETED] 

make some good portfolio pieces, i get hits from recruiters on linkedin sometimes, and its always from my portfolio stuff and/or bootcamp, my shitty degrees certainly aren't attracting any interest, but they do check the "must have degree" box on a lot of corporate places

>> No.12423369


Ur a faggot

Sent from 4channel Plus from my iPhone X

>> No.12423380

Case in point. It's not that I even disagree with the content of phoneposters' posts, it's that they say it in the most fucking white noise, low effort way possible. You can be a funny shitposter. But instead of actually replying with something funny, phoneposters go "no haha u stpd if u blv tht." Their ideal conversation is back and forth one-sentence "no ur the dumb one" white noise. They're fundamentally parasitic.

I really really hope you die, man.

I like this post though

>> No.12423387


Well, I dropped out of a degree program for graphic design because I was going through a rough patch in my life and I also felt like I'd be trapped in some shitty marketing job. So, at least that part isn't a lie. I have a small portfolio that I keep and sometimes add to on my external hard so I could put that up. It's mostly mock-ups for RPG stuff to use as props like papers, identification, etc. I should probably do more than that before showing anything.

>> No.12423389

i'm too paranoid to post from my phone bro it wasnt me

>> No.12423398

>couldn't even finish an art degree

woooooo lad

>only school projects are video game shit probably weeb themed

i , uh, prospects not good

>> No.12423403


I also want to do social media stuff as I enjoy keeping up with twenty year old memetics to inject into modern conversations so that I may project a hip and epic appearance of [insert radical brand(tm)]. Joking aside, the interaction and ability to be creative on social media stimulates me despite my dislike for it.

>> No.12423407

idk bro make a behance and hope your shit gets upvoted

>> No.12423411


Yeah, that is what happened. I did drop out of an art degree. Well deduced.

It's not video games! It's pen & paper RPG. A classy endeavor for geniuses like myself. Very, very different as we all know. A gentleman's pursuit.

>> No.12423440

actually i do know of (by two degrees of separation, didnt' actually meet him) a dude who gets gigs doing fantasy art for card games and shit, but that is one dude, and he's undoubtedly one of those guys whose parents had a copy of bridgeman's anatomy on the coffee table growing up...you really have to be a long time in the game

>> No.12423454


I'm just going to bung myself into the microwave.

>> No.12423529

hello yes this is weeb speaking

>> No.12423581

no gf

>> No.12423684


>> No.12423893
File: 23 KB, 400x519, FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop obsessively thinking that I'm really smart and unique, i wish i could stop but i can't seem to find a way.
The thought is really distressing, not because being smart is a burden or something but because i can't stop thinking it and its embarrassing.

My ego swings from the clouds to the dirt near constantly, i can't handle it.

>> No.12423899

I should utilize my time better

>> No.12423970

seen this image so many times but never questioned the story

do you know?

>> No.12423996

It was painted by a guy named 'Xue Jiye' but I don't think it has a title.

>> No.12423997

>i do something i hate 12 hours
why do you have 12 hours a day of work? Are you retarded? Econ and biz courses are piss easy A's

Do biology, phil will make you more nihilistic with time.

>> No.12424005

There is nothing wrong with being average, anon

>> No.12424121


I know how you feel. I'm thinking for my own idiocy the reason is I see media or read stuff where the protagonist is special and my brain wants that. Smart, interesting, successful, capable. A genius who is able to apply his genius to things that matter.

In moments of lucidity I realise that it's all fake. Those moments are rare. I have more problems than this but no point in saying them.

It is rough to live in a fantasy but know there's a reality yet your brain keeps pulling you back. Maybe it's not the same thing as yours. I just wish I were someone else.

>> No.12424165

For me its mostly the result of socially alienation. I know people, or did, but over the years I've dropped person after person from my life because i didn't feel like we could connect, every time we talk i feel like we're pulling in opposite directions, when i speak i feel like no one understands what I'm saying. Literally just blocked person after person from my life until finally now i'm sitting here with no friends or acquaintances at all.
I'm pretty sure i'm just slightly above average but i'm completely overwhelmed with megalomania half the time, the other half i feel that i am completely worthless.

>> No.12424224

I just came across someone on facebook who I recognized from high school. The fucker looks like he's 12 and yet he just got engaged. I saw of a picture of him with her and she's like a foot taller with giant tits. This motherfucking is getting laid and I'm still a virgin

>> No.12424248
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I just noticed. It was hidden underneath. Thorny pillows and malicious beds - something horrifying has happened. And... it's all my fault.
Never mind my wishes, I got them all. Good internet and solitude, oh I got it all. Why don't nerds rule the world? But now they do! Why do you oppose my usury, my brothers and friends? I do not understand - but now I do. Knowledge and books and understanding, secrets and horrors and magic - just a wish, and I have it. A life without work? Perfect. The girl I met and was attracted to? They approach me. I wish for them to leave when I grow bored. Ha.

I just noticed. A wish of old fulfilled. A wish about myself, commenced. The reason my wish to end was flawed. Like all the flaws of my wishes shown to me before. How I speak about myself, the reference goes: Anon. Not my name, yet it is. Did I wish to be here forever? I must have.

>> No.12424492
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I want a mommy gf so fucking bad

>> No.12424513

Was Bernard autistic? He had something slightly off about him.

>> No.12424528
File: 7 KB, 212x250, 1516515005184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never trek star

>> No.12424547

you'll always be my star, anon.

>> No.12424616
File: 227 KB, 1120x1493, ugly-medieval-cats-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw you fizzle and die

>> No.12424716

that's cute anon!, i love dancing at home too, especially when music i and my younger brother both enjoy plays; it's great bonding time (i know this sounds autistic)

I have an appeal to any "poor", ""intelligent"" anon who reads this post thought
Climb the social ladder: be good, better (morally and spiritually and work-ethically) than your upper social status peers, stick with them, frequent places they frequent, do activities that they would do and your poorer friends wouldn't (I work sporadically as a opera theater usher (be good looking! or at least well dressed) because i began with associating with theater people), be friends with people richer than you, hang out with them; frequent university, be a good student, acknowledge that you started disadvantaged and do everything you can think of to erased such disadvantage (eat well, do sports, learn third languages, whatever, lean about economics!!!), don't smoke and for god's sake don't do drugs, maybe for god's sake go to church but i don't know that whole thing is fucked in america; work side jobs (i work in a pizzeria as a pizzaiolo in the weekends )
Fuck read! and be empathetic to your fellow man, be good and find romantic relationships with clever women
apply marxian reasoning to how social cliques form

I would've wanted to sound more cynical and assholish but I can't bring myself; i urge you to do as I said thought; i first hand experienced what being poor entails, my own mother succumbed to depression and died


>> No.12424817

I'm dead in my track if I have to sit down for hours and make small talk. I prefer always having a common activity to do because I can usually make some quick jokes about it. Things I prefer talking about I could only talk about with a few mates. Is there a guidebook on making small talk bros? Or am I doomed to fail in those situations where I always find myself in?

>> No.12424823

I have 12 hours of work because I have a job and I go to classes. My university is 100% group assignments, there are no normal tests and lectures, I depend on a random assortment of weed-addicted 19 year olds to complete anything. They find ways to artificially jack up the difficult of the course so it doesn't seems like it's all bullshit.

>> No.12424849

Been working seriously as a writer the last few years. Have a collection of short stories for a chap book. They aren’t great. They’re narrow and short. I can’t seem to write somethin more than a situation contriving an emotion. I tell myself that this isn’t my Dubliners, it’s a Uni chap book adolescent piece of work, and i’ll be writing much better in a few years time, but this is the best I can do now.

Right now, I’m back home for the holidays and my BPD bipolar sister is an absolute nightmare who shuts herself off and is awfully rude to my parents who have dedicated their lives to her from the minute she was born. I feel depressed at the injustice and the helplessness of the situation and I haven’t been sleeping. I’m in a sad slump, I feel hateful and tired. I masturbated three times over last night and this morning, and each was the most hollow, useless thing I’ve ever done.

>> No.12425086

You sound a bit homo

>> No.12425187
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>Be faggot esl teacher in glorious nippon
>Order internet through major company
>Company has english helpline and website
>Router gets delivered
>Only has instructions in Japanese with all kinds of kanji and shit
>Have no idea what to do after plugging everything in


>> No.12425200

I think my dad would have been an incel. He had a controlling father and escaped into computers very early in life and religion when he was a teen. I'm pretty sure that his marriage to my mom wasn't something he was the main decider in, she is like eight years older than him and pretty dominant in the relationship. He didn't want to be like his father so he basically left my siblings and me to our own devices and was pretty distant, spent more time playing vidya than interacting with us. He's really socially awkward and never reciprocates conversation or shows interest in our lives, never asks questions about our careers or relationships. All he is interested in is World of Warcraft, Rimworld, IT development, biblical apologetics and now, Jordan Peterson debate videos. I try to do everything in my power to keep him away from this Tuvalan Flute playing forum. I am so embarrassed by him

>> No.12425204

I love cocks.

>> No.12425207

get one of your students to help

>> No.12425243
File: 54 KB, 700x525, 1542316919359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it! My gaydar is so sensitive I can smell homo from my screen

>> No.12425425

Most of my students really can't speak english well enough to thoroughly explain everything to me. Plus I don't really have much time to chat with them between classes.

I might just have to call the english helpline back on monday and hopefully they can walk me through it (which they better since I'm paying for the damn service)

>> No.12425470


around the bonfire a boy
around the bonfire a girl
when the villagers left
as the celebration died
she promised tomorrow
she would see him
at sundown she would be his

but as she waited strongmen came
strongmen came by the bonfire
and not a body remained
but only a legend
of a raven that would pester
pester the poor villagers
sitting by the bonfire

forbidden was the boy to go
to go there ever again
so he forgot, he grew up
he grew up and became a hero
many a village he saved
long and far he went
his home he soon forgot

until some poor village folk
begged him come and help
help chase away a raven
that all but poked their eyes out
as if it would not allow them
not allow them to see their bonfire

came he at sundown
wary village folk behind him
but a raven he did not find
not a raven but a maiden
her hair black
black like the darkest night
her skin pale
pale like the setting sun

approached he her by the bonfire
by the bonfire with extended hand
and a smile amidst the shouts

suddenly struck, he fell
not by a stone but a mere stick
a hero downed by such a blow?
amazed he looked up
to see her above him
her face full of care

his eyes following his pain
he saw a single black feather
a feather black as night
fallen off of him

and as the village folk approached
throwing hell at them
the two flew away
never to be seen again

>> No.12425529

I want to bang my head against a wall until my skull cracks and the brain matter seeps out from the wound. I want to kill myself in front of a kindergarten. I want to huff diesel exhaust.

>> No.12425534
File: 15 KB, 322x322, 1547176150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw qt girl that was in my poetry class shows up in my gym class
>qt is an understatement, she's unironically my ideal of feminine beauty
>despite this is quiet and somewhat awkward, just like me
>talk with her a little, workout together
>seeing her again in a few days
time to embark on a series of increasingly poor decisions lads

>> No.12425556

good luck and godspeed anon

>> No.12425572

>gym class
why don't you play pushy pushy with her and pull on her ponytail? xD

>when you grow up you'll realize I'm talking about sexual penetration.

>> No.12425614

thanks anon

I'm 22, my university started requiring gym because 3/4 of the canadian population is overweight or something like that

>> No.12425726

#1 shibboleth for detecting proles is whether they eat with sloppy flapping moist grubby prole lips in public and generally expose others to their bodily noises

Thanks for letting me hear every detail of your mastication and throat clearing and snorting and swallowing your own mucous guy who goes to Harvard, glad you made it here, glad you're an ultra polished $250 shoe wearing fop who doesn't know that sNSNNRRHTRHTHTHTHGHHH is an impolite noise to make in a quiet library when less than a foot away from other people, thanks everybody for letting me hear your extra chromosome enhanced tongue flop and slop around against your moist infant lips as you try to eat your lunch in a crowded room otherwise so quiet you could hear a pin drop, yeah that's good dude be sure to suuuckkkkkkkkk the soup off the spoon metrosexual effete upper class dude who went to Yale the aristocracy is ready for you now don't forget your dandyish $130 gloves remember to snORT LOUDLY IN YOUR INDUCTion cceremony in the skull and bones

>> No.12425748

This is a weeb thread and every weeb knows you slurp your noodles to release the flavour, baka

>> No.12425856

Why do women engage in all this meaningless movementation. Always skittering around uselessly all the time, picking up something, turning things over, moving furniture and vases to one place and then moving them back, inspecting corners, scrubbing, sweeping. Stay still for a second, please.

>> No.12425901
File: 86 KB, 750x740, 1524106786652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time i check up on whats happening in the rest of the world it's always just bitching about baby things or ignoring major tragedies.
Who the fuck cares what Gillette said when 4 US troops just got killed in Syria?

>> No.12425921

america is a decaying empire so the media focuses on trivial shit to distract the populace

>> No.12426112

This is the week I begin to whore my writing out on reddit. I can't believe it has come to this.

>> No.12426374

Maybe you're thoughts and feelings are preoccupied with other things at this time and not with the people around you. Maybe you haven't found anyone special enough to love from your perspective.

>> No.12426644

I have stubby sausage fingers. Why are freaks like me allowed to live?

>> No.12426958


Who the fuck cares that four imperialist puppet invaders got killed in Syria? It's like when American soldiers were killed in Africa and it was a big deal they died. No one went, "wait a tick why were American special operatives in Africa?"

>> No.12426985

story of my fucking life

>> No.12427032

A few did but the brainwashed "THANK YOU FOR YOU SERVICE SIR" demographic dominated the response as always

>> No.12427185


Because Americans suck up propaganda like they do resources. Honestly, nuke the country. It's the only way.

>> No.12427601

stop drinking coffee then

>> No.12427646

it's true. somehow the democrats have all become russia hawks because orange man is just that bad or something. fuck me there's no hope of political change here

>> No.12427658

How do I reconcile getting a job in advertising with my intense hate for capitalism and marketing? It's for a hobby which is in no way mandatory and not entirely predatory (pretty niche hobby anyway) so it's not like I'm telling people to eat sugar or something.

>> No.12427692

don't get a job in advertising
or accept that unless you move to the woods or into a hippie commune you'll be perpetuating the system to some degree or another

>> No.12427742

I just googled the dude wrestling the fish. What a bad ass.

>> No.12427766
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>> No.12427780

I hate every single one of you faggots.

>> No.12427988
File: 86 KB, 708x1000, 10418668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to breed all those fucking anime girls so fucking bad you can't believe it.

I am almost tempted to buy a cosplay and call an escort over. You think they have goodlooking escorts with dicks? I never had a dickgirl, nor a normal woman for that matter.

>> No.12427997

I'd do it. I kind of look like a girl, if you squint.

>> No.12428201

People who watch television should be sent to reeducation camps.

>> No.12428279 [DELETED] 

i just devoured two of the most delicious cheeseburgers that i got from the dollar store for a dollar each, u feelin trigged eurotrash?

>> No.12428308

>salt and corn syrup: the diet

>> No.12428370
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1547176166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>found her on twitter
>she's deep in multi-level marketing shit
FUCK. Everything I enjoy turns to ash.
Why did I ever doubt the monkpill

>> No.12428380

I think this is it, I think it's actually happening and I might have a loving gf soon. Matched with a girl on tinder and we have not stopped talking since we matched over a week ago. Every day, morning to night, we just chat away and never run out of things to talk about. We've made plans to meet in a couple weeks since she lives an hour away. The flirting has already intensified, there's so much tension. First date is going to be crazy. I just have to not fuck it up somehow.

>> No.12428404

My the god of tiddies be with you anon. We all support you. Just don't sperg or overthink and you better treat her nicely.

>> No.12428405

>loving gf

>> No.12428416

Time for her reeducation anon. Don't disappoint, show her the way.

Also you're not allowed to stop at the first poor decision, that's very unsportsmanlike.

>> No.12428423

Don't you know the meme ? People actually find long-lasting relationships on tinder and one-night stand on meetic. The online dating world is wonderfully counterproductive.

>> No.12428430
File: 35 KB, 500x374, brother Hao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering fucking off to China to be a TEFLoser for a year or two, long term plan is to come back after a year or two and get qualified as a real teacher. This is partially motivated by me never moving out for Uni but mostly because i think that ill learn stuff about myself (as cheesy as that sounds) by putting myself in a more stressful situation. Quite spooked about getting cancer from all the polluted air, water and vegetables though and about being scammed by literally everyone.

>> No.12428438

you have to know how to swipe on the right demographic of women. You're not going to find a loving relationship with the generic party girl on there, you have to look for girls with blurry and crappy pictures, but who you can tell aren't fat or ugly. These girls are prob out in the middle of nowhere on some farm and are pretty lonely. Nevertheless, these girls are perfect, they were raised traditionally, know how to cook well, are super outdoorsy, and so on.

>> No.12428485

it also looks like she has a bf, and though I'm pretty conceited at times I don't think I'm enough of a heartthrob to steal a girl away

>> No.12428575

WWBD? What would Byron do? Be a cultured thug anon.

>> No.12428713 [DELETED] 

which byron class should i cop from audible: the great courses or the modern scholar one? the great courses one is longer, but i find modern scholar to be more rigorous

>> No.12428891

why don't you read a book instead

>> No.12429146

Thinking of getting gene sequenced, uploading it to the web publicly, and daring trolls of the future to reconstitute me into bizarre nightmare scenarios. Might as well turn into the skid. Amor Fati and all that.

>> No.12429157

You realize a clone of your genetic material wouldn't be "you" in any meaningful way, right?

>> No.12429164

Don't care. Would still be funny. And biology is more of human nature than most people want to admit, so...

>> No.12429168

That's nice but your memories and such aren't genetically determined

>> No.12429198

I know. I don't care about that.

>> No.12429255

tfw no blurry tinder wife

>> No.12429268

I've hurt people. Badly. The guilt has never quite left me. I want to say that it was an aberration. I've atoned in my own way. I'm more than that. And besides, I was acting out. If you can pay it forward you can also pay it backward. And I was just a kid more or less. The fact I feel guilt lets me know I'm human.

>> No.12429423
File: 30 KB, 550x545, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good going, sport! Next step is to get to touch the boobies and then... the pussy. :o

>> No.12429447

For some reason people just won't talk to me at all. It's like they think I have a contagion that would be spread by communicating with me.

>> No.12429480

I'm failing CS in college and am about to switch to Economics just so I can pass and get a "useful" degree. I can't stand politics and the like. I really don't know what else I can do.

>> No.12429493
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Wow your struggles are so profound.

>> No.12429499

It entirely depends on who it is.

>> No.12429514

My dream of achieving fame and respect is so hopeless I'm beginning to wonder whether I should just kill myself to avoid the lifetime of disappointment.

>> No.12429528

Sure, but kill me first because I don't want to live either and am too cowardly to kill myself

>> No.12429676

I am considering making a blog so I can make some money. Apparently it's pretty lucrative if you choose the right demographic. Not entirely sure what I would do mine on either. I'm not a mommy, a Christian, or into technology that much. Or business. Or self-help.

I think I'm boned, lads.

>> No.12429683

June is my 3 year anniversary of neetdom. my parents still haven't really pestered me about getting a job but the second they do I'll probably just start pretending to go to interviews and milk that trick for as long as I possibly can like the mendacious scum I am.

>> No.12429721


Been a NEET for eight years. Feels good, man.

>> No.12429733

I caught this sudden anger of being lonely and reconnected with a few people i shouldn't have may i get 50 likes for pathetic ex tinder match text?
i got over it, people leave me a lot. tired of being sick but also tired of it being most of my life. I am now drawing and writing a lot, starting to try to like more things i actually like. I'm going to volunteer at this wildlife centre in my town soon. I think the geese that come and go each winter are so beautiful and something that I will always remember as consistent in my life.

>> No.12429761

For me it feels bad. But I'm also a diagnosed schizophrenia so lmao it's not like I'd feel any better being a wageslave or anything

>> No.12429768

there was some website were you could buy blogs with premade audiences, and then if you're a true capitalist, pay college kids and indians to write for it, and then collect the cash, i forgot what it's called

>> No.12429779

my retired mom tried to volunteer at some place and they wanted her to fill out a job application with work references, she was like "nah im good" and noped out, these days u have to compete with overachievers just to work for free

>> No.12429813

I found one but she turned to be full of issues so the relationship had to end.

>> No.12429828
File: 35 KB, 484x497, 1495734934950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 21 and still haven't decided what to do for a living. I was NEETing for years and now I'm wageslaving in a factory. I want to do more but can't decide.

>> No.12429833

Sex is starting to feel more and more like a performance and a scene. I don't enjoy it. The novelty of fucking a new girl is the only thing that makes me burn with desire, after the second encounter I just go through the motions while they demand I engage in increasingly depraved scenarios and acts to satisfy whatever neuroses they have. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.12429890

I've become pretty disillusioned with relationships, both platonic and romantic. It seems that the strong, child-like friendships I desire are very difficult to form as an adult, people are more insular and concerned with their own affairs and it prevents that sort of camaraderie from developing. Worse is that, at least for me, the shallower friendships people do form through school or work or activities very often feel worse than being alone. There's something detestable about a friendship where you don't truly care about the other party. I have not completely given up hope on this, but I have realized that I may never have the friendships I desire and may have to contend with being alone.

Romance, on the other hand, I have no hope left. I don't remember who it was, but I heard it said that one does not love a person one loves a fantasy. This seems accurate to me, and it implies that "true love" is impossible because you'll never love someone for who they truly are. Even a "successful" relationship is just one that has managed to keep the delusion going, or has otherwise settled into a routine the parties can't or are unwilling to break. Perhaps they still love each other, but not in the way we mean when we talk about love. It's mundane. I honestly wish I had never been exposed to these thoughts, they've fucked me up.

I don't know what to do with any of this. I could try to throw myself into art and channel my energy into creating something, but it seems like a useless endeavor anymore. If you're being completely honest does anyone think art is anything but dead in 2019? Or at least the written ones, music is still doing alright I guess. It seems like taking an epicurean approach may be best, I've been more or less doing one for a while now and I'm doing a lot better than I have been for years. Maybe my life doesn't need to be complicated or lived in service to some higher ideal. Maybe I should just tend my plants and practice at some craft and try to live comfortably. I don't know man.

>> No.12429896

dont fall for the m*ndarin meme, 笨蛋

>> No.12429961

This "top picks" tinder feature interests me for its implications.
Doesn't it sort of prove lookism? The algorithm knows who's best looking and holds it out as incentive for you to swipe on. And of course to pay more for the ones you "might" match with (big dopamine rush from the expectation of reward, not the possible reward itself, to reinforce the behavior.)

But of course, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" as we are all told? It does seem that the algo is able to parse the race, hair color, even eye color of the types you prefer, and in doing so--it certainly supports the claim of there being sexual hierarchy.

Of course everyone already knows this and it's no new discovery to say that some people are just better or worse looking than others. The interesting part is that machines have no latched onto the notion and are running with it, to take it who knows where.

One big concern with technology these days is that it reinforces already prevailing inequalities, and it seems that this is unfolding on numerous fronts, economic, sexual, or otherwise.

>> No.12429976

who the fuck are all these normie fags using dating apps, sick of this shit, r these the so called phoneposters?

>> No.12430004

I don't think anyone has ever denied that tinder is overwhelmingly based on looks. I don't think many people even deny that for a large amount of the population that looks are the primary factor used in mate selection. The only thing that's ever denied is the incel claim that these factors are absolute and that you may as well just off yourself if your jawline is weak or whatever.

>> No.12430009

You can't accuse people of phoneposting while typing like a phoneposter anon

>> No.12430011

Man is horny
Man must fuck
He doesn`t care
about using his phony

>> No.12430016

bro i always typed like this since before phones were even a thing man i came up on irc son

>> No.12430018

irc fags are 200 floors lower than phoneposters on the forum hierarchy and nothing can change that

>> No.12430026

forums are like the lowest form of internet just barely above social media

>> No.12430027

>Worse is that, at least for me, the shallower friendships people do form through school or work or activities very often feel worse than being alone
it's a painful realization

in regard to the love matter, I can't say I don't feel the same way, but I always thought it was me who couldn't love, not that love itself doesn't exist
what else if not pure love is what all mothers have towards their children?

>> No.12430031

that means you are at the bottom of the bottom

>> No.12430044
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>> No.12430046


You won't. Had a job for a month before my mental health demanded I quit or I was going to shoot myself. It was Sisyphean and I hated it.

Feeling better whilst having a job is capitalist propaganda.

>> No.12430047

>only thing that's ever denied is the incel claim that these factors are absolute and that you may as well just off yourself if your jawline is weak or whatever.
I bet this problem is related to the breakdown of monogamy and marriage norms. It used to be that you found the one person you loved and married your highschool sweetheart or whatever, but that's a rarer occurrence with each day. Now with so much dating mediated through online profiles, you're reduced to a few photos and a text blurb, which places emphasis on looks and less on other qualities.

It used to be possible for people to have an easier time just falling in love with someone with proportionate looks to their own, rather than chasing after and coveting the hottest of the hot. With social media however, the hot "normies" or "chads and stacies" are parading their glamorous lives all over the place, and it is forced into the consciousness of the outsiders more often than ever before.

When values of modesty and discreetness were preferred before sexuality became marketized and commodified, life was a bit less jarring for the less visually blessed.

>> No.12430048
File: 198 KB, 701x423, huevos 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are song lyrics literature?
Even the most mundane ones?

>> No.12430055

Well said

>> No.12430057

that song is actually a remake of "my favorite things" from the sound of music, someone should do a remix with samples from the coltrane version


>> No.12430060

Porn too contributes to the dissonance. Everyone jerks off to the hottest people in porn, which subconsciously inserts the idea that those types are sexually accessible to you.

>> No.12430075

I have had at least two clear instances where I have had a girlfriend who was willing and eager to have sex with me. Both times I've turned them down, and I've done so because I am a devout Roman Catholic and therefore I don't believe in sex before marriage.

There are times when I regret this very much. I would be a robot not to look back on chances to get my dick wet with a certain amount of longing. But I am also an extremely devout believer, and I've felt beyond feeling and known beyond knowing that Christianity is true. Therefore, I know better than to trust my feelings here and there. It's very dangerous to put one's trust in feelings. Your whims and offhand desires aren't sustainable; they're flighty, and liable to betray you.

>> No.12430088
File: 265 KB, 1344x945, 1538720962962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fear I'm working against myself by studying English which is what I want to study and having an ambition to live in another country which is what I want to do

>> No.12430096

underrated post, absolutely this

>> No.12430104

Download it and make a fake profile and then swipe and see if you find her
Should have said something right when you saw it though

>> No.12430115

There's always an Anti-American poster in these threads and I'm starting to think it's the same ass-blasted person, especially because you never tell us what shithole country you're from when asked.

>> No.12430119

You will shine bright for millions of years!

>> No.12430132

>Gotta keep fighting for oil, Israel, and "freedom" anon!!

But seriously, I hope all this shit will end once boomers fuck off and die, most younger Americans don't care that we're leaving Syria and Afghanistan, I welcome it.

>> No.12430137

you're probably right, but these girls sound like unicorns anon

>> No.12430140


>> No.12430141

>>12430060 Like it used to be that if you weren't hot enough or whatever to bang super hot people, they remained terra incognita. Now with porn you can peer down their assholes or whatever on demand, which creates a illusory sense of accessibility.

And before fairly recently, even objectively attractive people were more likely to be a bit busted. Poor knowledge of dentistry, disfigurement from warfare or brawls or duels, scarring from various afflictions or skin conditions, general lack of nutrition, inbreeding and so forth brought some parity between the nobility and the plebs.

>> No.12430145
File: 223 KB, 800x600, hatsune-miku-anime-cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moshi Moshi Desu - Episode 18

Anyan-San: Anon-sama! You'll never believe what just happen! (in japanese)

Anon-Senpai: What is it it Anyan-San, can't you see I'm busy?

Anyan-San: Oh. It's just that...Rernengrishu* university just called...and...and...

*(School of performing arts)

Anon-Senpai: Huh? Oh...something something happened at school?(folding origami and distracted)

Anyan-San: What? You weren't even listening...

Anon-Senpai: I told you already that I'm busy.

Anyan-San: W-what? (Holding back tears)

Next time on Moshi Moshi Desu:

Will Anyan-San get in to the pretigious Rernengrishu university? Will Anon-Senpai finish folding his million folds dragon in time for the origami provinicial qualifiers? Find out next time, on Moshi Moshi Desu!

>> No.12430300

>play pushy pushy with her
Its called the good old in-out, pleb.
Worse is realizing that you are too numb to really feel empathy and guilt. The one person i truly loved in my life was my father and he died when i was 11. I feel like it killed some part of my humanity.

>> No.12430686


On Android Firefox every time I'd scroll down little semi-oval shadow things would come from the sides of the screen. It was incredibly annoying to me. I asked everywhere I could think of on how to get rid of it but no one knew what to do. about:config , search for "cosmetic" and just change it to false. They're gone.

It annoyed me so much I thought about switching to Apple to see if that'd somehow get rid of it. I am free.

>> No.12430701


Also change "overscroll" to false. Just did that. So much better. I think I have autism.

>> No.12430898

is there a word or a phrase to describe facing a threat to which you have no suitable frame of reference?
i could swear i have heard or read one somewhere, possibly in a sci-fi or horror context.
some situation or change of environment results in a character having absolutely nothing in their experience to deal with or even properly comprehend the issue.
all ideas welcome but
>inb4 lovecraftian

>> No.12431021


>> No.12431035

I think I made a mistake choosing my uni courses this year, I'm reading 300 pages of stuff that doesn't interest me for next week...

>> No.12431154

thanks, but no not really.
fear isnt a necessary component. i think i have worded it rather poorly, i'll just have to hope i come across the piece of text or media again.
that sucks
you either take it as a challenge to absorb information that your not interested in.
or you hope that there are no time, financial or academic reasons that mean you cant drop it

>> No.12431514
File: 1.03 MB, 2404x2400, soyboy anprim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did romanticism turn into some kind of white-guilt, anti-civilization cult for comfortable people to pity themselves and stress over?

>> No.12431569

I'm 28 and I've never really worked. I have no idea what I want to do, nothing interests me enough and I detest school. I'm not sure what people who have no interest in what society offers do.

I'm also poor and working class, I doubt i'd even get out.

>> No.12431704

She fucking vapes. I don't know why but that absolutely makes me want to laugh.

>> No.12431708

Fear and indecisiveness over wanting to publish my writing but not wanting to increase my income significantly enough to lose disability benefits while still being below the cost of basic needs. Worst case scenario I can live off of savings for a few months, I rarely spend on anything other than food and rent to begin with.

>> No.12431788

Maternal love is different than romantic love, I think

>> No.12431805


>> No.12431884

Anyan-san you idiot, Anon-senpai doesn't give a damn about you. You need to find a boy who will appreciate you!

>> No.12432412

Flippa to buy websites and such / fiver to hire third-worlders. You need minimum SEO skills though

>> No.12432447

I thought people on /lit/ hated their girlfriends since all they do is speak of them as if they are the lowest level of shit.

Then again, I am a pathetic incel so I don’t know how it works

>> No.12432508

I like mine. She's a great person, happy to be with her

>> No.12432516

No one ever said it will keep everyone out, it's simply meant to deter 95% of the illegals.

>> No.12432520

Clear your fucking notifications your autistic fuck

>> No.12432533

Let me tell you a story, Anon. Once upon a time I was deep into addiction, meth and heroin. The term most users and dealers used to describe the best drug suppliers was "get yourself a mexican". The reason behind this was if they get caught distributing drugs, they simply get deported, aka a free ticket home where they pick up yet more drugs and head on back. Talked a mexican dude once that had been deport 7 fucking times, each time returning with more heroin. Last year 80,000+ people died of opiate overdoses. If you think it's about "brown people" then you're just a blind and retarded as the masses. This is about taking steps to protect the lives of the people in every community in our country.

>> No.12432569
File: 97 KB, 338x938, t1rtggE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard drive crashed. can't turn it in for repairs because the laws in my shithole 3rd world country are so fucked up they'd send me to jail. fucking end my life.

>> No.12432578
File: 2.60 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190117-125753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like im floating inside my head.

>> No.12432633

Yes anon, the opiate crisis is caused by the mexicans not the pharmaceutical industry. Get a grip you retard.

>> No.12432645

I’ve found this very interesting as well, It Seems as though women can’t love purely platonicly, out of respect and admiration like men can.

>> No.12432760
File: 73 KB, 787x984, aurora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dream of marrying a princess
>wake up sad for having no princess gf, even sadder because I had to wake up early to get some duplicates from my documents because I'm a dumbass that lost his wallet
>go to the agency, dressed like a hobo
>there she is, a girl exactly like the one I dreamt of, in the most unexpected place
>realize that she actually might be a "girlfriend" I had when I was like 12 years old
>"everything is coming together, this is my destiny"
>I don't bother her because it would be impolite, even more so in a tiresome place like a government agency
>now that I will keep thinking about her for the rest of the month
Books to stop being a retarded faggot?
Pic related, she looks like that (but a little uglier, of course)

>> No.12432924

>He writes about primitive communism and the natural state of man using mutual aid.

>> No.12432989

I secretly hope I knocked her up. I think she does, too.

>> No.12433017

What feature do imageboards possess that attract the same kind of people? A fast reading of this post shows me that we are basically a bunch of young men, possibly NEETS, socially awkward, with no clue about what to do with life.

>> No.12433433

>no clue about what to do with life.
That's everyone in the west.

>> No.12433451

It's all so futile

>> No.12433462

I'm going to fail my greek test tomorrow. I can't translate for shit, I can't even understand what the guy is talking about most of the time. I feel like it's unfair but it is, at the very least, half my fault.

>> No.12433470

When I post a funny shitpost, I laugh anew about my post for every (You) I get, it really is sad.

>> No.12433544

I want to talk to some of the guys from my Augustine seminar but I'm too much of a sperg

At least I have Chinese puppets

>> No.12433743

You haven't yet learned to see the poetry in everything and expect satisfaction with life to come down to some sort of achievement or outer state. But human striving never diminishes, it only grows. One needs to reach the point where even in the throes of loneliness, destitution and disease, they would still say yes to life; that is the only satisfaction that really matters.

>> No.12433925

I don't drink coffee, I drink tea.

>> No.12433962

You probably won't read this since it was so long ago, but I'll just say this: you got a lot of this post, but it's an entirely normal reaction to the dangers of others, especially in large and dangerous cities. Many of the people calling you out would have done the same.

>> No.12434070

so desu ne

>> No.12434130

I have nothing to do for the next three days and I've limited myself to 15 minutes of 4chan a day, so hopefully I'll get some writing done. I have a bunch of stories that are near completion but need editing along with several poem sketches I hope to complete. I hope to share some of it soon.


The weather right now is that kind of high winter humidity that traps just enough heat in to keep the air slightly above freezing. It feels thick and cool as you walk through it, and all the surroundings are just a little bit damp.


I sometimes wish I had a "real" addiction, debilitating dependence on twitch-stream friendship simulators doesn't have the romantic quality an opium habit does. That's probably just time and distance glamorizing it though, it would probably be awful.

>> No.12434531

>I sometimes wish I had a "real" addiction, debilitating dependence on twitch-stream friendship simulators doesn't have the romantic quality an opium habit does. That's probably just time and distance glamorizing it though, it would probably be awful.
I feel you. The problems of contemporary life are just as painful as those of the past but too ridiculous to be as potentially satisfying. Then as tragedy, now as farce.